intracellular multiplication

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    P21 is a protein secreted by all forms of Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) with recognized biological activities determined in studies using the recombinant form of the protein. In our recent study, we found that the ablation of P21 gene decreased Y strain axenic epimastigotes multiplication and increased intracellular replication of amastigotes in HeLa cells infected with metacyclic trypomastigotes. In the present study, we investigated the effect of P21 in vitro using C2C12 cell lines infected with tissue culture-derived trypomastigotes (TCT) of wild-type and P21 knockout (TcP21-/-) Y strain, and in vivo using an experimental model of T. cruzi infection in BALB/c mice. Our in-vitro results showed a significant decrease in the host cell invasion rate by TcP21-/- parasites as measured by Giemsa staining and cell count in bright light microscope. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis showed that TcP21-/- parasites multiplied intracellularly to a higher extent than the scrambled parasites at 72h post-infection. In addition, we observed a higher egress of TcP21-/- trypomastigotes from C2C12 cells at 144h and 168h post-infection. Mice infected with Y strain TcP21-/- trypomastigotes displayed higher systemic parasitemia, heart tissue parasite burden, and several histopathological alterations in heart tissues compared to control animals infected with scrambled parasites. Therewith, we propose that P21 is important in the host-pathogen interaction during invasion, cell multiplication, and egress, and may be part of the mechanism that controls parasitism and promotes chronic infection without patent systemic parasitemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spread of antibiotic-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii poses a significant threat to public health worldwide. This nosocomial bacterial pathogen can be associated with life-threatening infections, particularly in intensive care units. A. baumannii is mainly described as an extracellular pathogen with restricted survival within cells. This study shows that a subset of A. baumannii clinical isolates extensively multiply within nonphagocytic immortalized and primary cells without the induction of apoptosis and with bacterial clusters visible up to 48 h after infection. This phenotype was observed for the A. baumannii C4 strain associated with high mortality in a hospital outbreak and the A. baumannii ABC141 strain, which was isolated from the skin but was found to be hyperinvasive. Intracellular multiplication of these A. baumannii strains occurred within spacious single membrane-bound vacuoles, labeled with the lysosomal associate membrane protein (LAMP1). However, these compartments excluded lysotracker, an indicator of acidic pH, suggesting that A. baumannii can divert its trafficking away from the lysosomal degradative pathway. These compartments were also devoid of autophagy features. A high-content microscopy screen of 43 additional A. baumannii clinical isolates highlighted various phenotypes, and (i) the majority of isolates remained extracellular, (ii) a significant proportion was capable of invasion and limited persistence, and (iii) three more isolates efficiently multiplied within LAMP1-positive vacuoles, one of which was also hyperinvasive. These data identify an intracellular niche for specific A. baumannii clinical isolates that enables extensive multiplication in an environment protected from host immune responses and out of reach of many antibiotics. IMPORTANCE Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates are associated with significant morbidity and mortality in hospitals worldwide. Understanding their pathogenicity is critical for improving therapeutic management. Although A. baumannii can steadily adhere to surfaces and host cells, most bacteria remain extracellular. Recent studies have shown that a small proportion of bacteria can invade cells but present limited survival. We have found that some A. baumannii clinical isolates can establish a specialized intracellular niche that sustains extensive intracellular multiplication for a prolonged time without induction of cell death. We propose that this intracellular compartment allows A. baumannii to escape the cell\'s normal degradative pathway, protecting bacteria from host immune responses and potentially hindering antibiotic accessibility. This may contribute to A. baumannii persistence, relapsing infections, and enhanced mortality in susceptible patients. A high-content microscopy-based screen confirmed that this pathogenicity trait is present in other clinical A. baumannii isolates. There is an urgent need for new antibiotics or alternative antimicrobial approaches, particularly to combat carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii. The discovery of an intracellular niche for this pathogen, as well as hyperinvasive isolates, may help guide the development of antimicrobial therapies and diagnostics in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Helicobacter pylori is a fastidious Gram-negative bacterium that infects over half of the world\'s population, causing chronic gastritis and is a risk factor for stomach cancer. In developing and rural regions where prevalence rate exceeds 60%, persistence and waterborne transmission are often linked to poor sanitation conditions. Here we demonstrate that H. pylori not only survives but also replicates within acidified free-living amoebal phagosomes. Bacterial counts of the clinical isolate H. pylori G27 increased over 50-fold after three days in co-culture with amoebae. In contrast, a H. pylori mutant deficient in a cagPAI gene (cagE) showed little growth within amoebae, demonstrating the likely importance of a type IV secretion system in H. pylori for amoebal infection. We also demonstrate that H. pylori can be packaged by amoebae and released in extracellular vesicles. Furthermore, and for the first time, we successfully demonstrate the ability of two free-living amoebae to revert and recover viable but non-cultivable coccoid (VBNC)-H. pylori to a culturable state. Our studies provide evidence to support the hypothesis that amoebae and perhaps other free-living protozoa contribute to the replication and persistence of human-pathogenic H. pylori by providing a protected intracellular microenvironment for this pathogen to persist in natural aquatic environments and engineered water systems, thereby H. pylori potentially uses amoeba as a carrier and a vector of transmission.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a human pathogen causing a wide spectrum of diseases, from mild pharyngitis to life-threatening necrotizing fasciitis. GAS has been shown to evade host immune killing by invading host cells. However, how GAS resists intracellular killing by endothelial cells is still unclear. In this study, we found that strains NZ131 and A20 have higher activities of NADase and intracellular multiplication than strain SF370 in human endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Moreover, nga mutants of NZ131 (SW957 and SW976) were generated to demonstrate that NADase activity is required for the intracellular growth of GAS in endothelial cells. We also found that intracellular levels of NAD+ and the NAD+/NADH ratio of NZ131-infected HMEC-1 cells were both lower than in cells infected by the nga mutant. Although both NZ131 and its nga mutant were trapped by LC3-positive vacuoles, only nga mutant vacuoles were highly co-localized with acidified lysosomes. On the other hand, intracellular multiplication of the nga mutant was increased by bafilomycin A1 treatment. These results indicate that NADase causes intracellular NAD+ imbalance and impairs acidification of autophagosomes to escape autophagocytic killing and enhance multiplication of GAS in endothelial cells.






