
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The duplication-triplication/inverted-duplication (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) structure is a complex genomic rearrangement (CGR). Although it has been identified as an important pathogenic DNA mutation signature in genomic disorders and cancer genomes, its architecture remains unresolved. Here, we studied the genomic architecture of DUP-TRP/INV-DUP by investigating the DNA of 24 patients identified by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) on whom we found evidence for the existence of 4 out of 4 predicted structural variant (SV) haplotypes. Using a combination of short-read genome sequencing (GS), long-read GS, optical genome mapping, and single-cell DNA template strand sequencing (strand-seq), the haplotype structure was resolved in 18 samples. The point of template switching in 4 samples was shown to be a segment of ∼2.2-5.5 kb of 100% nucleotide similarity within inverted repeat pairs. These data provide experimental evidence that inverted low-copy repeats act as recombinant substrates. This type of CGR can result in multiple conformers generating diverse SV haplotypes in susceptible dosage-sensitive loci.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inversions have been proposed to facilitate local adaptation, by linking together locally coadapted alleles at different loci. Prior work addressing this question theoretically has considered the spread of inversions in \"continent-island\" scenarios in which there is a unidirectional flow of maladapted migrants into the island population. In this setting, inversions capturing locally adaptive haplotypes are most likely to invade when selection is weak, because stronger local selection (i) more effectively purges maladaptive alleles and (ii) generates linkage disequilibrium between adaptive alleles, thus lessening the advantage of inversions. We show this finding only holds under limited conditions by studying the establishment of inversions in a more general two-deme model, which explicitly considers the dynamics of allele frequencies in both populations linked by bidirectional migration. In this model, the level of symmetry between demes can be varied from complete asymmetry (continent-island) to complete symmetry. For symmetric selection and migration, strong selection increases the allele frequency divergence between demes thereby increasing the frequency of maladaptive alleles in migrants, favoring inversions-the opposite of the pattern seen in the asymmetric continent-island scenario. We also account for the likelihood that a new inversion captures an adaptive haplotype in the first instance. When considering the combined process of capture and invasion in \"continent island\" and symmetric scenarios, relatively strong selection increases inversion establishment probability. Migration must also be low enough that the inversion is likely to capture an adaptive allele combination, but not so low as to eliminate the inversion\'s advantage. Overall, our analysis suggests that inversions are likely to harbor larger effect alleles that experience relatively strong selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromosomal inversions can play an important role in divergence and reproductive isolation by building and maintaining distinct allelic combinations between evolutionary lineages. Alternatively, they can take the form of balanced polymorphisms that segregate within populations until one arrangement becomes fixed. Many questions remain about how inversion polymorphisms arise, how they are maintained over the long term, and ultimately, whether and how they contribute to speciation. The long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) is genetically subdivided into geographic lineages and marine-lagoon ecotypes, with shared structural variation underlying lineage and ecotype divergence. Here, we aim to characterize structural variants and to reconstruct their history and suspected role in ecotype formation. We generated a near chromosome-level genome assembly and described genome-wide patterns of diversity and divergence through the analysis of 112 whole-genome sequences from Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Black Sea populations. By also analysing linked-read sequencing data, we found evidence for two chromosomal inversions that were several megabases in length and showed contrasting allele frequency patterns between lineages and ecotypes across the species range. We reveal that these inversions represent ancient intraspecific polymorphisms, one likely being maintained by divergent selection and the other by pseudo-overdominance. A possible selective coupling between the two inversions was further supported by the absence of specific haplotype combinations and a putative functional interaction between the two inversions in reproduction. Lastly, we detected gene flux eroding divergence between inverted alleles at varying levels for the two inversions, with a likely impact on their dynamics and contribution to divergence and speciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome skimming (shallow whole-genome sequencing) offers time- and cost-efficient production of large amounts of DNA data that can be used to address unsolved evolutionary questions. Here we address phylogenetic relationships and topological incongruence in the tribe Anthospermeae (Rubiaceae), using phylogenomic data from the mitochondrion, the nuclear ribosomal cistron, and the plastome. All three genomic compartments resolve relationships in the Anthospermeae; the tribe is monophyletic and consists of three major subclades. Carpacoce Sond. is sister to the remaining clade, which comprises an African subclade and a Pacific subclade. Most results, from all three genomic compartments, are statistically well supported; however, not fully consistent. Intergenomic topological incongruence is most notable in the Pacific subclade but present also in the African subclade. Hybridization and introgression followed by organelle capture may explain these conflicts but other processes, such as incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), can yield similar patterns and cannot be ruled out based on the results. Whereas the null hypothesis of congruence among all sequenced loci in the individual genomes could not be rejected for nuclear and mitochondrial data, it was rejected for plastid data. Phylogenetic analyses of three subsets of plastid loci identified using the hierarchical likelihood ratio test demonstrated statistically supported intragenomic topological incongruence. Given that plastid genes are thought to be fully linked, this result is surprising and may suggest modeling or sampling error. However, biological processes such as biparental inheritance and inter-plastome recombination have been reported and may be responsible for the observed intragenomic incongruence. Mitochondrial insertions into the plastome are rarely documented in angiosperms. Our results indicate that a mitochondrial insertion event in the plastid trnS GGA - rps4 IGS region occurred in the common ancestor of the Pacific clade of Anthospermeae. Exclusion/inclusion of this locus in phylogenetic analyses had a strong impact on topological results in the Pacific clade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-quality genome assemblies across a range of nontraditional model organisms can accelerate the discovery of novel aspects of genome evolution. The Drosophila virilis group has several attributes that distinguish it from more highly studied species in the Drosophila genus, such as an unusual abundance of repetitive elements and extensive karyotype evolution, in addition to being an attractive model for speciation genetics. Here, we used long-read sequencing to assemble five genomes of three virilis group species and characterized sequence and structural divergence and repetitive DNA evolution. We find that our contiguous genome assemblies allow characterization of chromosomal arrangements with ease and can facilitate analysis of inversion breakpoints. We also leverage a small panel of resequenced strains to explore the genomic pattern of divergence and polymorphism in this species and show that known demographic histories largely predicts the extent of genome-wide segregating polymorphism. We further find that a neo-X chromosome in Drosophila americana displays X-like levels of nucleotide diversity. We also found that unusual repetitive elements were responsible for much of the divergence in genome composition among species. Helitron-derived tandem repeats tripled in abundance on the Y chromosome in D. americana compared to Drosophila novamexicana, accounting for most of the difference in repeat content between these sister species. Repeats with characteristics of both transposable elements and satellite DNAs expanded by 3-fold, mostly in euchromatin, in both D. americana and D. novamexicana compared to D. virilis. Our results represent a major advance in our understanding of genome biology in this emerging model clade.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local adaptation commonly involves alleles of large effect, which experience fitness advantages when in positive linkage disequilibrium (LD). Because segregating inversions suppress recombination and facilitate the maintenance of LD between locally adapted loci, they are also commonly found to be associated with adaptive divergence. However, it is unclear what fraction of an adaptive response can be attributed to inversions and alleles of large effect, and whether the loci within an inversion could still drive adaptation in the absence of its recombination-suppressing effect. Here, we use genome-wide association studies to explore patterns of local adaptation in three species of sunflower: Helianthus annuus, Helianthus argophyllus, and Helianthus petiolaris, which each harbour a large number of species-specific inversions. We find evidence of significant genome-wide repeatability in signatures of association to phenotypes and environments, which are particularly enriched within regions of the genome harbouring an inversion in one species. This shows that while inversions may facilitate local adaptation, at least some of the loci can still harbour mutations that make substantial contributions without the benefit of recombination suppression in species lacking a segregating inversion. While a large number of genomic regions show evidence of repeated adaptation, most of the strongest signatures of association still tend to be species-specific, indicating substantial genotypic redundancy for local adaptation in these species.
    In plants, like in humans, DNA is arranged into sections known as genes that are in turn organised into structures called chromosomes. Mutations that modify the activity of these genes can help plant species to adapt to a new environment or to extreme conditions such as drought. However, successful adaptation often requires changes in many different genes. If these sets of genes are located close to each other on the same chromosome, any mutations will likely be passed onto the next generation together. If the genes are located further away, or even on different chromosomes, they may instead be inherited separately so that the next generation does not benefit as much from the adaptation. A chromosome inversion – when a segment of chromosome breaks off and reattaches the other way around – can increase the likelihood that sets of mutations on the same chromosome will be inherited together. Many previous studies have found that chromosome inversions tend to drive the ability of species to adapt to different environments by keeping together mutations that affect the same characteristics. However, it is not clear how inversions affect the repeatability of the adaptation, that is, if another group of closely related plants faced the same challenge in their environment would they evolve in the same way, or would they evolve a new response? To address this question, Soudi, Jahani et al. used a genetics approach known as a genome wide association study to explore how three closely related species of sunflower have adapted to their respective environments. Two of the species grow in various environments across the centre and west of the USA that are often hot and dry, whereas the third species is restricted to the more humid coastal plain of Texas, USA. The experiments found that a few key genes had changed in all three sunflower species. However, each species also had mutations in a larger set of unique genes that were not changed in the other species. Regions of chromosomes harbouring inversions in one of the species tended to have more of the key genes within them, compared to other genomic regions. This was also true for species that did not have inversions in those regions. This demonstrates that genes in regions affected by chromosome inversions can still help plants adapt to changes in the environment even in the absence of inversions. Sunflowers are widely grown for their edible oily seeds. In the future, some of the key genes identified in this work may be useful candidates for plant breeding to improve the resilience of sunflowers to drought, high temperatures and other environmental challenges.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Fluctuations in the strength and direction of natural selection through time are a ubiquitous feature of life on Earth. One evolutionary outcome of such fluctuations is adaptive tracking, wherein populations rapidly adapt from standing genetic variation. In certain circumstances, adaptive tracking can lead to the long-term maintenance of functional polymorphism despite allele frequency change due to selection. Although adaptive tracking is likely a common process, we still have a limited understanding of aspects of its genetic architecture and its strength relative to other evolutionary forces such as drift. Drosophila melanogaster living in temperate regions evolve to track seasonal fluctuations and are an excellent system to tackle these gaps in knowledge. By sequencing orchard populations collected across multiple years, we characterized the genomic signal of seasonal demography and identified that the cosmopolitan inversion In(2L)t facilitates seasonal adaptive tracking and shows molecular footprints of selection. A meta-analysis of phenotypic studies shows that seasonal loci within In(2L)t are associated with behavior, life history, physiology, and morphological traits. We identify candidate loci and experimentally link them to phenotype. Our work contributes to our general understanding of fluctuating selection and highlights the evolutionary outcome and dynamics of contemporary selection on inversions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of segmental duplications on human evolution and disease is only just starting to unfold, thanks to advancements in sequencing technologies that allow for their discovery and precise genotyping. The 15q11-q13 locus is a hotspot of recurrent copy number variation associated with Prader-Willi/Angelman syndromes, developmental delay, autism, and epilepsy and is mediated by complex segmental duplications, many of which arose recently during evolution. To gain insight into the instability of this region, we characterized its architecture in human and nonhuman primates, reconstructing the evolutionary history of five different inversions that rearranged the region in different species primarily by accumulation of segmental duplications. Comparative analysis of human and nonhuman primate duplication structures suggests a human-specific gain of directly oriented duplications in the regions flanking the GOLGA cores and HERC segmental duplications, representing potential genomic drivers for the human-specific expansions. The increasing complexity of segmental duplication organization over the course of evolution underlies its association with human susceptibility to recurrent disease-associated rearrangements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inversions are structural mutations that reverse the sequence of a chromosome segment and reduce the effective rate of recombination in the heterozygous state. They play a major role in adaptation, as well as in other evolutionary processes such as speciation. Although inversions have been studied since the 1920s, they remain difficult to investigate because the reduced recombination conferred by them strengthens the effects of drift and hitchhiking, which in turn can obscure signatures of selection. Nonetheless, numerous inversions have been found to be under selection. Given recent advances in population genetic theory and empirical study, here we review how different mechanisms of selection affect the evolution of inversions. A key difference between inversions and other mutations, such as single nucleotide variants, is that the fitness of an inversion may be affected by a larger number of frequently interacting processes. This considerably complicates the analysis of the causes underlying the evolution of inversions. We discuss the extent to which these mechanisms can be disentangled, and by which approach.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    High-quality genome assemblies across a range of non-traditional model organisms can accelerate the discovery of novel aspects of genome evolution. The Drosophila virilis group has several attributes that distinguish it from more highly studied species in the Drosophila genus, such as an unusual abundance of repetitive elements and extensive karyotype evolution, in addition to being an attractive model for speciation genetics. Here we used long-read sequencing to assemble five genomes of three virilis group species and characterized sequence and structural divergence and repetitive DNA evolution. We find that our contiguous genome assemblies allow characterization of chromosomal arrangements with ease and can facilitate analysis of inversion breakpoints. We also leverage a small panel of resequenced strains to explore the genomic pattern of divergence and polymorphism in this species and show that known demographic histories largely predicts the extent of genome-wide segregating polymorphism. We further find that a neo-X chromosome in D. americana displays X-like levels of nucleotide diversity. We also found that unusual repetitive elements were responsible for much of the divergence in genome composition among species. Helitron-derived tandem repeats tripled in abundance on the Y chromosome in D. americana compared to D. novamexicana, accounting for most of the difference in repeat content between these sister species. Repeats with characteristics of both transposable elements and satellite DNAs expanded by three-fold, mostly in euchromatin, in both D. americana and D. novamexicana compared to D. virilis. Our results represent a major advance in our understanding of genome biology in this emerging model clade.





