intermediate progenitor cell

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural stem cells (NSCs) differentiate into neuron-fated intermediate progenitor cells (IPCs) via cell division. Although differentiation from NSCs to IPCs is a discrete process, recent transcriptome analyses identified a continuous transcriptional trajectory during this process, raising the question of how to reconcile these contradictory observations. In mouse NSCs, Hes1 expression oscillates, regulating the oscillatory expression of the proneural gene Neurog2, while Hes1 expression disappears in IPCs. Thus, the transition from Hes1 oscillation to suppression is involved in the differentiation of NSCs to IPCs. Here, we found that Neurog2 oscillations induce the accumulation of Tbr2, which suppresses Hes1 expression, generating an IPC-like gene expression state in NSCs. In the absence of Tbr2, Hes1 expression is up-regulated, decreasing the formation of IPCs. These results indicate that the Neurog2-Tbr2 axis forms a continuous transcriptional trajectory to an IPC-like neurogenic state in NSCs, which then differentiate into IPCs via cell division.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human cortical radial glial cells are primary neural stem cells that give rise to cortical glutaminergic projection pyramidal neurons, glial cells (oligodendrocytes and astrocytes) and olfactory bulb GABAergic interneurons. One of prominent features of the human cortex is enriched with glial cells, but there are major gaps in understanding how these glial cells are generated. Herein, by integrating analysis of published human cortical single-cell RNA-Seq datasets with our immunohistochemistical analyses, we show that around gestational week 18, EGFR-expressing human cortical truncated radial glial cells (tRGs) give rise to basal multipotent intermediate progenitors (bMIPCs) that express EGFR, ASCL1, OLIG2 and OLIG1. These bMIPCs undergo several rounds of mitosis and generate cortical oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and olfactory bulb interneurons. We also characterized molecular features of the cortical tRG. Integration of our findings suggests a general picture of the lineage progression of cortical radial glial cells, a fundamental process of the developing human cerebral cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mammalian cerebral cortex is the pinnacle of brain evolution, reaching its maximum complexity in terms of neuron number, diversity and functional circuitry. The emergence of this outstanding complexity begins during embryonic development, when a limited number of neural stem and progenitor cells manage to generate myriads of neurons in the appropriate numbers, types and proportions, in a process called neurogenesis. Here we review the current knowledge on the regulation of cortical neurogenesis, beginning with a description of the types of progenitor cells and their lineage relationships. This is followed by a review of the determinants of neuron fate, the molecular and genetic regulatory mechanisms, and considerations on the evolution of cortical neurogenesis in vertebrates leading to humans. We finish with an overview on how dysregulation of neurogenesis is a leading cause of human brain malformations and functional disabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse cortical radial glial cells (RGCs) are primary neural stem cells that give rise to cortical oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and olfactory bulb (OB) GABAergic interneurons in late embryogenesis. There are fundamental gaps in understanding how these diverse cell subtypes are generated. Here, by combining single-cell RNA-Seq with intersectional lineage analyses, we show that beginning at around E16.5, neocortical RGCs start to generate ASCL1+EGFR+ apical multipotent intermediate progenitors (MIPCs), which then differentiate into basal MIPCs that express ASCL1, EGFR, OLIG2, and MKI67. These basal MIPCs undergo several rounds of divisions to generate most of the cortical oligodendrocytes and astrocytes and a subpopulation of OB interneurons. Finally, single-cell ATAC-Seq supported our model for the genetic logic underlying the specification and differentiation of cortical glial cells and OB interneurons. Taken together, this work reveals the process of cortical radial glial cell lineage progression and the developmental origins of cortical astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since descriptions of neural precursor cells (NPCs) were published in the late 19th century, neuroanatomists have used a variety of terms to describe these cells, each term reflecting contemporary understanding of cellular characteristics and function. As the field gained knowledge through a combination of technical advance and individual insight, the terminology describing NPCs changed to incorporate new information. While there is a trend toward consensus and streamlining of terminology over time, to this day scientists use different terms for NPCs that reflect their field and perspective, i.e., terms arising from molecular, cellular, or anatomical sciences. Here we review past and current terminology used to refer to NPCs, including embryonic and adult precursor cells of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During forebrain development, radial glia generate neurons through the production of intermediate progenitor cells (IPCs). The production of IPCs is a central tenet underlying the generation of the appropriate number of cortical neurons, but the transcriptional logic underpinning this process remains poorly defined. Here, we examined IPC production using mice lacking the transcription factor nuclear factor I/X (Nfix). We show that Nfix deficiency delays IPC production and prolongs the neurogenic window, resulting in an increased number of neurons in the postnatal forebrain. Loss of additional Nfi alleles (Nfib) resulted in a severe delay in IPC generation while, conversely, overexpression of NFIX led to precocious IPC generation. Mechanistically, analyses of microarray and ChIP-seq datasets, coupled with the investigation of spindle orientation during radial glial cell division, revealed that NFIX promotes the generation of IPCs via the transcriptional upregulation of inscuteable (Insc). These data thereby provide novel insights into the mechanisms controlling the timely transition of radial glia into IPCs during forebrain development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the cerebral cortex forms, specialized molecular cascades direct the expansion of progenitor pools, the differentiation of neurons, or the maturation of discrete neuronal subtypes, together ensuring that the correct amounts and classes of neurons are generated. In several neural systems, the SoxC transcriptional regulators, particularly Sox11 and Sox4, have been characterized as functioning exclusively and redundantly in promoting neuronal differentiation. Using the mouse cerebral cortex as a model, Sox11 and Sox4 were examined in the formation of the most complex part of the mammalian brain. Anticipated prodifferentiation roles were observed. Distinct expression patterns and mutant phenotypes, however, reveal that Sox11 and Sox4 are not redundant in the cortex, but rather act in overlapping and discrete populations of neurons. In particular, Sox11 acts in early-born neurons; binding to its partner protein, Neurogenin1, leads to selective targeting and transactivation of a downstream gene, NeuroD1. In addition to neuronal expression, Sox4 was unexpectedly expressed in intermediate progenitor cells, the transit amplifying cell of the cerebral cortex. Sox4 mutant analyses reveal a requirement for Sox4 in IPC specification and maintenance. In intermediate progenitors, Sox4 partners with the proneural gene Neurogenin2 to activate Tbrain2 and then with Tbrain2 to maintain this cell fate. This work reveals an intricately structured molecular architecture for SoxC molecules, with Sox11 acting in a select set of cortical neurons and Sox4 playing an unanticipated role in designating secondary progenitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During asymmetric stem cell division, both the daughter stem cell and the presumptive intermediate progenitor cell inherit cytoplasm from their parental stem cell. Thus, proper specification of intermediate progenitor cell identity requires an efficient mechanism to rapidly extinguish the activity of self-renewal factors, but the mechanisms remain unknown in most stem cell lineages. During asymmetric division of a type II neural stem cell (neuroblast) in the Drosophila larval brain, the Brain tumor (Brat) protein segregates unequally into the immature intermediate neural progenitor (INP), where it specifies INP identity by attenuating the function of the self-renewal factor Klumpfuss (Klu), but the mechanisms are not understood. Here, we report that Brat specifies INP identity through its N-terminal B-boxes via a novel mechanism that is independent of asymmetric protein segregation. Brat-mediated specification of INP identity is critically dependent on the function of the Wnt destruction complex, which attenuates the activity of β-catenin/Armadillo (Arm) in immature INPs. Aberrantly increasing Arm activity in immature INPs further exacerbates the defects in the specification of INP identity and enhances the supernumerary neuroblast mutant phenotype in brat mutant brains. By contrast, reducing Arm activity in immature INPs suppresses supernumerary neuroblast formation in brat mutant brains. Finally, reducing Arm activity also strongly suppresses supernumerary neuroblasts induced by overexpression of klu. Thus, the Brat-dependent mechanism extinguishes the function of the self-renewal factor Klu in the presumptive intermediate progenitor cell by attenuating Arm activity, balancing stem cell maintenance and progenitor cell specification.





