intraspecific biodiversity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraspecific biodiversity is vital for species persistence in an increasingly volatile world. By embracing methods that integrate information at different spatiotemporal scales, we can directly monitor and reconstruct changes in intraspecific biodiversity. Here we combined genetics and otolith biochronologies to describe the genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Yuba River, California, comparing cohorts that experienced a range of hydroclimatic conditions. Yuba River salmon have been heavily impacted by habitat loss and degradation, and large influxes of unmarked hatchery fish each year have led to concern about introgression and uncertainty around the viability of its wild populations, particularly the rarer spring-run salmon. Otolith strontium isotopes showed that Yuba River origin fish represented, on average, 42% (range 7%-73%) of spawners across six return years (2009-2011, 2018-2020), with large interannual variability. The remainder of adult Chinook salmon in the river were primarily strays from the nearby Feather River hatchery, and since 2018 from the Mokelumne River hatchery. Among the Yuba-origin spawners, on average, 30% (range 14%-50%) exhibited the spring-run genotype. The Yuba-origin fish also displayed a variety of outmigration phenotypes that differed in the timing and size at which they left the Yuba river. Early-migrating fry dominated the returns (mean 59%, range 33%-89%), and their contribution rates were negatively correlated with freshwater flows. It is unlikely that fry survival rates are elevated during droughts, suggesting that this trend reflects disproportionately low survival of larger later migrating parr, smolts, and yearlings along the migratory corridor in drier years. Otolith daily increments indicated generally faster growth rates in non-natal habitats, emphasizing the importance of continuing upstream restoration efforts to improve in-river growing conditions. Together, these findings show that, despite a long history of habitat degradation and hatchery introgression, the Yuba River maintains intraspecific biodiversity that should be taken into account in future management, restoration, and reintroduction plans. The finding that genotypic spring-run are reproducing, surviving, and returning to the Yuba River every year suggests that re-establishment of an independent population is possible, although hatchery-wild interactions would need to be carefully considered. Integrating methods is critical to monitor changes in key genetic, physiological, and behavioral traits to assess population viability and resilience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic diversity is the basis for population adaptation and long-term survival, yet rarely considered in biodiversity monitoring. One key issue is the need for useful and straightforward indicators of genetic diversity. We monitored genetic diversity over 40 years (1970-2010) in metapopulations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) inhabiting 27 small mountain lakes representing 10 lake systems in central Sweden using >1200 fish per time point. We tested six newly proposed indicators; three were designed for broad, international use in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and are currently applied in several countries. The other three were recently elaborated for national use by a Swedish science-management effort and applied for the first time here. The Swedish indicators use molecular genetic data to monitor genetic diversity within and between populations (indicators ΔH and ΔFST , respectively) and assess the effective population size (Ne -indicator). We identified 29 genetically distinct populations, all retained over time. Twelve of the 27 lakes harboured more than one population indicating that brown trout biodiversity hidden as cryptic, sympatric populations are more common than recognized. The Ne indicator showed values below the threshold (Ne  ≤ 500) in 20 populations with five showing Ne  < 100. Statistically significant genetic diversity reductions occurred in several populations. Metapopulation structure appears to buffer against diversity loss; applying the indicators to metapopulations suggest mostly acceptable rates of change in all but one system. The CBD indicators agreed with the Swedish ones but provided less detail. All these indicators are appropriate for managers to initiate monitoring of genetic biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraspecific trait variation has large effects on the ecosystem and is greatly affected by human activities. To date, most studies focused on single-trait analyses, while considering multiple traits is expected to better predict how an individual interacts with its environment. Here, we used a mesocosm experiment with fish Oryzias latipes to test whether individual growth, boldness and functional traits (feeding rate and stoichiometric traits) formed one functional pace-of-life syndrome (POLS). We then tested the effects of among-individual mean and variance of fish functional POLSs within mesocosms on invertebrate community (e.g. zoobenthos and zooplankton abundances) and ecosystem processes (e.g. ecosystem metabolism, algae stock, nutrient concentrations). Stoichiometric traits correlated with somatic growth and behaviours, forming two independent functional POLS (i.e. two major covariance axes). Mean values of the first syndrome were sex- and environment-dependent and were associated with (i) long-term (10 generations; 4 years) selection for small or large body size resulting in contrasting life histories and (ii) short-term (6 weeks) effects of experimental treatments on resource availability (through manipulation of light intensity and interspecific competition). Specifically, females and individuals from populations selected for a small body size presented fast functional POLS with faster growth rate, higher carbon body content and lower boldness. Individuals exposed to low resources (low light and high competition) displayed a slow functional POLS. Higher mesocosm mean and variance values in the second functional POLS (i.e. high feeding rate, high carbon:nitrogen body ratio, low ammonium excretion rate) were associated to decreased prey abundances, but did not affect any of the ecosystem processes. We highlighted the presence of functional multi-trait covariation in medaka, which were affected by sex, long-term selection history and short-term environmental conditions, that ultimately had cascading ecological consequences. We stressed the need for applying this approach to better predict ecosystem response to anthropogenic global changes.






