
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study compares two groups of university students with differing instructions participating in an object drawing task as a part of an art therapy-based self-help online intervention. The intervention aimed to help participants enhance positive mood and subjective feeling of self-control and reduce negative mood. The object task contained suggestive elements in the instructions similar to self-hypnosis with an indirect and a direct way of formulation. Quantitative (positive affect and negative affect scale and Self-Assessment Manikin scale) and qualitative methods (text and picture rating) were used to investigate the difference between the outcome effects on the two groups. The results found a significant decrease in negative mood for indirect suggestion, while a significant increase of positive mood for the direct suggestion condition. Based on qualitative analyses, findings indicated that hidden implications in the art-making instructions modified the chosen imaginary and emotional changes related to art-making. Suggestions in the instructions can make a difference in one\'s mood and this should also be considered while designing guidelines for self-hypnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selling products in kit form to consumers benefits both manufacturers and consumers - provided the instructions enable the customer to assemble the components correctly and safely. Poor usability of some self-assembly instructions is a continuing cause of consumer complaints- but the subject of only occasional ergonomics research interest. Relevant studies are widely dispersed across the literature - and across decades - but their findings generally agree on what makes some self-assembly illustrations more effective than others. This has just not been consolidated in any formally recognised guidance. This study has produced a comprehensive review of published work on the usability of self-assembly instructions (which need to convey most information pictorially) and makes detailed recommendations for best practice in their presentation. The evidence for the recommended best practices discussed in this paper will be reflected in the publication of an international standard that which is currently in the final drafting stages.
    This review of published research into effective presentational techniques for self-assembly instructions was instigated to support a proposal for an international standard. That is now under development incorporating requirements based on the high degree of consensus the review found across a wide spread of types of study, locations and years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pressure pain threshold (PPT) measurements require standardised verbal instructional cues to ensure that the increasing pressure is stopped at the correct time consistently. This study aimed to compare how PPT values and their test-retest reliability were affected by different instructional cues.
    At two separate sessions, two PPT measurements were taken at the anterior knee for each of four different instructional cues: the cue of the German Neuropathic Research Network instructions (\'DFNS\'), the point where pressure first feels uncomfortable (\'Uncomfortable\'), 3/10 on the numerical pain rating scale (\'3NPRS\'), and where pain relates to an image from the pictorial-enhanced NPRS scale (\'Pictorial\'). Linear mixed modeling was used to quantify differences between pairs of instructional cues. Test-retest reliability was estimated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC[2,1] and ICC[2,k]).
    Twenty participants were recruited. The cue resulting in greatest PPT value was DFNS (394.32 kPa, 95%CI [286.32 to 543.06]), followed by Pictorial (342.49 kPa, 95%CI [248.68 to 471.68]), then Uncomfortable (311.85 kPa, 95%CI [226.43 to 429.48]), and lastly 3NPRS (289.78 kPa, 95%CI [210.41 to 399.09]). Five of six pairwise contrasts were statistically significant. Regardless of the cues, the point estimates of ICC (2,1) ranged from 0.80 to 0.86, and the ICC (2,k) values ranged from 0.89 to 0.93. No statistically significant differences were found between any pairwise contrasts of reliability indices.
    Words matter when instructing people when to stop testing in pressure algometry. Clinicians should use the same instructional cue when assessing pain thresholds to ensure reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alpha oscillations are known to play a central role in several higher-order cognitive functions, especially selective attention, working memory, semantic memory, and creative thinking. Nonetheless, we still know very little about the role of alpha in the generation of more remote semantic associations, which is key to creative and semantic cognition. Furthermore, it remains unclear how these oscillations are shaped by the intention to \"be creative,\" which is the case in most creativity tasks. We aimed to address these gaps in two experiments. In Experiment 1, we compared alpha oscillatory activity (using a method which distinguishes genuine oscillatory activity from transient events) during the generation of free associations which were more vs. less distant from a given concept. In Experiment 2, we replicated these findings and also compared alpha oscillatory activity when people were generating free associations versus associations with the instruction to be creative (i.e. goal-directed). We found that alpha was consistently higher during the generation of more distant semantic associations, in both experiments. This effect was widespread, involving areas in both left and right hemispheres. Importantly, the instruction to be creative seems to increase alpha phase synchronisation from left to right temporal brain areas, suggesting that intention to be creative changed the flux of information in the brain, likely reflecting an increase in top-down control of semantic search processes. We conclude that goal-directed generation of remote associations relies on top-down mechanisms compared to when associations are freely generated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: People with intellectual and sensory or sensory-motor disabilities tend to have problems performing multistep tasks. To alleviate their problems, technological solutions have been developed that provide task-step instructions. Instructions are generally delivered at people\'s request (eg, as they touch an area of a computer or tablet screen) or automatically, at preset intervals.
    OBJECTIVE: This study carried out a preliminary assessment of a new tablet-based technology system that presented task-step instructions when participants with intellectual and sensory disabilities walked close to the tablet (ie, did not require participants to perform fine motor responses on the tablet screen).
    METHODS: The system entailed a tablet and a wireless camera and was programmed to present instructions when participants approached the tablet, that is, when the camera positioned in front of the tablet detected them. Two instructions were available for each task step. One instruction concerned the object(s) that the participants were to collect, and the other instruction concerned the \"where\" and \"how\" the object(s) collected would need to be used. For 3 of the six participants, the two instructions were presented in succession, with the second instruction presented once the required object(s) had been collected. For the other 3 participants, the two instructions were presented simultaneously. Instructions consisted of pictorial representations combined with brief verbal phrases. The impact of the system was assessed for each of the 2 groups of participants using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across individuals.
    RESULTS: All participants were successful in using the system. Their mean frequency of correct task steps was close to or above 11.5 for tasks including 12 steps. Their level of correct performance tended to be much lower during the baseline phase when they were to receive the task-step instructions from a regular tablet through scrolling responses.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings, which need to be interpreted with caution given the preliminary nature of the study, suggest that the new tablet-based technology system might be useful for helping people with intellectual and sensory disabilities perform multistep tasks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Research on age-progression facial morphing interventions for smoking cessation has not investigated the effect of different instructions for intervention delivery. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the influence of two instruction types used to deliver the intervention on efficacy of the intervention.
    METHODS: Women were recruited and randomly allocated to an age-progression intervention session with (i) neutral instructions; (ii) instructions designed to reassure; or (iii) a condition that controlled for participant engagement (\"control\"). The conditions were delivered in a one-time procedure, after which primary (quitting intentions) and secondary (cigarettes/week, quit attempts) outcomes were measured immediately post-intervention, and at 1 and 3 months.
    RESULTS: Seventy-two women (M = 25.7; SD = 0.9) were recruited and randomly allocated to condition (Neutral n = 27, Reassuring n = 22, Control n = 23). Quitting intentions were higher in the Reassuring versus Control arm (3 months post-intervention, F = 4.37, p = 0.016, 95% CI [0.231, 2.539], eta2 = 0.11); quit attempts were greater in the two intervention arms (58%) versus Control (1-month post-intervention, 15%) (χ2 = 9.83, p < 0.05, OR 1.00 [0.28, 3.63]).
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the importance of optimising instructions to enhance intervention efficacy.
    BACKGROUND: Record: NCT03749382.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Braille is often proposed by the uninformed as the optimal solution to providing an alternative to visual information to the visually impaired. The purpose of this article is to highlight the complexity of the braille user population and discuss the importance of understanding the use of braille as a solution for equal access of information. As part of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Tech program and its goal to make home tests accessible to people with disabilities, a series of interviews with industry experts was conducted to better understand braille technologies and the braille user space. Published literature findings provided additional context and support to these interviews. It was found that expert consensus and data from published literature vary. The braille user population is complex and lacks consistent characterization. Visually printed media should not be solely relied on to communicate information. In conclusion, braille is one solution for improving access to information. Understanding the unique needs of braille users and how they engage with information in a world that is heavily reliant on visual content, is a critical step in developing and implementing non-visual alternatives that will collectively address information access.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Information in working memory (WM) is crucial for guiding behavior. However, not all WM representations are equally relevant simultaneously. Current theoretical frameworks propose a functional dissociation between \'latent\' and \'active\' states, in which relevant representations are prioritized into an optimal (active) state to face current demands, while relevant information that is not immediately needed is maintained in a dormant (latent) state. In this context, task demands can induce rapid and flexible prioritization of information from latent to active state. Critically, these functional states have been primarily studied using simple visual memories, with attention selecting and prioritizing relevant representations to serve as templates to guide subsequent behavior. It remains unclear whether more complex WM representations, such as novel stimulus-response associations, can also be prioritized into different functional states depending on their task relevance, and if so how these different formats relate to each other. In the present study, we investigated whether novel WM-guided actions can be brought into different functional states depending on current task demands. Our results reveal that planned actions can be flexibly prioritized when needed and show how their functional state modulates their influence on ongoing behavior. Moreover, they suggest the representations of novel actions of different functional states are maintained in WM via a non-orthogonal coding scheme, thus are prone to interference.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the effect of external (EC) and internal coaching cues (IC), analogies with a directional component (ADC) on sprint (20 m) and vertical jump performance in academy soccer players (n = 20). A repeated-measures analysis, with post-hoc comparisons, was used to identify any differences between these cues and a neutral (control) cue. Significant differences were found for both sprint (p < 0.001) and jump (p = 0.022) comparisons among cue types. In post-hoc analyses for the 20 m sprint, significant differences were observed between the EC and the IC, favouring the EC (p < 0.01, ES = 1.27 [CI: 0.24, 2.30]), and \"away\" ADC and the IC, favouring the \"away\" ADC (p < 0.01, ES = 1.21 [CI: 0.19, 2.22]). No other cues showed significant differences. For vertical jump, there was just one significant difference between comparisons, that being for the \"away\" ADC vs. the neutral cue, favouring the latter (p = 0.023, ES = 0.4 [CI: -0.04 to 0.84]). It appears that ECs and ADCs are most effective when coaching sprinting performance in academy soccer players. However, simply encouraging maximal effort from a youth athlete also appears to be a reasonable cueing strategy to drive performance in youth athletes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A common method for assessing blatant dehumanization asks participants to rate \"how evolved\" they think members of various social groups are using the Ascent of Human scale (AOH) that transitions in stages from a crawling ape to a fully upright modern human. However, little is known about how task instructions affect participant ratings. In this pre-registered study, participants saw alternative forms of instruction including the traditional instructions emphasizing \"evolution\", a prompt without any reference to evolution, and a prompt that clearly explained that the scale assesses dehumanization. Instruction type had no effect on dehumanization ratings on the AOH scale. These results support the idea that the AOH scale is a robust means of assessing blatant dehumanization.





