intrinsic excitability

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The globus pallidus externus (GPe) is a central component of the basal ganglia circuit that acts as a gatekeeper of cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity. However, the molecular and circuit mechanisms underlying this function are unknown. Here, we show that GPe parvalbumin-positive (GPePV) cells mediate cocaine responses by selectively modulating ventral tegmental area dopamine (VTADA) cells projecting to the dorsomedial striatum (DMS). Interestingly, GPePV cell activity in cocaine-naive mice is correlated with behavioral responses following cocaine, effectively predicting cocaine sensitivity. Expression of the voltage-gated potassium channels KCNQ3 and KCNQ5 that control intrinsic cellular excitability following cocaine was downregulated, contributing to the elevation in GPePV cell excitability. Acutely activating channels containing KCNQ3 and/or KCNQ5 using the small molecule carnosic acid, a key psychoactive component of Salvia rosmarinus (rosemary) extract, reduced GPePV cell excitability and impaired cocaine reward, sensitization, and volitional cocaine intake, indicating its therapeutic potential to counteract psychostimulant use disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, and nearly a quarter of chronic pain patients have reported misusing opioid prescriptions. Repeated drug seeking is associated with reactivation of an ensemble of neurons sparsely scattered throughout the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC). Prior research has demonstrated that chronic pain increases intrinsic excitability of dmPFC neurons, which may increase the likelihood of reactivation during drug seeking. We tested the hypothesis that chronic pain would increase oxycodone-seeking behaviour and that the pain state would differentially increase intrinsic excitability in dmPFC drug-seeking ensemble neurons. TetTag mice self-administered intravenous oxycodone. After 7 days of forced abstinence, a drug-seeking session was performed, and the ensemble was tagged. Mice received spared nerve injury (SNI) to induce chronic pain during the period between the first and second seeking session. Following the second seeking session, we performed electrophysiology on individual neurons within the dmPFC to assess intrinsic excitability of the drug-seeking ensemble and non-ensemble neurons. SNI had no impact on sucrose seeking or intrinsic excitability of dmPFC neurons from these mice. In females, SNI increased oxycodone seeking and intrinsic excitability of non-ensemble neurons. In males, SNI had no impact on oxycodone seeking or neuron excitability. Data from females are consistent with clinical reports that chronic pain can promote drug craving and relapse and support the hypothesis that chronic pain itself may lead to neuroadaptations which promote opioid seeking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Man\'s natural inclination to classify and hierarchize the living world has prompted neurophysiologists to explore possible differences in brain organisation between mammals, with the aim of understanding the diversity of their behavioural repertoires. But what really distinguishes the human brain from that of a platypus, an opossum or a rodent? In this review, we compare the structural and electrical properties of neocortical neurons in the main mammalian radiations and examine their impact on the functioning of the networks they form. We discuss variations in overall brain size, number of neurons, length of their dendritic trees and density of spines, acknowledging their increase in humans as in most large-brained species. Our comparative analysis also highlights a remarkable consistency, particularly pronounced in marsupial and placental mammals, in the cell typology, intrinsic and synaptic electrical properties of pyramidal neuron subtypes, and in their organisation into functional circuits. These shared cellular and network characteristics contribute to the emergence of strikingly similar large-scale physiological and pathological brain dynamics across a wide range of species. These findings support the existence of a core set of neural principles and processes conserved throughout mammalian evolution, from which a number of species-specific adaptations appear, likely allowing distinct functional needs to be met in a variety of environmental contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been recently established that GPR158, a class C orphan G protein-coupled receptor, serves as a metabotropic glycine receptor. GPR158 is highly expressed in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), a major input structure of the basal ganglia that integrates information from cortical and subcortical structures to mediate goal-directed behaviors. However, whether glycine modulates neuronal activity in the NAc through GPR158 activation has not been investigated yet. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, we found that glycine-dependent activation of GPR158 increased the firing rate of NAc medium spiny neurons (MSNs) while it failed to significantly affect the excitability of cholinergic interneurons (CIN). In MSNs GPR158 activation reduced the latency to fire, increased the action potential half-width, and reduced action potential afterhyperpolarization, effects that are all consistent with negative modulation of potassium M-currents, that in the central nervous system are mainly carried out by Kv7/KCNQ-channels. Indeed, we found that the GPR158-induced increase in MSN excitability was associated with decreased M-current amplitude, and selective pharmacological inhibition of the M-current mimicked and occluded the effects of GPR158 activation. In addition, when the protein kinase A (PKA) or extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling was pharmacologically blocked, modulation of MSN excitability by GPR158 activation was suppressed. Moreover, GPR158 activation increased the phosphorylation of ERK and Kv7.2 serine residues. Collectively, our findings suggest that GPR158/PKA/ERK signaling controls MSN excitability via Kv7.2 modulation. Glycine-dependent activation of GPR158 may significantly affect MSN firing in vivo, thus potentially mediating specific aspects of goal-induced behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The resurgent sodium current (INaR) activates on membrane repolarization, such as during the downstroke of neuronal action potentials. Due to its unique activation properties, INaR is thought to drive high rates of repetitive neuronal firing. However, INaR is often studied in combination with the persistent or noninactivating portion of sodium currents (INaP). We used dynamic clamp to test how INaR and INaP individually affect repetitive firing in adult cerebellar Purkinje neurons from male and female mice. We learned INaR does not scale repetitive firing rates due to its rapid decay at subthreshold voltages and that subthreshold INaP is critical in regulating neuronal firing rate. Adjustments to the voltage-gated sodium conductance model used in these studies revealed INaP and INaR can be inversely scaled by adjusting occupancy in the slow-inactivated kinetic state. Together with additional dynamic clamp experiments, these data suggest the regulation of sodium channel slow inactivation can fine-tune INaP and Purkinje neuron repetitive firing rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repeated alcohol drinking contributes to a number of neuropsychiatric diseases, including alcohol use disorder and co-expressed anxiety and mood disorders. Women are more susceptible to the development and expression of these diseases with the same history of alcohol exposure as men, suggesting they may be more sensitive to alcohol-induced plasticity in limbic brain regions controlling alcohol drinking, stress responsivity, and reward processing, among other behaviors. Using a translational model of alcohol drinking in rhesus monkeys, we examined sex differences in the basal function and plasticity of neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a brain region in the extended amygdala shown to be a hub circuit node dysregulated in individuals with anxiety and alcohol use disorder. We performed slice electrophysiology recordings from BNST neurons in male and female monkeys following daily \"open access\" (22 h/day) to 4% ethanol and water for more than one year or control conditions. We found that BNST neurons from control females had reduced overall current density, hyperpolarization-activated depolarizing current (Ih), and inward rectification, as well as higher membrane resistance and greater synaptic glutamatergic release and excitatory drive, than those from control males, suggesting that female BNST neurons are more basally excited than those from males. Chronic alcohol drinking produced a shift in these measures in both sexes, decreasing current density, Ih, and inward rectification and increasing synaptic excitation. In addition, network activity-dependent synaptic inhibition was basally higher in BNST neurons of males than females, and alcohol exposure increased this in both sexes, a putative homeostatic mechanism to counter hyperexcitability. Altogether, these results suggest that the rhesus BNST is more basally excited in females than males and chronic alcohol drinking produces an overall increase in excitability and synaptic excitation. These results shed light on the mechanisms contributing to the female-biased susceptibility to neuropsychiatric diseases including co-expressed anxiety and alcohol use disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its uniform appearance, the cerebellar cortex is highly heterogeneous in terms of structure, genetics and physiology. Purkinje cells (PCs), the principal and sole output neurons of the cerebellar cortex, can be categorized into multiple populations that differentially express molecular markers and display distinctive physiological features. Such features include action potential rate, but also their propensity for synaptic and intrinsic plasticity. However, the precise molecular and genetic factors that correlate with the differential physiological properties of PCs remain elusive. In this article, we provide a detailed overview of the cellular mechanisms that regulate PC activity and plasticity. We further perform a pathway analysis to highlight how molecular characteristics of specific PC populations may influence their physiology and plasticity mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST) plays a key role in cocaine addiction, especially relapse. However, the direct effects of cocaine on corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons in the vBNST remain unclear. Here, we identify that cocaine exposure can remarkably attenuate the intrinsic excitability of CRH neurons in the vBNST in vitro. Accumulating studies reveal the crucial role of Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) in modulating cocaine addiction. However, to the authors\' best knowledge no investigations have explored the role of Sig-1Rs in the vBNST, let alone CRH neurons. Given that cocaine acts as a type of Sig-1Rs agonist, and the dramatic role of Sig-1Rs played in intrinsic excitability of neurons as well as cocaine addiction, we employ BD1063 a canonical Sig-1Rs antagonist to block the effects of cocaine, and significantly recover the excitability of CRH neurons. Together, we suggest that cocaine exposure leads to the firing rate depression of CRH neurons in the vBNST via binding to Sig-1Rs.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Repeated alcohol drinking contributes to a number of neuropsychiatric diseases, including alcohol use disorder and co-expressed anxiety and mood disorders. Women are more susceptible to the development and expression of these diseases with the same history of alcohol exposure as men, suggesting they may be more sensitive to alcohol-induced plasticity in limbic brain regions controlling alcohol drinking, stress responsivity, and reward processing, among other behaviors. Using a translational model of alcohol drinking in rhesus monkeys, we examined sex differences in the basal function and plasticity of neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a brain region in the extended amygdala shown to be a hub circuit node dysregulated in individuals with anxiety and alcohol use disorder. We performed slice electrophysiology recordings from BNST neurons in male and female monkeys following daily \"open access\" (22 hr/day) to 4% ethanol and water for more than one year or control conditions. We found that BNST neurons from control females had reduced overall current density, hyperpolarization-activated depolarizing current (Ih), and inward rectification, as well as higher membrane resistance and greater synaptic glutamatergic release and excitatory drive, than those from control males, suggesting that female BNST neurons are more basally excited than those from males. Chronic alcohol drinking produced a shift in these measures in both sexes, decreasing current density, Ih, and inward rectification and increasing synaptic excitation. In addition, network activity-dependent synaptic inhibition was basally higher in BNST neurons of males than females, and alcohol exposure increased this in both sexes, a putative homeostatic mechanism to counter hyperexcitability. Altogether, these results suggest that the rhesus BNST is more basally excited in females than males and chronic alcohol drinking produces an overall increase in excitability and synaptic excitation. These results shed light on the mechanisms contributing to the female-biased susceptibility to neuropsychiatric diseases including co-expressed anxiety and alcohol use disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Magnetic fields are being used for detailed anatomical and functional examination of the human brain. In addition, evidence for their efficacy in treatment of brain dysfunctions is accumulating. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) is a recently developed technique for noninvasively modifying brain functions. In tSMS, a strong and small magnet when placed over the skull can temporarily suppress brain functions. Its modulatory effects persist beyond the time of stimulation. However, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying tSMS-induced plasticity remain unclear. Here, using acute motor cortical slice preparation obtained from male C57BL/6N mice, we show that tSMS alters the intrinsic electrical properties of neurons by altering the activity of chloride (Cl-) channels in neurons. Exposure of mouse pyramidal neurons to a static magnetic field (SMF) at a strength similar to human tSMS temporarily decreased their excitability and induced transient neuronal swelling. The effects of SMF were blocked by DIDS and GlyH-101, but not by NPPB, consistent with the pharmacological profile of SLC26A11, a transporter protein with Cl- channel activity. Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings of the GlyH-101-sensitive Cl- current component showed significant enhancement of the component at both subthreshold and depolarized membrane potentials after SMF application, resulting in shunting inhibition and reduced repetitive action potential (AP) firing at the respective potentials. Thus, this study provides the first neurophysiological evidence for the inhibitory effect of tSMS on neuronal activity and advances our mechanistic understanding of noninvasive human neuromodulation.





