intervention coverage

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    School attendance or completion is important for adolescents\' development. Adolescents who drop out or are regularly absent from school are at higher risk of adverse sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes. However, there is little evidence evaluating SRH service coverage among adolescents in and out of school. In the context of a large-scale combination HIV and pregnancy prevention intervention funded by the Global Fund, we compared the SRH intervention coverage and SRH risks among adolescent girls who dropped out of school with those who were still in school or who had completed grade 12 in South Africa. Among those still in school, we compared the SRH intervention coverage and SRH risk profiles of those with high versus low or no absenteeism. In 2017 to 2018, we conducted a household survey of adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 years in six of the ten combination intervention districts. Of 2515 participants, 7.6% had dropped out of school. Among the 1864 participants still in school, 10.8% had high absenteeism. Ever having had sex, and condomless sex were more prevalent among dropouts compared with non-dropouts. Dropouts were more likely to access SRH services such as condoms and contraceptives, except the combination prevention intervention services which were more likely to reach those who had not dropped out and were equally likely to reach those in school with high versus low/no absenteeism. Combination SRH prevention programmes can improve the accessibility of SRH services for adolescents in school/who complete school.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The place of residence is a major determinant of RMNCH outcomes, with rural areas often lagging in sub-Saharan Africa. This long-held pattern may be changing given differential progress across areas and increasing urbanization. We assessed inequalities in child mortality and RMNCH coverage across capital cities and other urban and rural areas. We analyzed mortality data from 163 DHS and MICS in 39 countries with the most recent survey conducted between 1990 and 2020 and RMNCH coverage data from 39 countries. We assessed inequality trends in neonatal and under-five mortality and in RMNCH coverage using multilevel linear regression models. Under-five mortality rates and RMNCH service coverage inequalities by place of residence have reduced substantially in sub-Saharan Africa, with rural areas experiencing faster progress than other areas. The absolute gap in child mortality between rural areas and capital cities and that between rural and other urban areas reduced respectively from 41 and 26 deaths per 1000 live births in 2000 to 23 and 15 by 2015. Capital cities are losing their primacy in child survival and RMNCH coverage over other urban areas and rural areas, especially in Eastern Africa where under-five mortality gap between capital cities and rural areas closed almost completely by 2015. While child mortality and RMNCH coverage inequalities are closing rapidly by place of residence, slower trends in capital cities and urban areas suggest gradual erosion of capital city and urban health advantage. Monitoring child mortality and RMNCH coverage trends in urban areas, especially among the urban poor, and addressing factors of within urban inequalities are urgently needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Antenatal care (ANC) is a principal component of safe motherhood and reproductive health strategies across the continuum of care. Although the coverage of antenatal care visits has increased in Ethiopia, there needs to be more evidence of effective coverage of antenatal care. The \'effective coverage\' concept can pinpoint where action is required to improve high-quality coverage in Ethiopia. Effective coverage indicates a health system\'s performance by incorporating need, utilization, and quality into a single measurement. The concept includes the number of contacts, facility readiness, interventions received, and components of services received. This study aimed to measure effective antenatal care coverage in Ethiopia.
    METHODS: A two-stage cluster sampling method was used and included 2714 women aged 15-49 years and 462 health facilities from six Ethiopian regions from October 2019 to January 2020. The effective coverage cascade was analyzed among the targeted women by computing the proportion who received four or more antenatal care visits where the necessary inputs were available, received iron-folate supplementation and two doses of tetanus vaccination according to process quality components of antenatal care services.
    RESULTS: Of all women, 40% (95%CI; 38, 43) had four or more visits, ranging from 3% in Afar to 74% in Addis Ababa. The overall mean health facility readiness score of the facilities serving these women was 70%, the vaccination and iron-folate supplementation coverage was 26%, and the ANC process quality was 64%. As reported by women, the least score was given to the quality component of discussing birth preparedness and complication readiness with providers. In the effective coverage cascade, the input-adjusted, intervention-adjusted, and quality-adjusted antenatal coverage estimates were 28%, 18%, and 12%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The overall effective ANC coverage was low, primarily due to a considerable drop in the proportion of women who completed four or more ANC visits. Improving quality of services is crucial to increase ANC up take and completion of the recommended visits along with interventions increasing women\'s awareness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The burden of schistosomiasis in Zambia has remained high over the years. The World Health Assembly recommended adequate mass drug administration coverage for schistosomiasis using Praziquantel chemotherapy for school-aged children and all at-risks adults. We aimed at investigating the coverage and the factors associated to the uptake for MDA for schistosomiasis in Ng\'ombe township of Lusaka, Zambia. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in May and June 2021 via phone calls to the residents of Ng\'ombe township. Commcare software was used in the conduct of the survey. Pearson\'s Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were conducted using the STATA version 15.0. 769 study participants were randomly selected using systematic sampling, of which 76.3% were younger than 40 years, 64.9% were female, 64.4% were married, 56.3% had reached the secondary educational level and 51.9% were employed. Coverage for MDA for schistosomiasis in Ng\'ombe township in 2018 was found to be 49.8% (95% CI: 46.2%-53.4%). Positive predictors of the MDA were prior knowledge of the occurrence of the MDA in 2018 (aOR: 2.892, p < 0.001) and believing that the provision of incentives like snacks was important during the MDA with PZQ in Ng\'ombe township (aOR: 1.926, p = 0.001), whereas age (aOR:0.979, p = 0.009), marital status (aOR:0.620, p = 0.006), employment status (aOR:0.587, p = 0.001) were negative predictors of the MDA. Elimination of the burden of schistosomiasis in endemic settings needs the attainment of an optimum coverage and uptake during MDA with PZQ. Therefore, prior knowledge about an impending intervention and the provision of incentives like snacks during the intervention should be prioritized by MDA implementers, while background characteristics such as age, marital status, and employment status need to be taken into consideration when planning and promoting uptake in future MDAs.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Progress to improve nutrition among women, infants and children in South Asia has fallen behind the pace needed to meet established global targets. Renewed political commitment and monitoring of nutrition interventions are required to improve coverage and quality of care. Our study aimed to assess the availability of national nutrition policies, programmes, and coverage data of nutrition interventions for women, children, and adolescents in eight countries in South Asia. We reviewed relevant policy and programme documents, examined questionnaires used in the most recent rounds of 20 nationally representative surveys, and generated an evidence gap map on the availability of policies, programmes, and survey data to track progress on coverage of globally recommended nutrition interventions. Current policies and programmes in South Asian countries addressed almost all the recommended nutrition interventions targeted at women, children, and adolescents. There was a strong policy focus in all countries, except Maldives, on health system platforms such as antenatal and postnatal care and child growth and development. Survey data on nutrition intervention coverage was most available in India and Nepal, while Bangladesh and Bhutan had the least. Though countries in South Asia have committed to national nutrition policies and strategies, national surveys had substantial data gaps, precluding progress tracking of nutrition intervention coverage. Greater attention and effort are needed for multisectoral collaboration to promote and strengthen nutrition data systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Accurate data on the receipt of essential maternal and newborn health interventions is necessary to interpret and address gaps in effective coverage. Validation results of commonly used content and quality of care indicators routinely implemented in international survey programs vary across settings. We assessed how respondent and facility characteristics influenced the accuracy of women\'s recall of interventions received in the antenatal and postnatal periods.
    METHODS: We synthesized reporting accuracy using data from a known sample of validation studies conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, which assessed the validity of women\'s self-report of received antenatal care (ANC) (N = 3 studies, 3,169 participants) and postnatal care (PNC) (N = 5 studies, 2,462 participants) compared to direct observation. For each study, indicator sensitivity and specificity are presented with 95% confidence intervals. Univariate fixed effects and bivariate random effects models were used to examine whether respondent characteristics (e.g., age group, parity, education level), facility quality, or intervention coverage level influenced the accuracy of women\'s recall of whether interventions were received.
    RESULTS: Intervention coverage was associated with reporting accuracy across studies for the majority (9 of 12) of PNC indicators. Increasing intervention coverage was associated with poorer specificity for 8 indicators and improved sensitivity for 6 indicators. Reporting accuracy for ANC or PNC indicators did not consistently differ by any other respondent or facility characteristic.
    CONCLUSIONS: High intervention coverage may contribute to higher false positive reporting (poorer specificity) among women who receive facility-based maternal and newborn care while low intervention coverage may contribute to false negative reporting (lower sensitivity). While replication in other country and facility settings is warranted, results suggest that monitoring efforts should consider the context of care when interpreting national estimates of intervention coverage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although Zambia has achieved notable improvements in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH), continued efforts to address gaps are essential to reach the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Research to better uncover who is being most left behind with poor health outcomes is crucial. This study aimed to understand how much more demographic health surveys can reveal about Zambia\'s progress in reducing inequalities in under-five mortality rates and RMNCH intervention coverage.
    Using four nationally-representative Zambia Demographic Health Surveys (2001/2, 2007, 2013/14, 2018), we estimated under-five mortality rates (U5MR) and RMNCH composite coverage indices (CCI) comparing wealth quintiles, urban-rural residence and provinces. We further used multi-tier measures including wealth deciles and double disaggregation between wealth and region (urban residence, then provinces). These were summarised using slope indices of inequality, weighted mean differences from overall mean, Theil and concentration indices.
    Inequalities in RMNCH coverage and under-five mortality narrowed between wealth groups, residence and provinces over time, but in different ways. Comparing measures of inequalities over time, disaggregation with multiple socio-economic and geographic stratifiers was often valuable and provided additional insights compared to conventional measures. Wealth quintiles were sufficient in revealing mortality inequalities compared to deciles, but comparing CCI by deciles provided more nuance by showing that the poorest 10% were left behind by 2018. Examining wealth in only urban areas helped reveal closing gaps in under-five mortality and CCI between the poorest and richest quintiles. Though challenged by lower precision, wealth gaps appeared to close in every province for both mortality and CCI. Still, inequalities remained higher in provinces with worse outcomes.
    Multi-tier equity measures provided similarly plausible and precise estimates as conventional measures for most comparisons, except mortality among some wealth deciles, and wealth tertiles by province. This suggests that related research could readily use these multi-tier measures to gain deeper insights on inequality patterns for both health coverage and impact indicators, given sufficient samples. Future household survey analyses using fit-for-purpose equity measures are needed to uncover intersecting inequalities and target efforts towards effective coverage that will leave no woman or child behind in Zambia and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The manner in which high-impact, life-saving health interventions reach populations in need is a critical dimension of health system performance. Intervention coverage has been a standard metric for such performance. To better understand and address the decay of intervention effectiveness in real-world health systems, the more complex measure of \"effective coverage\" is required, which includes the health gain the health system could potentially deliver. We have carried out a narrative review to trace the origins, timeline, and evolution of the concept of effective coverage metrics to illuminate potential improvements in coherence, terminology, application, and visualizations, based on which a combination of approaches appears to have the most influence on policy and practice. We found that the World Health Organization first proposed the concept over 45 years ago. It became increasingly popular with the further development of theoretical underpinnings, and after the introduction of quantification and visualization tools. The approach has been applied in low- and middle-income countries, mainly for HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, child health interventions, and more recently for non-communicable diseases, particularly diabetes and hypertension. Nevertheless, despite decades of application of effective coverage concepts, there is considerable variability in the terminology used and the choices of effectiveness decay steps included in the measures. Results frequently illustrate a profound loss of service effectiveness due to health system factors. However, policy and practice rarely address these factors, and instead favour narrowly targeted technical interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic and response have the potential to disrupt access and use of reproductive, maternal, and newborn health (RMNH) services. Numerous initiatives aim to gauge the indirect impact of COVID-19 on RMNH.
    We assessed the impact of COVID-19 on RMNH coverage in the early stages of the pandemic using panel survey data from PMA-Ethiopia. Enrolled pregnant women were surveyed 6-weeks post-birth. We compared the odds of service receipt, coverage of RMNCH service indicators, and health outcomes within the cohort of women who gave birth prior to the pandemic and the COVID-19 affected cohort. We calculated impacts nationally and by urbanicity.
    This dataset shows little disruption of RMNH services in Ethiopia in the initial months of the pandemic. There were no significant reductions in women seeking health services or the content of services they received for either preventative or curative interventions. In rural areas, a greater proportion of women in the COVID-19 affected cohort sought care for peripartum complications, ANC, PNC, and care for sick newborns. Significant reductions in coverage of BCG vaccination and chlorohexidine use in urban areas were observed in the COVID-19 affected cohort. An increased proportion of women in Addis Ababa reported postpartum family planning in the COVID-19 affected cohort. Despite the lack of evidence of reduced health services, the data suggest increased stillbirths in the COVID-19 affected cohort.
    The government of Ethiopia\'s response to control the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure continuity of essential health services appears to have successfully averted most negative impacts on maternal and neonatal care. This analysis cannot address the later effects of the pandemic and may not capture more acute or geographically isolated reductions in coverage. Continued efforts are needed to ensure that essential health services are maintained and even strengthened to prevent indirect loss of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bi-annual high dose vitamin A supplements administered to children aged 6-59 months can significantly reduce child mortality, but vitamin A supplementation (VAS) coverage is low in Nigeria. The World Health Organization recommends that VAS be integrated into other public health programmes which are aimed at improving child survival. Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) provides a ready platform for VAS integration to improve health outcomes. This study explored the feasibility and acceptability of integrating VAS with SMC in one local government area in Sokoto State.
    METHODS: A concurrent QUAN-QUAL mixed methods study was used to assess the feasibility and acceptability of co-implementing VAS with SMC in one LGA of Sokoto state. Existing SMC implementation tools and job aids were revised and SMC and VAS were delivered using a door-to-door approach. VAS and SMC coverage were subsequently assessed using questionnaires administered to 188 and 197 households at baseline and endline respectively. The qualitative component involved key informant interviews and focus group discussions with policymakers, programme officials and technical partners to explore feasibility and acceptability. Thematic analysis was carried out on the qualitative data.
    RESULTS: At endline, the proportion of children who received at least one dose of VAS in the last six months increased significantly from 2 to 59% (p < 0.001). There were no adverse effects on the coverage of SMC delivery with 70% eligible children reached at baseline, increasing to 76% (p = 0.412) at endline. There was no significant change (p = 0.264) in the quality of SMC, measured by proportion of children receiving their first dose as directly observed treatment (DOT), at baseline (54%) compared to endline (68%). The qualitative findings are presented as two overarching themes relating to feasibility and acceptability of the integrated VAS-SMC strategy, and within each, a series of sub-themes describe study participants\' views of important considerations in implementing the strategy.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that it is feasible and acceptable to integrate VAS with SMC delivery in areas of high seasonal malaria transmission such as northern Nigeria, where SMC campaigns are implemented. SMC-VAS integrated campaigns can significantly increase vitamin A coverage but more research is required to demonstrate the feasibility of this integration in different settings and on a larger scale.





