interspecific aggression

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractInterference competition can drive species apart in habitat use through competitive displacement in ecological time and agonistic character displacement (ACD) over evolutionary time. As predicted by ACD theory, sympatric species of rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp.) that respond more aggressively to each other in staged encounters differ more in microhabitat use. However, the same pattern could arise from competitive displacement if dominant species actively exclude subordinate species from preferred microhabitats. The degree to which habitat partitioning is caused by competitive displacement can be assessed with removal experiments. We carried out removal experiments with three species pairs of rubyspot damselflies. With competitive displacement, removing dominant species should allow subordinate species to shift into the dominant species\' microhabitat. Instead, we found that species-specific microhabitat use persisted after the experimental removals. Thus, the previously documented association between heterospecific aggression and microhabitat partitioning in this genus is most likely a product of divergence in habitat preferences caused by interference competition in the evolutionary past.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interactions between different species of predators are not uncommon, yet they are generally understudied in North America. Across their range, gray wolves (Canis lupus) and wolverines (Gulo gulo) occupy similar habitats and dietary niches. However, due to the elusiveness and relatively low density of these two species, interactions between them are not well documented. Here, we describe three instances of a single wolf pack killing a wolverine in the span of 13 months. None of the wolverines killed by wolves were consumed, suggesting that food was not the primary motivation behind the killings. Alternatively, defense of a food resource, territoriality, interspecific competitive killing, or some combination of those behaviors appear to be the cause of these actions. Documentation of these occurrences improves our understanding of wolf and wolverine ecology, interspecific predator interactions, and potential future changes to this aspect of community ecology.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Novel biotic interactions in shifting communities play a key role in determining the ability of species\' ranges to track suitable habitat. To date, the impact of biotic interactions on range dynamics have predominantly been studied in the context of interactions between different trophic levels or, to a lesser extent, exploitative competition between species of the same trophic level. Yet, both theory and a growing number of empirical studies show that interspecific behavioural interference, such as interspecific territorial and mating interactions, can slow down range expansions, preclude coexistence, or drive local extinction, even in the absence of resource competition. We conducted a systematic review of the current empirical research into the consequences of interspecific behavioural interference on range dynamics. Our findings demonstrate there is abundant evidence that behavioural interference by one species can impact the spatial distribution of another. Furthermore, we identify several gaps where more empirical work is needed to test predictions from theory robustly. Finally, we outline several avenues for future research, providing suggestions for how interspecific behavioural interference could be incorporated into existing scientific frameworks for understanding how biotic interactions influence range expansions, such as species distribution models, to build a stronger understanding of the potential consequences of behavioural interference on the outcome of future range dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sympatric animals with similar requirements can separate their ecological niches along the microhabitat, food and time axes. There may be alternative reasons for an interspecific different activity pattern, such as intraspecific social constraints, predator avoidance or physical conditions such as temperature, precipitation and illumination. We investigated the importance of intraguild competition in a 2-year study in an inner-alpine mixed forest, using small forest rodents as our model species. Apodemus mice were the physically superior, and bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus, the inferior competitor. We predicted that bank voles would exhibit increased diurnal activity when frequencies of the almost exclusively nocturnal Apodemus mice were high during a seed mast year. To investigate this, we recorded 19,138 1 min videos. Controlling for confounding variables, bank vole diurnal activity was significantly related to the frequency of Apodemus mice. We assume that at high densities of Apodemus mice, a purely nocturnal separation in the niche dimensions of time, habitat and microhabitat is no longer sufficient, and therefore an inverse activity pattern by the bank voles is reinforced. Our videos showed, however, that this does not require persistent aggressive meetings and we explain this by the long co-evolution of the taxa under study.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Aggressive interactions help individuals to gain access to and defend resources, but they can be costly, leading to increased predation risk, injury, or death. Signals involving sounds and color can allow birds to avoid the costs of intraspecific aggressive encounters, but we know less about agonistic signaling between species, where fights can be frequent and just as costly. Here, we review photographic and video evidence of aggressive interactions among species of birds (N = 337 interactions documenting the aggressive signals of 164 different bird species from 120 genera, 50 families, and 24 orders) to document how individuals signal in aggressive encounters among species, and explore whether these visual signals are similar to those used in aggressive encounters with conspecifics. Despite the diversity of birds examined, most aggressively signaling birds displayed weapons (bills, talons, wings) used in fighting and placed these weapons closest to their heterospecific opponent when signaling. Most species oriented their bodies and heads forward with their bills pointing towards their heterospecific opponent, often highlighting their face, throat, mouth, and bill. Many birds also opened their wings and/or tails, increasing their apparent size in displays, consistent with the importance of body size in determining behavioral dominance among species. Aggressive postures were often similar across species and taxonomic families. Exceptions included Accipitridae and Falconidae, which often highlighted their talons in the air, Columbidae, which often highlighted their underwings from the side, and Trochilidae, which often hovered upright in the air and pointed their fanned tail downward. Most species highlighted bright carotenoid-based colors in their signals, but highlighted colors varied across species and often involved multiple colors in combination (e.g., black, white, and carotenoid-based colors). Finally, birds tended to use the same visual signals in aggressive encounters with heterospecifics that they use in aggressive encounters with conspecifics, suggesting that selection from aggressive interactions may act on the same signaling traits regardless of competitor identity.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    Many interspecifically territorial species interfere with each other reproductively, and in some cases, aggression towards heterospecifics may be an adaptive response to interspecific mate competition. This hypothesis was recently formalised in an agonistic character displacement (ACD) model which predicts that species should evolve to defend territories against heterospecific rivals above a threshold level of reproductive interference. To test this prediction, we parameterised the model with field estimates of reproductive interference for 32 sympatric damselfly populations and ran evolutionary simulations. Asymmetries in reproductive interference made the outcome inherently unpredictable in some cases, but 80% of the model\'s stable outcomes matched levels of heterospecific aggression in the field, significantly exceeding chance expectations. In addition to bolstering the evidence for ACD, this paper introduces a new, predictive approach to testing character displacement theory that, if applied to other systems, could help in resolving long-standing questions about the importance of character displacement processes in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species can compete both directly via aggressive encounters (interference) and indirectly through their shared use of a limited resource (exploitation). Depending on the circumstances interference, exploitation, and their interplay can either lead to competitive exclusion or drive niche partitioning to maintain species coexistence. Thus, understanding species coexistence in nature requires accurately identifying the mechanisms that contribute to competition among the species in question. In the southern United States, the native lizard Anolis carolinensis becomes more arboreal in the presence of the invasive Anolis sagrei, resulting in highly consistent vertical habitat partitioning where the species co-occur. These species have been thought to largely ignore each other and engage only in exploitative competition for shared arthropod prey. To test for the presence and consequences of direct interference, we conducted behavioral trials in the field, introducing a heterospecific male intruder to individuals of both species. We find that interference competition is asymmetric in favor of A. sagrei, which are more likely to display and less likely to retreat than A. carolinensis. Concordant with their arboreal tendencies, male A. carolinensis also trend toward retreating upward more often than expected by chance. These asymmetries are prevalent despite the almost complete absence of physical attacks, suggesting that interspecific signaling and avoidance behavior by A. carolinensis resolve most potential conflicts before they escalate to combat. Our results highlight the potential for direct interference more subtle than frequent outright combat to structure communities, and Anolis assemblages in particular.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coexistence of species with similar requirements is allowed, among others, through trade-offs between competitive ability and other ecological traits. Although interspecific competition is based on two mechanisms, exploitation of resources and physical interference, trade-off studies largely consider only species\' ability to exploit resources. Using a mesocosm experiment, we examined the trade-off between interference competition ability and susceptibility to predation in larvae of two newt species, Ichthyosaura alpestris and Lissotriton vulgaris. In the presence of heterospecifics, L. vulgaris larvae slowed somatic growth and developmental rates, and experienced a higher frequency of injuries than in conspecific environments which suggests asymmetrical interspecific interference. During short-term predation trials, L. vulgaris larvae suffered higher mortality than I. alpestris. Larvae of the smaller species, L. vulgaris, had both lower interference and antipredator performance than the larger I. alpestris, which suggests a lack of trade-off between interference competition ability and predator susceptibility. We conclude that interference competition may produce a positive rather than negative relationship with predation susceptibility, which may contribute to the elimination of subordinate species from common habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavioral interference between species, such as territorial aggression, courtship, and mating, is widespread in animals. While aggressive and reproductive forms of interspecific interference have generally been studied separately, their many parallels and connections warrant a unified conceptual approach. Substantial evidence exists that aggressive and reproductive interference have pervasive effects on species coexistence, range limits, and evolutionary processes, including divergent and convergent forms of character displacement. Alien species invasions and climate change-induced range shifts result in novel interspecific interactions, heightening the importance of predicting the consequences of species interactions, and behavioral interference is a fundamental but neglected part of the equation. Here, we outline priorities for further theoretical and empirical research on the ecological and evolutionary consequences of behavioral interference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aggressive interactions among closely related species are common, and can play an important role as a selective pressure shaping species traits and assemblages. The nature of this selective pressure depends on whether the outcomes of aggressive contests are asymmetric between species (i.e., one species is consistently dominant), yet few studies have estimated the prevalence of asymmetric versus symmetric outcomes to aggressive contests. Here we use previously published data involving 26,212 interactions between 270 species pairs of birds from 26 taxonomic families to address the question: How often are aggressive interactions among closely related bird species asymmetric? We define asymmetry using (i) the proportion of contests won by one species, and (ii) statistical tests for asymmetric outcomes of aggressive contests. We calculate these asymmetries using data summed across different sites for each species pair, and compare results to asymmetries calculated using data separated by location. We find that 80% of species pairs had aggressive outcomes where one species won 80% or more of aggressive contests. We also find that the majority of aggressive interactions among closely related species show statistically significant asymmetries, and above a sample size of 52 interactions, all outcomes are asymmetric following binomial tests. Species pairs with dominance data from multiple sites showed the same dominance relationship across locations in 93% of the species pairs. Overall, our results suggest that the outcome of aggressive interactions among closely related species are usually consistent and asymmetric, and should thus favor ecological and evolutionary strategies specific to the position of a species within a dominance hierarchy.





