insect herbivores

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ecological relationship among plants, rhizobacteria and plant consumers has attracted the attention of researchers due to its implications in field crops. It is known that, the rhizosphere is occupied not only by rhizobacteria which grant benefits to the plants but also by bacteria which are detrimental for them. In this work, we construct and analyze a plants-rhizobacteria-plant consumers system. In the modeling process, it is assumed that there is a conditioned interaction between plants and bacteria in the rhizosfera such that there is a mutualistic relationship at low densities of rhizobacteria and the relationship is parasitic or competitive at higher densities of them. Benefits granted by rhizobacteria include mechanisms that increase the plant growth and defense mechanisms against plant consumers. From the analysis of the model and its simplified version, we show that scenarios of coexistence of all populations can occur for a wide range of values of the parameters which describe biotic or abiotic factors; however, these scenarios are in risk since scenarios of exclusion of species can occur simultaneously due to the presence of bistability phenomena. The results obtained can be useful for the decision makers to design interventions strategies on field crops when plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria are used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of certain insects to feed on plants containing toxic specialized metabolites may be attributed to detoxification enzymes. Representatives of a few large families of detoxification enzymes are widespread in insect herbivores acting to functionalize toxins and conjugate them with polar substituents to decrease toxicity, increase water solubility and enhance excretion. Insects have also developed specific enzymes for coping with toxins that are activated upon plant damage. Another source of detoxification potential in insects lies in their microbiomes, which are being increasingly recognized for their role in processing plant toxins. The evolution of insect detoxification systems to resist toxic specialized metabolites in plants may in turn have selected for the great diversity of such metabolites found in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although diurnality is widespread across Lepidoptera and has evolved many times independently, its causes and ecological implications are yet poorly understood. The \"Salient Aroma Hypothesis\" (SAH) postulates that diurnal insect herbivores are overall more specialized in dietary breadth than species active at night. It is furthermore assumed that diurnality evolved more frequently in species that live in cooler environments. Using European geometrid moths as a model group, we tested whether diurnal activity in adults is associated with an increased larval dietary breadth as predicted by the SAH. We further investigated whether species that exclusively occur in colder regions or whose flight period is restricted to cool seasons are more likely to exhibit a diurnal flight activity. Contrary to expectation, we found no consistent differences in larval dietary breadth between diurnal and nocturnal species, and thus no support for the SAH. Diurnal activity occurred more frequently in species restricted to cold regions but not in species restricted to cool seasons. We conclude that diurnality could serve as an advantageous adaptation in cold environments, depending on further factors such as resource availability or predation pressure, but has no immediate consequences for larval dietary breadth.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We used European geometrid moths (>630 species) as a model group to investigate how life history traits linked to larval host plant use (i.e., diet breadth and host-plant growth form) and seasonal life cycle (i.e., voltinism, overwintering stage and caterpillar phenology) are related to adult body size in holometabolous insect herbivores. To do so, we applied phylogenetic comparative methods to account for shared evolutionary history among herbivore species. We further categorized larval diet breadth based on the phylogenetic structure of utilized host plant genera. Our results indicate that species associated with woody plants are, on average, larger than herb feeders and increase in size with increasing diet breadth. Obligatorily univoltine species are larger than multivoltine species, and attain larger sizes when their larvae occur exclusively in the early season. Furthermore, the adult body size is significantly smaller in species that overwinter in the pupal stage compared to those that overwinter as eggs or caterpillars. In summary, our results indicate that the ecological niche of holometabolous insect herbivores is strongly interrelated with body size at maturity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are released by plants upon damaged or disturbance by phytophagous insects. Plants emit HIPV signals not merely in reaction to tissue damage, but also in response to herbivore salivary secretions, oviposition, and excrement. Although certain volatile chemicals are retained in plant tissues and released rapidly upon damaged, others are synthesized de novo in response to herbivore feeding and emitted not only from damaged tissue but also from nearby by undamaged leaves. HIPVs can be used by predators and parasitoids to locate herbivores at different spatial scales. The HIPV-emitting spatial pattern is dynamic and heterogeneous in nature and influenced by the concentration, chemical makeup, breakdown of the emitted mixes and environmental elements (e.g., turbulence, wind and vegetation) which affect the foraging of biocontrol agents. In addition, sensory capability to detect volatiles and the physical ability to move towards the source were also different between natural enemy individuals. The impacts of HIPVs on arthropod natural enemies have been partially studied at spatial scales, that is why the functions of HIPVs is still subject under much debate. In this review, we summarized the current knowledge and loopholes regarding the role of HIPVs in tritrophic interactions at multiple scale levels. Therefore, we contend that closing these loopholes will make it much easier to use HIPVs for sustainable pest management in agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants face attackers aboveground and belowground. Insect root herbivores can lead to severe crop losses, yet the underlying transcriptomic responses have rarely been studied. We studied the dynamics of the transcriptomic response of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) primary roots to feeding damage by cabbage root fly larvae (Delia radicum), alone or in combination with aboveground herbivory by cabbage aphids (Brevicoryne brassicae) or diamondback moth caterpillars (Plutella xylostella). This was supplemented with analyses of phytohormones and the main classes of secondary metabolites; aromatic, indole and aliphatic glucosinolates. Root herbivory leads to major transcriptomic rearrangement that is modulated by aboveground feeding caterpillars, but not aphids, through priming soon after root feeding starts. The root herbivore downregulates aliphatic glucosinolates. Knocking out aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis with CRISPR-Cas9 results in enhanced performance of the specialist root herbivore, indicating that the herbivore downregulates an effective defence. This study advances our understanding of how plants cope with root herbivory and highlights several novel aspects of insect-plant interactions for future research. Further, our findings may help breeders develop a sustainable solution to a devastating root pest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prosystemin is a 200-amino acid precursor expressed in Solanaceae plants which releases at the C-terminal part a peptidic hormone called Systemin in response to wounding and herbivore attack. We recently showed that Prosystemin is not only a mere scaffold of Systemin but, even when deprived of Systemin, is biologically active. These results, combined with recent discoveries that Prosystemin is an intrinsically disordered protein containing disordered regions within its sequence, prompted us to investigate the N-terminal portions of the precursor, which contribute to the greatest disorder within the sequence. To this aim, PS1-70 and PS1-120 were designed, produced, and structurally and functionally characterized. Both the fragments, which maintained their intrinsic disorder, were able to induce defense-related genes and to protect tomato plants against Botrytis cinerea and Spodoptera littoralis larvae. Intriguingly, the biological activity of each of the two N-terminal fragments and of Systemin is similar but not quite the same and does not show any toxicity on experimental non-targets considered. These regions account for different anti-stress activities conferred to tomato plants by their overexpression. The two N-terminal fragments identified in this study may represent new promising tools for sustainable crop protection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accumulating evidence suggests that herbivorous insects influence the local composition and richness of Neotropical plant species, particularly in species-rich genera. Species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and chemical diversity all influence the ability of insect herbivores to find and utilize their hosts. The relative impact of these components of diversity on species coexistence and plant-herbivore interactions is not well understood. We constructed 60 local communities of up to 13 species of Piper (Piperaceae) in native, mature forest at a lowland wet forest location in Costa Rica. The species composition of each community was chosen such that species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and GCMS-based chemical diversity were varied independently among communities. We predicted that chemical diversity would most strongly affect the communities across time, with smaller effects of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity. At 13 months after the experimental planting, we assessed survivorship of each cutting, measured total leaf area loss of the survivors, leaf area loss to generalist and specialist herbivorous insect species, and local extinction of species. Generalist and specialist herbivory decreased with increasing levels of species richness and phylogenetic diversity, respectively. Surprisingly, there was no independent effect of chemical diversity on any of the three measures of herbivore damage. Nevertheless, plots with a higher chemical and phylogenetic diversity showed decreased plant mortality and local species extinction. Overall, our results suggested that both chemical and phylogenetic similarity are important factors in the assembly and maintenance of tropical plant communities. The fact that chemical diversity influences plant mortality suggests that leaf herbivores, and possibly other plant natural enemies, could increase plant diversity via the selective mortality of similar chemotypes.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





