inferior frontal sulcus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inferior frontal sulcus (ifs) is a prominent sulcus on the lateral frontal cortex, separating the middle frontal gyrus from the inferior frontal gyrus. The morphology of the ifs can be difficult to distinguish from adjacent sulci, which are often misidentified as continuations of the ifs. The morphological variability of the ifs and its relationship to surrounding sulci were examined in 40 healthy human subjects (i.e., 80 hemispheres). The sulci were identified and labeled on the native cortical surface meshes of individual subjects, permitting proper intra-sulcal assessment. Two main morphological patterns of the ifs were identified across hemispheres: in Type I, the ifs was a single continuous sulcus, and in Type II, the ifs was discontinuous and appeared in two segments. The morphology of the ifs could be further subdivided into nine subtypes based on the presence of anterior and posterior sulcal extensions. The ifs was often observed to connect, either superficially or completely, with surrounding sulci, and seldom appeared as an independent sulcus. The spatial variability of the ifs and its various morphological configurations were quantified in the form of surface spatial probability maps which are made publicly available in the standard fsaverage space. These maps demonstrated that the ifs generally occupied a consistent position across hemispheres and across individuals. The normalized mean sulcal depths associated with the main morphological types were also computed. The present study provides the first detailed description of the ifs as a sulcal complex composed of segments and extensions that can be clearly differentiated from adjacent sulci. These descriptions, together with the spatial probability maps, are critical for the accurate identification of the ifs in anatomical and functional neuroimaging studies investigating the structural characteristics and functional organization of this region in the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inferior frontal sulcus is conceptualized as the landmark delineating ventro-from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Functional imaging studies report activations within the sulcus during tasks addressing cognitive control and verbal working memory, while their microstructural correlates are not well defined. Existing microstructural maps, e.g., Brodmann\'s map, do not distinguish separate areas within the sulcus. We identified six new areas in the inferior frontal sulcus and its junction to the precentral sulcus, ifs1-4, ifj1-ifj2, by combined cytoarchitectonic analysis and receptor autoradiography. A hierarchical cluster analysis of receptor densities of these and neighbouring prefrontal areas revealed that they form a distinct cluster within the prefrontal cortex. Major interhemispheric differences were found in both cyto- and receptorarchitecture. The function of cytoarchitectonically identified areas was explored by comparing probabilistic maps of the areas in stereotaxic space with their functions and co-activation patterns as analysed by means of a coordinate-based meta-analysis. We found a bilateral involvement in working memory, as well as a lateralization of different language-related processes to the left hemisphere, and of music processing and attention to the right-hemispheric areas. Particularly ifj2 might act as a functional hub between the networks. The cytoarchitectonic maps and receptor densities provide a powerful tool to further elucidate the function of these areas. The maps are available through the Human Brain Atlas of the Human Brain Project and serve in combination with the information on the cyto- and receptor architecture of the areas as a resource for brain models and simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The decision to process an incoming stimulus attentively - and to trigger a follow-up cascade of high-level processes - is strategic for the human brain as it becomes transiently unavailable to subsequent stimulus processing. In this study, we set to identify brain networks that carry out such evaluations. We therefore assessed the time-course of neural responses with intracerebral EEG in human patients during an attentional reading task, contrasting to-be-attended vs. to-be-ignored items. We measured High-Frequency Activity [50-150 ​Hz] as a proxy of population-level spiking activity and we identified a crucial component of a Gate-Keeping Mechanism bilateral in the mid-Ventro-Lateral Prefrontal Cortex (VLPFC), at the interplay of the Ventral and Dorsal Attention Networks, that selectively reacts before domain specialized cortical regions that engage in full stimulus analysis according to task demands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The assessment of motor and executive functions following stroke or traumatic brain injury is a key aspect of impairment evaluation and used to guide further therapy. In clinical routine, such assessments are largely dominated by pen-and-paper tests. While these provide standardized, reliable, and ecologically valid measures of the individual level of functioning, rather little is yet known about their neurobiological underpinnings. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate brain regions and their associated networks that are related to upper extremity motor function, as quantified by the motor speed subtest of the trail making test (TMT-MS). Whole-brain voxel-based morphometry and whole-brain tract-based spatial statistics were used to investigate the association between TMT-MS performance with gray-matter volume (GMV) and white-matter integrity, respectively. While results demonstrated no relationship to local white-matter properties, we found a significant correlation between TMT-MS performance and GMV of the lower bank of the inferior frontal sulcus, a region associated with cognitive processing, as indicated by assessing its functional profile by the BrainMap database. Using this finding as a seed region, we further examined and compared networks as reflected by resting state connectivity, meta-analytic connectivity modeling, structural covariance, and probabilistic tractography. While differences between the different approaches were observed, all approaches converged on a network comprising regions that overlap with the multiple-demand network. Our data therefore indicate that performance may primarily depend on executive function, thus suggesting that motor speed in a more naturalistic setting should be more associated with executive rather than primary motor function. Moreover, results showed that while there were differences between the approaches, a convergence indicated that common networks can be revealed across highly divergent methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By definition, lying involves withholding the truth. Response inhibition may therefore be the cognitive function at the heart of deception. Neuroimaging research has shown that the same brain region that is activated during response inhibition tasks, namely the inferior frontal region, is also activated during deception paradigms. This led to the hypothesis that the inferior frontal region is the neural substrate critically involved in withholding the truth. In the present study, we critically examine the functional necessity of the inferior frontal region in withholding the truth during deception. We experimentally manipulated the neural activity level in right inferior frontal sulcus (IFS) by means of neuronavigated continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS). Individual structural magnetic resonance brain images (MRI) were used to allow precise stimulation in each participant. Twenty-six participants answered autobiographical questions truthfully or deceptively before and after sham and real cTBS. Deception was reliably associated with more errors, longer and more variable response times than truth telling. Despite the potential role of IFS in deception as suggested by neuroimaging data, the cTBS-induced disruption of right IFS did not affect response times or error rates, when compared to sham stimulation. The present findings do not support the hypothesis that the right IFS is critically involved in deception.





