isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase

Isoleucyl - tRNA 合成酶
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mistakes in translation are mostly associated with toxic effects in the cell due to the production of functionally aberrant and misfolded proteins. However, under certain circumstances mistranslation can have beneficial effects and enable cells to preadapt to other stress conditions. Mistranslation may be caused by mistakes made by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, essential enzymes that link amino acids to cognate tRNAs. There is an Escherichia coli strain expressing isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase mutant variant with inactivated editing domain which produces mistranslated proteomes where valine (Val) and norvaline (Nva) are misincorporated into proteins instead of isoleucine. We compared this strain with the wild-type to determine the effects of such mistranslation on bacterial growth in oxidative stress conditions. When the cells were pre-incubated with 0.75 mmol/L Nva or 1.5 mmol/L Val or Nva and exposed to hydrogen peroxide, no beneficial effect of mistranslation was observed. However, when the editing-deficient strain was cultivated in medium supplemented with 0.75 mmol/L Val up to the early or mid-exponential phase of growth and then exposed to oxidative stress, it slightly outgrew the wild-type grown in the same conditions. Our results therefore show a modest adaptive effect of isoleucine mistranslation on bacterial growth in oxidative stress, but only in specific conditions. This points to a delicate balance between deleterious and beneficial effects of mistranslation.
    Pogreške u translaciji uglavnom su povezane s toksičnim učincima u stanici zbog proizvodnje funkcionalno aberantnih i pogrešno smotanih proteina. Međutim, pod određenim okolnostima pogreške u translaciji mogu imati povoljne učinke i omogućiti stanicama da se prilagode drugim stresnim uvjetima. Mistranslacija može biti prouzročena pogreškama koje čine aminoacil-tRNA-sintetaze, esencijalni enzimi koji povezuju aminokiseline s pripadnim molekulama tRNA. Soj bakterije Escherichia coli koji eksprimira mutiranu inačicu izoleucil-tRNA-sintetaze s inaktiviranom domenom za popravak, proizvodi mistranslatirane proteome u kojima su valin (Val) i norvalin (Nva) pogrešno ugrađeni u proteine umjesto izoleucina. Usporedili smo ovaj soj s divljim tipom kako bismo odredili učinke takve mistranslacije na rast bakterija u uvjetima oksidacijskog stresa. Kada su stanice bile prethodno inkubirane s 0,75 mmol/L Nva ili 1,5 mmol/L Val ili Nva i potom izložene vodikovu peroksidu, nije primijećen povoljan učinak mistranslacije. Međutim, kada je soj s nedostatkom popravka pogreške uzgajan u mediju s dodatkom 0,75 mmol/L Val do rane ili srednje eksponencijalne faze rasta te potom izložen oksidacijskom stresu, prerastao je divlji tip uzgojen u istim uvjetima. Stoga naši rezultati pokazuju skroman adaptivni učinak mistranslacije izoleucina na rast bakterija u oksidacijskom stresu, ali samo u određenim uvjetima. To upućuje na osjetljivu ravnotežu između štetnih i povoljnih učinaka mistranslacije.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mupirocin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that acts predominantly against Gram-positive bacteria. It is produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIMB 10586 and has been clinically used to treat primary and secondary skin infections and to eradicate nasal colonisation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains. Mupirocin inhibits protein synthesis by blocking the active site of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), which prevents the enzyme from binding isoleucine and ATP for Ile-tRNAIle synthesis. Two types of IleRS are found in bacteria - while IleRS1 is susceptible to mupirocin inhibition, IleRS2 provides resistance to cells. These two types belong to distinct evolutionary clades which likely emerged from an early gene duplication in bacteria. Resistance in IleRS2 is based on the loss of interactions that govern mupirocin binding to IleRS1, such as hydrogen bonding to the carboxylate moiety of mupirocin. IleRS2 enzymes with Ki in the millimolar range have recently been discovered. These hyper-resistant IleRS2 variants surprisingly have a non-canonical version of the catalytic motif, which serves as a signature motif of class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to which IleRS belongs. The non-canonical motif, in which the 1st and 3rd positions are swapped, is key for hyper-resistance and can be accommodated without abolishing enzyme activity in IleRS2 but not in IleRS1. Clinical use of mupirocin led to the emergence of resistance in S. aureus. Low-level resistance arises by mutations of the housekeeping IleRS1, while high-level resistance develops by the acquisition of the resistant IleRS2 on a plasmid. There is no evidence that hyper-resistant variants have been found in clinical isolates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate pairing of amino acids and tRNAs is a prerequisite for faithful translation of genetic information during protein biosynthesis. Here we present the effects of proteome-wide mistranslation of isoleucine (Ile) by canonical valine (Val) or non-proteinogenic norvaline (Nva) in a genetically engineered Escherichia coli strain with an editing-defective isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS). Editing-defective IleRS efficiently mischarges both Val and Nva to tRNAIle and impairs the translational accuracy of Ile decoding. When mistranslation was induced by the addition of Val or Nva to the growth medium, an Ile-to-Val or Ile-to-Nva substitution of up to 20 % was measured by high-resolution mass spectrometry. This mistranslation level impaired bacterial growth, promoted the SOS response and filamentation during stationary phase, caused global proteome dysregulation and upregulation of the cellular apparatus for maintaining proteostasis, including the major chaperones (GroES/EL, DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE and HtpG), the disaggregase ClpB and the proteases (Lon, HslV/HslU, ClpA, ClpS). The most important consequence of mistranslation appears to be non-specific protein aggregation, which is effectively counteracted by the disaggregase ClpB. Our data show that E. coli can sustain high isoleucine mistranslation levels and remain viable despite excessive protein aggregation and severely impaired translational fidelity. However, we show that inaccurate translation lowers bacterial resilience to heat stress and decreases bacterial survival at elevated temperatures.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Helicobacter pylori infection is a global health concern, affecting over half of the world\'s population. Acquiring structural information on pharmacological targets is crucial to facilitate inhibitor design. Here, we have determined the crystal structures of H. pylori isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (HpIleRS) in apo form as well as in complex with various substrates (Ile, Ile-AMP, Val, and Val-AMP) or an inhibitor (mupirocin). Our results provide valuable insights into substrate specificity, recognition, and the mechanism by which HpIleRS is inhibited by an antibiotic. Moreover, we identified Asp641 as a prospective regulatory site and conducted biochemical analyses to investigate its regulatory mechanism. The detailed structural information acquired from this research holds promise for the development of highly selective and effective inhibitors against H. pylori infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) links isoleucine to cognate tRNA via the Ile-AMP intermediate. Non-cognate valine is often mistakenly recognized as the IleRS substrate; therefore, to maintain the accuracy of translation, IleRS hydrolyzes Val-AMP within the synthetic site (pre-transfer editing). As this activity is not efficient enough, Val-tRNAIle is formed and hydrolyzed in the distant post-transfer editing site. A strictly conserved synthetic site residue Gly56 was previously shown to safeguard Ile-to-Val discrimination during aminoacyl (aa)-AMP formation. Here, we show that the Gly56Ala variant lost its specificity in pre-transfer editing, confirming that this residue ensures the selectivity of all synthetic site reactions. Moreover, we found that the Gly56Ala mutation affects IleRS interaction with aa-tRNA likely by disturbing tRNA-dependent communication between the two active sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS) is an essential enzyme that covalently couples isoleucine to the corresponding tRNA. Bacterial IleRSs group in two clades, ileS1 and ileS2, the latter bringing resistance to the natural antibiotic mupirocin. Generally, bacteria rely on either ileS1 or ileS2 as a standalone housekeeping gene. However, we have found an exception by noticing that Bacillus species with genomic ileS2 consistently also keep ileS1, which appears mandatory in the family Bacillaceae. Taking Priestia (Bacillus) megaterium as a model organism, we showed that PmIleRS1 is constitutively expressed, while PmIleRS2 is stress-induced. Both enzymes share the same level of the aminoacylation accuracy. Yet, PmIleRS1 exhibited a two-fold faster aminoacylation turnover (kcat ) than PmIleRS2 and permitted a notably faster cell-free translation. At the same time, PmIleRS2 displayed a 104 -fold increase in its Ki for mupirocin, arguing that the aminoacylation turnover in IleRS2 could have been traded-off for antibiotic resistance. As expected, a P. megaterium strain deleted for ileS2 was mupirocin-sensitive. Interestingly, an attempt to construct a mupirocin-resistant strain lacking ileS1, a solution not found among species of the family Bacillaceae in nature, led to a viable but compromised strain. Our data suggest that PmIleRS1 is kept to promote fast translation, whereas PmIleRS2 is maintained to provide antibiotic resistance when needed. This is consistent with an emerging picture in which fast-growing organisms predominantly use IleRS1 for competitive survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS), and valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) are enzymes that have potential for the determination of l-isoleucine, l-leucine, and l-valine in food products and plasma. However, the disadvantages of these enzymes are their specificity and sensitivity. Here, we examined the substrate specificity of IleRS, LeuRS, and ValRS under various conditions of pyrophosphate amplification to improve their specificity and sensitivity. The amount of pyrophosphate produced in IleRS, LeuRS, and ValRS reactions was amplified after the addition of excess adenosine-5\'-triphosphate and magnesium ions, and was approximately 9-, 8-, and 7-fold higher, respectively, for each of the initial l-amino acid substrates (50 μM). However, in addition to their target amino acids, IleRS, LeuRS, and ValRS also reacted with l-valine, l-lysine, and l-threonine, respectively. This substrate misrecognition was overcome by making the reaction pH more acidic and by increasing the magnesium ion concentration. The pyrophosphate amplification in IleRS, LeuRS, and ValRS reactions resulted in the production of p1, p4-di (adenosine) 5\'-tetraphosphate. We also observed a strong positive correlation (R = 0.99) between the amount of pyrophosphate produced and the initial concentration of l-amino acid with 5 and 50 μM l-isoleucine, l-leucine, and l-valine. Our results suggest that amino acid assays using IleRS, LeuRS, and ValRS are promising methods to accurately measure l-valine, l-isoleucine, and l-leucine in food products and plasma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (anti-ARS) antibodies are useful for identifying a clinical subset of patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs). Anti-OJ antibodies, which recognize multi-enzyme synthetase complexes including isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IARS) and lysyl-tRNA synthetase (KARS), are among the anti-ARS antibodies. Although testing antibodies to other ARSs have been used clinically, no validated immunoassays for detecting anti-OJ antibodies are available. We aimed to establish an anti-OJ ELISA.
    Serum samples were collected from 279 patients with IIMs and 22 patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. Sixty-four of the samples that had been confirmed to be negative for anti-OJ by standard immunoprecipitation were used as the negative control, and 12 anti-OJ-positive reference sera were used as the positive control. Antibodies to IARS and KARS were assayed by ELISA using biotinylated recombinant proteins generated by in vitro transcription/translation.
    The anti-OJ-positive sera strongly reacted with the KARS and IARS recombinant proteins in ELISA. Although all 12 reference sera were positive in the anti-KARS ELISA, 4 of the 64 anti-OJ-negative sera were also weakly positive. The sensitivity and the specificity were 100% and 93.8%, respectively. Since our anti-KARS ELISA performed well, showing a high agreement with the results for immunoprecipitation (Cohen\'s κ > 0.8), the remaining 237 samples were also tested. Thirteen anti-KARS-positive sera were newly found by ELISA, all of which were anti-OJ positive by immunoprecipitation.
    Immunoassays for detecting anti-OJ antibodies using KARS and IARS recombinant proteins were developed. Our ELISAs performed well, with very high agreement of the results by immunoprecipitation and can be applied to the first reliable, easy-to-use measurement assays for anti-OJ antibodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whole-cell amino acid biosensors can sense the concentrations of certain amino acids and output easily detectable signals, which are important for construction of microbial producers. However, many reported biosensors have poor specificity because they also sense non-target amino acids. Besides, biosensors for many amino acids are still unavailable. In this study, we proposed a new strategy for constructing whole-cell biosensors based on aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), which take the advantage of their universality and intrinsically specific binding ability to corresponding amino acids. Taking isoleucine biosensor as an example, we first mutated the isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase in Escherichia coli to dramatically decrease its affinity to isoleucine. The engineered cells specifically sensed isoleucine and output isoleucine dose-dependent cell growth as an easily detectable signal. To further expand the sensing range, an isoleucine exporter was overexpressed to enhance excretion of intracellular isoleucine. Since cells equipped with the optimized whole-cell biosensor showed accelerated growth when cells produced higher concentrations of isoleucine, the biosensor was successfully applied in high-throughput selection of isoleucine overproducers from random mutation libraries. This work demonstrates the feasibility of engineering aaRSs to construct a new kind of whole-cell biosensors for amino acids. Considering all twenty proteinogenic and many non-canonical amino acids have their specific aaRSs, this strategy should be useful for developing biosensors for various amino acids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 3 biological domains delineated based on small subunit ribosomal RNAs (SSU rRNAs) are confronted by uncertainties regarding the relationship between Archaea and Bacteria, and the origin of Eukarya. The similarities between the paralogous valyl-tRNA and isoleucyl-tRNA synthetases in 5398 species estimated by BLASTP, which decreased from Archaea to Bacteria and further to Eukarya, were consistent with vertical gene transmission from an archaeal root of life close to Methanopyrus kandleri through a Primitive Archaea Cluster to an Ancestral Bacteria Cluster, and to Eukarya. The predominant similarities of the ribosomal proteins (rProts) of eukaryotes toward archaeal rProts relative to bacterial rProts established that an archaeal parent rather than a bacterial parent underwent genome merger with bacteria to generate eukaryotes with mitochondria. Eukaryogenesis benefited from the predominantly archaeal accelerated gene adoption (AGA) phenotype pertaining to horizontally transferred genes from other prokaryotes and expedited genome evolution via both gene-content mutations and nucleotidyl mutations. Archaeons endowed with substantial AGA activity were accordingly favored as candidate archaeal parents. Based on the top similarity bitscores displayed by their proteomes toward the eukaryotic proteomes of Giardia and Trichomonas, and high AGA activity, the Aciduliprofundum archaea were identified as leading candidates of the archaeal parent. The Asgard archaeons and a number of bacterial species were among the foremost potential contributors of eukaryotic-like proteins to Eukarya.






