inelastic X-ray scattering

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, the novel technique of extended-range high-energy-resolution fluorescence detection (XR-HERFD) has successfully observed the n = 2 satellite in manganese to a high accuracy. The significance of the satellite signature presented is many hundreds of standard errors and well beyond typical discovery levels of three to six standard errors. This satellite is a sensitive indicator for all manganese-containing materials in condensed matter. The uncertainty in the measurements has been defined, which clearly observes multiple peaks and structure indicative of complex physical quantum-mechanical processes. Theoretical calculations of energy eigenvalues, shake-off probability and Auger rates are also presented, which explain the origin of the satellite from physical n = 2 shake-off processes. The evolution in the intensity of this satellite is measured relative to the full Kα spectrum of manganese to investigate satellite structure, and therefore many-body processes, as a function of incident energy. Results demonstrate that the many-body reduction factor S02 should not be modelled with a constant value as is currently done. This work makes a significant contribution to the challenge of understanding many-body processes and interpreting HERFD or resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectra in a quantitative manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) measurements were performed for observing the excitation of bulk plasmons in metallic liquid silicon (Si). The peak due to plasmon excitation was observed within the energy loss around 17 eV. Combined with IXS data of crystalline Si measured at several elevated temperatures, it was found that temperature dependence of the excitation energy in the crystalline solid state is explained by the electron gas including the band gap effect, whereas in the metallic liquid state near the melting point, it exhibits a departure from the electron gas; the plasmon energy takes a lower value than that of the electron gas. Such lowering of plasmon energies is reasonably explained by a model incorporating semiconducting component to the electron gas. Non-simple metallic nature in liquid silicon is highlighted by the observation of electron collective dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A von Hámos spectrometer has been implemented in the vacuum interaction chamber 1 of the High Energy Density instrument at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility. This setup is dedicated, but not necessarily limited, to X-ray spectroscopy measurements of samples exposed to static compression using a diamond anvil cell. Si and Ge analyser crystals with different orientations are available for this setup, covering the hard X-ray energy regime with a sub-eV energy resolution. The setup was commissioned by measuring various emission spectra of free-standing metal foils and oxide samples in the energy range between 6 and 11 keV as well as low momentum-transfer inelastic X-ray scattering from a diamond sample. Its capabilities to study samples at extreme pressures and temperatures have been demonstrated by measuring the electronic spin-state changes of (Fe0.5Mg0.5)O, contained in a diamond anvil cell and pressurized to 100 GPa, via monitoring the Fe Kβ fluorescence with a set of four Si(531) analyser crystals at close to melting temperatures. The efficiency and signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrometer enables valence-to-core emission signals to be studied and single pulse X-ray emission from samples in a diamond anvil cell to be measured, opening new perspectives for spectroscopy in extreme conditions research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a contribution to the ongoing effort toward high-frequency sound manipulation in composite materials, we use Inelastic X-ray Scattering to probe the phonon spectrum of ice, either in a pure form or with a sparse amount of nanoparticles embedded in it. The study aims at elucidating the ability of nanocolloids to condition the collective atomic vibrations of the surrounding environment. We observe that a nanoparticle concentration of about 1 % in volume is sufficient to visibly affect the phonon spectrum of the icy substrate, mainly canceling its optical modes and adding nanoparticle phonon excitations to it. We highlight this phenomenon thanks to the lineshape modeling based on a Bayesian inference, which enables us to capture the finest detail of the scattering signal. The results of this study can empower new routes toward the shaping of sound propagation in materials through the control of their structural heterogeneity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inelastic x-ray scattering measurements have been carried out to investigate atomic dynamics in a melt of fast phase change material GeCu2Te3. The dynamic structure factor was analysed using the model function with three damped harmonic oscillator components. By investigating the correlation between the excitation energy and the linewidth, and that between the excitation energy and the intensity on contour maps of a relative approximate probability distribution function proportional toexp(-χ2/N), we could judge the reliability of each inelastic excitation in the dynamic structure factor. The results indicate that there are two inelastic excitation modes besides the longitudinal acoustic one in the liquid. The lower energy excitation could be assigned to the transverse acoustic one whereas the higher energy one disperses like fast sound. The latter result may imply that the liquid ternary alloy exhibits a microscopic phase separation tendency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamic structure factorS(Q,E), whereQandEare momentum and energy transfer, respectively, has been measured for liquid Eu8Ga16Ge30(EGG), using inelastic x-ray scattering. The excitation energy of the longitudinal acoustic mode in the liquid was scaled to that in liquid Ba8Ga16Sn30(BGS) with the effective mass. This result means that the local structure in both liquids are similar. The longitudinal acoustic excitation energy of type-I clathrate compound EGG disperses faster than that in the liquid, suggesting that the interatomic force is weakened on melting. The lower energy excitation was observed in both liquid EGG and liquid BGS. In comparison with the longitudinal phonon dispersion in crystalline clathrate compound EGG obtained by density functional theory-based calculations, the lower energy in the liquid was found to be near the optical mode energy. The result indicates that the lower energy mode arises from the relative motion between Eu and (Ga, Ge) atoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the grand challenges of new generation Condensed Matter physicists is the development of novel devices enabling the control of sound propagation at terahertz frequency. Indeed, phonon excitations in this frequency window are the leading conveyor of heat transfer in insulators. Their manipulation is thus critical to implementing heat management based on the structural design. To explore the possibility of controlling the damping of sound waves, we used high spectral contrast Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) to comparatively study terahertz acoustic damping in a dilute suspension of 50 nm nanospheres in glycerol and on pure glycerol. Bayesian inference-based modeling of measured spectra indicates that, at sufficiently large distances, the spectral contribution of collective modes in the glycerol suspension becomes barely detectable due to the enhanced damping, the weakening, and the slight softening of the dominant acoustic mode.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Longitudinal-optical (LO) mode phonon branches of KCl and NaCl were measured using inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) at 300 K and calculated by the first-principles phonon calculation with the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation. Spectral shapes of the IXS measurements and calculated spectral functions agreed well. We analyzed the calculated spectral functions that provide higher resolutions of the spectra than the IXS measurements. Due to strong anharmonicity, the spectral functions of these phonon branches have several peaks and the LO modes along Γ-L paths are disconnected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using X-ray scattering, we measured detailed maps of the diffuse scattering intensity distribution and a number of phonon dispersion branches for a single crystal of inorganically formed natural calcite and for high-quality mesocrystals of biogenic calcite from a Mediterranean sea urchin spine. A comparison shows that the known differences in the mechanical properties between the `strong\' biogenic and `brittle\' abiotic material should be attributed to the mesoscopic architecture of the crystal rather than to a modification of the calcite crystal structure. The data are rationalized by comparing them to the results of ab initio model calculations of lattice dynamics. For the mesocrystal, they are augmented by the evaluation of the faceting of the constituent nanocrystals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern inelastic X-ray spectrometers employ curved, bent and diced analyzers to capture sufficiently large solid angles of radially emitted scattered radiation emanating from the sample. Fabricating these intricate analyzers, especially when a high energy resolution of a few millielectronvolts is required, is very time-consuming, expensive and often a hit-or-miss affair. A novel fabrication technique is introduced, utilizing a concave-spherical, microporous aluminium base to hold an assembly of a thin glass substrate with a diced crystal wafer bonded to it. Under uniform vacuum forces, the glass substrate is drawn into the aluminium base, achieving the desired bending radius, while dicing of the diffracting crystal layer prevents bending strain from being imposed on the individual crystal pixels. This technique eliminates the need for permanently bonding the crystal assembly to the concave lens, offering the opportunity for correcting figure errors, avoiding long-term degradation of the permanent bond, and making both lens and crystal reusable. Process and material costs are thus substantially decreased. Two analyzers, Si(844) and Ge(337) with intrinsic resolutions of 14.6 meV and 36.5 meV, respectively, were produced in this fashion and characterized in resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements. The achieved overall energy resolutions for both analyzers were 29.4 meV for Si(844) and 56.6 meV for Ge(337). Although the RIXS technique is veru sensitive to analyzer imperfections, the analyzers were found to be equal, if not superior, in quality to their traditional, permanently bonded counterparts.





