inverse probability weighting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nested case-control design (NCC) is a cost-effective outcome-dependent design in epidemiology that collects all cases and a fixed number of controls at the time of case diagnosis from a large cohort. Due to inefficiency relative to full cohort studies, previous research developed various estimation methodologies but changing designs in the formulation of risk sets was considered only in view of potential bias in the partial likelihood estimation. In this paper, we study a modified design that excludes previously selected controls from risk sets in view of efficiency improvement as well as bias. To this end, we extend the inverse probability weighting method of Samuelsen which was shown to outperform the partial likelihood estimator in the standard setting. We develop its asymptotic theory and a variance estimation of both regression coefficients and the cumulative baseline hazard function that takes account of the complex feature of the modified sampling design. In addition to good finite sample performance of variance estimation, simulation studies show that the modified design with the proposed estimator is more efficient than the standard design. Examples are provided using data from NIH-AARP Diet and Health Cohort Study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radon is a known cause of lung cancer. Protective standards for radon exposure are derived largely from studies of working populations that are prone to healthy worker survivor bias. This bias can lead to under-protection of workers and is a key barrier to understanding health effects of many exposures. We apply inverse probability weighting to study a set of hypothetical exposure limits among 4,137 male, White and American Indian radon-exposed uranium miners in the Colorado Plateau followed from 1950 to 2005. We estimate cumulative risk of lung cancer through age 90 under hypothetical occupational limits. We estimate that earlier implementation of the current US Mining Safety and Health Administration annual standard of 4 working level months (implemented here as a monthly exposure limit) could have reduced lung cancer mortality from 16/100 workers to 6/100 workers (95% confidence intervals: 3/100, 8/100), in contrast with previous estimates of 10/100 workers. Our estimate is similar to that among contemporaneous occupational cohorts. Inverse probability weighting is a simple and computationally efficient way address healthy worker survivor bias in order to contrast health effects of exposure limits and estimate the number of excess health outcomes under exposure limits at work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the effectiveness of quitline service intensity (high vs. low) on past 30-day tobacco abstinence at 7-months follow-up, using observational data from the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline (OTH) between April 2020 and December 2021. To assess the impact of loss to follow-up and non-random treatment assignment, we fit the parameters of a marginal structural model to estimate inverse probability weights for censoring (IPCW) and treatment (IPTW) and combined (IPCTW). The Risk Ratio (RR) was estimated using modified Poisson regression with robust variance estimator. Of the 4,695 individuals included in the study, 64% received high-intensity cessation services, and 53% were lost to follow-up. Using the conventional complete case analysis (responders only), high-intensity cessation services were associated with abstinence (RR=1.18; 95 CI: 1.04, 1.34). The effect estimate was attenuated after accounting for censoring (RR=1.14; 95% CI: 1.00, 1.30). After adjusting for both baseline confounding and selection bias via IPTCW, high-intensity cessation services were associated with 1.23 times (95% CI: 1.08, 1.41) the probability of abstinence compared to low-intensity services. Despite relatively high loss to follow-up, accounting for selection bias and confounding did not notably impact quit rates or the relationship between intensity of quitline services and tobacco cessation among OTH participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A dynamic treatment regime (DTR) is a mathematical representation of a multistage decision process. When applied to sequential treatment selection in medical settings, DTRs are useful for identifying optimal therapies for chronic diseases such as AIDs, mental illnesses, substance abuse, and many cancers. Sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (SMARTs) provide a useful framework for constructing DTRs and providing unbiased between-DTR comparisons. A limitation of SMARTs is that they ignore data from past patients that may be useful for reducing the probability of exposing new patients to inferior treatments. In practice, this may result in decreased treatment adherence or dropouts. To address this problem, we propose a generalized outcome-adaptive (GO) SMART design that adaptively unbalances stage-specific randomization probabilities in favor of treatments observed to be more effective in previous patients. To correct for bias induced by outcome adaptive randomization, we propose G-estimators and inverse-probability-weighted estimators of DTR effects embedded in a GO-SMART and show analytically that they are consistent. We report simulation results showing that, compared to a SMART, Response-Adaptive SMART and SMART with adaptive randomization, a GO-SMART design treats significantly more patients with the optimal DTR and achieves a larger number of total responses while maintaining similar or better statistical power.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micro-randomized trials are commonly conducted for optimizing mobile health interventions such as push notifications for behavior change. In analyzing such trials, causal excursion effects are often of primary interest, and their estimation typically involves inverse probability weighting (IPW). However, in a micro-randomized trial, additional treatments can often occur during the time window over which an outcome is defined, and this can greatly inflate the variance of the causal effect estimator because IPW would involve a product of numerous weights. To reduce variance and improve estimation efficiency, we propose two new estimators using a modified version of IPW, which we call \"per-decision IPW.\" The second estimator further improves efficiency using the projection idea from the semiparametric efficiency theory. These estimators are applicable when the outcome is binary and can be expressed as the maximum of a series of sub-outcomes defined over sub-intervals of time. We establish the estimators\' consistency and asymptotic normality. Through simulation studies and real data applications, we demonstrate substantial efficiency improvement of the proposed estimator over existing estimators. The new estimators can be used to improve the precision of primary and secondary analyses for micro-randomized trials with binary outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The risk and survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with pre-existing autoimmune disorders (AIDs) receiving immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy have not been clearly established.
    METHODS: This multi-institutional, retrospective cohort study was conducted in collaboration with 20 centers in Japan.
    RESULTS: In total, 229 patients with advanced or recurrent NSCLC and pre-existing AID, with or without ICB treatment from January 2010-February 2020, were included and analyzed. Among 69 patients who received ICB, 2 received two lines of ICBs with a total of 71 ICB treatments; 57 (80.3 %) and 14 (19.7 %) patients received ICB monotherapy and combination therapy, respectively. AID flares were observed in 18 patients (25.4 %, 95 % confidence interval [CI], 15.8-37.1 %) receiving ICB. AID exacerbations were more likely when NSCLC was diagnosed less than 1 year after the AID diagnosis (odds ratio 5.26 [95 % CI, 1.40-21.61]; P = 0.016). Immune-related adverse events were observed in 32 patients (45.1 %, 95 % CI, 33.2-57.3 %); 17 had grade 3 or higher. The safety profile of combination immunotherapy was not significantly different from that of the monotherapy. After inverse probability weighting, the use of ICB prolonged survival (hazard ratio 0.43 [95 % CI, 0.26-0.70]; P = 0.0006).
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings revealed a novel risk factor for AID flares following ICB treatment, that is the diagnosis of NSCLC within 1 year of AID diagnosis, and showed that ICBs may improve survival in this population. These results support the utilization of ICB in patients with NSCLC and pre-existing AID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, researchers have made use of electronic health records to research this disease in a rapidly evolving environment of questions and discoveries. These studies are prone to collider bias as they restrict the population of Covid-19 patients to only those with severe disease. Inverse probability weighting is typically used to correct for this bias but requires information from the unrestricted population. Using electronic health records from a South London NHS trust, this work demonstrates a method to correct for collider bias using externally sourced data while examining the relationship between minority ethnicities and poor Covid-19 outcomes.
    METHODS: The probability of inclusion within the observed hospitalised cohort was modelled based on estimates from published national data. The model described the relationship between patient ethnicity, hospitalisation, and death due to Covid-19 - a relationship suggested to be susceptible to collider bias. The obtained probabilities (as applied to the observed patient cohort) were used as inverse probability weights in survival analysis examining ethnicity (and covariates) as a risk factor for death due to Covid-19.
    RESULTS: Within the observed cohort, unweighted analysis of survival suggested a reduced risk of death in those of Black ethnicity - differing from the published literature. Applying inverse probability weights to this analysis amended this aberrant result to one more compatible with the literature. This effect was consistent when the analysis was applied to patients within only the first wave of Covid-19 and across two waves of Covid-19 and was robust against adjustments to the modelled relationship between hospitalisation, patient ethnicity, and death due to Covid-19 made as part of a sensitivity analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, this analysis demonstrates the feasibility of using external publications to correct for collider bias (or other forms of selection bias) induced by the restriction of a population to a hospitalised cohort using an example from the recent Covid-19 pandemic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Etiologic heterogeneity occurs when distinct sets of events or exposures give rise to different subtypes of disease. Inference about subtype-specific exposure effects from two-phase outcome-dependent sampling data requires adjustment for both confounding and the sampling design. Common approaches to inference for these effects do not necessarily appropriately adjust for these sources of bias, or allow for formal comparisons of effects across different subtypes. Herein, using inverse probability weighting (IPW) to fit a multinomial model is shown to yield valid inference with this sampling design for subtype-specific exposure effects and contrasts thereof. The IPW approach is compared to common regression-based methods for assessing exposure effect heterogeneity using simulations. The methods are applied to estimate subtype-specific effects of various exposures on breast cancer risk in the Carolina Breast Cancer Study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Empirical evaluation of inverse probability weighting (IPW) for self-selection bias correction is inaccessible without the full source population. We aimed to: (i) investigate how self-selection biases frequency and association measures and (ii) assess self-selection bias correction using IPW in a cohort with register linkage.
    METHODS: The source population included 17 936 individuals invited to the Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank during 2009-11 (ages 49-63 years). Participants counted 7185 (40.1%). Register data were obtained for every invited person from 7 years before invitation to the end of 2020. The association between education and mortality was estimated using Cox regression models among participants, IPW participants and the source population.
    RESULTS: Participants had higher socioeconomic position and fewer hospital contacts before baseline than the source population. Frequency measures of participants approached those of the source population after IPW. Compared with primary/lower secondary education, upper secondary, short tertiary, bachelor and master/doctoral were associated with reduced risk of death among participants (adjusted hazard ratio [95% CI]: 0.60 [0.46; 0.77], 0.68 [0.42; 1.11], 0.37 [0.25; 0.54], 0.28 [0.18; 0.46], respectively). IPW changed the estimates marginally (0.59 [0.45; 0.77], 0.57 [0.34; 0.93], 0.34 [0.23; 0.50], 0.24 [0.15; 0.39]) but not only towards those of the source population (0.57 [0.51; 0.64], 0.43 [0.32; 0.60], 0.38 [0.32; 0.47], 0.22 [0.16; 0.29]).
    CONCLUSIONS: Frequency measures of study participants may not reflect the source population in the presence of self-selection, but the impact on association measures can be limited. IPW may be useful for (self-)selection bias correction, but the returned results can still reflect residual or other biases and random errors.





