internal model

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cerebellar involvement in language processing has received considerable attention in the neuroimaging and neuropsychology literatures. Building off the motor control literature, one account of this involvement centers on the idea of internal models. In the context of language, this hypothesis suggests that the cerebellum is essential for building semantic models that, in concert with the cerebral cortex, help anticipate or predict linguistic input. To date, supportive evidence has primarily come from neuroimaging studies showing that cerebellar activation increases in contexts in which semantic predictions are generated and violated. Taking a neuropsychological approach, we put the internal model hypothesis to the test, asking if individuals with cerebellar degeneration (n = 14) show reduced sensitivity to semantic prediction. Using a sentence verification task, we compare reaction time to sentences that vary in terms of cloze probability. We also evaluated a more constrained variant of the prediction hypothesis, asking if the cerebellum facilitates the generation of semantic predictions when the content of a sentence refers to a dynamic rather than static mental transformation. The results failed to support either hypothesis: Compared to matched control participants (n = 17), individuals with cerebellar degeneration showed a similar reduction in reaction time for sentences with high cloze probability and no selective impairment in predictions involving dynamic transformations. These results challenge current theorizing about the role of the cerebellum in language processing, pointing to a misalignment between neuroimaging and neuropsychology research on this topic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Post-Movement Beta Rebound (PMBR) is the increase in beta-band power after voluntary movement ends, but its specific role in cognitive processing is unclear. Current theory links PMBR with updates to internal models, mental frameworks that help anticipate and react to sensory feedback. However, research has not explored how reactivating a preexisting action plan, another source for internal model updates, might affect PMBR intensity. To address this gap, we recruited 20 participants (mean age 18.55 ± 0.51; 12 females) for an experiment involving isolated (single-step) or sequential (two-step) motor tasks based on predetermined cues. We compared PMBR after single-step movements with PMBR after the first movement in two-step tasks to assess the influence of a subsequent action on the PMBR power associated with the first action. The results show a significant increase in PMBR magnitude after the first movement in sequential tasks compared to the second action and the isolated movements. Notably, this increase is more pronounced for right-hand movements, suggesting lateralized brain activity in the left hemisphere. These findings indicate that PMBR is influenced not only by external stimuli but also by internal cognitive processes such as working memory. This insight enhances our understanding of PMBR\'s role in motor control, emphasizing the integration of both external and internal information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of ethanol on the fetus is a significant concern as an estimated 2-5% of live births may be affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. This exposure can lead to various functional and structural abnormalities in the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, diencephalon, and cerebellum, resulting in region-specific symptoms. The deficits relate to the motor and cognitive domains, affecting, in particular, general intelligence, attention, executive functions, language, memory, visual perception, and social skills-collectively called the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Recent studies suggest that damage to the developing cerebellum (in form of alcohol exposure) can impair the cortical targets of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical tract. This malfunction in the cerebello-cerebral loop optimization may be due to disruptions in the formation of the foundational elements of the internal model within the developing cerebellum. Alcohol exposure targets multiple nodes in the reciprocal loops between the cerebellum and cerebral cortex. Here, we examine the possibility that prenatal alcohol exposure damages the developing cerebellum and disrupts the connectivity within the cerebello-cerebral neuronal circuits, exacerbating FASD-related cortical dysfunctions. We propose that malfunctions between cerebellar internal model (critically involved in predictions) and cerebral regions contribute to the deficits observed in FASD. Given the major role of the cerebellum in motor, cognitive, and affective functions, we suggest that therapies should target these malfunctions to mitigate the burden of FASD. We discuss the concept of therapies oriented towards malfunctioning cerebello-cerebral loops (TOMCCLs), emphasizing anti-inflammatory strategies and treatments aimed at modulating cerebellar myelination to restore optimal and predictive cerebello-cerebral functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal information processing in the range of a few hundred milliseconds to seconds involves the cerebellum and basal ganglia. In this chapter, we present recent studies on nonhuman primates. In the studies presented in the first half of the chapter, monkeys were trained to make eye movements when a certain amount of time had elapsed since the onset of the visual cue (time production task). The animals had to report time lapses ranging from several hundred milliseconds to a few seconds based on the color of the fixation point. In this task, the saccade latency varied with the time length to be measured and showed stochastic variability from one trial to the other. Trial-to-trial variability under the same conditions correlated well with pupil diameter and the preparatory activity in the deep cerebellar nuclei and the motor thalamus. Inactivation of these brain regions delayed saccades when asked to report subsecond intervals. These results suggest that the internal state, which changes with each trial, may cause fluctuations in cerebellar neuronal activity, thereby producing variations in self-timing. When measuring different time intervals, the preparatory activity in the cerebellum always begins approximately 500 ms before movements, regardless of the length of the time interval being measured. However, the preparatory activity in the striatum persists throughout the mandatory delay period, which can be up to 2 s, with different rate of increasing activity. Furthermore, in the striatum, the visual response and low-frequency oscillatory activity immediately before time measurement were altered by the length of the intended time interval. These results indicate that the state of the network, including the striatum, changes with the intended timing, which lead to different time courses of preparatory activity. Thus, the basal ganglia appear to be responsible for measuring time in the range of several hundred milliseconds to seconds, whereas the cerebellum is responsible for regulating self-timing variability in the subsecond range. The second half of this chapter presents studies related to periodic timing. During eye movements synchronized with alternating targets at regular intervals, different neurons in the cerebellar nuclei exhibit activity related to movement timing, predicted stimulus timing, and the temporal error of synchronization. Among these, the activity associated with target appearance is particularly enhanced during synchronized movements and may represent an internal model of the temporal structure of stimulus sequence. We also considered neural mechanism underlying the perception of periodic timing in the absence of movement. During perception of rhythm, we predict the timing of the next stimulus and focus our attention on that moment. In the missing oddball paradigm, the subjects had to detect the omission of a regularly repeated stimulus. When employed in humans, the results show that the fastest temporal limit for predicting each stimulus timing is about 0.25 s (4 Hz). In monkeys performing this task, neurons in the cerebellar nuclei, striatum, and motor thalamus exhibit periodic activity, with different time courses depending on the brain region. Since electrical stimulation or inactivation of recording sites changes the reaction time to stimulus omission, these neuronal activities must be involved in periodic temporal processing. Future research is needed to elucidate the mechanism of rhythm perception, which appears to be processed by both cortico-cerebellar and cortico-basal ganglia pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals must distinguish the sensory consequences of self-generated movements (reafference) from those of other-generated movements (exafference). Only self-generated movements entail the production of motor copies (i.e., corollary discharges), which are compared with reafference in the cerebellum to compute predictive or internal models of movement. Internal models emerge gradually over the first three postnatal weeks in rats through a process that is not yet fully understood. Previously, we demonstrated in postnatal day (P) 8 and P12 rats that precerebellar nuclei convey corollary discharge and reafference to the cerebellum during active (REM) sleep when pups produce limb twitches. Here, recording from a deep cerebellar nucleus (interpositus, IP) in P12 rats of both sexes, we compared reafferent and exafferent responses with twitches and limb stimulations, respectively. As expected, most IP units showed robust responses to twitches. However, in contrast with other sensory structures throughout the brain, relatively few IP units showed exafferent responses. Upon finding that exafferent responses occurred in pups under urethane anesthesia, we hypothesized that urethane inhibits cerebellar cortical cells, thereby disinhibiting exafferent responses in IP. In support of this hypothesis, ablating cortical tissue dorsal to IP mimicked the effects of urethane on exafference. Finally, the results suggest that twitch-related corollary discharge and reafference are conveyed simultaneously and in parallel to cerebellar cortex and IP. Based on these results, we propose that twitches provide opportunities for the nascent cerebellum to integrate somatotopically organized corollary discharge and reafference, thereby enabling the development of closed-loop circuits and, subsequently, internal models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Internal models are essential for the production of accurate movements. The accuracy of saccadic eye movements is thought to be mediated by an internal model of oculomotor mechanics encoded in the cerebellum. The cerebellum may also be part of a feedback loop that predicts the displacement of the eyes and compares it to the desired displacement in real time to ensure that saccades land on target. To investigate the role of the cerebellum in these two aspects of saccade production, we delivered saccade-triggered light pulses to channelrhodopsin-2-expressing Purkinje cells in the oculomotor vermis (OMV) of two male macaque monkeys. Light pulses delivered during the acceleration phase of ipsiversive saccades slowed the deceleration phase. The long latency of these effects and their scaling with light pulse duration are consistent with an integration of neural signals at or downstream of the stimulation site. In contrast, light pulses delivered during contraversive saccades reduced saccade velocity at short latency and were followed by a compensatory reacceleration which caused gaze to land on or near the target. We conclude that the contribution of the OMV to saccade production depends on saccade direction; the ipsilateral OMV is part of a forward model that predicts eye displacement, whereas the contralateral OMV is part of an inverse model that creates the force required to move the eyes with optimal peak velocity for the intended displacement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper develops a discrete-time repetitive control (RC) system with a fractional-delay internal model. Unlike the conventional RC, the time delay for constructing the internal model is not necessarily an integer, implying that the time delay is allowed to be fractional. In this work, a fractional delay-based repetitive control system is presented. Firstly, the fractional time delay is calculated based on the information of the reference or disturbance along with the associated sampling period. Secondly, the fractional time delay is divided into two parts, i.e., the large integer and small fractional delays. Finally, the fractional part is realized by a stable and causal infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, whose coefficients are calculated using the Thiran formula. The controller structure and stability analysis are developed for three different RCs, namely a fractional-delay general RC (FD-GRC), a fractional delay-odd harmonics RC (FD-OHRC), and a fractional delay-(6l±1) RC (FD-(6l±1)RC). Experiments and comparison studies of the integer delay-based RCs are conducted to verify the effectiveness and improved tracking accuracy of the proposed method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predictive processing models posit that brains constantly attempt to predict their sensory inputs. Prediction errors signal when these predictions are incorrect and are thought to be instructive signals that drive corrective plasticity. Recent findings support the idea that the locus coeruleus (LC) - a brain-wide neuromodulatory system - signals several types of prediction error. I discuss how these findings support models proposing that the LC signals global model failures: instances where predictions about the world are strongly violated. Focusing on the cortex, I explore the utility of this signal in learning rate control, how the LC circuit may compute the signal, and how this view may aid our understanding of neurodivergence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children with developmental coordination disorder show difficulties in making rapid online corrections, and this has been demonstrated in experiments where reaching/pointing movements were employed. However, typical hand movements in real-life contexts involve subsequent movements, such as grasping and manipulating objects after reaching. This study aimed to reinvestigate online correction of reaching movements that were connected with grasping and object manipulation and to explore its impact on the coordination of subsequent hand movements in children with developmental coordination disorder.
    Five children with developmental coordination disorder and five children with typical development were recruited. Their reach-to-manipulate movements in a double-step task were recorded using motion analysis. The manipulative movements included simple and complex forms of pencil rotation. Movement time, movement velocity, and correlation coefficients between finger joints were derived to quantify their motor performances.
    Children with developmental coordination disorder showed longer movement time and deceleration phases during online correction of reaching movement than children without developmental coordination disorder. In subsequent grasping and manipulation movements after online correction, they also exhibited lower correlation coefficients in four to five finger joint couplings that are essential for movement completion, compared to children without developmental coordination disorder.
    Our findings from the current pilot study suggest that children with developmental coordination disorder have impairments in online correction when reaching for objects and may also have reduced coordination of some finger movements that are important for subsequent grasping and object manipulation. Future studies with larger sample sizes are warranted to confirm these findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is one of the most prevalent developmental disorders in school-aged children. The mechanisms and etiology underlying DCD remain somewhat unclear. Altered visuomotor adaptation and internal model deficits are discussed in the literature.
    OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to investigate visuomotor adaptation and internal modelling to determine whether and to what extent visuomotor learning might be impaired in children with DCD compared to typically developing children (TD). Further, possible compensatory movements during visuomotor learning were explored.
    METHODS: Participants were 12 children with DCD (age 12.4 ± 1.8, four female) and 18 age-matched TD (12.3 ± 1.8, five female). Visuomotor learning was measured with the Motor task manager. Compensatory movements were parameterized by spatial and temporal variables.
    RESULTS: Despite no differences in visuomotor adaptation or internal modelling, significant main effects for group were found in parameters representing movement accuracy, motor speed, and movement variability between DCD and TD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Children with DCD showed comparable performances in visuomotor adaptation and internal modelling to TD. However, movement variability was increased, whereas movement accuracy and motor speed were reduced, suggesting decreased motor acuity in children with DCD.





