invasive alien species

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of global changes on populations may not be necessarily uniform across a species\' range. Here, we aim at comparing the phenotypic and transcriptomic response to warming and an invasive predator cue in populations across different geographic scales in the damselfly Ischnura elegans. We collected adult females in two ponds in southern Poland (central latitude) and two ponds in southern Sweden (high latitude). We raised their larvae in growth chambers and exposed them to combination of temperature and a predator cue released by the crayfish Orconectes limosus. When larvae reached the prefinal larval stage, they were phenotyped for traits related to growth and size and collected for a gene expression analysis. High-latitude populations exhibited greater phenotypic and transcriptomic variation than central-latitude populations. Across latitudes and ponds, temperature generally increased growth rate and the predator cue decreased mass, but the effects of temperature were also pond-specific. Comparison of the transcriptomic profiles revealed a greater overlap in the response to temperature across latitudes and ponds, especially for pathway-related oxidative stress and sugar and lipid metabolism. The transcriptomic response to a predator cue and to the interaction temperature × predator cue was more pond-specific and overlapped only for few genes and pathways related to cuticle, development and signal transduction. We demonstrated that central- and high-latitude populations may partially respond through similar mechanisms to warming and, to a lower extent to a predator cue and to the interaction temperature × predator cue. For the predator cue and the interaction, the large fraction of ponds-specific genes suggests local adaptation. We show that high-latitude populations were generally more plastic at the phenotypic and transcriptomic level and may be more capable to cope with environmental changes than their central-latitude counterparts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review focuses on the alternative uses of Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H.St.John biomass. Elodea nuttallii is as an aquatic invasive alien species classified in the EU as a Species of Union Concern. Its dense monospecific stands affect both aquatic ecosystems and human activities, thereby requiring specific monitoring and management measures. The handling of E. nuttallii has a high economic cost, and the biomass removed from natural environments is considered a mere waste product. The need to implement circular economy, reducing waste and preserving natural capital, has led to the research for the reuse and valorisation of waterweed biomasses, such as E. nuttallii. This review critically assesses the feasibility and potential applications of E. nuttallii biomass in various sectors, including bioenergy production, extraction of metabolites, and fertilization. Out of more than 200 articles from 1965 to 2023, only 16 were found to deal with the use of harvested biomass, all within the last 12 years. This review highlights that the valorisation of E. nuttallii biomass is an underrepresented topic in scientific literature, and therefore in industrial sectors. Studies on biogas production are the most represented and have shown that E. nuttallii chemical composition is suitable for energy production, but is better suited as an additional feedstock to other biomasses already used for this purpose. New more cost-effective applications, such as animal feed and biosorbent, should be further addressed. By investigating alternative uses for E. nuttallii biomass, this review contributes to the development of sustainable practices that would turn a costly waste into a valuable resource.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a global context of invasive alien species (IAS), native predators are often eradicated by functionally different IAS, which may induce complex cascading consequences on ecosystem functioning because of the key role predators play in structuring communities and stabilizing food webs. In permanent ponds, the most abundant freshwater systems on Earth, global human-mediated introductions of alien omnivores such as the pet trade goldfish are driving broad-scale patterns of native predators\' exclusion, but cascading consequences on food web structure and functioning are critically understudied. We compared food webs of naturally fishless ponds versus ponds where dominant native predators (newts) had been extirpated by invasive goldfish within the last decade. Integrating community-wide isotopic, taxonomic and functional traits approaches, our study reveals that pond food webs collapsed in both vertical and horizontal dimensions following goldfish introduction and the associated exclusion of native predators. Consumer taxonomic diversity was drastically reduced, essentially deprived of amphibians as well as predatory and mobile macroinvertebrates to the profit of burrowing, lower trophic level consumers (detritivores). Changes in community structure and function underlined a regime shift from a macrophyte-dominated system mainly characterized by benthic primary production (periphyton), to a macrophyte-depleted state of ponds hosting communities mainly associated with phytoplankton primary production and detritus accumulation, with higher tolerance to eutrophication and low dissolved oxygen concentration. Results underline major impacts of widely introduced omnivores such as the goldfish on the functioning of pond ecosystems with potentially dramatic consequences on the key ecosystem services they deliver, such as global biodiversity support or water quality improvement. They also shed light on the key role of submerged aquatic vegetation in supporting diverse communities and complex food webs in shallow lentic systems and call for urgent consideration of threats posed by IAS on ponds\' ecosystems by managers and policymakers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Mediterranean Sea provides fertile ground for understanding the complex interplay between invasive species and native habitats, particularly within the context of climate change. This thermal tolerance study reveals the remarkable ability of Lophocladia trichoclados, a red algae species that has proven highly invasive, to adapt to varying temperatures, particularly thriving in colder Mediterranean waters, where it can withstand temperatures as low as 14 °C, a trait not observed in its native habitat. This rapid acclimation, occurring in less than a century, might entail a trade-off with high temperature resistance. Additionally, all sampled populations in the Mediterranean share the same haplotype, suggesting a common origin and the possibility that we might be facing an exceptionally acclimatable and invasive strain. This high degree of acclimatability could determine the future spread capacity in a changing scenario, highlighting the importance of considering both acclimation and adaptation in understanding the expansion of invasive species\' ranges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The univoltine leaf beetle Psylliodesattenuata (Koch, 1803) is a pest of Cannabis and Humulus (Cannabaceae) and native to the Palaearctic Region, known from eastern Asia to western Europe.
    UNASSIGNED: First North American records are presented for P.attenuata from Canada: Ontario and Québec. Adult beetle feeding damage to hops Humuluslupulus L. (Cannabacaea) plants is recorded from Québec. Diagnostic information is presented to distinguish P.attenuata from other North American Chrysomelidae and a preliminary assessment of its potential to spread in North America is presented. While our climate analysis is limited by a lack of data, it appears P.attenuata is physiologically capable of persisting throughout the range of Humulus in North America.The United States of America and Canada are now known to be home to 71 or more species of adventive Chrysomelidae.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The latest IPBES report clearly showed that pollution and proliferation of invasive alien species constituted two of the five major factors responsible for the biodiversity decline. Faced with this situation, we present here the development of nature-based solutions in response to these two challenges. This approach has firstly made it possible to progress in understanding the adaptation strategies of plants and associated micro-organisms to respond to attacks such as pollution. Thus, relevant studies showed that certain plant species are able to grow in environments contaminated with metallic elements, or even to sequester toxic pollutants in their leaves or their roots. This research has made it possible to provide original solutions for the ecological restoration of soils and the decontamination of aquatic systems using dead invasive exotic plant species. The promotion of these solutions through the concept of ecocatalysis, at the interface of ecology and chemistry, contributed to make them sustainable and economically viable.
    UNASSIGNED: Protection de la biodiversité et sciences durables.
    UNASSIGNED: Le dernier rapport de l’IPBES a clairement montré que la pollution et la multiplication des espèces exotiques envahissantes constituaient deux des cinq facteurs majeurs responsables du déclin de la biodiversité. Face à cette situation, nous présentons dans cette brève revue le développement de solutions fondées sur la nature pour répondre à ces deux défis. Cette approche a tout d’abord permis de progresser dans la compréhension des stratégies d’adaptation des plantes et des microorganismes associés, pour répondre à des agressions telles que celle de la pollution. Ainsi, il a pu être démontré que certaines espèces végétales sont capables de se développer dans des milieux contaminés par des éléments métalliques, voire de séquestrer les polluants toxiques dans leurs feuilles ou leurs racines. Ces recherches ont permis d’apporter des solutions originales pour la restauration écologique des sols et la décontamination des systèmes aquatiques à l’aide d’espèces végétales exotiques envahissantes mortes. Afin de les rendre pérennes et économiquement viables, ces solutions ont été valorisées à travers le concept de l’écocatalyse, à l’interface de l’écologie et de la chimie.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ever-increasing and expanding globalisation of trade and transport underpins the escalating global problem of biological invasions. Developing biosecurity infrastructures is crucial to anticipate and prevent the transport and introduction of invasive alien species. Still, robust and defensible forecasts of potential invaders are rare, especially for species without known invasion history. Here, we aim to support decision-making by developing a quantitative invasion risk assessment tool based on invasion syndromes (i.e., generalising typical attributes of invasive alien species). We implemented a workflow based on \'Multiple Imputation with Chain Equation\' to estimate invasion syndromes from imputed datasets of species\' life-history and ecological traits and macroecological patterns. Importantly, our models disentangle the factors explaining (i) transport and introduction and (ii) establishment. We showcase our tool by modelling the invasion syndromes of 466 amphibians and reptile species with invasion history. Then, we project these models to amphibians and reptiles worldwide (16,236 species [c.76% global coverage]) to identify species with a risk of being unintentionally transported and introduced, and risk of establishing alien populations. Our invasion syndrome models showed high predictive accuracy with a good balance between specificity and generality. Unintentionally transported and introduced species tend to be common and thrive well in human-disturbed habitats. In contrast, those with established alien populations tend to be large-sized, are habitat generalists, thrive well in human-disturbed habitats, and have large native geographic ranges. We forecast that 160 amphibians and reptiles without known invasion history could be unintentionally transported and introduced in the future. Among them, 57 species have a high risk of establishing alien populations. Our reliable, reproducible, transferable, statistically robust and scientifically defensible quantitative invasion risk assessment tool is a significant new addition to the suite of decision-support tools needed for developing a future-proof preventative biosecurity globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of known alien ant species throughout Europe has been steadily increasing during the last few decades and Italy has been no exception, with four new taxa reported in the last five years. Here, we document new data on the Asian needle ant Brachyponerachinensis (Emery, 1895), an invasive alien species whose first establishment in Europe was detected in the southern Italian city of Naples in 2022 and which has now been found near Lake Como in northern Italy, representing the second European record, about 730 km distant from the first. Furthermore, we report for the first time the presence of Nylanderiavividula (Nylander, 1846) in the country, based on specimens collected both in Rome and near Lake Como. This is at least the second Nylanderia species established in the country after N.jaegerskioeldi, first reported in 2018. Unlike B.chinensis, N.vividula is not considered an ecological and health threat in the invaded range and is already known to occur in several other European countries. While only a few introduced ants in Europe are considered serious ecological, economic or health threats, the increasing circulation of several alien species and the poor ability to swiftly track their movements and detect their establishment can render management very difficult.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis that affects warm-blooded animals, including humans. Wild animals can act as intermediate hosts of this pathogen; thus, this study aims to detect Toxoplasma gondii infection in invasive European brown hares in Brazil. For this, 72 wild European brown hares were captured from July 2020 to June 2022 in three Brazilian states: São Paulo, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul. The diagnostic of Toxoplasma gondii infection was performed by bioassay in mouse, histopathology in Hematoxylin-Eosin-stained tissue sections (brain, liver, lungs, kidneys, and small intestine), serology by IFAT, and molecular techniques by conventional PCR and qPCR. The combined prevalence of the different diagnostic methods was 51.4% (37/72, CI= 40.1 - 62.6 %), and there was no statistical difference between sexes, age range, or geographical region of the hosts. Mouse bioassay was the technique that detected more positive hares. To our knowledge, this is the first confirmation of Toxoplasma gondii infection in invasive European brown hares in Brazil. These animals act as reservoirs and potential infection source for carnivores and other wild and domestic animals, including humans, thus contributing to perpetuate the disease cycle in São Paulo, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul States. Research such as the present study is necessary to raise awareness about the role of animals in the disease cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Elateridae, or click beetles are abundant and diverse in most terrestrial ecosystems in North America, acting as plant pests and filling many other ecological roles. The 112 genera of Elateridae Leach, 1815, or click beetles, known from Canada and USA are included in a first comprehensive digital interactive key to adults. A link to an online peer-reviewed LUCID key to elaterid genera and downloadable LUCID files are provided. Diagnostic morphological summaries using information from the 61 characters and 158 character states of the matrix key are presented for all genera. A table summarizes current understanding of habitat use by all elaterid genera in Canada and USA from literature, collections, citizen science, and our own observations. Diversity of elaterid genera was high throughout warm and cool temperate regions, especially in mountainous areas and mesic woodlands. Larvae of most genera were associated with soil, litter and decaying wood.





