
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The allotetraploid wild grass Aegilops ventricosa (2n=4X=28, genome DvDvNvNv) has been recognized as an important germplasm resource for wheat improvement due to its ability to tolerate biotic stresses. Especially 2NvS segment from Aegilops ventricosa, as a stable and effective resistance source, has greatly contributed to wheat improvement. The 2NvS/2AS translocation is a prevalent chromosomal translocation between common wheat and wild relatives, ranking just behind the 1B/1R translocation in importance for modern wheat breeding. Here, we assembled a high-quality chromosome-level reference genome of Ae. ventricosa RM271 with a total length of 8.67 Gb. Phylogenomic analyses revealed that the progenitor of the Dv subgenome of Ae. ventricosa was Ae. tauschii ssp. tauschii (genome DD); in contrast, the progenitor of the D subgenome of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata (genome DD). The oldest polyploidization time of Ae. ventricosa occurred ∼0.7 million years ago. The Dv subgenome of Ae. ventricosa was less conserved than the D subgenome of bread wheat. Construction of a graph-based pangenome of 2AS/6NvL (originally known as 2NvS) segments from Ae. ventricosa and other genomes in the Triticeae enables us identifying candidate resistance genes sourced from Ae. ventricosa. We identified 12 nonredundant introgressed segments from the Dv and Nv subgenomes using a large winter wheat collection representing the full diversity of the wheat European genetic pool, and 29.40% of European wheat varieties inherited at least one of these segments. The high-quality RM271 reference genome will provide a basis for cloning key genes, including the Yr17-Lr37-Sr38-Cre5 resistance gene cluster in Ae. ventricosa, and facilitate the full use of elite wild genetic resources to accelerate wheat improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vicariant species formation, divergence results primarily from periods of allopatry and restricted gene flow. Widespread species harboring differentiated, geographically distinct sublineages offer a window into what may be a common mode of species formation, whereby a species originates, spreads across the landscape, then fragments into multiple units. However, incipient lineages usually lack reproductive barriers that prevent their fusion upon secondary contact, blurring the boundaries between a single, large metapopulation-level lineage and multiple independent species. Here we explore this model of species formation in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus), a widespread terrestrial vertebrate with at least six divergent mitochondrial clades throughout its range. Using anchored hybrid enrichment data, we applied phylogenomic and population genomic approaches to investigate patterns of divergence, gene flow, and secondary contact. Genomic data broadly match most mitochondrial groups but reveal mitochondrial introgression and extensive admixture at several contact zones. While species delimitation analyses in BPP supported five lineages of P. cinereus, genealogical divergence indices (gdi) were highly sensitive to the inclusion of admixed samples and the geographic representation of candidate species, with increasing support for multiple species when removing admixed samples or limiting sampling to a single locality per group. An analysis of morphometric data revealed differences in body size and limb proportions among groups, with a reduction of forelimb length among warmer and drier localities consistent with increased fossoriality. We conclude that P. cinereus is a single species, but one with highly structured component lineages of various degrees of independence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Introgression has repeatedly been shown to play an important role in the adaptation of species to extreme environments, yet how introgression enables rodents with specialized subterranean lifestyle to acclimatize to high altitudes is still unclear. Myospalacinae is a group of subterranean rodents, among which the high-altitude plateau zokors (Eospalax baileyi) and the low-altitude Gansu zokors (E. cansus) are sympatrically distributed in the grassland ecosystems of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Together, they provide a model for the study of the role of introgression in the adaptation of low-altitude subterranean rodents to high altitudes.
    RESULTS: Applying low-coverage whole-genome resequencing and population genetics analyses, we identified evidence of adaptive introgression from plateau zokors into Gansu zokors, which likely facilitated the adaptation of the latter to the high-altitude environment of the QTP. We identified positively selected genes with functions related to energy metabolism, cardiovascular system development, calcium ion transport, and response to hypoxia which likely made critical contributions to adaptation to the plateau environment in both plateau zokors and high-altitude populations of Gansu zokors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Introgression of genes associated with hypoxia adaptation from plateau zokors may have played a role in the adaptation of Gansu zokors to the plateau environment. Our study provides new insights into the understanding of adaptive evolution of species on the QTP and the importance of introgression in the adaptation of species to high-altitude environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a globally important oil and food crop frequently grown in arid, semi-arid, or dryland environments. Improving drought tolerance is a key goal for peanut crop improvement efforts. Here we present the genome assembly and gene model annotation for \'Line8\', a peanut genotype bred from drought tolerant cultivars. Our assembly and annotation are the most contiguous and complete peanut genome resources currently available. The high contiguity of the Line8 assembly allowed us to explore structural variation both between peanut genotypes and subgenomes. We detect several large inversions between Line8 and other peanut genome assemblies, and there is a trend for the inversions between more genetically diverged genotypes to have higher gene content. We also relate patterns of subgenome exchange to structural variation between Line8 homeologous chromosomes. Unexpectedly, we discover that Line8 harbors an introgression from A.cardenasii, a diploid peanut relative and important donor of disease resistance alleles to peanut breeding populations. The fully resolved sequences of both haplotypes in this introgression provide the first in situ characterization of A.cardenasii candidate alleles that can be leveraged for future targeted improvement efforts. The completeness of our genome will support peanut biotechnology and broader research into the evolution of hybridization and polyploidy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complete chloroplast genomes of 17 samples from six species of Colocasia (Araceae) were sequenced, assembled, and aligned together with two previously reported complete genome sequences from taro (Colocasia esculenta). Analysis provides a well-supported phylogenetic tree for taro and closely-related wild Colocasia species in Southeast Asia. Two chloroplast lineages (CI and CII) form a well-defined haplotype group and are found in cultivated taros known as var. esculenta (dasheen, CI), var. antiquorum (eddoe, CII), and in a widespread, commensal wild form known as var. aquatilis (CI). A third lineage (CIII) is also found in wild taros known as var. aquatilis and in the wild species C. lihengiae, C. formosana, and C. spongifolia. We suggest three different scenarios to explain the grouping of CIII wild taros (C. esculenta) with other wild Colocasia species. Chloroplast lineages CI and CIII in C. esculenta and an unknown parent species may be involved in an as yet undated history of hybridization, chloroplast capture, and range extension. Substantial taxonomic revision may be needed for C. esculenta after further studies of morphological and genetic diversity within the crop, in wild populations, and in closely related wild species. The results also point to the Bengal delta as a region of key interest for future research on the origins of tropical wetland taros.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interspecific genomic introgression is an important evolutionary process with respect to the generation of novel phenotypic diversity and adaptation. A key question is how gene flow perturbs gene expression networks and regulatory interactions. Here, an introgression population of two species of allopolyploid cotton (Gossypium) to delineate the regulatory perturbations of gene expression regarding fiber development accompanying fiber quality change is utilized. De novo assembly of the recipient parent (G. hirsutum Emian22) genome allowed the identification of genomic variation and introgression segments (ISs) in 323 introgression lines (ILs) from the donor parent (G. barbadense 3-79). It documented gene expression dynamics by sequencing 1,284 transcriptomes of developing fibers and characterized genetic regulatory perturbations mediated by genomic introgression using a multi-locus model. Introgression of individual homoeologous genes exhibiting extreme low or high expression bias can lead to a parallel expression bias in their non-introgressed duplicates, implying a shared yet divergent regulatory fate of duplicated genes following allopolyploidy. Additionally, the IL N182 with improved fiber quality is characterized, and the candidate gene GhFLAP1 related to fiber length is validated. This study outlines a framework for understanding introgression-mediated regulatory perturbations in polyploids, and provides insights for targeted breeding of superior upland cotton fiber.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Telomere lengths and telomere dynamics can correlate with lifespan, behaviour and individual quality. Such relationships have spurred interest in understanding variation in telomere lengths and their dynamics within and between populations. Many studies have identified how environmental processes can influence telomere dynamics, but the role of genetic variation is much less well characterized. To provide a novel perspective on how telomeric variation relates to genetic variability, we longitudinally sampled individuals across a narrow hybrid zone (n = 127 samples), wherein two Manacus species characterized by contrasting genome-wide heterozygosity interbreed. We measured individual (n = 66) and population (n = 3) differences in genome-wide heterozygosity and, among hybrids, amount of genetic admixture using RADseq-generated SNPs. We tested for population differences in telomere lengths and telomere dynamics. We then examined how telomere lengths and telomere dynamics covaried with genome-wide heterozygosity within populations. Hybrid individuals exhibited longer telomeres, on average, than individuals sampled in the adjacent parental populations. No population differences in telomere dynamics were observed. Within the parental population characterized by relatively low heterozygosity, higher genome-wide heterozygosity was associated with shorter telomeres and higher rates of telomere shortening-a pattern that was less apparent in the other populations. All of these relationships were independent of sex, despite the contrasting life histories of male and female manakins. Our study highlights how population comparisons can reveal interrelationships between genetic variation and telomeres, and how naturally occurring hybridization and genome-wide heterozygosity can relate to telomere lengths and telomere dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As population genetics data increases in size new methods have been developed to store genetic information in efficient ways, such as tree sequences. These data structures are computationally and storage efficient, but are not interchangeable with existing data structures used for many population genetic inference methodologies such as the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) applied to population genetic alignments. To better utilize these new data structures we propose and implement a graph convolutional network (GCN) to directly learn from tree sequence topology and node data, allowing for the use of neural network applications without an intermediate step of converting tree sequences to population genetic alignment format. We then compare our approach to standard CNN approaches on a set of previously defined benchmarking tasks including recombination rate estimation, positive selection detection, introgression detection, and demographic model parameter inference. We show that tree sequences can be directly learned from using a GCN approach and can be used to perform well on these common population genetics inference tasks with accuracies roughly matching or even exceeding that of a CNN-based method. As tree sequences become more widely used in population genetics research we foresee developments and optimizations of this work to provide a foundation for population genetics inference moving forward.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome evolution under speciation is poorly understood in nonmodel and nonvascular plants, such as bryophytes-the largest group of nonvascular land plants. Their genomes are structurally different from angiosperms and likely subjected to stronger linked selection pressure, which may have profound consequences on genome evolution in diversifying lineages, even more so when their genome architecture is conserved. We use the highly diverse, rapidly radiated group of peatmosses (Sphagnum) to characterize the processes affecting genome diversification in bryophytes. Using whole-genome sequencing data from populations of 12 species sampled at different phylogenetic and geographical scales, we describe high correlation of the genomic landscapes of differentiation, divergence, and diversity in Sphagnum. Coupled with evidence from the patterns of covariation among different measures of genetic diversity, phylogenetic discordance, and gene density, this provides strong support that peatmoss genome evolution has been shaped by the long-term effects of linked selection, constrained by distribution of selection targets in the genome. Thus, peatmosses join the growing number of animal and plant groups where functional features of the genome, such as gene density, and linked selection drive genome evolution along predetermined and highly similar routes in different species. Our findings demonstrate the great potential of bryophytes for studying the genomics of speciation and highlight the urgent need to expand the genomic resources in this remarkable group of plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The polar cod, Boreogadus saida, is an abundant and ubiquitous forage fish and a crucial link in Arctic marine trophic dynamics. Our objective was to unravel layers of genomic structure in B. saida from Canadian waters, specifically screening for potential hybridization with the Arctic cod, Arctogadus glacialis, large chromosomal inversions, and sex-linked regions, prior to interpreting population structure. Our analysis of 53,384 SNPs in 522 individuals revealed hybridization and introgression between A. glacialis and B. saida. Subsequent population level analyses of B. saida using 12,305 SNPs in 511 individuals revealed three large (ca. 7.4-16.1 Mbp) chromosomal inversions, and a 2 Mbp region featuring sex-linked loci. We showcase population structuring across the Western and Eastern North American Arctic, and subarctic regions ranging from the Hudson Bay to the Canadian Atlantic maritime provinces. Genomic signal for the inferred population structure was highly aggregated into a handful of SNPs (13.8%), pointing to potentially important adaptive evolution across the Canadian range. Our study provides a high-resolution perspective on the genomic structure of B. saida, providing a foundation for work that could be expanded to the entire circumpolar range for the species.





