
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methods for the reliable and effective detection and identification of impurities are crucial to ensure the quality and safety of biopharmaceutical products. Technical limitations constrain the accurate identification of individual impurity peaks by size-based electrophoresis separations followed by mass spectrometry. This study presents a size-based electrophoretic method for detecting and identifying impurity peaks in antibody production. A hydrogen sulfide-accelerated degradation method was employed to generate known degradation products observed in bioreactors that forms the basis for size calibration. LabChip GXII channel electrophoresis enabled the rapid (< 1 min) detection of impurity peaks based on size, while capillary zone electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CZE-MS) facilitated their accurate identification. We combine these techniques to examine impurities resulting from cell culture harvest conditions and forced degradation to assess antibody stability. To mimic cell culture harvest conditions and the impact of forced degradation, we subjected samples to cathepsin at different pH buffers or exposed them to high pH and temperature. Our method demonstrated the feasibility and broad applicability of using a CZE-MS generated spectral library to unambiguously assign peaks in high throughput size-based electrophoresis (i.e., LabChip GXII) with identifications or likely mass of the antibody impurity. Overall, this strategy combines the utility of CZE-MS as a high-resolution separation and detection method for impurities with size-based electrophoresis methods that are typically used to detect (not identify) impurities during the discovery and development of antibody therapeutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in synthetic peptide synthesis have enabled rapid and cost-effective peptide drug manufacturing. For this reason, peptide drugs that were first produced using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology are now being produced using solid- and liquid-phase peptide synthesis. While peptide synthesis has some advantages over rDNA expression methods, new peptide-related impurities that differ from the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) may be generated during synthesis. These impurity byproducts of the original peptide sequence feature amino acid insertions, deletions, and side-chain modifications that may alter the immunogenicity risk profile of the drug product. Impurities resulting from synthesis have become the special focus of regulatory review and approval for human use, as outlined in the FDA\'s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research guidance document, \"ANDAs for Certain Highly Purified Synthetic Peptide Drug Products That Refer to Listed Drugs of rDNA Origin,\" published in 2021. This case study illustrates how in silico and in vitro methods can be applied to assess the immunogenicity risk of impurities that may be present in synthetic generic versions of the salmon calcitonin (SCT) drug product. Sponsors of generic drug abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) should consider careful control of these impurities (for example, keeping the concentration of the immunogenic impurities below the cut-off recommended by FDA regulators). Twenty example SCT impurities were analyzed using in silico tools and assessed as having slightly more or less immunogenic risk potential relative to the SCT API peptide. Class II human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-binding assays provided independent confirmation that a 9-mer sequence present in the C-terminus of SCT binds promiscuously to multiple HLA DR alleles, while T-cell assays confirmed the expected T-cell responses to SCT and selected impurities. In silico analysis combined with in vitro assays that directly compare the API to each individual impurity peptide may be a useful approach for assessing the potential immunogenic risk posed by peptide impurities that are present in generic drug products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pneumococcal disease is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, including pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis. Capsular polysaccharides (CPSs) have been shown as effective antigens to stimulate protective immunity against pneumococcal disease. A major step in the production of pneumococcal vaccines is to prepare CPSs that meet strict quality standards in immunogenicity and safety. The major impurities come from bacterial proteins, nucleic acids and cell wall polysaccharides. Traditionally, the impurity level of refined CPSs is reduced by optimization of purification process. In this study, we investigated new aeration strategy and advanced sterilization methods by formaldehyde or β-propiolactone (BPL) to increase the amount of soluble polysaccharide in fermentation supernatant and to prevent bacterial lysis during inactivation. Furthermore, we developed a simplified process for the CPS purification, which involves ultrafiltration and diafiltration, followed by acid and alcohol precipitation, and finally diafiltration and lyophilization to obtain pure polysaccharide. The CPSs prepared from formaldehyde and BPL sterilization contained significantly lower level of residual impurities compared to the refined CPSs obtained from traditional deoxycholate sterilization. Finally, we showed that this novel approach of CPS preparation can be scaled up for polysaccharide vaccine production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro and in silico tests were used to assess the possible genotoxicity and mutagenicity of five impurities that may be present in levothyroxine, a drug used for thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Neither ToxTree nor VEGA (Virtual Models for evaluating the properties of chemicals within a global architecture) identified cause for concern for any of the impurities. Ames test results (doses up to 1 mg per plate), with or without metabolic activation, were negative. The micronucleus test with TK6 (human lymphoblastoid) cells, at doses up to 500 µg/mL, with or without metabolic activation, also gave negative results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Defect single-photon emitters (SPE) in gallium nitride (GaN) have garnered great attentions in recent years due to the advantages they offer, including the ability to operate at room temperature, narrow emission linewidths, and high brightness. Nevertheless, the precise nature of the single-photon emission mechanism remains uncertain due to the multitude of potential defects that can form in GaN. In this work, our systematical investigation with the ab initio calculation indicates that carbon and silicon, as common dopants in gallium nitride, can interact with intrinsic defects in GaN and form new high-speed defect single-photon sources. Our findings identify a ternary defect NGaVNCN that possesses a short lifetime of less than 1 ns and a small zero-photon line (ZPL) of 864 nm. In other words, this defect can serve as a high-speed single photon source in the short wavelength window for fiber communication. In sharp contrast, the Si-supported defect NGaVNSiN has a higher unoccupied defect energy level which enters the conduction band and is therefore unsuitable for single photon emission. A systematic investigation has been conducted into the potential defects, thermal stability, and single-photon emission properties. The relaxation calculation and self-consistent calculations employed the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional and Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional, respectively. These findings indicate the potential for high-performance single-photon sources through carbon or silicon doping of GaN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduced glutathione (GSH) is an endogenous tripeptide antioxidant which plays a crucial role in a variety of physiological and pathological activities. Although GSH is not present in any FDA-approved drug product, GSH dietary supplement products and compounded GSH drugs are available to patients in the US. Several incidents of toxicity have occurred in recent years due to endotoxin or otherwise contaminated GSH in compounded drugs. Efficient and sensitive analytical methods are needed for assessing and ensuring the quality of GSH substance and associated drug or dietary supplement products. Impurities A (L-cysteinylglycine), B (cysteine), C (oxidized L-glutathione) and D (γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine) are the main related impurities for GSH drug substance which have been detected and quantified by capillary electrophoresis and qNMR analytical procedures. However, there are no reported HPLC methods for detecting or quantifying the three main related impurities A, B and D even though numerous HPLC analytical methods have been reported for analyzing GSH and impurity C. In this report, an isocratic HPLC-UV analytical procedure was developed and validated for separating and identifying GSH and related impurities A-D as well as a newly identified degradant, L-pyroglutamic acid (pGlu), within 10 minutes with resolution (RS) more than 3. The LOD and LOQ were determined to be 0.02 % w/w and 0.05 % w/w, respectively, for impurities A-D and pGlu. Importantly, the optimized HPLC analytical procedure for GSH assay does not have interference from impurities A, B and D, providing highly specific results compared to the commonly used iodine titration method. The newly validated analytical procedure was applied to assess different commercial GSH bulk substance samples. The results suggest that the analytical procedure described in this work is suitable for quality assessment of GSH samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cannabidiol (CBD) is the main non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid derived from Cannabis sativa L. It is now an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), given its usage in treating some types of pediatric epilepsy. For this reason, this compound requires a deep characterization in terms of purity and origin. Previous research work has shown two impurities in CBD samples from hemp inflorescences, namely, cannabidivarin (CBDV) and cannabidibutol (CBDB), while abnormal-cannabidiol (abn-CBD) has been described as the primary by-product that is generated from CBD synthesis. Both natural and synthetic CBD samples exhibit the presence of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) and Δ8-THC. This study aimed to develop a new analytical method based on high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with different detection systems to study the purity of CBD and to define its origin based on the impurity profile. In addition to the above-mentioned cannabinoids, other compounds, such as cannabigerovarin (CBGV), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabichromevarin (CBCV), and cannabichromene (CBC), were examined as potential discriminating impurities. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out by UHPLC-HRMS and HPLC-UV/Vis, respectively. Principal component analysis was applied for statistical exploration. Natural CBD samples exhibited purities ranging between 97.5 and 99.7%, while synthetic samples were generally pure, except for three initially labeled as synthetic, revealing natural-derived impurities. To further confirm the origin of CBD samples, the presence of other two minor impurities, namely cannabidihexol (CBDH) and cannabidiphorol (CBDP), was assessed as unequivocal for a natural origin. Finally, an enantioselective HPLC analysis was carried out and the results confirmed the presence of the (-)-trans enantiomer in all CBD samples. In conclusion, the HPLC method developed represents a reliable tool for detecting CBD impurities, thus providing a clear discrimination of the compound origin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effect of deep cryogenic cycle treatment (DCT) on Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (Vit-1) bulk metallic glass (BMG) prepared from high-purity raw materials was investigated. After DCT, no obvious rejuvenation of the samples was detected. With an increasing number of cryogenic cycles, the hardness of the samples first decreased and then increased, the room-temperature compression plasticity first increased and then generally remained unchanged, and the impact toughness underwent almost no obvious change. The absence of rejuvenation was attributed to the high fragility index (47-50) and high glass forming ability (GFA) of the material. As lower purity of the raw materials is expected in practical applications, DCT of Vit-1 BMG prepared from low-purity raw materials was also performed. After DCT, the samples prepared with the lower-purity raw materials were clearly rejuvenated, and the room-temperature mechanical properties improved significantly.Both the compression plasticity and impact toughness reached peak values after 5 cryogenic cycles. The initial impurities (including Y and O) had a complex and comprehensive effect on the deformation mechanism of the BMG during DCT. Our findings indicate that the structural heterogeneity, fragility index, and GFA of the BMG alter the effect of DCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhizomania is one of the most destructive and damaging sugar beet diseases that has spread in different regions of Iran. In order to evaluate the genotypic, environmental, and genotype by environmental variability of sugar beet genotypes under rhizomania infection, variance components were estimated from the trial series in 7 years. Required data, such as yield and quality parameters, were collected from value for cultivation and use trials. Results of analysis of variance showed that the environment was the source that explained most of the variability, except for amino-N and alkalinity. Quality traits were also influenced by the environment × cultivar interaction, so that 4.8% (white sugar content) to 46.1% (alkalinity) variance was observed. In contrast, genetic variation was much lower, between 1.2% (potassium) and 27.4% (amino-N). A strong and negative correlation was found between root yield, sugar yield, and white sugar content with the disease index, which obviously illustrates the negative impact of the rhizomania on root weight and as a consequence on the dependent traits. The cluster analysis of the cultivars based on the quantitative and qualitative traits and the disease index showed that the range of variation in traits, such as the disease index, varied from 6.25 for the susceptible cultivar to 1.25 for the resistant one. This indicates the existence of sufficient genetic diversity among cultivars in terms of this trait. High impurity accumulation was observed in Shiraz region compared with Mashhad. In conclusion, it is observed that rhizomania has a significant effect on the impurity concentration in the root, especially sodium, potassium, and amino-N. This is very important in the sugar industry because sugar extraction depends on the concentration of these impurities, in addition to the sugar content of each cultivar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tightening of environmental regulations against long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) since the 2000s may have led to significant increases in the occurrence of short-chain PFAAs in the environment. Understanding the impact of the regulations on composition of durable water repellents (DWRs) is imperative to guide implementation of pragmatic actions during their use and end-of-life treatment. Substantial decreases in the frequencies of detection and concentrations of long-chain PFAAs and long-chain PFAA-precursors, and substantial increases in those of short-chain PFAAs and short-chain PFAA-precursors, have been observed in the impurities and hydrolysis products of side-chain fluorinated polymers (SCFPs). Comparison of profiles among the DWRs containing fluorinated ingredients in 2011 indicated that DWRs containing C8F17- and C10F21-SCFPs were the dominant products and accounted for 90 % of the samples, whereas DWRs containing C4F9- and C6F13-SCFPs were the dominant products and accounted for 70 % of the samples collected in 2021. Tightening of the regulations have caused decreasing applications of long-chain SCFPs and increasing use of short-chain SCFPs in DWRs containing fluorinated ingredients. The ingredients of one DWR were changed from PFAS-free alternatives to short-chain SCFPs, whereas those of another DWR were changed from short-chain SCFPs to PFAS-free alternatives. The presence of unexplained extractable organic fluorine has been observed in DWRs containing fluorinated ingredients, which may be difficult to be hydrolyzed and form known compounds. A historical series of DWRs available from before and after the tightening of regulations and a multifaceted analytical technique consisting of combustion ion chromatographic and mass spectrometric approaches combined with two extraction techniques involving ultrasonic treatment and alkaline hydrolysis revealed the impact of tightening regulations on composition of DWRs.





