iron–sulfur cluster assembly

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria harbor the bacteria-inherited iron-sulfur cluster assembly (ISC) machinery to generate [2Fe-2S; iron-sulfur (Fe-S)] and [4Fe-4S] proteins. In yeast, assembly of [4Fe-4S] proteins specifically involves the ISC proteins Isa1, Isa2, Iba57, Bol3, and Nfu1. Functional defects in their human equivalents cause the multiple mitochondrial dysfunction syndromes, severe disorders with a broad clinical spectrum. The bacterial Iba57 ancestor YgfZ was described to require tetrahydrofolate (THF) for its function in the maturation of selected [4Fe-4S] proteins. Both YgfZ and Iba57 are structurally related to an enzyme family catalyzing THF-dependent one-carbon transfer reactions including GcvT of the glycine cleavage system. On this basis, a universally conserved folate requirement in ISC-dependent [4Fe-4S] protein biogenesis was proposed. To test this idea for mitochondrial Iba57, we performed genetic and biochemical studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and we solved the crystal structure of Iba57 from the thermophilic fungus Chaetomium thermophilum. We provide three lines of evidence for the THF independence of the Iba57-catalyzed [4Fe-4S] protein assembly pathway. First, yeast mutants lacking folate show no defect in mitochondrial [4Fe-4S] protein maturation. Second, the 3D structure of Iba57 lacks many of the side-chain contacts to THF as defined in GcvT, and the THF-binding pocket is constricted. Third, mutations in conserved Iba57 residues that are essential for THF-dependent catalysis in GcvT do not impair Iba57 function in vivo, in contrast to an exchange of the invariant, surface-exposed cysteine residue. We conclude that mitochondrial Iba57, despite structural similarities to both YgfZ and THF-binding proteins, does not utilize folate for its function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Formation of photosynthetic complexes leads to a higher demand for Fe-S clusters. We hypothesized that in the facultative phototrophic alpha-proteobacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides expression of the isc-suf operon for Fe-S cluster formation may be increased under conditions that promote formation of photosynthetic complexes and that, vice versa, lack of the IscR regulator may also affect photosynthesis gene expression. To test this hypothesis, we monitored the activities of the isc-suf sense and anti-sense promoters under different growth conditions and in mutants which are impaired in formation of photosynthetic complexes. We also tested expression of photosynthesis genes in a mutant lacking the IscR regulator. Our results are not in agreement with a co-regulation of the Isc-Suf system and the photosynthetic apparatus at level of transcription. We provide evidence that, coordination of the systems occurs at post-transcriptional levels. Increased levels of isc-suf mRNAs under conditions promoting formation of photosynthetic complexes are due to higher RNA stability.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several biological activities depend on iron-sulfur clusters ([Fe-S]). Even though they are well-known in several organisms their function and metabolic pathway were poorly understood in the majority of the organisms. We propose to use the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, as a biological model to study the biosynthesis of [Fe-S] at the molecular, cellular and organism levels. First, we have explored the D. discoideum genome looking for genes corresponding to the subunits that constitute the molecular machinery for Fe-S cluster assembly and, based on the structure of the mammalian supercomplex and amino acid conservation profiles, we inferred the full functionality of the amoeba machinery. After that, we expressed the recombinant mature form of D. discoideum frataxin protein (DdFXN), the kinetic activator of this pathway. We characterized the protein and its conformational stability. DdFXN is monomeric and compact. The analysis of the secondary structure content, calculated using the far-UV CD spectra, was compatible with the data expected for the FXN fold, and near-UV CD spectra were compatible with the data corresponding to a folded protein. In addition, Tryptophan fluorescence indicated that the emission occurs from an apolar environment. However, the conformation of DdFXN is significantly less stable than that of the human FXN, (4.0 vs. 9.0 kcal mol-1, respectively). Based on a sequence analysis and structural models of DdFXN, we investigated key residues involved in the interaction of DdFXN with the supercomplex and the effect of point mutations on the energetics of the DdFXN tertiary structure. More than 10 residues involved in Friedreich\'s Ataxia are conserved between the human and DdFXN forms, and a good correlation between mutational effect on the energetics of both proteins were found, suggesting the existence of similar sequence/function/stability relationships. Finally, we integrated this information in an evolutionary context which highlights particular variation patterns between amoeba and humans that may reflect a functional importance of specific protein positions. Moreover, the complete pathway obtained forms a piece of evidence in favor of the hypothesis of a shared and highly conserved [Fe-S] assembly machinery between Human and D. discoideum.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian frataxin is a small mitochondrial protein involved in iron sulfur cluster assembly. Frataxin deficiency causes the neurodegenerative disease Friedreich\'s Ataxia. Valuable knowledge has been gained on the structural dynamics of frataxin, metal-ion-protein interactions, as well as on the effect of mutations on protein conformation, stability and internal motions. Additionally, laborious studies concerning the enzymatic reactions involved have allowed for understanding the capability of frataxin to modulate Fe-S cluster assembly function. Remarkably, frataxin biological function depends on its interaction with some proteins to form a supercomplex, among them NFS1 desulfurase and ISCU, the scaffolding protein. By combining multiple experimental tools including high resolution techniques like NMR and X-ray, but also SAXS, crosslinking and mass-spectrometry, it was possible to build a reliable model of the structure of the desulfurase supercomplex NFS1/ACP-ISD11/ISCU/frataxin. In this chapter, we explore these issues showing how the scientific view concerning frataxin structure-function relationships has evolved over the last years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron-sulfur clusters perform essential functions in enzymatic catalysis and homeostatic regulation. Here we for the first time identified Ssq1 as an essential component for iron-sulfur cluster assembly in Candida albicans. Ssq1 played an important role in cell growth. Shutting off SSQ1 led to accumulation of intracellular iron, especially in mitochondria, and disorder of intracellular iron regulation. In tetO-SSQ1, iron overloading triggered the oxidative damage of mitochondrial function. Surprisingly, disruption of SSQ1 activated autophagic pathway. The mitochondrial dysfunction was further aggravated when CCZ1 (which is essential for autophagy) and SSQ1 was simultaneously deleted, suggesting that autophagy played a critical role in maintenance of mitochondrial function in tetO-SSQ1. In addition, double deletion of SSQ1 and CCZ1 further elevated cellular iron levels in comparison with tetO-SSQ1, indicating that autophagy participated in maintenance of iron homeostasis. Furthermore, we found that loss of SSQ1 led to increasing protein expression of Rnr1 and redistribution of Rnr2 from the nucleus to cytoplasm, and further resulted in cell cycle arrest. The results implied that cell cycle arrest was caused by activating the checkpoint pathway because of impairing the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in tetO-SSQ1. Shutting off SSQ1 led to a significant defect in filamentous development. Interestingly, the tetO-SSQ1ccz1Δ/Δ growth was inhibited on hyphae-inducing solid media. Both tetO-SSQ1 and tetO-SSQ1ccz1Δ/Δ exhibited extremely attenuated virulence, indicating that Ssq1 might provide a promising target for antifungal drugs development. In summary, our findings provide new insights into the understanding of iron-sulfur cluster assembly-related gene in C. albicans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During amino-acid crystal fermentation, mechanical stress on bacterial cells caused by crystal collision often impacts negatively on bacterial growth and amino-acid production. When Escherichia coli cells were cultivated under mechanical stress of polyvinyl chloride particles as a model of the crystal fermentation, activities of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster-containing enzymes were apparently decreased. Based on an assumption that function of Fe-S cluster assembly machinery would be elevated to recover the enzyme activities in such stressed cells, we analyzed levels of various components of Fe-S cluster assembly machinery by western blotting. It was found that the expression of HscA, a chaperon component of the machinery, was up-regulated and that shorter forms of HscA with the N-terminal region truncated were accumulated, suggesting an important role of HscA against the mechanical stress. An overexpression of HscA gene in E. coli cells gave a positive effect on rescue of the stress-induced decrease of the activity of Fe-S cluster-containing enzyme. These results may provide a new strategy to alleviate the mechanical stress during the amino-acid crystal fermentation.





