indoor chemistry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limonene, a key volatile chemical product (VCP) commonly found in personal care and cleaning agents, is emerging as a major indoor air pollutant. Recently, elevated levels of reactive chlorine species during bleach cleaning and disinfection have been reported to increase indoor oxidative capacity. However, incomplete knowledge of the indoor transformation of limonene, especially the missing chlorine chemistry, poses a barrier to evaluating the environmental implications associated with the concurrent use of cleaning agents and disinfectants. Here, we investigated the reaction mechanisms of chlorinated limonene peroxy radicals (Cl-lim-RO2•), key intermediates in determining the chlorine chemistry of limonene, and toxicity of transformation products (TPs) using quantum chemical calculations and toxicology modeling. The results indicate that Cl-lim-RO2• undergoes a concerted autoxidation process modulated by RO2• and alkoxy radicals (RO•), particularly emphasizing the importance of RO• isomerization. Following this generalized autoxidation mechanism, Cl-lim-RO2• can produce low-volatility precursors of secondary organic aerosols. Toxicological findings further indicate that the majority of TPs exhibit increased respiratory toxicity, mutagenicity, and eye/skin irritation compared to limonene, presenting an occupational hazard for indoor occupants. The proposed near-explicit reaction mechanism of chlorine-initiated limonene significantly enhances our current understanding of both RO2• and RO• chemistry while also highlighting the health risks associated with the concurrent use of cleaning agents and disinfectants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chemistry of ozone (O3) on indoor surfaces leads to secondary pollution, aggravating the air quality in indoor environments. Here, we assess the heterogeneous chemistry of gaseous O3 with glass plates after being 1 month in two different kitchens where Chinese and Western styles of cooking were applied, respectively. The uptake coefficients of O3 on the authentic glass plates were measured in the dark and under UV light irradiation typical for indoor environments (320 nm < λ < 400 nm) at different relative humidities. The gas-phase product compounds formed upon reactions of O3 with the glass plates were evaluated in real time by a proton-transfer-reaction quadrupole-interface time-of-flight mass spectrometer. We observed typical aldehydes formed by the O3 reactions with the unsaturated fatty acid constituents of cooking oils. The formation of decanal, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (6-MHO), and 4-oxopentanal (4-OPA) was also observed. The employed dynamic mass balance model shows that the estimated mixing ratios of hexanal, octanal, nonanal, decanal, undecanal, 6-MHO, and 4-OPA due to O3 chemistry with authentic grime-coated kitchen glass surfaces are higher in the kitchen where Chinese food was cooked compared to that where Western food was cooked. These results show that O3 chemistry on greasy glass surfaces leads to enhanced VOC levels in indoor environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human chemical exposure often occurs indoors, where large variability in contaminant concentrations and indoor chemical dynamics make assessments of these exposures challenging. A major source of uncertainty lies in the rates of chemical transformations which, due to high surface-to-volume ratios and rapid air change rates relative to rates of gas-phase reactions indoors, are largely gas-surface multiphase processes. It remains unclear how important such chemistry is in controlling indoor chemical lifetimes and, therefore, human exposure to both parent compounds and transformation products. We present a multimedia steady-state fugacity-based model to assess the importance of multiphase chemistry relative to cleaning and mass transfer losses, examine how the physicochemical properties of compounds and features of the indoor environment affect these processes, and investigate uncertainties pertaining to indoor multiphase chemistry and chemical lifetimes. We find that multiphase reactions can play an important role in chemical fate indoors for reactive compounds with low volatility, i.e., octanol-air equilibrium partitioning ratios (Koa) above 108, with the impact of this chemistry dependent on chemical identity, oxidant type and concentration, and other parameters. This work highlights the need for further research into indoor chemical dynamics and multiphase chemistry to constrain human exposure to chemicals in the built environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ozone reaction with human surfaces is an important source of ultrafine particles indoors. However, 1-20 nm particles generated from ozone-human chemistry, which mark the first step of particle formation and growth, remain understudied. Ventilation and indoor air movement could have important implications for these processes. Therefore, in a controlled-climate chamber, we measured ultrafine particles initiated from ozone-human chemistry and their dependence on the air change rate (ACR, 0.5, 1.5, and 3 h-1) and operation of mixing fans (on and off). Concurrently, we measured volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and explored the correlation between particles and gas-phase products. At 25-30 ppb ozone levels, humans generated 0.2-7.7 × 1012 of 1-3 nm, 0-7.2 × 1012 of 3-10 nm, and 0-1.3 × 1012 of 10-20 nm particles per person per hour depending on the ACR and mixing fan operation. Size-dependent particle growth and formation rates increased with higher ACR. The operation of mixing fans suppressed the particle formation and growth, owing to enhanced surface deposition of the newly formed particles and their precursors. Correlation analyses revealed complex interactions between the particles and VOCs initiated by ozone-human chemistry. The results imply that ventilation and indoor air movement may have a more significant influence on particle dynamics and fate relative to indoor chemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human daily activities such as cooking, and cleaning can affect the indoor air quality by releasing primary emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as by the secondary product compounds formed through reactions with ozone (O3) and hydroxyl radicals (OH). However, our knowledge about the formation processes of the secondary VOCs is still incomplete. We performed real-time measurements of primary VOCs released by commercial floor-cleaning detergent and the secondary product compounds formed by heterogeneous reaction of O3 with the constituents of the cleaning agent by use of high-resolution mass spectrometry. We measured the uptake coefficients of O3 on the cleaning detergent at different relative humidities in dark and under different light intensities (320 nm < λ < 400 nm) relevant for the indoor environment. On the basis of the detected compounds we developed tentative reaction mechanisms describing the formation of the secondary VOCs. Intriguingly, under light irradiation the formation of valeraldehyde was observed based on the photosensitized chemistry of acetophenone which is a constituent of the cleaning agent. Finally, we modeled the observed mixing ratios of three aldehydes, glyoxal, methylglyoxal, and 4-oxopentanal with respect to real-life indoor environment. The results suggest that secondary VOCs initiated by ozone chemistry can additionally impact the indoor air pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gaseous organic compounds, mainly volatile organic compounds (VOCs), have become a wide concern in various indoor environments where we spend the majority of our daily time. The sources, compositions, variations, and sinks of indoor VOCs are extremely complex, and their potential impacts on human health are less understood. Owing to the deployment of the state-of-the-art real-time mass spectrometry during the last two decades, our understanding of the sources, dynamic changes and chemical transformations of VOCs indoors has been significantly improved. This review aims to summarize the key findings from mass spectrometry measurements in recent indoor studies including residence, classroom, office, sports center, etc. The sources and sinks, compositions and distributions of indoor VOCs, and the factors (e.g., human activities, air exchange rate, temperature and humidity) driving the changes in indoor VOCs are discussed. The physical and chemical processes of gas-particle partitioning and secondary oxidation processes of VOCs, and their impacts on human health are summarized. Finally, the recommendations for future research directions on indoor VOCs measurements and indoor chemistry are proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which suddenly appeared at the beginning of 2020, revealed our knowledge deficits in terms of ventilation and air pollution control. It took many weeks to realize that aerosols are the main route of transmission. The initial attempt to hold back these aerosols through textile masks seemed almost helpless, although there is sufficient knowledge about the retention capacity of fabric filters for aerosols. In the absence of a sufficient number of permanently installed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, three main approaches are pursued: (a) increasing the air exchange rate by supplying fresh air, (b) using mobile air purifiers, and (c) disinfection by introducing active substances into the room air. This article discusses the feasibility of these different approaches critically. It also provides experimental results of air exchange measurements in a school classroom that is equipped with a built-in fan for supplying fresh air. With such a fan and a window tilted at the appropriate distance, an air exchange rate of 5/h can be set at a low power level and without any significant noise pollution. Heat balance calculations show that no additional heat exchanger is necessary in a normal classroom with outside temperatures above 10°C. Furthermore, a commercial mobile air purifier is studied in a chamber and a test room setup in order to examine and evaluate the efficiency of such devices against viable viruses under controlled and realistic conditions. For this purpose, bacteriophages of the type MS2 are used. Both window ventilation and air purifiers were found to be suitable to reduce the concentration of phages in the room.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People influence indoor air chemistry through their chemical emissions via breath and skin. Previous studies showed that direct measurement of total OH reactivity of human emissions matched that calculated from parallel measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from breath, skin, and the whole body. In this study, we determined, with direct measurements from two independent groups of four adult volunteers, the effect of indoor temperature and humidity, clothing coverage (amount of exposed skin), and indoor ozone concentration on the total OH reactivity of gaseous human emissions. The results show that the measured concentrations of VOCs and ammonia adequately account for the measured total OH reactivity. The total OH reactivity of human emissions was primarily affected by ozone reactions with organic skin-oil constituents and increased with exposed skin surface, higher temperature, and higher humidity. Humans emitted a comparable total mixing ratio of VOCs and ammonia at elevated temperature-low humidity and elevated temperature-high humidity, with relatively low diversity in chemical classes. In contrast, the total OH reactivity increased with higher temperature and higher humidity, with a larger diversity in chemical classes compared to the total mixing ratio. Ozone present, carbonyl compounds were the dominant reactive compounds in all of the reported conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrous acid (HONO) is a toxic household pollutant and a major source of indoor OH radicals. The high surface-to-volume ratio and diverse lighting conditions make the indoor photochemistry of HONO complex. This study demonstrates surface uptake of NO2 and gaseous HNO3 followed by gas-phase HONO generation on gypsum surfaces, model system for drywall, under reaction conditions appropriate for an indoor air environment. Tens of parts per billion of steady-state HONO are detected under these experimental conditions. Mechanistic insight into this heterogeneous photochemistry is obtained by exploring the roles of material compositions, relative humidities, and light sources. NO2 and HNO3 are adsorbed onto drywall surfaces, which can generate HONO under illumination and under dark conditions. Photoenhanced HONO generation is observed for illumination with a solar simulator as well as with the common indoor light sources such as compact fluorescence light and incandescent light bulbs. Incandescent light sources release more HONO and NO2 near the light source compared to the solar radiation. Overall, HONO production on the gypsum surface increases with the increase of RH up to 70% relative humidity; above that, the gaseous HONO level decreases due to surface loss. Heterogeneous hydrolysis of NO2 is predicted to be the dominant HONO generation channel, where NO2 is produced through the photolysis of surface-adsorbed nitrates. This hydrolysis reaction predominantly occurs in the first layer of surface-adsorbed water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the high health risks associated with indoor air pollutants and long-term exposure, indoor air quality has received increasing attention. In this study, we put emphasis on the molecular composition, source emissions, and chemical aging of air pollutants in a residence with designed activities mimicking ordinary Hong Kong homes. More than 150 air pollutants were detected at molecular level, 87 of which were quantified at a time resolution of not less than 1 hour. The indoor-to-outdoor ratios were higher than 1 for most of the primary air pollutants, due to emissions of indoor activities and indoor backgrounds (especially for aldehydes). In contrast, many secondary air pollutants exhibited higher concentrations in outdoor air. Painting ranked first in aldehyde emissions, which also caused great enhancement of aromatics. Incense burning had the highest emissions of particle-phase organics, with vanillic acid and syringic acid as markers. The other noteworthy fingerprints enabled by online measurements included linoleic acid, cholesterol, and oleic acid for cooking, 2,5-dimethylfuran, stigmasterol, iso-/anteiso-alkanes, and fructose isomers for smoking, C28 -C34 even n-alkanes for candle burning, and monoterpenes for the use of air freshener, cleaning agents, and camphor oil. We showed clear evidence of chemical aging of cooking emissions, giving a hint of indoor heterogeneous chemistry. This study highlights the value of organic molecules measured at high time resolutions in enhancing our knowledge on indoor air quality.





