interstitial lubrication

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Articular cartilage\'s remarkable low-friction properties are essential to joint function. In osteoarthritis (OA), cartilage degeneration (e.g., proteoglycan loss and collagen damage) decreases tissue modulus and increases permeability. Although these changes impair lubrication in fully depressurized and slowly slid cartilage, new evidence suggests such relationships may not hold under biofidelic sliding conditions more representative of those encountered in vivo. Our recent studies using the convergent stationary contact area (cSCA) configuration demonstrate that articulation (i.e., sliding) generates interfacial hydrodynamic pressures capable of replenishing cartilage interstitial fluid/pressure lost to compressive loading through a mechanism termed tribological rehydration. This fluid recovery sustains in vivo-like kinetic friction coefficients (µk<0.02 in PBS and <0.005 in synovial fluid) with little sensitivity to mechanical properties in healthy tissue. However, the tribomechanical function of compromised cartilage under biofidelic sliding conditions remains unknown. Here, we investigated the effects of OA-like changes in cartilage mechanical properties, modeled via enzymatic digestion of mature bovine cartilage, on its tribomechanical function during cSCA sliding. We found no differences in sliding-driven tribological rehydration behaviors or µk between naïve and digested cSCA cartilage (in PBS or synovial fluid). This suggests that OA-like cartilage retains sufficient functional properties to support naïve-like fluid recovery and lubrication under biofidelic sliding conditions. However, OA-like cartilage accumulated greater total tissue strains due to elevated strain accrual during initial load application. Together, these results suggest that elevated total tissue strains-as opposed to activity-mediated strains or friction-driven wear-might be the key biomechanical mediator of OA pathology in cartilage. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Osteoarthritis (OA) decreases cartilage\'s modulus and increases its permeability. While these changes compromise frictional performance in benchtop testing under low fluid load support (FLS) conditions, whether such observations hold under sliding conditions that better represent the joints\' dynamic FLS conditions in vivo is unclear. Here, we leveraged biofidelic benchtop sliding experiments-that is, those mimicking joints\' native sliding environment-to examine how OA-like changes in mechanical properties effect cartilage\'s natural lubrication. We found no differences in sliding-mediated fluid recovery or kinetic friction behaviors between naïve and OA-like cartilage. However, OA-like cartilage experienced greater strain accumulation during load application, suggesting that elevated tissue strains (not friction-driven wear) may be the primary biomechanical mediator of OA pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthy articular cartilage is a remarkable bearing material optimized for near-frictionless joint articulation. Because its limited self-repair capacity renders it susceptible to osteoarthritis (OA), approaches to reinforce or rebuild degenerative cartilage are of significant interest. While exogenous collagen crosslinking (CXL) treatments improve cartilage\'s mechanical properties and increase its resistance to enzymatic degradation, their effects on cartilage lubrication remain less clear. Here, we examined how the collagen crosslinking agents genipin (GP) and glutaraldehyde (GTA) impact cartilage lubrication using the convergent stationary contact area (cSCA) configuration. Unlike classical configurations, the cSCA sustains biofidelic kinetic friction coefficients (μk) via superposition of interstitial and hydrodynamic pressurization (i.e., tribological rehydration). As expected, glutaraldehyde- and genipin-mediated CXL increased cartilage\'s tensile and compressive moduli. Although net tribological rehydration was retained after CXL, GP or GTA treatment drastically elevated μk. Both healthy and \"OA-like\" cartilage (generated via enzymatic digestion) sustained remarkably low μk in saline- (≤0.02) and synovial fluid-lubricated contacts (≤0.006). After CXL, μk increased up to 30-fold, reaching values associated with marked chondrocyte death in vitro. These results demonstrate that mechanical properties (i.e., stiffness) are necessary, but not sufficient, metrics of cartilage function. Furthermore, the marked impairment in lubrication suggests that CXL-mediated stiffening is ill-suited to cartilage preservation or joint resurfacing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Articular cartilage is a robust tissue that facilitates load distribution and wear-free articulation in diarthrodial joints. These biomechanical capabilities are fundamentally tied to tissue hydration, whereby high interstitial fluid pressures and fluid load support facilitate the maintenance of low tissue strains and frictions. Our recent ex vivo studies of cartilage sliding biomechanics using the convergent stationary contact area (cSCA) configuration, first introduced by Dowson and colleagues, unexpectedly demonstrated that sliding alone can promote recovery of interstitial pressure and lubrication lost to static compression through a mechanism termed \'tribological rehydration.\' Although exclusively examined in bovine stifle cartilage to date, we hypothesized that tribological rehydration, i.e., the ability to recover/modulate tissue strains and lubrication through sliding, is a universal behavior of articular cartilage. This study aimed to establish if, and to what extent, sliding-induced tribological rehydration is conserved in articular cartilage across a number of preclinical animal species/models and diarthrodial joints. Using a comparative approach, we found that articular cartilage from equine, bovine, ovine, and caprine stifles, and porcine stifle, hip, and tarsal joints all exhibited remarkably consistent sliding speed-dependent compression/strain recovery and lubrication behaviors under matched contact stresses (0.25 MPa). All cartilage specimens tested supported robust, tribological rehydration during high-speed sliding (>30 mm/s), which as a result of competitive recovery of interstitial lubrication, promoted remarkable decreases in kinetic friction during continuous sliding. The conservation of tribological rehydration across mammalian quadruped articular cartilage suggests that sliding-induced recovery of interstitial hydration represents an important tissue adaptation and largely understudied contributor to the biomechanics of cartilage and joints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthy articular cartilage supports load bearing and frictional properties unmatched among biological tissues and man-made bearing materials. Balancing fluid exudation and recovery under loaded and articulated conditions is essential to the tissue\'s biological and mechanical longevity. Our prior tribological investigations, which leveraged the convergent stationary contact area (cSCA) configuration, revealed that sliding alone can modulate cartilage interstitial fluid pressurization and the recovery and maintenance of lubrication under load through a mechanism termed \'tribological rehydration.\' Our recent comparative assessment of tribological rehydration revealed remarkably consistent sliding speed-dependent fluid recovery and lubrication behaviors across femoral condyle cartilage from five mammalian species (equine/horse, bovine/cow, porcine/pig, ovine/sheep, and caprine/goat). In the present study, we identified and characterized key predictive relationships among tissue properties, sliding-induced tribological rehydration, and the modulation/recovery of lubrication within healthy articular cartilage. Using correlational analysis, we linked observed speed-dependent tribological rehydration behaviors to cartilage\'s geometry and biphasic properties (tensile and compressive moduli, and permeability). Together, these findings demonstrate that easily measurable biphasic tissue characteristics (e.g., bulk tissue material properties, compressive strain magnitude, and strain rates) can be used to predict cartilage\'s rehydration and lubricating abilities, and ultimately its function in vivo. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: In healthy cartilage, articulation recovers fluid lost to static loading thereby sustaining tissue lubricity. Osteoarthritis causes changes to cartilage composition, stiffness, and permeability associated with faster fluid exudation and presumably poorer frictional outcomes. Yet, the relationship between mechanical properties and fluid recovery during articulation/sliding remains unclear. Through innovative, high-speed benchtop sliding and indentation experiments, we found that cartilage\'s tissue properties regulate its exudation/hydration under slow sliding speeds but have minimal effect at high sliding speeds. In fact, cartilage rehydration appears insensitive to permeability and stiffness under high fluid load support conditions. This new understanding of the balance of cartilage exudation and rehydration during activity, based upon comparative tribology studies, may improve prevention and rehabilitation strategies for joint injuries and osteoarthritis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For nearly a century, articular cartilage has been known for its exceptional tribological properties. For nearly as long, there have been research efforts to elucidate the responsible mechanisms for application toward biomimetic bearing applications. It is now widely accepted that interstitial fluid pressurization is the primary mechanism responsible for the unusual lubrication and load bearing properties of cartilage. Although the biomechanics community has developed elegant mathematical theories describing the coupling of solid and fluid (biphasic) mechanics and its role in interstitial lubrication, quantitative gaps in our understanding of cartilage tribology have inhibited our ability to predict how tribological conditions and material properties impact tissue function. This paper presents an analytical model of the interstitial lubrication of biphasic materials under migrating contact conditions. Although finite element and other numerical models of cartilage mechanics exist, they typically neglect the important role of the collagen network and are limited to a specific set of input conditions, which limits general applicability. The simplified approach taken in this work aims to capture the broader underlying physics as a starting point for further model development. In agreement with existing literature, the model indicates that a large Peclet number, Pe, is necessary for effective interstitial lubrication. It also predicts that the tensile modulus must be large relative to the compressive modulus. This explains why hydrogels and other biphasic materials do not provide significant interstitial pressure under high Pe conditions. The model quantitatively agrees with in-situ measurements of interstitial load support and the results have interesting implications for tissue engineering and osteoarthritis problems. This paper suggests that a low tensile modulus (from chondromalacia or local collagen rupture after impact, for example) may disrupt interstitial pressurization, increase shear stresses, and activate a condition of progressive surface damage as a potential precursor of osteoarthritis.





