institutional trust

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innovative technology-based solutions in mental healthcare promise significant improvements in care quality and clinical outcomes. However, their successful implementation is profoundly influenced by the levels of trust patients hold toward their treatment providers, organizations, and the technology itself. This paper delves into the complexities of building and assessing patient trust within the intensive mental health care context, focusing on inpatient settings. We explore the multifaceted nature of trust, including interpersonal, institutional, and technological trust. We highlight the crucial role of therapeutic trust, which comprises both interpersonal trust between patients and providers, and institutional trust in treatment organizations. The manuscript identifies potential key barriers to trust, from sociocultural background to a patient\'s psychopathology. Furthermore, it examines the concept of technological trust, emphasizing the influence of digital literacy, socio-economic status, and user experience on patients\' acceptance of digital health innovations. By emphasizing the importance of assessing and addressing the state of trust among patients, the overarching goal is to leverage digital innovations to enhance mental healthcare outcomes within intensive mental health settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present dataset investigates the factors that influence Malaysian Muslims\' Islamic donation intentions. The research model was developed based on the integration of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and social capital theory with six latent variables. A self-administrated survey of 400 Muslims with various demographic characteristics yielded the dataset in February 2024. The dataset was the basis for identifying factors that influence Muslims\' Islamic donation intentions, thereby helping scholars and Islamic non-profit organisations understand how Malaysian Muslims participated in donation activities by interacting with religious commitment, institutional trust, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Novel applications of nanotechnology in food processing hold tremendous potential to revolutionize the food industry and address challenges in food security and public health. Understanding and addressing consumers\' evolving attitudes toward the use of nanotechnology in food processing is important to promote the technology\'s adoption and inform the development of regulatory frameworks that align with societal values. We used a survey research design to explore U.S. consumers\' attitudes toward such uses of nanotechnology. Through the literature, we identified various cognitive and affective factors that have influenced, or have the potential to influence, consumers\' attitudes, and we used those factors to develop a comprehensive regression model. We collected data from a national sample of U.S. consumers (N = 1071). The regression model accounted for 64.22% of the variance in attitudes toward nanotechnology (adjusted R2 = 62.94%). Perceived benefits, subjective norms, institutional trust, and subjective knowledge significantly and positively influenced participants\' attitudes toward the use of nanotechnology in food processing while perceived risks and food technology neophobia significantly and negatively influenced participants\' attitudes. These results suggest that communication strategies should emphasize consumer-centric benefits of nanotechnology, mitigate perceived risks, leverage social influences, and prioritize food safety-related messaging from institutional bodies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic was a devastating public health event that spurred an influx of misinformation. The increase in questionable health content was aided by the speed and scale of digital and social media and certain news agencies\' and politicians\' active dissemination of misinformation about the virus. The popularity of certain COVID-19 myths created confusion about effective health protocols and impacted trust in the health care and government sectors deployed to manage the pandemic.
    OBJECTIVE: This study explored how people\'s information habits, their level of institutional trust, the news media outlets they consume and the technologies in which they access it, and their media literacy skills influenced their COVID-19 knowledge.
    METHODS: We administered a web-based survey using Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) to assess US adults\' (n=1498) COVID-19 knowledge, media and news habits, media literacy skills, and trust in government and health-related institutions. The data were analyzed using a hierarchical linear regression to examine the association between trust, media literacy, news use, and COVID-19 knowledge.
    RESULTS: The regression model of demographic variables, political affiliation, trust in institutions, media literacy, and the preference for watching Fox or CNN was statistically significant (R2=0.464; F24,1434=51.653; P<.001; adjusted R2=0.455) in predicting COVID-19 knowledge scores. People who identified as politically conservative, watched Fox News, and reported lower levels of institutional trust and media literacy, scored lower on COVID-19 knowledge questions than those who identified as politically liberal, did not watch Fox News and reported higher levels of institutional trust and media literacy.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the media outlets people turn to, their trust in institutions, and their perceived degree of agency to discern credible information can impact people\'s knowledge of COVID-19, which has potential implications for managing communication in other public health events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates individuals\' adoption of containment measures (e.g., wearing masks) from the perspectives of cultural values and trust in two countries-China and the US. Distinguished from previous definitions that characterise cultural values as rigid and fixed concepts, this study reconceptualizes collectivism to be a context-sensitive construct. With survey data from a collectivism-prevalent culture (China, n = 1578) and an individualism-prevalent culture (the US, n = 1510), it unfolds the underlying mechanism by which collectivism influences people\'s adoption of containment measures in both countries. Results indicate that institutional trust serves as a significant mediator in this relationship. In both countries, individuals who hold a collectivistic value on the pandemic are more likely to endorse the adoption of containment measures. This endorsement is driven by their trust in public institutions, which stems from their collectivistic values. Additionally, slight distinctions emerge, revealing that collectivistic values directly predict the behaviours among Chinese individuals, whereas such a direct effect is not observed in the US. Practical implications will be offered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents a literature review on the economic valuation of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) impacts, identifying methodological challenges, policy implications, and gaps. Unlike previous literature reviews, we are particularly interested in determining whether the economic valuations of HABs have included a policy analysis. Our paper provides a conceptual framework that allows us to evaluate whether applications of economic studies of HABs are consistent with a well-defined economic welfare analysis. It links methodologies and techniques with welfare measures, data types, and econometric methods. Based on this literature review, we present an example of economic valuation that closes the gap between policy analysis and valuation methodology. We use a stated preferences study to estimate a \"seafood price premium\" to create a fund to support monitoring systems and for damage compensation to producers in the presence of HABs. Results show that most economic studies on HAB valuation do not consider any cost-benefit analysis of a defined policy intervention. The predominant economic valuation methodology uses market information to estimate a proxy for welfare measure of the impact of HABs (loss revenue, sales, exports). Moreover, nonuse and indirect use values are ignored in the literature, while stated preference methodologies are underrepresented. Finally, results from 1293 surveys found that people are willing to pay an increase in the price of mussels to support a policy that informs on HAB. However, the lack of institutional trust affects the probability of paying negatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Vaccine hesitancy, an important threat to global health, has increased since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The public vaccination of high-profile figures, such as heads of state, has been touted as a potential tool for increasing vaccine acceptance among the general population. However, systematic information on such role modelling is lacking and existing studies focus on a small number of high-income countries. We take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to fill this gap.
    UNASSIGNED: Through a systematic search of internet sources, we first document that most global leaders supported the vaccination campaign and actively communicated their vaccination status to the public. We then turn to a case study to provide experimental evidence on vaccine role modelling for a country in Africa - the region that is most lagging behind in achieving universal immunization coverage. We rely on a randomized survey experiment with 600 citizens in the Democratic Republic of Congo and take advantage of the fact that the Congolese President publicly received a COVID-19 vaccine during the survey period.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings demonstrate that the impact of political leader\'s role modelling is moderated by trust and depends on media outreach and access. When trust in leaders is lacking, or news on their actions is inaccessible, alternative ambassadors and effective communication methods become crucial in motivating and informing the public. This may be especially relevant in fragile states and remote regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has resulted in rapid, substantial, and at times contradictory policy changes as public health agencies and government officials react to new information. We examine the implications of such changes for public compliance by drawing on the case of revised guidance on mask usage by asymptomatic individuals. As official recommendations on the use of masks in Canada shift from discouraged to mandatory, we draw on findings from an ongoing public opinion study to explore contemporaneous changes in rates of mask adoption and levels of public trust in government institutions. We find that Canadians exhibit high levels of compliance with changing policies on mask usage and that trust in public health officials remains consistent despite policy change.
    La maladie du coronavirus 2019 (COVID‑19) a poussé les organismes de santé publique et autres responsables gouvernementaux à apporter des changements rapides, importants et parfois contradictoires aux politiques, en réaction à la nouvelle information. Les auteurs étudient les répercussions de ces changements sur l’adhésion du public à ces décisions en se penchant sur le cas de l’évolution des directives quant à l’usage du masque par les personnes asymptomatiques. Les recommandations officielles relatives à l’usage de masques au Canada étant passées de la dissuasion à la contrainte, les auteurs étudient les constats tirés d’un sondage d’opinion publique en cours visant à analyser les fluctuations actuelles des taux d’adoption du port du masque et des niveaux de confiance du public dans les institutions gouvernementales. Les auteurs constatent que les Canadiens affichent des niveaux élevés d’adhésion aux politiques changeantes sur l’usage du masque et que la confiance dans les autorités de la santé publique demeure constante, malgré ces changements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To what extent do economic preferences and institutional trust predict compliance with physical distancing rules during the COVID-19 pandemic? We reexamine this question by introducing the theoretical and empirical distinction between individual health behaviors in the public and in the private domain (e.g., keeping a distance from strangers vs. abstaining from private gatherings with friends). Using structural equation modeling to analyze survey data from Germany\'s second wave of the pandemic (N = 3350), we reveal the following major differences between compliance in both domains: Social preferences, especially (positive) reciprocity, play an essential role in predicting compliance in the public domain but are barely relevant in the private domain. Conversely, individuals\' degree of trust in the national government matters predominantly for increasing compliance in the private domain. The clearly strongest predictor in this domain is the perception pandemic-related threats. Our findings encourage tailoring communication strategies to either domain-specific circumstances or factors common across domains. Tailored communication may also help promote compliance with other health-related regulatory policies beyond COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article discusses the results and prospects of the market reform in Dutch health care which came into force in 2006. Attention is paid to the results of the health insurance reform, the experience with the shift from passive to active purchasing and the impact of the reform on healthcare provision and cost control respectively. Other topics discussed are the consequences of the reform for administrative costs, institutional trust in health insurance, and the power balance in health care after reform. The central message is that the high expectations of the market reform have not come true. Dutch health care features a high degree of hybridity and there are indications that the system is becoming ever more hybrid: the system operates much less market-like than the market frame suggests. Currently, the policy narrative on the reform is changing. Policymakers and policy documents underscore the need for cooperation in provider networks and more state direction. The Dutch experience with health care reform illustrates the pendulum theory. After a period of a belief in competition and less state direction the pendulum in policymaking swings back to a belief in cooperation and a pro-active role of the state.





