initiation complex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Annexin A2 (AnxA2) plays a critical role in cell transformation, immune response, and resistance to cancer therapy. Besides functioning as a calcium- and lipidbinding protein, AnxA2 also acts as an mRNA-binding protein, for instance, by interacting with regulatory regions of specific cytoskeleton-associated mRNAs. Methods and Results: Nanomolar concentrations of FL3, an inhibitor of the translation factor eIF4A, transiently increases the expression of AnxA2 in PC12 cells and stimulates shortterm transcription/translation of anxA2 mRNA in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate. AnxA2 regulates the translation of its cognate mRNA by a feed-back mechanism, which can partly be relieved by FL3. Results obtained using the holdup chromatographic retention assay results suggest that AnxA2 interacts transiently with eIF4E (possibly eIF4G) and PABP in an RNA-independent manner while cap pulldown experiments indicate a more stable RNA-dependent interaction. Short-term (2 h) treatment of PC12 cells with FL3 increases the amount of eIF4A in cap pulldown complexes of total lysates, but not of the cytoskeletal fraction. AnxA2 is only present in cap analogue-purified initiation complexes from the cytoskeletal fraction and not total lysates confirming that AnxA2 binds to a specific subpopulation of mRNAs. Discussion: Thus, AnxA2 interacts with PABP1 and subunits of the initiation complex eIF4F, explaining its inhibitory effect on translation by preventing the formation of the full eIF4F complex. This interaction appears to be modulated by FL3. These novel findings shed light on the regulation of translation by AnxA2 and contribute to a better understanding of the mechanism of action of eIF4A inhibitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In translation initiation in prokaryotes, IF3 recognizes the interaction between the initiator codon of mRNA and the anticodon of fMet-tRNAini and then relocates the fMet-tRNAini to an active position. Here, we have surveyed 328 codon-anticodon combinations for the preference of IF3. At the first and second base of the codon, only Watson-Crick base pairs are tolerated. At the third base, stronger base pairs, for example, Watson-Crick, are more preferred, but other types of base pairs, for example, G/U wobble, are also tolerated; weaker base pairs are excluded by IF3. When the codon-anticodon combinations are unfavorable for IF3 or the concentration of IF3 is too low to recognize any codon-anticodon combinations, IF3 fails to set the P-site fMet-tRNAini at the active position and causes its drop-off from the ribosome. Thereby, translation reinitiation occurs from the second aminoacyl-tRNA at the A site to yield a truncated peptide lacking the amino-terminal fMet. We refer to this event as the amino-terminal drop-off-reinitiation. We also showed that EF-G and RRF are involved in disassembling such an aberrant ribosome complex bearing inactive fMet-tRNAini Thereby EF-G and RRF are able to exclude unfavorable codon-anticodon combinations with weaker base pairs and alleviate the amino-terminal drop-off-reinitiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tailed double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) bacteriophages, herpesviruses, and adenoviruses package their genetic material into a precursor capsid through a dodecameric ring complex called the portal protein, which is located at a unique 5-fold vertex. In several phages and viruses, including T4, Φ29, and herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), the portal forms a nucleation complex with scaffolding proteins (SPs) to initiate procapsid (PC) assembly, thereby ensuring incorporation of only one portal ring per capsid. However, for bacteriophage P22, the role of its portal protein in initiation of procapsid assembly is unclear. We have developed an in vitro P22 assembly assay where portal protein is coassembled into procapsid-like particles (PLPs). Scaffolding protein also catalyzes oligomerization of monomeric portal protein into dodecameric rings, possibly forming a scaffolding protein-portal protein nucleation complex that results in one portal ring per P22 procapsid. Here, we present evidence substantiating that the P22 portal protein, similarly to those of other dsDNA viruses, can act as an assembly nucleator. The presence of the P22 portal protein is shown to increase the rate of particle assembly and contribute to proper morphology of the assembled particles. Our results highlight a key function of portal protein as an assembly initiator, a feature that is likely conserved among these classes of dsDNA viruses.IMPORTANCE The existence of a single portal ring is essential to the formation of infectious virions in the tailed double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) phages, herpesviruses, and adenoviruses and, as such, is a viable antiviral therapeutic target. How only one portal is selectively incorporated at a unique vertex is unclear. In many dsDNA viruses and phages, the portal protein acts as an assembly nucleator. However, early work on phage P22 assembly in vivo indicated that the portal protein did not function as a nucleator for procapsid (PC) assembly, leading to the suggestion that P22 uses a unique mechanism for portal incorporation. Here, we show that portal protein nucleates assembly of P22 procapsid-like particles (PLPs). Addition of portal rings to an assembly reaction increases the rate of formation and yield of particles and corrects improper particle morphology. Our data suggest that procapsid assembly may universally initiate with a nucleation complex composed minimally of portal and scaffolding proteins (SPs).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sea urchin early development is a powerful model to study translational regulation under physiological conditions. Fertilization triggers an activation of the translation machinery responsible for the increase of protein synthesis necessary for the completion of the first embryonic cell cycles. The cap-binding protein eIF4E, the helicase eIF4A and the large scaffolding protein eIF4G are assembled upon fertilization to form an initiation complex on mRNAs involved in cap-dependent translation initiation. The presence of these proteins in unfertilized and fertilized eggs has already been demonstrated, however data concerning the translational status of translation factors are still scarce. Using polysome fractionation, we analyzed the impact of fertilization on the recruitment of mRNAs encoding initiation factors. Strikingly, whereas the mRNAs coding eIF4E, eIF4A, and eIF4G were not recruited into polysomes at 1 h post-fertilization, mRNAs for eIF4B and for non-canonical initiation factors such as DAP5, eIF4E2, eIF4E3, or hnRNP Q, are recruited and are differentially sensitive to the activation state of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. We discuss our results suggesting alternative translation initiation in the context of the early development of sea urchins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription in human mitochondria is driven by a single-subunit, factor-dependent RNA polymerase (mtRNAP). Despite its critical role in both expression and replication of the mitochondrial genome, transcription initiation by mtRNAP remains poorly understood. Here, we report crystal structures of human mitochondrial transcription initiation complexes assembled on both light and heavy strand promoters. The structures reveal how transcription factors TFAM and TFB2M assist mtRNAP to achieve promoter-dependent initiation. TFAM tethers the N-terminal region of mtRNAP to recruit the polymerase to the promoter whereas TFB2M induces structural changes in mtRNAP to enable promoter opening and trapping of the DNA non-template strand. Structural comparisons demonstrate that the initiation mechanism in mitochondria is distinct from that in the well-studied nuclear, bacterial, or bacteriophage transcription systems but that similarities are found on the topological and conceptual level. These results provide a framework for studying the regulation of gene expression and DNA replication in mitochondria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription initiation by RNA Polymerase I (Pol I) depends on the Core Factor (CF) complex to recognize the upstream promoter and assemble into a Pre-Initiation Complex (PIC). Here, we solve a structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol I-CF-DNA to 3.8 Å resolution using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. The structure reveals a bipartite architecture of Core Factor and its recognition of the promoter from -27 to -16. Core Factor\'s intrinsic mobility correlates well with different conformational states of the Pol I cleft, in addition to the stabilization of either Rrn7 N-terminal domain near Pol I wall or the tandem winged helix domain of A49 at a partially overlapping location. Comparison of the three states in this study with the Pol II system suggests that a ratchet motion of the Core Factor-DNA sub-complex at upstream facilitates promoter melting in an ATP-independent manner, distinct from a DNA translocase actively threading the downstream DNA in the Pol II PIC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on the complete genome of Cyanothece ATCC 51142, the oriCs of both the circular and linear chromosomes in Cyanothece ATCC 51142 have been predicted by utilizing a web-based system Ori-Finder. Here, we provide experimental support for the results of Ori-Finder to identify the replication origins of Cyanothece ATCC 51142 and their interactions with the initiator protein, DnaA. The two replication origins are composed of three characteristically arranged DnaA boxes and an AT-rich stretch, and the oriC in the circular chromosome is followed by the dnaN gene. The dnaA gene is located downstream of the origin of the circular chromosome and it expresses a typical DnaA protein that is divided into four domains (I, II, III, IV), as with other members of the DnaA protein family. We purify DnaA (IV) and characterize the interaction of the purified protein with the replication origins, so as to offer experimental support for the prediction. The results of the electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprint assay demonstrate that the C-terminal domain of the DnaA protein from Cyanothece ATCC 51142 specifically binds the oriCs of both the circular and linear chromosomes, and the DNase I footprint assay demonstrates that DnaA (IV) exhibits hypersensitive affinity with DnaA boxes in both oriCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription factor II D (TFIID) is a multiprotein complex that nucleates formation of the basal transcription machinery. TATA binding protein-associated factors 1 and 7 (TAF1 and TAF7), two subunits of TFIID, are integral to the regulation of eukaryotic transcription initiation and play key roles in preinitiation complex (PIC) assembly. Current models suggest that TAF7 acts as a dissociable inhibitor of TAF1 histone acetyltransferase activity and that this event ensures appropriate assembly of the RNA polymerase II-mediated PIC before transcriptional initiation. Here, we report the 3D structure of a complex of yeast TAF1 with TAF7 at 2.9 Å resolution. The structure displays novel architecture and is characterized by a large predominantly hydrophobic heterodimer interface and extensive cofolding of TAF subunits. There are no obvious similarities between TAF1 and known histone acetyltransferases. Instead, the surface of the TAF1-TAF7 complex contains two prominent conserved surface pockets, one of which binds selectively to an inhibitory trimethylated histone H3 mark on Lys27 in a manner that is also regulated by phosphorylation at the neighboring H3 serine. Our findings could point toward novel roles for the TAF1-TAF7 complex in regulation of PIC assembly via reading epigenetic histone marks.





