intrinsically disordered protein

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aggregation of the protein α-synuclein into amyloid deposits is associated with multiple neurological disorders, including Parkinson\'s disease. Soluble amyloid oligomers are reported to exhibit higher toxicity than insoluble amyloid fibrils, with dimers being the smallest toxic oligomer. Small molecule drugs, such as fasudil, have shown potential in targeting α-synuclein aggregation and reducing its toxicity. In this study, we use atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to demonstrate how fasudil affects the earliest stage of aggregation, namely dimerization. Our results show that the presence of fasudil reduces the propensity for intermolecular contact formation between protein chains. Consistent with previous reports, our analysis confirms that fasudil predominantly interacts with the negatively charged C-terminal region of α-synuclein. However, we also observe transient interactions with residues in the charged N-terminal and hydrophobic NAC regions. Our simulations indicate that while fasudil prominently interacts with the C-terminal region, it is the transient interactions with residues in the N-terminal and NAC regions that effectively block the formation of intermolecular contacts between protein chains and prevent early dimerization of this disordered protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prolyl-hydroxylation is an oxygen-dependent posttranslational modification (PTM) that is known to regulate fibril formation of collagenous proteins and modulate cellular expression of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) α subunits. However, our understanding of this important but relatively rare PTM has remained incomplete due to the lack of biophysical methodologies that can directly measure multiple prolyl-hydroxylation events within intrinsically disordered proteins. Here, we describe a real-time 13C-direct detection NMR-based assay for studying the hydroxylation of two evolutionarily conserved prolines (P402 and P564) simultaneously in the intrinsically disordered oxygen-dependent degradation domain of hypoxic-inducible factor 1α by exploiting the \"proton-less\" nature of prolines. We show unambiguously that P564 is rapidly hydroxylated in a time-resolved manner while P402 hydroxylation lags significantly behind that of P564. The differential hydroxylation rate was negligibly influenced by the binding affinity to prolyl-hydroxylase enzyme, but rather by the surrounding amino acid composition, particularly the conserved tyrosine residue at the +1 position to P564. These findings support the unanticipated notion that the evolutionarily conserved P402 seemingly has a minimal impact in normal oxygen-sensing pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) or region (IDR) lacks or has little protein structure but still maintains function. This lack of structure creates flexibility and fluidity, allowing multiple protein conformations and potentially transient interactions with more than one partner. Caliciviruses are positive-sense ssRNA viruses, containing a relatively small genome of 7.6-8.6 kb and have a broad host range. Many viral proteins are known to contain IDRs, which benefit smaller viral genomes by expanding the functional proteome through the multifunctional nature of the IDR. The percentage of intrinsically disordered residues within the total proteome for each calicivirus type species can range between 8 and 23%, and IDRs have been experimentally identified in NS1-2, VPg and RdRP proteins. The IDRs within a protein are not well conserved across the genera, and whether this correlates to different activities or increased tolerance to mutations, driving virus adaptation to new selection pressures, is unknown. The function of norovirus NS1-2 has not yet been fully elucidated but includes involvement in host cell tropism, the promotion of viral spread and the suppression of host interferon-λ responses. These functions and the presence of host cell-like linear motifs that interact with host cell caspases and VAPA/B are all found or affected by the disordered region of norovirus NS1-2. The IDRs of calicivirus VPg are involved in viral transcription and translation, RNA binding, nucleotidylylation and cell cycle arrest, and the N-terminal IDR within the human norovirus RdRP could potentially drive liquid-liquid phase separation. This review identifies and summarises the IDRs of proteins within the Caliciviridae family and their importance during viral replication and subsequent host interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes tumors in part by hijacking the host cell cycle and forcing uncontrolled cellular division. While there are >200 genotypes of HPV, 15 are classified as high-risk and have been shown to transform infected cells and contribute to tumor formation. The remaining low-risk genotypes are not considered oncogenic and result in benign skin lesions. In high-risk HPV, the oncoprotein E7 contributes to the dysregulation of cell cycle regulatory mechanisms. High-risk E7 is phosphorylated in cells at two conserved serine residues by Casein Kinase 2 (CK2) and this phosphorylation event increases binding affinity for cellular proteins such as the tumor suppressor retinoblastoma (pRb). While low-risk E7 possesses similar serine residues, it is phosphorylated to a lesser degree in cells and has decreased binding capabilities. When E7 binding affinity is decreased, it is less able to facilitate complex interactions between proteins and therefore has less capability to dysregulate the cell cycle. By comparing E7 protein sequences from both low- and high-risk HPV variants and using site-directed mutagenesis combined with NMR spectroscopy and cell-based assays, we demonstrate that the presence of two key nonpolar valine residues within the CK2 recognition sequence, present in low-risk E7, reduces serine phosphorylation efficiency relative to high-risk E7. This results in significant loss of the ability of E7 to degrade the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, thus also reducing the ability of E7 to increase cellular proliferation and reduce senescence. This provides additional insight into the differential E7-mediated outcomes when cells are infected with high-risk verses low-risk HPV. Understanding these oncogenic differences may be important to developing targeted treatment options for HPV-induced cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this work, we explored the intrinsic disorder status of the three members of the synuclein family of proteins-α-, β-, and γ-synucleins-and showed that although all three human synucleins are highly disordered, the highest levels of disorder are observed in γ-synuclein. Our analysis of the peculiarities of the amino acid sequences and modeled 3D structures of the human synuclein family members revealed that the pathological mutations A30P, E46K, H50Q, A53T, and A53E associated with the early onset of Parkinson\'s disease caused some increase in the local disorder propensity of human α-synuclein. A comparative sequence-based analysis of the synuclein proteins from various evolutionary distant species and evaluation of their levels of intrinsic disorder using a set of commonly used bioinformatics tools revealed that, irrespective of their origin, all members of the synuclein family analyzed in this study were predicted to be highly disordered proteins, indicating that their intrinsically disordered nature represents an evolutionary conserved and therefore functionally important feature. A detailed functional disorder analysis of the proteins in the interactomes of the human synuclein family members utilizing a set of commonly used disorder analysis tools showed that the human α-synuclein interactome has relatively higher levels of intrinsic disorder as compared with the interactomes of human β- and γ- synucleins and revealed that, relative to the β- and γ-synuclein interactomes, α-synuclein interactors are involved in a much broader spectrum of highly diversified functional pathways. Although proteins interacting with three human synucleins were characterized by highly diversified functionalities, this analysis also revealed that the interactors of three human synucleins were involved in three common functional pathways, such as the synaptic vesicle cycle, serotonergic synapse, and retrograde endocannabinoid signaling. Taken together, these observations highlight the critical importance of the intrinsic disorder of human synucleins and their interactors in various neuronal processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many RNA binding proteins (RBPs) contain low-complexity domains (LCDs) with prion-like compositions. These long intrinsically disordered regions regulate their solubility, contributing to their physiological roles in RNA processing and organization. However, this also makes these RBPs prone to pathological misfolding and aggregation that are characteristic of neurodegenerative diseases. For example, TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) forms pathological aggregates associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). While molecular chaperones are well-known suppressors of these aberrant events, we recently reported that highly disordered, hydrophilic and charged heat-resistant obscure (Hero) proteins may have similar effects. Specifically, Hero proteins can maintain the activity of other proteins from denaturing conditions in vitro, while their overexpression can suppress cellular aggregation and toxicity associated with aggregation-prone proteins. However, it is unclear how these protective effects are achieved. Here, we utilized single-molecule FRET to monitor the conformations of the aggregation-prone prion-like LCD of TDP-43. While we observed high conformational heterogeneity in wild-type LCD, the ALS-associated mutation A315T promoted collapsed conformations. In contrast, an Hsp40 chaperone, DNAJA2, and a Hero protein, Hero11 stabilized extended states of the LCD, consistent with their ability to suppress the aggregation of TDP-43. Our results link single-molecule effects on conformation to macro effects on bulk aggregation, where a Hero protein, like a chaperone, can maintain the conformational integrity of a client protein to prevent its aggregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Linker histones play an essential role in chromatin packaging by facilitating compaction of the 11-nm fiber of nucleosomal \"beads on a string.\" The result is a heterogeneous condensed state with local properties that range from dynamic, irregular, and liquid-like to stable and regular structures (the 30-nm fiber), which in turn impact chromatin-dependent activities at a fundamental level. The properties of the condensed state depend on the type of linker histone, particularly on the highly disordered C-terminal tail, which is the most variable region of the protein, both between species, and within the various subtypes and cell-type specific variants of a given organism. We have developed an in vitro model system comprising linker histone tail and linker DNA, which although very minimal, displays surprisingly complex behavior, and is sufficient to model the known states of linker histone-condensed chromatin: disordered \"fuzzy\" complexes (\"open\" chromatin), dense liquid-like assemblies (dynamic condensates), and higher-order structures (organized 30-nm fibers). A crucial advantage of such a simple model is that it allows the study of the various condensed states by NMR, circular dichroism, and scattering methods. Moreover, it allows capture of the thermodynamics underpinning the transitions between states through calorimetry. We have leveraged this to rationalize the distinct condensing properties of linker histone subtypes and variants across species that are encoded by the amino acid content of their C-terminal tails. Three properties emerge as key to defining the condensed state: charge density, lysine/arginine ratio, and proline-free regions, and we evaluate each separately using a strategic mutagenesis approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tuftelin Interacting Protein 11 (TFIP11) was identified as a critical human spliceosome assembly regulator, interacting with multiple proteins and localising in membrane-less organelles. However, a lack of structural information on TFIP11 limits the rationalisation of its biological role. TFIP11 is predicted as an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP), and more specifically concerning its N-terminal (N-TER) region. IDPs lack a defined tertiary structure, existing as a dynamic conformational ensemble, favouring protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions. IDPs are involved in liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), driving the formation of subnuclear compartments. Combining disorder prediction, molecular dynamics, and spectroscopy methods, this contribution shows the first evidence TFIP11 N-TER is a polyampholytic IDP, exhibiting a structural duality with the coexistence of ordered and disordered assemblies, depending on the ionic strength. Increasing the salt concentration enhances the protein conformational flexibility, presenting a more globule-like shape, and a fuzzier unstructured arrangement that could favour LLPS and protein-RNA interaction. The most charged and hydrophilic regions are the most impacted, including the G-Patch domain essential to TFIP11 function. This study gives a better understanding of the salt-dependent conformational behaviour of the N-TER TFIP11, supporting the hypothesis of the formation of different types of protein assembly, in line with its multiple biological roles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The N-terminal region of the human lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) has no predicted structural elements, contains a nuclear localization signal (NLS), undergoes multiple posttranslational modifications (PTMs), and acts as a protein-protein interaction hub. This intrinsically disordered region (IDR) extends from core LSD1 structure, resides atop the catalytic active site, and is known to be dispensable for catalysis. Here, we show differential nucleosome binding between the full-length and an N terminus deleted LSD1 and identify that a conserved NLS and PTM containing element of the N terminus contains an alpha helical structure, and that this conserved element impacts demethylation. Enzyme assays reveal that LSD1\'s own electropositive NLS amino acids 107 to 120 inhibit demethylation activity on a model histone 3 lysine 4 dimethyl (H3K4me2) peptide (Kiapp ∼ 3.3 μM) and histone 3 lysine 4 dimethyl nucleosome substrates (IC50 ∼ 30.4 μM), likely mimicking the histone H3 tail. Further, when the identical, inhibitory NLS region contains phosphomimetic modifications, inhibition is partially relieved. Based upon these results and biophysical data, a regulatory mechanism for the LSD1-catalyzed demethylation reaction is proposed whereby NLS-mediated autoinhibition can occur through electrostatic interactions, and be partially relieved through phosphorylation that occurs proximal to the NLS. Taken together, the results highlight a dynamic and synergistic role for PTMs, intrinsically disordered regions, and structured regions near LSD1 active site and introduces the notion that phosphorylated mediated NLS regions can function to fine-tune chromatin modifying enzyme activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins which bind intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) with high affinity and specificity could have considerable utility for therapeutic and diagnostic applications. However, a general methodology for targeting IDPs/IDRs has yet to be developed. Here, we show that starting only from the target sequence of the input, and freely sampling both target and binding protein conformation, RFdiffusion can generate binders to IDPs and IDRs in a wide range of conformations. We use this approach to generate binders to the IDPs Amylin, C-peptide and VP48 in a range of conformations with Kds in the 3 -100nM range. The Amylin binder inhibits amyloid fibril formation and dissociates existing fibers, and enables enrichment of amylin for mass spectrometry-based detection. For the IDRs G3bp1, common gamma chain (IL2RG) and prion, we diffused binders to beta strand conformations of the targets, obtaining 10 to 100 nM affinity. The IL2RG binder colocalizes with the receptor in cells, enabling new approaches to modulating IL2 signaling. Our approach should be widely useful for creating binders to flexible IDPs/IDRs spanning a wide range of intrinsic conformational preferences.





