inter-kingdom signaling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMMARYLegionella pneumophila is a Gram-negative environmental bacterium, which survives in planktonic form, colonizes biofilms, and infects protozoa. Upon inhalation of Legionella-contaminated aerosols, the opportunistic pathogen replicates within and destroys alveolar macrophages, thereby causing a severe pneumonia termed Legionnaires\' disease. Gram-negative bacteria employ low molecular weight organic compounds as well as the inorganic gas nitric oxide (NO) for cell-cell communication. L. pneumophila produces, secretes, and detects the α-hydroxyketone compound Legionella autoinducer-1 (LAI-1, 3-hydroxypentadecane-4-one). LAI-1 is secreted by L. pneumophila in outer membrane vesicles and not only promotes communication among bacteria but also triggers responses from eukaryotic cells. L. pneumophila detects NO through three different receptors, and signaling through the volatile molecule translates into fluctuations of the intracellular second messenger cyclic-di-guanylate monophosphate. The LAI-1 and NO signaling pathways are linked via the pleiotropic transcription factor LvbR. In this review, we summarize current knowledge about inter-bacterial and inter-kingdom signaling through LAI-1 and NO by Legionella species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The causative agent of Legionnaires\' disease, Legionella pneumophila, is an environmental bacterium, that replicates in macrophages, parasitizes amoeba, and forms biofilms. L. pneumophila employs the Legionella quorum sensing (Lqs) system and the transcription factor LvbR to control various bacterial traits, including virulence and biofilm architecture. LvbR negatively regulates the nitric oxide (NO) receptor Hnox1, linking quorum sensing to NO signaling. Here, we assessed the response of L. pneumophila to NO and investigated bacterial receptors underlying this process. Chemical NO donors, such as dipropylenetriamine (DPTA) NONOate and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), delayed and reduced the expression of the promoters for flagellin (PflaA) and the 6S small regulatory RNA (P6SRNA). Marker-less L. pneumophila mutant strains lacking individual (Hnox1, Hnox2, or NosP) or all three NO receptors (triple knockout, TKO) grew like the parental strain in media. However, in the TKO strain, the reduction of PflaA expression by DPTA NONOate was less pronounced, suggesting that the NO receptors are implicated in NO signaling. In the ΔnosP mutant, the lvbR promoter was upregulated, indicating that NosP negatively regulates LvbR. The single and triple NO receptor mutant strains were impaired for growth in phagocytes, and phenotypic heterogeneity of non-growing/growing bacteria in amoebae was regulated by the NO receptors. The single NO receptor and TKO mutant strains showed altered biofilm architecture and lack of response of biofilms to NO. In summary, we provide evidence that L. pneumophila regulates virulence, intracellular phenotypic heterogeneity, and biofilm formation through NO and three functionally non-redundant NO receptors, Hnox1, Hnox2, and NosP.
    OBJECTIVE: The highly reactive diatomic gas molecule nitric oxide (NO) is produced by eukaryotes and bacteria to promote short-range and transient signaling within and between neighboring cells. Despite its importance as an inter-kingdom and intra-bacterial signaling molecule, the bacterial response and the underlying components of the signaling pathways are poorly characterized. The environmental bacterium Legionella pneumophila forms biofilms and replicates in protozoan and mammalian phagocytes. L. pneumophila harbors three putative NO receptors, one of which crosstalks with the Legionella quorum sensing (Lqs)-LvbR network to regulate various bacterial traits, including virulence and biofilm architecture. In this study, we used pharmacological, genetic, and cell biological approaches to assess the response of L. pneumophila to NO and to demonstrate that the putative NO receptors are implicated in NO detection, bacterial replication in phagocytes, intracellular phenotypic heterogeneity, and biofilm formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant bacterial pathogens rely on host-derived signals to coordinate the deployment of virulence factors required for infection. In this review, I describe how diverse plant-pathogenic bacteria detect and respond to plant-derived metabolic signals for the purpose of virulence gene regulation. I highlight examples of how pathogens perceive host metabolites through membrane-localized receptors as well as intracellular response mechanisms. Furthermore, I describe how individual strains may coordinate their virulence using multiple distinct host metabolic signals, and how plant signals may positively or negatively regulate virulence responses. I also describe how plant defenses may interfere with the perception of host metabolites as a means to dampen pathogen virulence. The emerging picture is that recognition of host metabolic signals for the purpose of virulence gene regulation represents an important primary layer of interaction between pathogenic bacteria and host plants that shapes infection outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many plant pathogenic bacteria suppress host defenses by secreting small molecule toxins or immune-suppressing proteins into host cells, processes that likely require close physical contact between pathogen and host. Yet, in most cases, little is known about whether phytopathogenic bacteria physically attach to host surfaces during infection. Here we report that Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000, a Gram-negative bacterial pathogen of tomato and Arabidopsis, attaches to polystyrene and glass surfaces in response to chemical signals exuded from Arabidopsis seedlings and tomato leaves. We characterized the molecular nature of these attachment-inducing signals and discovered that multiple hydrophilic metabolites found in plant exudates, including citric acid, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid, are potent inducers of surface attachment. These same compounds were previously identified as inducers of P. syringae genes encoding a type III secretion system (T3SS), indicating that both attachment and T3SS deployment are induced by the same plant signals. To test if surface attachment and T3SS are regulated by the same signaling pathways, we assessed the attachment phenotypes of several previously characterized DC3000 mutants, and found that the T3SS master regulator HrpL was partially required for maximal levels of surface attachment, whereas the response regulator GacA, a negative regulator of T3SS, negatively regulated DC3000 surface attachment. Together, our data indicate that T3SS deployment and surface attachment by P. syringae may be co-regulated by the same host signals during infection, possibly to ensure close contact necessary to facilitate delivery of T3SS effectors into host cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants and rhizobacteria are coexisting since the beginning, but the exact mechanism of communication between them remains enigmatic. The PsoR protein of plant-beneficial Pseudomonas spp., a group of root-associated bacteria, is known to produce a range of antifungal and insecticidal secondary metabolites like 2,4-diacetyl phloroglucinol (DAPG), pyrrolnitrin, and chitinase making them great biocontrol agents and thus helping in plant growth promotion. To better understand the inter-kingdom signaling between plants and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), the interaction of PsoR with various root exudates was investigated computationally. For this, we first modeled the PsoR protein and confirmed it using the Ramachandran plot. A total of 59 different low molecular weight phytochemicals, secreted as root exudates by plants, were identified by extensive text mining. They were virtually screened with the PsoR protein by molecular docking. Based on the lowest binding energy, ranging from -7.1 to -6.3 kcal mol-1, the top five exudates were chosen. To analyze the stability of the docked protein-ligand complex, a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of 100 nanoseconds was done. Two root exudates, saponarin and 2-benzoxazolinone (BOA), showed suitable binding with PsoR by forming hydrogen, hydrophobic, and Van der Waals interactions. To confirm the MD simulation results, RMSF, RG, SASA, and interaction energy were calculated. This computational study first time reports that saponarin and 2-BOA, predominantly present in the root exudates of barley and wheat, respectively, demonstrate effective binding with the modeled PsoR protein and are likely of showing cross-kingdom interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gut-brain axis is crucial to microbial-host interactions. The neurotransmitter serotonin is primarily synthesized in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where it is secreted into the lumen and subsequently removed by the serotonin transporter, SERT. Here, we show that serotonin decreases virulence gene expression by enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) and Citrobacter rodentium, a murine model for EHEC. The membrane-bound histidine sensor kinase, CpxA, is a bacterial serotonin receptor. Serotonin induces dephosphorylation of CpxA, which inactivates the transcriptional factor CpxR controlling expression of virulence genes, notably those within the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE). Increasing intestinal serotonin by genetically or pharmacologically inhibiting SERT decreases LEE expression and reduces C. rodentium loads. Conversely, inhibiting serotonin synthesis increases pathogenesis and decreases host survival. As other enteric bacteria contain CpxA, this signal exploitation may be engaged by other pathogens. Additionally, repurposing serotonin agonists to inhibit CpxA may represent a potential therapeutic intervention for enteric bacteria.






