intermittent stream

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Watershed resilience is the ability of a watershed to maintain its characteristic system state while concurrently resisting, adapting to, and reorganizing after hydrological (for example, drought, flooding) or biogeochemical (for example, excessive nutrient) disturbances. Vulnerable waters include non-floodplain wetlands and headwater streams, abundant watershed components representing the most distal extent of the freshwater aquatic network. Vulnerable waters are hydrologically dynamic and biogeochemically reactive aquatic systems, storing, processing, and releasing water and entrained (that is, dissolved and particulate) materials along expanding and contracting aquatic networks. The hydrological and biogeochemical functions emerging from these processes affect the magnitude, frequency, timing, duration, storage, and rate of change of material and energy fluxes among watershed components and to downstream waters, thereby maintaining watershed states and imparting watershed resilience. We present here a conceptual framework for understanding how vulnerable waters confer watershed resilience. We demonstrate how individual and cumulative vulnerable-water modifications (for example, reduced extent, altered connectivity) affect watershed-scale hydrological and biogeochemical disturbance response and recovery, which decreases watershed resilience and can trigger transitions across thresholds to alternative watershed states (for example, states conducive to increased flood frequency or nutrient concentrations). We subsequently describe how resilient watersheds require spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability in hydrological and biogeochemical interactions between terrestrial systems and down-gradient waters, which necessitates attention to the conservation and restoration of vulnerable waters and their downstream connectivity gradients. To conclude, we provide actionable principles for resilient watersheds and articulate research needs to further watershed resilience science and vulnerable-water management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonperennial streams dominate global river networks and are increasing in occurrence across space and time. When surface flow ceases or the surface water dries, flow or moisture can be retained in the subsurface sediments of the hyporheic zone, supporting aquatic communities and ecosystem processes. However, hydrological and ecological definitions of the hyporheic zone have been developed in perennial rivers and emphasize the mixing of water and organisms, respectively, from both the surface stream and groundwater. The adaptation of such definitions to include both humid and dry unsaturated conditions could promote characterization of how hydrological and biogeochemical variability shape ecological communities within nonperennial hyporheic zones, advancing our understanding of both ecosystem structure and function in these habitats. To conceptualize hyporheic zones for nonperennial streams, we review how water sources and surface and subsurface structure influence hydrological and physicochemical conditions. We consider the extent of this zone and how biogeochemistry and ecology might vary with surface states. We then link these components to the composition of nonperennial stream communities. Next, we examine literature to identify priorities for hydrological and ecological research exploring nonperennial hyporheic zones. Lastly, by integrating hydrology, biogeochemistry, and ecology, we recommend a multidisciplinary conceptualization of the nonperennial hyporheic zone as the porous subsurface streambed sediments that shift between lotic, lentic, humid, and dry conditions in space and time to support aquatic-terrestrial biodiversity. As river drying increases in extent because of global change, we call for holistic, interdisciplinary research across the terrestrial and aquatic sciences to apply this conceptualization to characterize hyporheic zone structure and function across the full spectrum of hydrological states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents alter stream water chemistry and metabolic activity. Yet, essential aspects influencing the biogeochemical response of receiving streams such as hydrology and diel oscillations of light and temperature remain largely unexplored. We measured day vs night water chemistry and in-stream net nutrient uptake velocity (Vf) in an intermittent forested stream, upstream and downstream of a WWTP effluent under contrasting hydrological conditions. The WWTP effluent negatively influenced stream water chemistry, especially during the dry period. Despite large diel oscillations in light inputs, day-night differences in nutrient and oxygen concentrations were small, suggesting that heterotrophic respiration drove stream metabolism with a minor contribution of gross primary production. The magnitude of Vf was similar between day and night at the two reaches. Yet, at the downstream reach, in-stream net DIN uptake occurred more often at night, and values of Vf for ammonia and nitrite indicated enhanced in-stream nitrification. The two reaches showed a small capacity to retain DIN and soluble reactive phosphorus from the water column. Positive values of in-stream net nutrient uptake (i.e. uptake > release) occurred mostly during the dry period, highlighting that in-stream biogeochemical processing can contribute to improve water quality in streams receiving point-sources effluents in regions with low water availability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global demand for freshwater is increasing as human population grows, climate changes and water resources are being overexploited. Consequently, many freshwater ecosystems, particularly in water-stressed regions, are severely degraded. Here we present a unique case of an Interbasin Water Transfer (IWT) project aiming at ecosystem rehabilitation and recreation enhancement of an intermittent transboundary stream (Ayun, Israel). For the past century, water diversion at the Lebanese side had led to flow secession in the Israeli Ayun Nature Reserve during the dry season (May-November). To restore flow continuum, a sum of 0.5 million cubic meters of high quality freshwaters have been allocated annually during the dry months. The aim of this study is to evaluate the IWT project by: (1) examining the correlation between water flow in the Ayun and recreational visitation, and (2) performing a cost-benefit analysis of the IWT scheme, including non-market benefits. A time-series regression (Adj. R2 = 0.688, n = 125) shows that a 10% increase in water flow corresponds to a 2.1% increase in monthly visitors. An estimated 18.8% of the visitation rate between 2009 and 2015 can be attributed to the water reallocation project. Through a single-site travel cost model, we estimate the visitor\'s willingness to pay in US$ 37.8 per person per trip. When non-market benefits for recreation are included, the total benefits of the IWT project substantially exceed its costs. Our results suggest that IWT can be applied to restore water flow and enhance ecosystem services also in water-stressed regions.





