irreversible processes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three approaches for determining the thermodynamic stability of irreversible processes are described in generalized formulations. The simplest is the Gibbs-Duhem theory, specialized to irreversible trajectories, which uses the concept of virtual displacement in the reverse direction. Its only drawback is that even a trajectory leading to an explosion is identified as a thermodynamically stable motion. In the second approach, we use a thermodynamic Lyapunov function and its time rate from the Lyapunov thermodynamic stability theory (LTS, previously known as CTTSIP). In doing so, we demonstrate that the second differential of entropy, a frequently used Lyapunov function, is useful only for investigating the stability of equilibrium states. Nonequilibrium steady states do not qualify. Without using explicit perturbation coordinates, we further identify asymptotic thermodynamic stability and thermodynamic stability under constantly acting disturbances of unperturbed trajectories as well as of nonequilibrium steady states. The third approach is also based on the Lyapunov function from LTS, but here we additionally use the rates of perturbation coordinates, based on the Gibbs relations and without using their explicit expressions, to identify not only asymptotic thermodynamic stability but also thermodynamic stability under constantly acting disturbances. Only those trajectories leading to an infinite rate of entropy production (unstable states) are excluded from this conclusion. Finally, we use these findings to formulate the Fourth Law of thermodynamics based on the thermodynamic stability. It is a comprehensive statement covering all nonequilibrium trajectories, close to as well as far from equilibrium. Unlike previous suggested \"fourth laws\", this one meets the same level of generality that is associated with the original zeroth to third laws. The above is illustrated using the Schlögl reaction with its multiple steady states in certain regions of operation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of biological concepts in the 19th century was followed by the emergence of approaches to formulate the principles of theoretical biology. Ervin Bauer in 1920, and in more detail in 1935, suggested the basic principle that can be accepted as the fundamental law of biology: \"The living systems are never in equilibrium; at the expense of their free energy they constantly perform work to avoid the equilibrium required by the laws of physics and chemistry under existing external conditions.\" Many researchers interpreted biology with the help of physical quantities but Bauer was the first to build a general and already molecular-based biological theory. The main point of Bauer\'s concept is not the non-equilibrium, but the function of organism producing the non-equilibrium, the capacity for self-adaptation, and the power for changing its functions in such a way that the system gets the state of non-equilibrium always anew. We will discuss Bauer\'s theorem, the contemporaneous objections, and the divergent opinions about his work by succeeding generations of scientists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, we start by describing one of the most characteristic properties of time: \"time can never decrease\". From this property, numerous authors have concluded that irreversible processes, that always proceed in one direction, must be related to time\'s arrow. It is shown that while time\'s decrease can never occur, irreversible processes can be reversed, although with extremely low probability. Similarly, it is argued that both entropy and the Second Law are timeless, i.e., have nothing to do with either time or with time\'s arrow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This is a brief account of Turing\'s ideas on biological pattern and the events that led to their wider acceptance by biologists as a valid way to investigate developmental pattern, and of the value of theory more generally in biology. Periodic patterns have played a key role in this process, especially 2D arrays of oriented stripes, which proved a disappointment in theoretical terms in the case of Drosophila segmentation, but a boost to theory as applied to skin patterns in fish and model chemical reactions. The concept of \"order from fluctuations\" is a key component of Turing\'s theory, wherein pattern arises by selective amplification of spatial components concealed in the random disorder of molecular and/or cellular processes. For biological examples, a crucial point from an analytical standpoint is knowing the nature of the fluctuations, where the amplifier resides, and the timescale over which selective amplification occurs. The answer clarifies the difference between \"inelegant\" examples such as Drosophila segmentation, which is perhaps better understood as a programmatic assembly process, and \"elegant\" ones expressible in equations like Turing\'s: that the fluctuations and selection process occur predominantly in evolutionary time for the former, but in real time for the latter, and likewise for error suppression, which for Drosophila is historical, in being lodged firmly in past evolutionary events. The prospects for a further extension of Turing\'s ideas to the complexities of brain development and consciousness is discussed, where a case can be made that it could well be in neuroscience that his ideas find their most important application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engines are open systems that can generate work cyclically at the expense of an external disequilibrium. They are ubiquitous in nature and technology, but the course of mathematical physics over the last 300 years has tended to make their dynamics in time a theoretical blind spot. This has hampered the usefulness of statistical mechanics applied to active systems, including living matter. We argue that recent advances in the theory of open quantum systems, coupled with renewed interest in understanding how active forces result from positive feedback between different macroscopic degrees of freedom in the presence of dissipation, point to a more realistic description of autonomous engines. We propose a general conceptualization of an engine that helps clarify the distinction between its heat and work outputs. Based on this, we show how the external loading force and the thermal noise may be incorporated into the relevant equations of motion. This modifies the usual Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations, offering a thermodynamically complete formulation of the irreversible dynamics of simple oscillating and rotating engines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this review is to shed light on time and irreversibility, in order to link macroscopic to microscopic approaches to these complicated problems. After a brief summary of the standard notions of thermodynamics, we introduce some considerations about certain fundamental aspects of temporal evolution of out-of-equilibrium systems. Our focus is on the notion of entropy generation as the marked characteristic of irreversible behaviour. The concept of time and the basic aspects of the thermalization of thermal radiation, due to the interaction of thermal radiation with matter, are explored concisely from complementary perspectives. The implications and relevance of time for the phenomenon of thermal radiation and irreversible thermophysics are carefully discussed. The concept of time is treated from a different viewpoint, in order to make it as clear as possible in relation to its different fundamental problems.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, it has been argued that entropy can be a direct measure of complexity, where the smaller value of entropy indicates lower system complexity, while its larger value indicates higher system complexity. We dispute this view and propose a universal measure of complexity that is based on Gell-Mann\'s view of complexity. Our universal measure of complexity is based on a non-linear transformation of time-dependent entropy, where the system state with the highest complexity is the most distant from all the states of the system of lesser or no complexity. We have shown that the most complex is the optimally mixed state consisting of pure states, i.e., of the most regular and most disordered which the space of states of a given system allows. A parsimonious paradigmatic example of the simplest system with a small and a large number of degrees of freedom is shown to support this methodology. Several important features of this universal measure are pointed out, especially its flexibility (i.e., its openness to extensions), suitability to the analysis of system critical behaviour, and suitability to study the dynamic complexity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents a description of the fluctuations in transfer processes in a locally nonequilibrium medium. We obtained equations which allow the fluctuations range to be determined for a transferred physical value. It was shown that the general method of describing fluctuations for the processes of diffusion, heat transfer, and viscous fluid flow can be applied. It was established that the fluctuation spectrum during the transfer processes has the character of flicker noise in the low-frequency spectral range.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we survey our recent results on the variational formulation of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for the finite-dimensional case of discrete systems, as well as for the infinite-dimensional case of continuum systems. Starting with the fundamental variational principle of classical mechanics, namely, Hamilton\'s principle, we show, with the help of thermodynamic systems with gradually increasing complexity, how to systematically extend it to include irreversible processes. In the finite dimensional cases, we treat systems experiencing the irreversible processes of mechanical friction, heat, and mass transfer in both the adiabatically closed cases and open cases. On the continuum side, we illustrate our theory using the example of multicomponent Navier-Stokes-Fourier systems.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even though irreversibility is one of the major hallmarks of any real-life process, an actual understanding of irreversible processes remains still mostly semi-empirical. In this paper, we formulate a thermodynamic uncertainty principle for irreversible heat engines operating with an ideal gas as a working medium. In particular, we show that the time needed to run through such an irreversible cycle multiplied by the irreversible work lost in the cycle is bounded from below by an irreducible and process-dependent constant that has the dimension of an action. The constant in question depends on a typical scale of the process and becomes comparable to Planck\'s constant at the length scale of the order Bohr radius, i.e. the scale that corresponds to the smallest distance on which the ideal gas paradigm realistically applies. This article is part of the theme issue \'Fundamental aspects of nonequilibrium thermodynamics\'.






