imaginal exposure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Many youth with posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) do not receive evidence-based care. Internet- and Mobile-Based Interventions (IMIs) comprising evidence-based trauma-focused components can address this gap, but research is scarce. Thus, we investigated the feasibility of a trauma-focused IMI for youth with PTSS.Methods: In a one-arm non-randomized prospective proof-of-concept study, 32 youths aged 15-21 years with clinically relevant PTSS (CATS ≥ 21) received access to a trauma-focused IMI with therapist guidance, comprising nine sessions on an eHealth platform accessible via web-browser. We used a feasibility framework assessing recruitment capability, sample characteristics, data collection, satisfaction, acceptability, study management abilities, safety aspects, and efficacy of the IMI in PTSS severity and related outcomes. Self-rated assessments took place pre-, mid-, post-intervention and at 3-month follow-up and clinician-rated assessments at baseline and post-intervention.Results: The sample mainly consisted of young adult females with interpersonal trauma and high PTSS levels (CATS, M = 31.63, SD = 7.64). The IMI sessions were found useful and comprehensible, whereas feasibility of trauma processing was perceived as difficult. Around one-third of participants (31%) completed the IMI\'s eight core sessions. The study completer analysis showed a significant reduction with large effects in self-rated PTSS at post-treatment [t(21) = 4.27; p < .001; d = 0.88] and follow-up [t(18) = 3.83; p = .001; d = 0.84], and clinician-rated PTSD severity at post-treatment [t(21) = 4.52; p < .001; d = 0.93]. The intention-to-treat analysis indicated significant reductions for PTSS at post-treatment and follow-up with large effect sizes (d = -0.97- -1.02). All participants experienced at least one negative effect, with the most common being the resurfacing of unpleasant memories (n = 17/22, 77%).Conclusion: The study reached highly burdened young adults. The IMI was accepted in terms of usefulness and comprehensibility but many youths did not complete all sessions. Exploration of strategies to improve adherence in trauma-focused IMIs for youth is warranted, alongside the evaluation of the IMI\'s efficacy in a subsequent randomized controlled trial.
    Youth often lack access to evidence-based care after trauma. This study assessed the feasibility of a trauma-focused internet- and mobile-based intervention with therapist guidance.The intervention was accepted by youths, and the preliminary evaluation of participant responses suggests its efficacy.Future studies should examine strategies to improve adherence and the IMI’s efficacy in a RCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In this systematic review, we aimed to synthesise existing research on the phenomenology of mental imagery among high worriers compared to healthy individuals, and to characterise the nature and effectiveness of existing imagery-related interventions in treatment of worry.
    METHODS: PsycInfo, CENTRAL, EMBASE, Medline, Medline Epub, and PubMed were searched for studies examining the relationship between worry/GAD and mental imagery, or interventions using imagery in treatment of worry/GAD. We assessed study quality and used qualitative narrative synthesis to comprehensively map study results.
    RESULTS: The search yielded 2589 abstracts that were assessed for eligibility independently by two authors. From this, 183 full texts were screened and 50 qualitatively synthesised. Twenty-seven reported an association between worry/GAD and an aspect of mental imagery. Here, overactive negative and worry imagery, and diminished positive future imagining, were associated with worry/GAD. Twenty-three studies reported an intervention. This literature suggested mixed findings regarding efficacy, including for imaginal exposure as an independent technique for GAD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings support dysfunctional negative imagining and diminished positive prospective imagery in GAD. General imagining abilities remain intact, which is promising for efforts to utilise imagery in treatment. Further research is warranted to develop innovative clinical applications of imagery in treatment of GAD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mental images of feared events are overactive and intrusive in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Imagery rescripting involves integration of positive or neutral imagery and corrective information into images to facilitate emotional processing, reduce imagery intrusions, and re-structure underlying schema. Yet only one known study has applied the technique to treatment of worry. The present study aimed first to examine the relationship between trait worry and properties of future-oriented worry images, and second to examine the efficacy of a self-guided imagery rescripting intervention in improving individuals\' response to their worries.
    METHODS: Participants recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk (N = 365) identified their major worry and wrote the script of a worst-case scenario mental image. Participants were randomized to three conditions: re-writing the same worry image script (exposure), or writing scripts of either one or three positive alternative future-oriented images (rescripting conditions).
    RESULTS: In preliminary analyses, trait worry negatively predicted participants\' ratings of worry images, including valence and ability to cope, and positively predicted distress, anticipated cost, and belief in their negative meaning. In experimental analyses, linear mixed-effects models revealed anxious response and cognitive appraisal of the threat were significantly lower among participants allocated to rescripting relative to exposure. There was no effect of rescripting type.
    CONCLUSIONS: This investigation demonstrated the impact of a future-oriented imagery rescripting task on anxiety and cognitive biases associated with real worries in an unselected sample. Results may contribute to the development of imagery rescripting interventions for GAD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trauma-focused imagery-based interventions, such as Imagery Rescripting (ImRs) and Imaginal Exposure (ImE), are effective in reducing involuntary re-experiencing in PTSD. However, it has been suggested that they may impair voluntary memory. This study investigates whether ImRs and ImE distort voluntary memory of an analogue trauma. We presented a trauma film to N = 120 healthy participants (Session 1) and randomly allocated them to one of two intervention conditions (receiving one session of ImRs or ImE) or to a no-intervention control condition (NIC) afterwards (Session 2). Voluntary memory was assessed using a free recall (Sessions 2 and 3), and a cued recall as well as a recognition task (both Sessions 3 and 4). The ImRs and ImE groups did not differ from NIC in the cued recall task and the recognition task. However, ImE (compared to ImRs and NIC) led to an increase in correct reported details in the free recall. In sum, the current findings do not suggest that ImRs or ImE impair voluntary memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bioinformational theory of emotional imagery is a model of the hypothetical mental representations activated when people imagine emotionally engaging events, and was initially proposed to guide research and practice in the use of imaginal exposure as a treatment for fear and anxiety (Lang, 1979). In this 50 year overview, we discuss the development of bioinformational theory and its impact on the study of psychophysiology and psychopathology, most importantly assessing its viability and predictions in light of more recent brain-based studies of neural functional activation. Bioinformational theory proposes that narrative imagery, typically cued by language scripts, activates an associative memory network in the brain that includes stimulus (e.g., agents, contexts), semantic (e.g., facts and beliefs) and, most critically for emotion, response information (e.g., autonomic and somatic) that represents relevant real-world coping actions and reactions. Psychophysiological studies in healthy and clinical samples reliably find measurable response output during aversive and appetitive narrative imagery. Neuroimaging studies confirm that emotional imagery is associated with significant activation in motor regions of the brain, as well as in regions implicated in episodic and semantic memory retrieval, supporting the bioinformational view that narrative imagery prompts mental simulation of events that critically includes the actions and reactions engaged in emotional contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although community therapists rarely use exposure when treating youth with anxiety disorders, they are more likely to endorse the use of imaginal exposure, relative to in vivo or interoceptive exposure. Such use of imaginal exposure could reflect a sub-optimal replacement for in vivo exposure or a targeted intervention to address anxiety-provoking thoughts, such as in generalized anxiety disorder. The current study used the survey responses of 178 community-based clinicians to examine these competing hypotheses. The results indicated that therapist endorsement of more clearly defined imaginal exposure was significantly lower than other techniques such as cognitive restructuring, and that imaginal exposure was most often used instead of more intensive forms of exposures. In addition, most of the endorsed interventions were targeted at helping youth cope with anxiety rather than corrective learning. Alternatively, there was no observed association between imaginal exposure and treatment of general anxiety. These finding suggest that community therapist use of imaginal exposure is suboptimal and unlikely to improve treatment outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eating disorders (EDs) are characterized by fears related to food, body image, and social evaluation. Exposure-based interventions hold promise for targeting a range of ED fears and reducing ED psychopathology. We investigated change mechanisms and optimal fear targets in imaginal exposure therapy for EDs using a novel approach to network analysis. Individuals with an ED (N = 143) completed up to four online imaginal exposure sessions. Participants reported ED symptoms and fears at pretreatment, posttreatment, and 6-month follow-up. We constructed networks of symptoms (Model 1), fears (Model 2), and combined symptoms and fears (Model 3). Change trajectory networks from the slopes of symptoms/fears across timepoints were estimated to identify how change in specific ED symptoms/fears related to change in other ED symptoms/fears. The most central changing symptoms and fears were feeling fat, fear of weight gain, guilt about one\'s weight/shape, and feared concerns about consequences of eating. In Model 3, change in ED fears bridged to change in desire to lose weight, desiring a flat stomach, following food rules, concern about eating with others, and guilt. As slope networks present averages of symptom/fear change slopes over the course of imaginal exposure therapy, further studies are needed to examine causal relationships between symptom changes and heterogeneity of change trajectories. Fears of weight gain and consequences of eating may be optimal targets for ED exposure therapy, as changes in these fears were associated with maximal change in ED pathology. Slope networks may elucidate change mechanisms for EDs and other psychiatric illnesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Although evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adolescents and young adults exist, affected youth do not have sufficient access to these treatments due to structural and attitudinal barriers. Internet- and mobile-based interventions (IMIs) can help fill this healthcare gap, but such programmes have not yet been sufficiently evaluated in youth with PTSD. Aim: This study aims to investigate the feasibility of an IMI for youth with PTSD in a one-arm, non-randomised, prospective proof-of-concept feasibility study. Methods: We aim to recruit 32 youth between 15 and 21 years old with clinically relevant posttraumatic stress symptoms (CATS ≥ 21), who will receive access to the IMI. The IMI consists of nine sessions involving psychoeducation, emotion regulation and coping skills, written-based imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring and relapse prevention. Participants will be guided by an eCoach, who provides weekly semi-standardised written feedback on completed sessions and adherence reminders. We will use a formal feasibility framework to assess different dimensions of feasibility: (1) recruitment capability and resulting sample characteristics, (2) data collection procedures and outcome measures, (3) acceptability of the IMI and study procedures, (4) resources and ability to manage and implement the study and IMI and (5) participants\' responses to the IMI in terms of symptom severity and satisfaction. Additionally, potential negative effects related to the intervention will be assessed. Assessments take place pre-, mid- and post-intervention and at follow-up, including semi-structured clinical telephone interviews for PTSD diagnostics at pre- and post-intervention assessment. Qualitative interviews will be conducted to investigate the youth perspectives on the IMI. Discussion: This study aims to determine the feasibility of a guided IMI for youth with PTSD to adapt the IMI as closely as possible to youth needs and to inform the design, procedure and safety management of a large-scale efficacy RCT. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register identifier: DRKS00023341.
    Evidence-based care for adolescents after trauma is not widely available.• This study evaluates the feasibility of a guided trauma-focused Internet intervention as a time- and location-independent low-threshold treatment option for adolescents and young adults with posttraumatic stress disorder.
    Introducción: Aunque existen tratamientos basados en la evidencia para el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, los jóvenes afectados no tienen suficiente acceso a estos tratamientos debido a barreras estructurales y actitudinales. Las intervenciones basadas en Internet y dispositivos móviles (IMI en su sigla en inglés) pueden ayudar a llenar este vacío en la atención de salud, pero tales programas aún no se han evaluado suficientemente en jóvenes con TEPT.Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la factibilidad de una IMI para jóvenes con TEPT en un estudio de factibilidad de prueba de concepto prospectivo, no aleatorio, de un solo brazo.Métodos: Nuestro objetivo es reclutar a 32 jóvenes entre 15 y 21 años con síntomas de estrés postraumático clínicamente relevantes (CATS > 21), que recibirán acceso a la IMI. La IMI consta de nueve sesiones que involucran psicoeducación, regulación emocional y habilidades de afrontamiento, exposición imaginada basada en escritos, reestructuración cognitiva y prevención de recaídas. Los participantes serán guiados por un eCoach, que proporcionará comentarios escritos semiestandarizados semanales sobre las sesiones completadas y recordatorios de adherencia. Usaremos un marco de factibilidad formal para evaluar las diferentes dimensiones de factibilidad: (1) capacidad de reclutamiento y características de la muestra resultante, (2) procedimientos de recopilación de datos y de las medidas del resultado, (3) aceptabilidad de la IMI y los procedimientos del estudio, (4) recursos y capacidad para gestionar e implementar el estudio y la IMI y (5) las respuestas de los participantes a la IMI en términos de la gravedad de los síntomas y la satisfacción. Además, se evaluarán los posibles efectos negativos relacionados con la intervención. Las evaluaciones se realizan antes, durante y después de la intervención y durante el seguimiento, incluyendo entrevistas telefónicas clínicas semiestructuradas para el diagnóstico de TEPT en la evaluación previa y posterior a la intervención. Se realizarán entrevistas cualitativas para investigar las perspectivas de los jóvenes sobre la IMI.Discusión: Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la factibilidad de una IMI guiada para jóvenes con TEPT para adaptar la IMI lo más cerca posible a las necesidades de los jóvenes y para informar el diseño, el procedimiento y la gestión de la seguridad de un ECA de eficacia a gran escala.
    引言:尽管存在针对青少年和年轻人的创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 循证治疗,由于结构和态度障碍,患病青少年无法充分获得这些治疗。基于互联网和移动设备的干预措施 (IMI) 可以帮助填补这一医护空白,但此类计划尚未在PTSD 青年患者中得到充分评估。目的:本研究旨在于一项单臂、非随机、前瞻性的可行性概念验证研究中考查 IMI 对 PTSD 青年患者的可行性。方法:我们旨在招募 32 名年龄在 15 至 21 岁之间、具有临床相关创伤后应激症状 (CATS > 21) 的青年,他们将获得 IMI。 IMI 由九个课程组成,涉及心理教育、情绪调节和应对技巧、基于书面的想象暴露、认知重组和预防复发。参与者将由一名对已完成课程提供每周半标准化书面反馈和遵守提醒的电子教练指导。我们将使用正式的可行性框架来评估可行性的不同维度:(1) 招募能力和由此产生的样本特征,(2) 数据收集过程和结果测量,(3) IMI 和研究程序的可接受性,(4) 管理和实施研究与 IMI 的资源和能力,以及 (5) 参与者在症状严重程度和满意度方面对 IMI 的反响。此外,将评估干预相关的潜在负面影响。评估在干预前、中、后和随访中进行,包括干预前、后评估中对 PTSD 诊断进行半结构化临床电话访谈。将进行定性访谈以调查青年对 IMI 的看法。讨论:本研究旨在确定为PTSD 青年患者提供指导性 IMI 的可行性,以使 IMI 尽可能适应青少年的需求,并为大规模疗效 RCT 的设计、程序和安全管理提供信息。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure therapy has been investigated as a treatment for eating disorders, but prior research has largely neglected core fears underlying the disorder such as rejection, abandonment, disgust, and loss of control. We tested the feasibility and acceptability of using imaginal exposure to target disordered eating related fears by randomizing participants (N = 47) with disordered eating to: imaginal exposure (IE), imaginal exposure preceded by a brief food exposure (IE + Food), or an assessment control. Participants attended two in-person visits and completed pretreatment, posttreatment, and one-month follow-up questionnaires. IE was rated more acceptable than IE + Food. Retention was high across conditions. Habituation occurred for subjective distress and believability of feared outcomes, suggesting that imaginal exposure effectively activates core fears. Distress tolerance and confidence in ability to change improved. Disordered eating symptoms, fears, preoccupations, and rituals decreased in all conditions, indicating that IE was not specifically responsible for improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this pilot study was to determine if the efficacy of imaginal exposure for symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) could be improved by adding aerobic exercise. We hypothesized that aerobic exercise would enhance the efficacy of exposure therapy. Active duty service members with clinically significant symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTSD Checklist-Stressor-Specific Version, [PCL-S], ≥25) were randomized into one of four conditions: exercise only; imaginal exposure only; imaginal exposure plus exercise; no exercise/no exposure therapy (control). Participants (N = 72) were primarily male, Army, noncommissioned officers ranging in age from 22 to 52. PTSD symptom severity decreased over time (p < .0001); however, there were no significant differences between the experimental conditions. The prediction that imaginal exposure augmented with aerobic exercise would be superior to either imaginal exposure alone or aerobic exercise alone was not supported, suggesting that engaging in exercise and imaginal exposure simultaneously may not be any better than engaging in either activity alone. A better understanding of individually administered and combined exercise and exposure therapy interventions for PTSD is warranted.





