initiator tRNA

引发剂 tRNA
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RsgA (small ribosomal subunit, 30S, GTPase), a late-stage biogenesis factor, releases RbfA from 30S-RbfA complex. Escherichia coli ΔrsgA (deleted for rsgA) shows a slow growth phenotype and an increased accumulation of 17S rRNA (precursor of 16S rRNA) and the ribosomal subunits. Here, we show that the rescue of the ΔrsgA strain by multicopy infB (IF2) is enhanced by simultaneous overexpression of initiator tRNA (i-tRNA), suggesting a role of initiation complex formation in growth rescue. The synergistic effect of IF2/i-tRNA is accompanied by increased processing of 17S rRNA (to 16S), and protection of the 16S rRNA 3\'-minor domain. Importantly, we show that an IF2-binding anticonvulsant drug, lamotrigine (Ltg), also rescues the ΔrsgA strain growth. The rescue is accompanied by increased processing of 17S rRNA, protection of the 3\'-minor domain of 16S rRNA, and increased 70S ribosomes in polysome profiles. However, Ltg becomes inhibitory to the ΔrsgA strain whose growth was already rescued by an L83R mutation in rbfA. Interestingly, like wild-type infB, overproduction of LtgRinfB alleles (having indel mutations in their domain II) also rescues the ΔrsgA strain (independent of Ltg). Our observations suggest the dual role of IF2 in rescuing the ΔrsgA strain. First, together with i-tRNA, IF2 facilitates the final steps of processing of 17S rRNA. Second, a conformer of IF2 functionally compensates for RsgA, albeit poorly, during 30S biogenesis.
    RsgA is a late-stage ribosome biogenesis factor. Earlier, infB (IF2) was isolated as a multicopy suppressor of the Escherichia coli ΔrsgA strain. How IF2 rescued the strain growth remained unclear. This study reveals that (i) the multicopy infB-mediated growth rescue of E. coli ΔrsgA and the processing of 17S precursor to 16S rRNA in the strain are enhanced upon simultaneous overexpression of initiator tRNA and (ii) a conformer of IF2, whose occurrence increases when IF2 is overproduced or when E. coli ΔrsgA is treated with Ltg (an anticonvulsant drug that binds to domain II of IF2), compensates for the function of RsgA. Thus, this study reveals yet another role of IF2 in ribosome biogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescent initiator tRNAs (tRNAi) play a crucial role in studying protein synthesis, yet generating highly fluorescent tRNAi complexes remains challenging. We present an optimized strategy to effectively generate highly fluorescent initiator-tRNA complexes in living cells. Our strategy allows the generation of Fluo-Met-tRNAiMet complexes. These complexes can have highly chromogenic N-terminal labeling. For generating such complexes, we use either purified fluorescent methionine (PFM) or non-purified fluorescently labeled methionine (NPFM). Furthermore, PFM promotes the active generation of endogenous tRNAi in cells, leading to highly efficient Fluo-Met-tRNAiMet complexes. Finally, PFM-tRNAiMet complexes also facilitate the visualization of native fluorescently labeled Tat binding to beads. This demonstrates the potential of our approach to advance precision protein engineering and biotechnology applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lamotrigine (Ltg), an anticonvulsant drug, targets initiation factor 2 (IF2), compromises ribosome biogenesis and causes toxicity to Escherichia coli. However, our understanding of Ltg toxicity in E. coli remains unclear. While our in vitro assays reveal no effects of Ltg on the ribosome-dependent GTPase activity of IF2 or its role in initiation as measured by dipeptide formation in a fast kinetics assay, the in vivo experiments show that Ltg causes accumulation of the 17S precursor of 16S rRNA and leads to a decrease in polysome levels in E. coli. IF2 overexpression in E. coli increases Ltg toxicity. However, the overexpression of initiator tRNA (i-tRNA) protects it from the Ltg toxicity. The depletion of i-tRNA or overexpression of its 3GC mutant (lacking the characteristic 3GC base pairs in anticodon stem) enhances Ltg toxicity, and this enhancement in toxicity is synthetic with IF2 overexpression. The Ltg treatment itself causes a detectable increase in IF2 levels in E. coli and allows initiation with an elongator tRNA, suggesting compromise in the fidelity/specificity of IF2 function. Also, Ltg causes increased accumulation of ribosome-binding factor A (RbfA) on 30S ribosomal subunit. Based on our genetic and biochemical investigations, we show that Ltg compromises the function of i-tRNA/IF2 complex in ribosome maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In eukaryotes and in archaea late steps of translation initiation involve the two initiation factors e/aIF5B and e/aIF1A. These two factors are also orthologous to the bacterial IF2 and IF1 proteins, respectively. Recent cryo-EM studies showed how e/aIF5B and e/aIF1A cooperate on the small ribosomal subunit to favor the binding of the large ribosomal subunit and the formation of a ribosome competent for elongation. In this review, pioneering studies and recent biochemical and structural results providing new insights into the role of a/eIF5B in archaea and eukaryotes will be presented. Recent structures will also be compared to orthologous bacterial initiation complexes to highlight domain-specific features and the evolution of initiation mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In translation initiation in prokaryotes, IF3 recognizes the interaction between the initiator codon of mRNA and the anticodon of fMet-tRNAini and then relocates the fMet-tRNAini to an active position. Here, we have surveyed 328 codon-anticodon combinations for the preference of IF3. At the first and second base of the codon, only Watson-Crick base pairs are tolerated. At the third base, stronger base pairs, for example, Watson-Crick, are more preferred, but other types of base pairs, for example, G/U wobble, are also tolerated; weaker base pairs are excluded by IF3. When the codon-anticodon combinations are unfavorable for IF3 or the concentration of IF3 is too low to recognize any codon-anticodon combinations, IF3 fails to set the P-site fMet-tRNAini at the active position and causes its drop-off from the ribosome. Thereby, translation reinitiation occurs from the second aminoacyl-tRNA at the A site to yield a truncated peptide lacking the amino-terminal fMet. We refer to this event as the amino-terminal drop-off-reinitiation. We also showed that EF-G and RRF are involved in disassembling such an aberrant ribosome complex bearing inactive fMet-tRNAini Thereby EF-G and RRF are able to exclude unfavorable codon-anticodon combinations with weaker base pairs and alleviate the amino-terminal drop-off-reinitiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fidelity of initiator tRNA (i-tRNA) selection in the ribosomal P-site is a key step in translation initiation. The highly conserved three consecutive G:C base pairs (3GC pairs) in the i-tRNA anticodon stem play a crucial role in its selective binding in the P-site. Mutations in the 3GC pairs (3GC mutant) render the i-tRNA inactive in initiation. Here, we show that a mutation (E265K) in the unique C-terminal tail domain of RluD, a large ribosomal subunit pseudouridine synthase, results in compromised fidelity of initiation and allows initiation with the 3GC mutant i-tRNA. RluD modifies the uridine residues in H69 to pseudouridines. However, the role of its C-terminal tail domain remained unknown. The E265K mutation does not diminish the pseudouridine synthase activity of RluD, or the growth phenotype of Escherichia coli, or cause any detectable defects in the ribosomal assembly in our assays. However, in our in vivo analyses, we observed that the E265K mutation resulted in increased retention of the ribosome binding factor A (RbfA) on 30S suggesting a new role of RluD in contributing to RbfA release, a function which may be attributed to its (RluD) C-terminal tail domain. The studies also reveal that deficiency of RbfA release from 30S compromises the fidelity of i-tRNA selection in the ribosomal P-site.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last two decades, methods to incorporate non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs) into specific positions of a protein have advanced significantly; these methods have become general tools for engineering proteins. However, almost all these methods depend on the translation elongation process, and strategies leveraging the initiation process have rarely been reported. The incorporation of a ncAA specifically at the translation initiation site enables the installation of reactive groups for modification at the N-termini of proteins, which are attractive positions for introducing abiological groups with minimal structural perturbations. In this study, we attempted to engineer an orthogonal protein translation initiation system. Introduction of the identity elements of Escherichia coli initiator tRNA converted an engineered Methanococcus jannaschii tRNATyr into an initiator tRNA. The engineered tRNA enabled the site-specific incorporation of O-propargyl-l-tyrosine (OpgY) into the amber (TAG) codon at the translation initiation position but was inactive toward the elongational TAG codon. Misincorporation of Gln was detected, and the engineered system was demonstrated only with OpgY. We expect further engineering of the initiator tRNA for improved activity and specificity to generate an orthogonal translation initiation system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Initiator tRNAs (i-tRNAs) are characterized by the presence of three consecutive GC base pairs (GC/GC/GC) in their anticodon stems in all domains of life. However, many mycoplasmas possess unconventional i-tRNAs wherein the highly conserved sequence of GC/GC/GC is represented by AU/GC/GC, GC/GC/GU or AU/GC/GU. These mycoplasmas also tend to preferentially utilize non-AUG initiation codons. To investigate if initiation with the unconventional i-tRNAs and non-AUG codons in mycoplasmas correlated with the changes in the other components of the translation machinery, we carried out multiple sequence alignments of genes encoding initiation factors (IF), 16S rRNAs, and the ribosomal proteins such as uS9, uS12 and uS13. In addition, the occurrence of Shine-Dalgarno sequences in mRNAs was analyzed. We observed that in the mycoplasmas harboring AU/GC/GU i-tRNAs, a highly conserved position of R131 in IF3, is represented by P, F or Y and, the conserved C-terminal tail (SKR) of uS9 is represented by the TKR sequence. Using the Escherichia coli model, we show that the change of R131 in IF3 optimizes initiation with the AU/GC/GU i-tRNAs. Also, the SKR to TKR change in uS9 was compatible with the R131P variation in IF3 for initiation with the AU/GC/GU i-tRNA variant. Interestingly, the mycoplasmas harboring AU/GC/GU i-tRNAs are also human pathogens. We propose that these mycoplasmas might have evolved a relaxed translational apparatus to adapt to the environment they encounter in the host.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After having translated short upstream open reading frames, ribosomes can re-initiate translation on the same mRNA. This process, referred to as re-initiation, controls the translation of a large fraction of mammalian cellular mRNAs, many of which are important in cancer. Key ribosomal binding proteins involved in re-initiation are the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2D (eIF2D) or the homologous complex of MCT-1/DENR. We determined the structures of these factors bound to the human 40S ribosomal subunit in complex with initiator tRNA positioned on an mRNA start codon in the P-site using a combination of cryoelectron microscopy and X-ray crystallography. The structures, supported by biochemical experiments, reveal how eIF2D emulates the function of several canonical translation initiation factors by using three independent, flexibly connected RNA binding domains to simultaneously monitor codon-anticodon interactions in the ribosomal P-site and position the initiator tRNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Initiation factor 3 (IF3) is one of the three conserved prokaryotic translation initiation factors essential for protein synthesis and cellular survival. Bacterial IF3 is composed of a conserved architecture of globular N- and C-terminal domains (NTD and CTD) joined by a linker region. IF3 is a ribosome antiassociation factor which also modulates selection of start codon and initiator tRNA. All the functions of IF3 have been attributed to its CTD by in vitro studies. However, the in vivo relevance of these findings has not been investigated. By generating complete and partial IF3 (infC) knockouts in Escherichia coli and by complementation analyses using various deletion constructs, we show that while the CTD is essential for E. coli survival, the NTD is not. Polysome profiles reaffirm that CTD alone can bind to the 30S ribosomal subunit and carry out the ribosome antiassociation function. Importantly, in the absence of the NTD, bacterial growth is compromised, indicating a role for the NTD in the fitness of cellular growth. Using reporter assays for in vivo initiation, we show that the NTD plays a crucial role in the fidelity function of IF3 by avoiding (i) initiation from non-AUG codons and (ii) initiation by initiator tRNAs lacking the three highly conserved consecutive GC pairs (in the anticodon stem) known to function in concert with IF3.IMPORTANCE Initiation factor 3 regulates the fidelity of eubacterial translation initiation by ensuring the formation of an initiation complex with an mRNA bearing a canonical start codon and with an initiator tRNA at the ribosomal P site. Additionally, IF3 prevents premature association of the 50S ribosomal subunit with the 30S preinitiation complex. The significance of our work in Escherichia coli is in demonstrating that while the C-terminal domain alone sustains E. coli for its growth, the N-terminal domain adds to the fidelity of initiation of protein synthesis and to the fitness of the bacterial growth.





