insect cell line

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect cell lines are effective tools used in industry and academia. For example, they are used in screening potential insecticides, in making certain proteins for biomedical applications, and in basic research into insect biology. So far, there are no cell lines derived from the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (BSF). This may become an issue because BSFs are employed in a range of industrial and household processes. BSFs are used in producing biodiesel, in developing cosmetics and skin creams, and in the production of some medicines and animal feeds. BSF larvae process waste streams from a variety of sources into food for some animals and are also used in household composting. Our BSF cell line, designated BCIRL-HiE0122021-SGS, was developed from eggs using the medium CLG#2 (50% L-15 + 50% EX-CELL 420, with 9% FBS and antibiotics), with many other media being tested. This cell line consists of attached cells with a variety of morphologies and its identity was authenticated using CO1 barcoding. A growth curve was generated and the resulting doubling time was 118 h. We quantified the fatty acid methyl esters (FAMES) and recorded the expected range of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated FAMEs, with only trace levels of lauric acid being noted. The BSF cell line is available free of charge by request.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insecticide mode of action studies provide insights into how new insecticidal actives function and contribute to assessing safety to humans and nontarget organisms. Insect cell lines that express potential target sites can serve as valuable tools in this effort. In this paper, we report on the influence of two signaling molecules on protein expression in a nervous system cell line established from Spodoptera frugiperda (Bayer/BCIRL-SfNS2-0714-TR). We selected this line because we established it in our laboratory and we are experienced in using it. Cells were exposed to the insect developmental hormone (1 µg/mL 20-hydroxyecdysone, 20E) and/or a cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor (25 μM indomethacin, INDO; inhibits prostaglandin [PG] biosynthesis) for 24 h (Day 2), 72 h (Day 4), or 120 h (Day 6). We selected a PG biosynthesis inhibitor because PGs act in many aspects of insect biology, such as embryonic development, immunity, and protein phosphorylation. We selected the developmental hormone, 20E, because it also acts in fundamental aspects of insect biology. We identified specific proteins via in silico analysis. Changes in protein expression levels were determined using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS) + MS-MS. The largest number of changes in protein expression occurred on Day 2. The combination of 20E plus INDO led to 222 differentially expressed proteins, which documents the deep significance of PGs and 20E in insect biology. 20E and, separately, INDO led to changes in 30 proteins each (p value < 0.01; >2X or <0.5X-fold changes). We recorded changes in the expression of 9 or 12 proteins (20E), 10 or 6 proteins (INDO), and 21 or 20 proteins (20E + INDO) on D4 and D6, respectively. While the cell line was established from neuronal tissue, the differentially expressed proteins act in a variety of fundamental cell processes. In this paper, we moved beyond a list of proteins by providing detailed, Gene Ontology term analyses and enrichment, which offers an in-depth understanding of the influence of these treatments on the SfNS2 cells. Because proteins are active components of cell physiology in their roles as enzymes, receptors, elements of signaling transduction pathways, and cellular structures, changes in their expression levels under the influence of signaling molecules provide insights into their function in insect cell physiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insect cells, especially Sf9 cells, are commonly used in biomanufacturing due to their advantages in high expression levels and post-translational modification. However, the development of stable expression cell lines via random integration tended to be unstable. Site-specific integration (SSI) is an alternative strategy. In this study, a φC31 -mediated cassette exchange system in Sf9 cells was established for SSI. The tagging cassette with the reporter gene egfp was randomly inserted into the cell genome. Potential platform cell lines were obtained by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and single-cell cloning. Platform cell lines were selected by assessing the fluorescence expression, stability, and growth kinetics of cell lines. The selected platform cell lines were co-transfected with the φC31-containing plasmid and the targeting cassette. Green-fluorescence-negative clones were screened by hygromycin resistance and FACS. The resulting cell clones exhibited the expression properties of the platform cell lines. The rapid development of cell lines for the production of influenza subunit vaccines by the cassette exchange system demonstrated that the system constituted a versatile and reusable platform for the production of various recombinant proteins. Overall, the φC31-mediated cassette exchange system in Sf9 cells has the potential to facilitate and accelerate biologics development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animals maintain homeostasis of cell numbers, constantly creating new cells and eliminating others. Programmed cell death, apoptosis, is a mechanism of cell elimination and it acts in many aspects of animal biology. Drawing on the biomedical background, several signals launch the apoptosis mechanisms, including prostaglandins (PGs). Based on this information, we posed the hypothesis that PGs similarly induce apoptosis in insect cell lines. We used three Spodoptera frugiperda cell lines, including two newly established, BCIRL-SfNS-0518B-YL derived from the central nervous system and BCIRL-Sf4FB-0614-SGS derived from fat body, and the commercially available Sf9 cells. Using a kinetic apoptosis kit, we found treating SfNS cells for 18 h with 15 or 20 μM PGA2 led to decreases in cell numbers, coupled with increased numbers of apoptotic and dead cells. Similar exposures to 10 μM PGA2 (24 h) led to substantial increases in apoptotic cells, confirmed by a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay on a flow cytometer. The influence of PGA2 treatments increased with dosage, as we recorded about 20% apoptosis at 24 h post-PGA2 treatments (10 μM) and about 34% apoptosis at 24 h post-30 μM treatments. PGA2 treatments led to 10- to 30-fold increases in messenger RNAs (mRNAs) encoding apoptosis-specific caspases-1, -2, -3, and -5 at 12 h and 40- to 60-fold increases in mRNAs encoding caspases-1 and -2, 10-fold increases for caspases-3 and -5 at 24 h. These findings strongly support our hypothesis that PGs induce apoptosis in an insect cell line and confirm an additional PG action in insect biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, four established cell lines derived from newly hatched larvae of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus and 57 single-cell clones derived from the 3 lines were used as test materials. Recombinant β-galactosidase baculovirus AcMNPV-Gal was used to infect the P. demoleus L. cell lines and the single-cell clones, and recombinant protein expression in each cell line was detected and compared. Three clonal cell lines, RIRI-PaDe-1-C1, RIRI-PaDe-2-C6 and RIRI-PaDe-3-C52, which showed significantly higher β-galactosidase expression levels than those of the parental cell lines, were selected. Five types of commercial serum-free media for insect cells, Express Five SFM, Ex-Cell 405, Sf-900III SFM, Sf-900II SFM and HyClone Serum-Free Media, were used to adapt RIRI-PaDe-2-C6 cells and RIRI-PaDe-3-C52 cells to serum-free culture conditions, and the growth characteristics of the cells and the exogenous protein expression characteristics before and after adaptation were compared. The results showed that RIRI-PaDe-2-C6 cells could stably proliferate in Ex-Cell 405, RIRI-PaDe-3-C52 cells could stably proliferate in Express Five SFM and Ex-Cell 405, and the rate of proliferation of and the level of expression of β-galactosidase in RIRI-PaDe-3-C52 cells were significantly increased in Express Five SFM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostaglandins (PGs) are oxygenated metabolites of arachidonic acid and two other C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Among other actions in invertebrates, PGs act in ovarian development, renal functions, immunity, hemocyte migration, and gene/protein expression. Reversible phosphorylation is a major mechanism of regulating protein functions in eukaryotic cells and for some mammalian proteins it is influenced by PGs. We posed the hypothesis that PGs influence protein phosphorylation within insect cells, which we tested with the established insect cell line, BCIRL-HzAM1. After 20, 30, or 40 min incubations in the presence of one of three PGs (at 15 μM), PGA2 , PGE1 , or PGF2α , separate sets of cells were processed for analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis followed by tandem mass spectrometry. We recorded significant phosphorylation changes in 31 proteins, decreases in 15, and increases in 15, and one protein with increased or decreased phosphorylation, depending on PG treatment. Increasing PG exposure times led to changes in fewer proteins, 20 min incubations led to changes in 16 proteins, 30 min to changes in 13, and 40 min to changes in 2 proteins. The proteins were identified by bioinformatic analyses, including transcript description, calculated molecular weights and isoelectric points, MOlecular Weight SEarch score, total ion score, numbers of peptides, percent protein coverage, E-value, and highest peptide score. The data presented in this paper firmly support our hypothesis that PGs influence protein phosphorylation within insect cells and adds a novel PG-signaled function to insect biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The insecticidal Cry toxins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are powerful tools for insect control. Cry toxin receptors such as cadherin (CAD), ABCC2 transporter and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), located on insect midgut cells, are needed for Cry toxicity. Although insect cell lines are useful experimental models for elucidating toxin action mechanism, most of them show low expression of Cry-receptors genes. The GATA transcription factor family plays important roles in regulating development and differentiation of intestine stem cells. Here, we investigated whether GATAs transcription factors are involved in the expression of Cry1Ac-receptors genes, using multiple insect cell lines. Four GATA genes were identified in the transcriptome of the midgut tissue from the lepidopteran larvae Helicoverpa armigera. These HaGATA genes were transiently expressed in three lepidopteran cell lines, Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9, H. armigera QB-Ha-E5 and Trichoplusia ni Hi5. Analysis of transcription activity using transcriptional gene-fusions showed that only H. armigera GATAe (HaGATAe) significantly increased the transcription of CAD, ABCC2 and ALP receptors genes in all insect cell lines. Key DNA regions for HaGATAe regulation were identified in the promoter sequence of these Cry-receptors genes by using promoter deletion mapping. The transient expression of HaGATAe in these cell lines, conferred sensitivity to Cry1Ac toxin, although in Hi5 cells the susceptibility to Cry1Ac was lower than in other two cell lines. High sensitivity to Cry1Ac correlated with simultaneous transcription of ABCC2 and CAD genes in Sf9 and QB-Ha-E5 cells. Our results reveal that HaGATAe enhances transcription of several lepidopteran Cry1Ac receptor genes in cultured insect cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata is one of the most important insect pest species in the world. It has a high colonization capacity and population variety, giving it considerable genetic diversity. Strategies for its control have included the sterile insect technique and insect growth regulators. Many studies have analyzed the medfly transcriptome, and along with the medfly genome sequence, the sequences of multiple genes related to sex determination, mating, development, pheromone detection, immunity, or stress have been identified. In this study, the medfly CCE/CC128 cell line was used to assess cell growth variation and changes in the expression of genes covering different functions, after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and juvenile hormone III (JHIII) treatments. No significant effects on cell growth and gene expression were observed in the cells treated with LPS. In the cells treated with JHIII, the results showed significant effects on cell growth, and an overexpression was found of the Shade gene, one of the Halloween gene members of the cytochrome p450 family, which is involved in development and the synthesis of 20-hydroxyecdysone. This study shows preliminary results on the insect cell line in combination with whole-genome sequencing, which can facilitate studies regarding growth, toxicity, immunity, and transcriptome regulations as a response to different compounds and environmental alterations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf), is a polyphagous lepidopteran herbivore that consumes more than 80 plant species, including many economically important crops, such as corn, soybeans, and sorghum. While already a serious pest in the Americas, it was recently introduced into Africa, India, and China. Because of its high economic costs in the New World and the continent-wide damage potentials in Africa, research to develop advanced pest management technologies is necessary. We are supporting this need by developing novel, next-generation insect cell lines from targeted tissues. Cell lines, such as these, will boost insecticide discovery programs and lead to innovative pest management solutions. Here, we report on the establishment of 16 new cell lines from larval S. frugiperda tissues: nine from the central nervous system, three from the aorta, and four from the testes. We confirmed the identities of the cell lines by DNA amplification fingerprinting polymerase chain reaction, determined their doubling times from growth curves, and described cell types via microscopy. We also developed 16 sublines from three neuronal cell lines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In insects, RNAi is considered the major antiviral immune defense pathway. DsRNAs produced during viral infection are processed by Dicer enzymes into small RNAs that function as specificity determinants to silence viral genes. By contrast, in mammals, recognition of molecules associated with viral infection, such as dsRNA, by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) initiates a signaling cascade that culminates in the production and release of signaling proteins with antiviral function such as interferons. However, in insects, the hypothesis that components of virions can be recognized as pathogen-activated molecular patterns (PAMPs) to activate the innate immune response has not been investigated systematically. In this study, the potential of VP1, that constitutes the major capsid protein of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV; Reoviridae), to activate a collection of immune-related genes was examined in silkworm-derived Bm5 cells. Two different methods of VP1 administration were tested, either through endogenous expression in transformed cell lines, or through addition of purified VP1-based viral-like particles to the extracellular medium. In addition, exposure to CPV virions isolated from purified polyhedra was also performed. In general, our results do not show a robust transcriptional response of immune-related genes to VP1 or CPV virions, but two exceptions were noted. First, the expression of the antimicrobial peptide (AMP) gene Attacin was strongly induced after 24 h of exposure to VP1-based VLPs. Second, the expression levels of dcr-2, an essential gene in the RNAi pathway, were greatly increased in VP1-expressing transformed Sf21 cells but not transformed Bm5 cells, indicating the existence of species-specific effects. However, the increased expression of dcr-2 did not result in increased silencing efficiency when tested in an RNAi reporter assay. Our study indicates that the capsid protein VP1 of CPV has the potential to act as a PAMP and to induce a transcriptional response in insect cells that relate both to RNAi and protein effectors such as AMPs. The identity of the PRRs and the signaling cascade that are potentially triggered by VP1 remain to be elucidated in future experiments. While this study was performed on a small scale, it can encourage more comprehensive studies with high-throughput approaches (microarray, deep sequencing) to search more systematically whether viral capsid proteins can act as PAMPs in insects and whether their production results in the induction of immune-related genes with potential antiviral function.





