immunological development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is increasing, with evidence suggesting that PAE is linked to an increased risk of infections. PAE is hypothesized to affect the innate immune system, which identifies pathogens through pattern recognition receptors, of which toll-like receptors (TLRs) are key components. We hypothesized that light-to-moderate PAE would impair immune responses, as measured by a heightened response in cytokine levels following TLR stimulation. Umbilical cord samples (10 controls and 8 PAE) from a subset of the Ethanol, Neurodevelopment, Infant and Child Health Study-2 cohort were included. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMBCs) were stimulated with one agonist (TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, or TLR9). TLR2 agonist stimulation significantly increased pro-inflammatory interleukin-1-beta in the PAE group after 24 h. Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were increased following stimulation with the TLR2 agonists. Stimulation with TLR3 or TLR9 agonists displayed minimal impact overall, but there were significant increases in the percent change of the control compared to PAE after 24 h. The results of this pilot investigation support further work into the impact on TLR2 and TLR4 response following PAE to delineate if alterations in levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines have clinical significance that could be used in patient management and/or attention to follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The quality of perinatal conditions directly influences the physical and immunological development of nestlings, yet it is inherently variable across space and time. Long-term breeding data for a population of Swainson\'s hawks (Buteo swainsoni) in northern California show a continuum of territory occupancy and productivity values of individual territories and nests. Here we explore effects of variation among territories on immune system development. We hypothesize that nestlings benefitting from favorable conditions will invest in stronger immune systems, a trait with long-term benefits. We used two immunological assays, a bactericidal assay and a hemolytic-complement activity assay, with leukocyte differentials (heterophil∶lymphocyte ratio) to evaluate the constitutive innate immune system. We examined whether early brood-rearing conditions (i.e., number of siblings, hatch date, endoparasite prevalence) were associated with immunological development. Linear mixed-effects models indicated a positive relationship between extended territory occupancy history-an index of habitat quality-and nestling immune function during years with poorer reproduction. There was no association during an exceptionally good reproductive year. Hence, at least under some circumstances, nestling environments or territory characteristics may affect immune function of nestlings. Our study contributes to the growing body of evidence highlighting the importance of facultative allocation to immune traits using long-term demographic data of a top avian predator.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    We investigated effects of perinatal exposure to dust or formaldehyde and the moment of first feed intake after hatching on broiler chicken development during the first week of life. Four environmental treatments were used from 468 until 512h of incubation: control (CONT), heat treated dust (HTD), untreated dust (UTD) or formaldehyde disinfection (FORM). After hatching, all chickens were assigned to 1 of 2 feeding treatments: early feeding (EF; feed and water available in the hatcher) or delayed feeding (DF). After 512h of incubation (day 0), chickens were reared until day 7 of age. In DF chickens, body weight (BW), yolk free body mass (YFBM) and relative liver weight did not differ among environmental treatments at day 0. However, in EF chickens BW at day 0 was greater in HTD chickens than in UTD and FORM chickens. YFBM in EF chickens at day 0 was greater when chickens were exposed to HTD compared to the other environmental treatments. In EF chickens, relative liver weight was greater in HTD chickens than in FORM. In DF chickens, BW at day 0 was positively related with hatching time (HT). In EF chickens, YFBM was positively related to HT. Residual yolk weight at day 0 was positively related with HT, whereas relative liver weight and microbicidal capacity were negatively related with HT. This study demonstrated that formaldehyde and dust during the hatching phase affect broiler chicken development at pulling from the incubator, but not at day 7.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe the domestication of the species, explore its value to agriculture and bioscience, and compare its immunoglobulin (Ig) genes to those of other vertebrates. For encyclopedic information, we cite earlier reviews and chapters. We provide current gene maps for the heavy and light chain loci and describe their polygeny and polymorphy. B-cell and antibody repertoire development is a major focus, and we present findings that challenge several mouse-centric paradigms. We focus special attention on the role of ileal Peyer\'s patches, the largest secondary lymphoid tissues in newborn piglets and a feature of all artiodactyls. We believe swine fetal development and early class switch evolved to provide natural secretory IgA antibodies able to prevent translocation of bacteria from the gut while the bacterial PAMPs drive development of adaptive immunity. We discuss the value of using the isolator piglet model to address these issues.





