intraspecific variation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation of reef-building corals to global warming depends upon standing heritable variation in tolerance traits upon which selection can act. Yet limited knowledge exists on heat-tolerance variation among conspecific individuals separated by metres to hundreds of kilometres. Here, we performed standardized acute heat-stress assays to quantify the thermal tolerance traits of 709 colonies of Acropora spathulata from 13 reefs spanning 1060 km (9.5° latitude) of the Great Barrier Reef. Thermal thresholds for photochemical efficiency and chlorophyll retention varied considerably among individual colonies both among reefs (approximately 6°C) and within reefs (approximately 3°C). Although tolerance rankings of colonies varied between traits, the most heat-tolerant corals (i.e. top 25% of each trait) were found at virtually all reefs, indicating widespread phenotypic variation. Reef-scale environmental predictors explained 12-62% of trait variation. Corals exposed to high thermal averages and recent thermal stress exhibited the greatest photochemical performance, probably reflecting local adaptation and stress pre-acclimatization, and the lowest chlorophyll retention suggesting stress pre-sensitization. Importantly, heat tolerance relative to local summer temperatures was the greatest on higher latitude reefs suggestive of higher adaptive potential. These results can be used to identify naturally tolerant coral populations and individuals for conservation and restoration applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the effects of mining activities on Amazonian streams and their impact on aquatic communities is of paramount importance in the current context of resource overexploitation in society. In this study, we assessed the significance of the environment and interspecific interactions on the organization patterns of semiaquatic insect species in a mineral extraction region in the eastern Amazon. We utilized the morpho functional characteristics of 22 species from the suborder Gerromorpha (Heteropteran), considering both the abundance and sexual dimorphism of these species. Additionally, we quantified the density of riparian vegetation surrounding each stream to categorize sampling points and evaluate whether there are differences in species distribution patterns among categories. We sampled 16 sites, categorized into two treatments based on the percentage of riparian vegetation in forested and deforested areas located in the Capim River Basin. We did not find the action of environmental filters on the total assembly; however, we found significant morphological divergence for all the traits analyzed. On the other hand, the separation of streams into treatments with different portions of riparian vegetation showed that there are significant differences between them regarding species distribution patterns. Forested streams within a 500-m radius have species distributed over a larger area, indicating that these streams have greater resource availability or that species can use these resources more efficiently. Our results demonstrate the importance of riparian vegetation for the studied communities, as well as for mitigating the impacts caused by mining activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of global changes on populations may not be necessarily uniform across a species\' range. Here, we aim at comparing the phenotypic and transcriptomic response to warming and an invasive predator cue in populations across different geographic scales in the damselfly Ischnura elegans. We collected adult females in two ponds in southern Poland (central latitude) and two ponds in southern Sweden (high latitude). We raised their larvae in growth chambers and exposed them to combination of temperature and a predator cue released by the crayfish Orconectes limosus. When larvae reached the prefinal larval stage, they were phenotyped for traits related to growth and size and collected for a gene expression analysis. High-latitude populations exhibited greater phenotypic and transcriptomic variation than central-latitude populations. Across latitudes and ponds, temperature generally increased growth rate and the predator cue decreased mass, but the effects of temperature were also pond-specific. Comparison of the transcriptomic profiles revealed a greater overlap in the response to temperature across latitudes and ponds, especially for pathway-related oxidative stress and sugar and lipid metabolism. The transcriptomic response to a predator cue and to the interaction temperature × predator cue was more pond-specific and overlapped only for few genes and pathways related to cuticle, development and signal transduction. We demonstrated that central- and high-latitude populations may partially respond through similar mechanisms to warming and, to a lower extent to a predator cue and to the interaction temperature × predator cue. For the predator cue and the interaction, the large fraction of ponds-specific genes suggests local adaptation. We show that high-latitude populations were generally more plastic at the phenotypic and transcriptomic level and may be more capable to cope with environmental changes than their central-latitude counterparts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring the level of intraspecific diversity in taxa experienced radiation is helpful to understanding speciation and biodiversity assembly. Gentiana section Chondrophyllae sensu lato encompasses more than 180 species and occupies more a half of species in the genus. In this study, we collected samples across the range of three species (Gentiana aristata, G. crassuloides and G. haynaldii) in section Chondrophyllae s.l., and recovered the intra-species variation by comparing with closely related taxon. Using 25 newly sequenced plastid genomes together with previously published data, we compared structural differences, quantified the variations in plastome size, and measured nucleotide diversity in various regions. Our results showed that the plastome size variation in the three Chondrophyllae species ranged from 285 to 628 bp, and the size variation in LSC, IR and SSC ranged from 236 to 898 bp, 52 to 393 bp and 135 to 356 bp, respectively. Nucleotide diversity of plastome or any of the four regions was much higher than the control species. The average nucleotide diversity in plastomes of the three species ranged from 0.0010 to 0.0023 in protein coding genes, and from 0.0023 to 0.0061 in intergenic regions. More repeat sequence variations were detected within the three Chondrophyllae species than the control species. Various plastid sequence matrixes resulted in different backbone topology in two target species, showed uncertainty in phylogenetic relationship based inference. In conclusion, our results recovered that species of G. section Chondrophyllae s.l. has high intraspecific plastome variation, and provided insights into the radiation in this speciose lineage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How species respond to climate change will depend on the collective response of populations. Intraspecific variation in traits, evolved through genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity, can cause thermal performance curves to vary over species\' distributions. Intraspecific variation within marine species has received relatively little attention due to the belief that marine systems lack dispersal barriers strong enough to promote locally adapted traits. Here we show that intraspecific variation is present between low- and high-latitude populations of a coral reef damselfish (Acanthochromis polyacanthus). Co-gradient variation was observed when examining aerobic physiology across a thermal gradient that reflected mean summer temperatures of high- and low-latitude regions, as well as projected future ocean temperatures (i.e. 27, 28.5, 30, 31.5°C). Whilst thermally sensitive, no significant differences were observed between high- and low-latitude regions when measuring immunocompetence, haematocrit and anaerobic enzyme activity. The presence of co-gradient variation suggests that dispersal limitations in marine systems can promote local adaptive responses; however, intraspecific variation may not be ubiquitous amongst traits. Identifying locally adapted traits amongst populations remains necessary to accurately project species responses to climate change and identify differences in adaptive potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Plants allocate resources to growth, defense, and stress resistance, and resource availability can affect the balance between these allocations. Allocation patterns are well-known to differ among species, but what controls possible intra-specific trade-offs and if variation in growth vs. defense potentially evolves in adaptation to resource availability.
    UNASSIGNED: We measured growth and defense in a provenance trial of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) with clones originating from the Amazon basin. To test hypotheses on the allocation to growth vs. defense, we relate biomass growth and latex production to wood and leaf traits, to climate and soil variables from the location of origin, and to the genetic relatedness of the Hevea clones.
    UNASSIGNED: Contrary to expectations, there was no trade-off between growth and defense, but latex yield and biomass growth were positively correlated, and both increased with tree size. The absence of a trade-off may be attributed to the high resource availability in a plantation, allowing trees to allocate resources to both growth and defense. Growth was weakly correlated with leaf traits, such as leaf mass per area, intrinsic water use efficiency, and leaf nitrogen content, but the relative investment in growth vs. defense was not associated with specific traits or environmental variables. Wood and leaf traits showed clinal correlations to the rainfall and soil variables of the places of origin. These traits exhibited strong phylogenetic signals, highlighting the role of genetic factors in trait variation and adaptation. The study provides insights into the interplay between resource allocation, environmental adaptations, and genetic factors in trees. However, the underlying drivers for the high variation of latex production in one of the commercially most important tree species remains unexplained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the range shift patterns of foundation species (e.g., macroalgae) under future climatic conditions is critical for biodiversity conservation in coastal ecosystems. These predictions are typically made using species distribution models (SDMs), and severe habitat loss has been predicted for most brown algal forests. Nevertheless, some models showed that local adaptation within species can reduce range loss projections. In this study, we used the brown algae Sargassum fusiforme and Sargassum thunbergii, which are distributed in the Northwest Pacific, to determine whether climate change will cause the Sargassum beds in Northwest Pacific temperate waters to expand or contract. We divided S. fusiforme and S. thunbergii into northern and southern lineages, considering the temperature gradients and phylogeographic structures. We quantified the realized niches of the two lineages using an n-dimensional hypervolume. Significant niche differentiation was detected between lineages for both species, suggesting the existence of local adaptation. Based on these results, lineage-level SDMs were constructed for both species. The prediction results showed the different responses of different lineages to climate change. The suitable distribution area for both species was predicted to move northward, retaining part of the suitable habitat at low latitudes (along the East China Sea). Unfortunately, this expansion could not compensate for losing middle-low latitude areas. Our results have important implications for the future management and protection of macroalgae and emphasize the importance of incorporating intraspecific variation into species distribution predictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diversification of plant chemical phenotypes is typically associated with spatially and temporally variable plant-insect interactions. Floral scent is often assumed to be the target of pollinator-mediated selection, whereas foliar compounds are considered targets of antagonist-mediated selection. However, floral and vegetative phytochemicals can be biosynthetically linked and may thus evolve as integrated phenotypes. Utilizing a common garden of 28 populations of the perennial herb Arabis alpina (Brassicaceae), we investigated integration within and among floral scent compounds and foliar defense compounds (both volatile compounds and tissue-bound glucosinolates). Within floral scent volatiles, foliar volatile compounds, and glucosinolates, phytochemicals were often positively correlated, and correlations were stronger within these groups than between them. Thus, we found no evidence of integration between compound groups indicating that these are free to evolve independently. Relative to self-compatible populations, self-incompatible populations experienced stronger correlations between floral scent compounds, and a trend toward lower integration between floral scent and foliar volatiles. Our study serves as a rare test of integration of multiple, physiologically related plant traits that each are potential targets of insect-mediated selection. Our results suggest that independent evolutionary forces are likely to diversify different axes of plant chemistry without major constraints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The sessile-flowered Trillium species from western North America have been challenging to distinguish morphologically due to overlapping characters and intraspecific variation. Molecular phylogenetic analyses, currently inconclusive for this group, have not sampled multiple populations of the different species to account for this. Here, we query the diversity of floral volatile composition to understand its bearings on the taxonomy, distribution and evolution of this group.
    METHODS: We explored taxonomic and geographic patterns in average floral volatile composition (105 different compounds) among 42 wild populations of four sessile-flowered Trillium species and the outgroup, Pseudotrillium, in California, Oregon and Washington by means of parsimony-constrained phylogenetic analyses. To assess the influence of character construction, we coded compound abundance in three different ways for the phylogenetic analyses and compared the results with those of statistical analyses using the same dataset and previously published statistical analyses.
    RESULTS: Different codings of floral volatile composition generated different phylogenetic topologies with different levels of resolution. The different phylogenies provide similar answers to taxonomic questions but support different evolutionary histories. Monophyly of most populations of each taxon suggests that floral scent composition bears phylogenetic signal in the western sessile-flowered Trillium. Lack of correlation between the distribution of populations and their position in scent-based phylogenies does not support a geographic signal in floral scent composition.
    CONCLUSIONS: Floral scent composition is a valuable data source for generating phylogenetic hypotheses. The way scent composition is coded into characters is important. The phylogenetic patterns supported by floral volatile compounds are incongruent with previously reported phylogenies of the western sessile-flowered Trillium obtained using molecular or morphological data. Combining floral scent data with gene sequence data and detailed morphological data from multiple populations of each species in future studies is needed for understanding the evolutionary history of western sessile-flowered Trillium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prosthechea karwinskii is an orchid endemic to Mexico, threatened by the destruction of its habitat and the extraction of specimens to meet its demand for ornamental and religious use. Most of its populations, including the most locally abundant ones, are found in Oaxaca state. Variations in some floral traits have been observed in these populations. We implemented a morphometric analysis to assess their floral variation and identify the most significant characters in the morphological patterns of this orchid. Floral samples were collected from 17 populations of P. karwinskii in Oaxaca, as well as from specimens used as ornaments during Easter in an Oaxacan community (Zaachila), whose origin is unknown. Sampling of natural populations covered the environmental, geographic, and morphological variation of the species. We performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal component analysis (PCA), canonical variate analysis (CVA), and cluster analysis, including 185 individuals and 45 variables (12 of them were discarded in the multivariate analyses due to high correlation). Characters of the column, lateral sepal, and labellum were most informative for the observed morphological patterns. Albarradas showed the greatest morphological differentiation, mainly due to the column. In general, individuals from the same locality tended to overlap more, especially the populations of Jaltianguis and Yahuiche, which were different from the geographically close population of Etla. Teposcolula presented the highest values in perianth characters, unlike Sola_Rancho Viejo. The specimens recovered from religious ornaments were morphologically more similar to those from Yanhuitlan and Etla. This morphometric analysis identified characters as potential taxonomic markers for P. karwinskii and related species, showing its potential to associate specimens of unknown origin with their probable geographical region. Our work encourages working on collaborative conservation strategies to ensure the long-term permanence of both the species and its traditional uses.





