
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory experiences and learning induce long-lasting changes in both excitatory and inhibitory synapses, thereby providing a crucial substrate for memory. However, the co-tuning of excitatory long-term potentiation (eLTP) or depression (eLTD) with the simultaneous changes at inhibitory synapses (iLTP/iLTD) remains unclear. Herein, we investigated the co-expression of NMDA-induced synaptic plasticity at excitatory and inhibitory synapses in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells (PCs) using a combination of electrophysiological, optogenetic, and pharmacological approaches. We found that inhibitory inputs from somatostatin (SST) and parvalbumin (PV)-positive interneurons onto CA1 PCs display input-specific long-term plastic changes following transient NMDA receptor activation. Notably, synapses from SST-positive interneurons consistently exhibited iLTP, irrespective of the direction of excitatory plasticity, whereas synapses from PV-positive interneurons predominantly showed iLTP concurrent with eLTP, rather than eLTD. As neuroplasticity is known to depend on the extracellular matrix, we tested the impact of metalloproteinases (MMP) inhibition. MMP3 blockade interfered with GABAergic plasticity for all inhibitory inputs, whereas MMP9 inhibition selectively blocked eLTP and iLTP in SST-CA1PC synapses co-occurring with eLTP but not eLTD. These findings demonstrate the dissociation of excitatory and inhibitory plasticity co-expression. We propose that these mechanisms of plasticity co-expression may be involved in maintaining excitation-inhibition balance and modulating neuronal integration modes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The efficiency of motor skill acquisition is age-dependent, making it increasingly challenging to learn complex manoeuvres later in life. Zebra finches, for instance, acquire a complex vocal motor programme during a developmental critical period after which the learned song is essentially impervious to modification. Although inhibitory interneurons are implicated in critical period closure, it is unclear whether manipulating them can reopen heightened motor plasticity windows. Using pharmacology and a cell-type specific optogenetic approach, we manipulated inhibitory neuron activity in a premotor area of adult zebra finches beyond their critical period. When exposed to auditory stimulation in the form of novel songs, manipulated birds added new vocal syllables to their stable song sequence. By lifting inhibition in a premotor area during sensory experience, we reintroduced vocal plasticity, promoting an expansion of the syllable repertoire without compromising pre-existing song production. Our findings provide insights into motor skill learning capacities, offer potential for motor recovery after injury, and suggest avenues for treating neurodevelopmental disorders involving inhibitory dysfunctions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on the pathophysiological changes observed in schizophrenia, the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) hypothesis may facilitate the development of targeted treatments for this disease. This hypothesis, mainly derived from postmortem brain results, postulates dysfunctions in a subset of GABAergic neurons, particularly parvalbumin-containing interneurons. In the cerebral cortex, the fast spike firing of parvalbumin-positive GABAergic interneurons is regulated by the Kv3.1 and Kv3.2 channels, which belong to a potassium channel subfamily. Decreased Kv3.1 levels have been observed in the prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia, prompting the investigation of Kv3 channel modulators for the treatment of schizophrenia. However, biomarkers that capture the dysfunction of parvalbumin neurons are required for these modulators to be effective in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia. Electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography studies have demonstrated impairments in evoked gamma oscillations in patients with schizophrenia, which may reflect the dysfunction of cortical parvalbumin neurons. This review summarizes these topics and provides an overview of how the development of therapeutics that incorporate biomarkers could innovate the treatment of schizophrenia and potentially change the targets of pharmacotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Slow and fast movements are controlled by distinct sets of spinal V2a neurons with matching properties and connections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibitory circuits in the mammalian olfactory bulb (OB) dynamically reformat olfactory information as it propagates from peripheral receptors to downstream cortex. To gain mechanistic insight into how specific OB interneuron types support this sensory processing, we examine unitary synaptic interactions between excitatory mitral and tufted cells (MTCs), the OB projection neurons, and a conserved population of anaxonic external plexiform layer interneurons (EPL-INs) using pair and quartet whole-cell recordings in acute mouse brain slices. Physiological, morphological, neurochemical, and synaptic analyses divide EPL-INs into distinct subtypes and reveal that parvalbumin-expressing fast-spiking EPL-INs (FSIs) perisomatically innervate MTCs with release-competent dendrites and synaptically detonate to mediate fast, short-latency recurrent and lateral inhibition. Sparse MTC synchronization supralinearly increases this high-fidelity inhibition, while sensory afferent activation combined with single-cell silencing reveals that individual FSIs account for a substantial fraction of total network-driven MTC lateral inhibition. OB output is thus powerfully shaped by detonation-driven high-fidelity perisomatic inhibition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can be caused by environmental factors. These factors act early in the development of the nervous system and induce stereotyped repetitive behaviors and diminished social interactions, among other outcomes. Little is known about how these behaviors are produced. In pregnant women, delivery of valproic acid (VPA) (to control seizure activity or stabilize mood) or immune activation by a virus increases the incidence of ASD in offspring. We found that either VPA or Poly Inosine:Cytosine (which mimics a viral infection), administered at mouse embryonic day 12.5, induced a neurotransmitter switch from GABA to glutamate in PV- and CCK-expressing interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex by postnatal day 10. The switch was present for only a brief period during early postnatal development, observed in male and female mice at postnatal day 21 and reversed in both males and females by postnatal day 30. At postnatal day 90, male mice exhibited stereotyped repetitive behaviors and diminished social interaction while female mice exhibited only stereotyped repetitive behavior. Transfecting GAD1 in PV- and CCK-expressing interneurons at postnatal day 10, to reintroduce GABA expression, overrode the switch and prevented expression of autistic-like behavior. These findings point to an important role of neurotransmitter switching in mediating the environmental causes of autism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory bulb is a unique site of continuous neurogenesis, primarily generating inhibitory interneurons, a process that begins at birth and extends through infancy and adulthood. This review examines the characteristics of olfactory bulb neurogenesis, focusing on granule cells, the most numerous interneurons, and how their age and maturation affect their function. Adult-born granule cells, while immature, contribute to the experience-dependent plasticity of the olfactory circuit by enabling structural and functional synaptic changes. In contrast, granule cells born early in life form the foundational elements of the olfactory bulb circuit, potentially facilitating innate olfactory information processing. The implications of these neonatal cells on early life olfactory memory and their impact on adult perception, particularly in response to aversive events and susceptibility to emotional disorders, warrant further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adverse experiences during infancy and adolescence have an important and enduring effect on the brain and are predisposing factors for mental disorders, particularly major depression. This impact is particularly notable in regions with protracted development, such as the prefrontal cortex. The inhibitory neurons of this cortical region are altered by peripubertal stress (PPS), particularly in female mice. In this study we have explored whether the inhibitory circuits of the thalamus are impacted by PPS in male and female mice. This diencephalic structure, as the prefrontal cortex, also completes its development during postnatal life and is affected by adverse experiences. The long-term changes induced by PPS were exclusively found in adult female mice. We have found that PPS increases depressive-like behavior and induces changes in parvalbumin-expressing (PV+) cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). We observed reductions in the volume of the TRN, together with those of parameters related to structures/molecules that regulate the plasticity and connectivity of PV+ cells: perineuronal nets, matricellular structures surrounding PV+ neurons, and the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM). The expression of the GluN1, but not of GluN2C, NMDA receptor subunit was augmented in the TRN after PPS. An increase in the fluorescence intensity of PV+ puncta was also observed in the synaptic output of TRN neurons in the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus. These results demonstrate that the inhibitory circuits of the thalamus, as those of the prefrontal cortex, are vulnerable to the effects of aversive experiences during early life, particularly in females. This vulnerability is probably related to the protracted development of the TRN and might contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Task-switching is a fundamental cognitive ability that allows animals to update their knowledge of current rules or contexts. Detecting discrepancies between predicted and observed events is essential for this process. However, little is known about how the brain computes cognitive prediction-errors and whether neural prediction-error signals are causally related to task-switching behaviours. Here we trained mice to use a prediction-error to switch, in a single trial, between responding to the same stimuli using two distinct rules. Optogenetic silencing and un-silencing, together with widefield and two-photon calcium imaging revealed that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was specifically required for this rapid task-switching, but only when it exhibited neural prediction-error signals. These prediction-error signals were projection-target dependent and were larger preceding successful behavioural transitions. An all-optical approach revealed a disinhibitory interneuron circuit required for successful prediction-error computation. These results reveal a circuit mechanism for computing prediction-errors and transitioning between distinct cognitive states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) plays a pivotal role in regulating working memory, executive function, and self-regulatory behaviors. Dysfunction in the mPFC circuits is a characteristic feature of several neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Chronic stress (CS) is widely recognized as a major triggering factor for the onset of these disorders. Although evidence suggests synaptic dysfunction in mPFC circuits following CS exposure, it remains unclear how different neuronal populations in the infralimbic (IL) and prelimbic (PL) cortices are affected in terms of synaptic inhibition/excitation balance (I/E ratio). Here, using neuroproteomic analysis and whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in pyramidal neurons (PNs) and parvalbumin (PV) interneurons within the PL and IL cortices, we examined the synaptic changes after 21 d of chronic unpredictable stress, in male mice. Our results reveal distinct impacts of CS on PL and IL PNs, resulting in an increased I/E ratio in both subregions but through different mechanisms: CS increases inhibitory synaptic drive in the PL while decreasing excitatory synaptic drive in the IL. Notably, the I/E ratio and excitatory and inhibitory synaptic drive of PV interneurons remained unaffected in both PL and IL circuits following CS exposure. These findings offer novel mechanistic insights into the influence of CS on mPFC circuits and support the hypothesis of stress-induced mPFC hypofunction.





