• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The members of the genus Centaurea have a great interest in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fields due to their biological potential. Based on this information, we aimed to evaluate the biological properties (antioxidant, enzyme inhibition and cytotoxicity) and chemical profile of the extract of Centaurea stapfiana, an unstudied species. The highest total phenolic content was found in the ethanol/water extract with 32.17 mg GAE/g. A total of 102 of them were identified by HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS analysis. These compounds were mainly hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxycinnamic acid as well as flavonoids. In the antioxidant tests, the ethanol/water extract had the best free radical scavenging and reducing ability. However, in the enzyme inhibition test, the ethanol extract was the most active. The extracts were also tested on two tumour cell lines (RAW 264.7 and HepG2) and one non-tumour cell line (S17). The ethanol extract showed the promising effect on HepG2 (cell viability: 28.6 % at 50 g/ml). Furthermore, we examined the interactions between the compounds and enzymatic and cellular targets. A good interaction was found between quercetin-3-xylosyl-(1- > 6)-glucoside and iNOS. In summary, our results suggest that C. stapfiana can be considered as a versatile raw material for the development of health-promoting applications in the pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Free radical is a marker in various inflammatory diseases. The antioxidant effect protects us from this damage, which also plays an essential role in preventing inflammation. Inflammation protects the body from biological stimuli, and pro-inflammatory mediators are negatively affected in the immune system. Inflammation caused by LPS is an endotoxin found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which induces immune cells to produce inflammatory cytokines such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase. Based on this, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of plant extracts were investigated. First, the main phenolic compounds for the five peaks obtained from Stachys affinis extract (SAE) were identified. The antioxidant effect of each phenolic compound was confirmed through HPLC analysis before and after the competitive binding reaction between DPPH and the extract. Afterward, the anti-inflammatory effect of each phenolic compound was confirmed through competitive binding between COX2 and the extract in HPLC analysis. Lastly, the anti-inflammatory effect of SAE was confirmed through in vitro experiments and also confirmed in terms of structural binding through molecular docking. This study confirmed that phenolic compounds in SAE extract have potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and may provide information for primary screening of medicinal plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticides like atrazine which are frequently present in everyday surroundings, have adverse impacts on human health and may contribute to male infertility. The work aimed to analyze the histological and biochemical effects of atrazine on the testis in adult albino rats and whether co-administration with resveratrol could reverse the effect of atrazine. Forty adult male albino rats in good health participated in this study. They were categorized at random into four groups: the Group Ӏ received water through a gastric tube for two months every day, the Group ӀӀ received resveratrol (20 mg/kg body weight (b.w.)) through a gastric tube for two months every day, the Group ӀӀӀ received atrazine (50 mg/kg bw) through a gastric tube for two months every day, the Group ӀV received concomitant doses of atrazine and resveratrol for two months every day. The testes of the animals were then carefully removed and prepared for biochemical, immunohistochemical, light, and electron microscopic studies. Atrazine exposure led to a significant decrease in serum testosterone hormone level, upregulation of caspase 3 and iNOS mRNA levels, destructed seminiferous tubules with few sperms in their lumens, many collagen fibres accumulation in the tunica albuginea and the interstitium, abnormal morphology of some sperms as well as many vacuolations, and damaged mitochondria in the cytoplasm of many germ cells. Concomitant administration of resveratrol can improve these adverse effects. It was concluded that atrazine exposure is toxic to the testis and impairs male fertility in adult rat and coadministration of resveratrol guards against this toxicity.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    More than a quarter of the world\'s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, only about 10% of those infected develop active TB. This indicates a key role for innate immunity in limiting M. tuberculosis replication. Most often, bacteria can regulate the expression of host-specific molecules and weaken host immunity.
    OBJECTIVE: To use a biological model, in order to determine significant molecular immunohistochemical markers characterizing the virulence of the \"Buryat\" and \"Omsk\" subtypes of the M. tuberculosis Beijing genotype in lung tissue.
    METHODS: Lung samples of the C57BL/6 male mice were obtained during experimental infection with M. tuberculosis strains: the reference laboratory strain H37Rv, multidrug-resistant clinical strains 396 (highly lethal and hypervirulent «Buryat» genotype Beijing 14717-15) and 6691 (low-lethal and low-virulent \"Omsk\" genotype Beijing 1071-32) on days 14, 21, 60 and 120. They were studied by histological and immunohistochemical methods. The relative areas of expression of IL-6, IL-12A, iNOS, and TNF-α in the lung tissue of model animals were established.
    RESULTS: A study of strain 396 showed that both disease progression and damage to lung tissue are associated with a highly reactive immune response and increased synthesis of iNOS and strain characteristics that block the production of TNF-α. On the contrary, for strain 6691 a low reactivity of the immune response was revealed, with statistically significantly lower values of the relative area of expression of NOS and TNF-α during all observation periods (days 14-120). All animals that survived to day 120 showed a similar morphological picture with differences in cytokine levels, indicating a nonlinear relationship between proinflammatory factors and the damage substratum.
    CONCLUSIONS: The progression of the disease and damage of lung tissue were associated with a highly reactive immune response and increased synthesis of iNOS, strain properties that block the TNF-α production. Thus, iNOS and TNF-α can act as molecular markers characterizing the virulence of the \"Buryat\" and \"Omsk\" subtypes of M. tuberculosis in lung tissue.
    Более четверти населения Земли инфицировано Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Тем не менее только около у 10% инфицированных происходит развитие активного туберкулеза. Это указывает на ключевую роль врожденного иммунитета в ограничении репликации M. tuberculosis. Чаще всего бактерии могут регулировать экспрессию специфических для хозяина молекул и ослаблять иммунитет хозяина.
    UNASSIGNED: На биологической модели определить значимые молекулярные иммуногистохимические маркеры, характеризующие вирулентность бурятского и омского субтипов генотипа Beijing Mycobacterium tuberculosis в легочной ткани.
    UNASSIGNED: Исследованы образцы легких мышей-самцов линии C57BL/6, полученных при экспериментальном заражении M. tuberculosis: референтным лабораторным штаммом H37Rv, мультирезистентными клиническими штаммами 396 (высоколетальный и гипервирулентный бурятский генотип Beijing 14717-15) и 6691 (низколетальный и маловирулентный омский генотип Beijing 1071-32) на 14, 21, 60 и 120-й дни гистологическим и иммуногистохимическим методами. Были установлены относительные площади экспрессии IL-6, IL-12A, iNOS, TNF-α в легочной ткани модельных животных.
    UNASSIGNED: Исследование штамма 396 показало, что и прогрессирование заболевания и повреждение легочной ткани связано с высокой реактивностью иммунного ответа и повышенным синтезом iNOS и особенностями штамма, блокирующими выработку TNF-α. Напротив, для штамма 6691 выявлены низкая реактивность иммунного ответа, статистически значимо меньшие значения относительной площади экспрессии NOS и TNF-α во все периоды наблюдения (14—120 дней). У всех животных, выживших к 120-му дню, наблюдалась схожая морфологическая картина при различии в уровнях цитокинов, что свидетельствует о нелинейной связи между провоспалительными факторами и субстратом повреждения.
    UNASSIGNED: Прогрессирование заболевания и повреждение легочной ткани связаны с высокой реактивностью иммунного ответа и повышенным синтезом iNOS, особенностями штамма, блокирующими выработку TNF-α. Таким образом, в качестве молекулярных маркеров, характеризующих вирулентность бурятского и омского кластеров M. tuberculosis в легочной ткани, могут выступать iNOS и TNF-α.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sepsis is a severe immune response to an infection. It is associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODs) along with systemic and neuronal inflammatory response. This study focused on the acute neurologic dysfunction associated with sepsis by exploring the role of PPARγ/SIRT1 pathway against sepsis. We studied the role of this axis in ameliorating sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) and its linked neurobehavioral disorders by using pioglitazone (PIO). This PPARγ agonist showed neuroprotective actions in neuroinflammatory disorders. Sepsis was induced in mice by LPS (10 mg/kg). Survival rate and MODs were assessed. Furthermore, behavioral deficits, cerebral oxidative, inflammatory, and apoptotic markers, and the cerebral expression level of SIRT1 were determined. In this study, we observed that PIO attenuated sepsis-induced cerebral injury. PIO significantly enhanced survival rate, attenuated MODs, and systemic inflammatory response in septic mice. PIO also promoted cerebral SIRT1 expression and reduced cerebral activation of microglia, oxidative stress, HMGB, iNOS, NLRP3 and caspase-3 along with an obvious improvement in behavioral deficits and cerebral pathological damage induced by LPS. Most of the neuroprotective effects of PIO were abolished by EX-527, a SIRT1 inhibitor. These results highlight that the neuroprotective effect of PIO in SAE is mainly SIRT1-dependent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal echinococcosis is one of the most overlooked zoonotic parasitic diseases worldwide. There is currently no safe and effective treatment to eradicate it, and research based on the physiological-metabolic signature of the disease is lacking. Herein, we repurposed agrimol B as a potent anti-hydatid compound and validated its pharmacological mechanism based on arginine uptake as a target through multi-omics sequencing. This herbal component suppressed energy metabolism and activated ROS aggregation by inducing mitochondrial membrane potential depolarization, which subsequently triggered autophagy-dependent apoptosis leading to parasite death. Moreover, we discovered that arginine deprivation induced metabolic changes led to a shift from ornithine to nitrogen oxide synthesis, thus boosting the iNOS enzyme-regulated dominant metabolic pathway. The excess NO targeted the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV to disrupt energy metabolic homeostasis and induced a downstream pathological waterfall effect to kill the hydatid. A novel metabolic regulatory mechanism targeting mitochondrial damage for arginine starvation therapy was discovered. Finally, arginine depletion was found to be superior to the anti-spinal echinococcosis effect of albendazole and accompanied by the potential for disc protection. This study unveils the role of arginine in the physiological metabolism of Echinococcus granulosus and reveals the value of targeting arginine metabolism as a potential therapy. In addition, agrimol B is proposed as a promising therapeutic strategy for spinal echinococcosis to block arginine uptake and break this parasite\'s metabolic balance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs) are defined as plastic particles smaller than 5 mm in size, and nanoplastics (NPs) are those MPs with a particle size of less than 1000 nm or 100 nm. The prevalence of MPs in the environment and human tissues has raised concerns about their potential negative effects on human health. Macrophages are the major defence against foreign substances in the intestine, and can be polarized into two types: the M1 phenotype and the M2 phenotype. However, the effect of NPs on the polarization of macrophages remains unclear. Herein, we selected polystyrene, one of the most plastics in the environment and controlled the particle sizes at 50 nm and 500 nm respectively to study the effects on the polarization of macrophages. We used mouse RAW264.7 cell line models in this macrophage-associated study. Experiments on cell absorption showed that macrophages could quickly ingest polystyrene nanoplastics of both diameters with time-dependent uptake. Compared to the untreated group and 10 μg/mL treatment group, macrophages exposed to 50 μg/mL groups (50 nm and 500 nm) had considerably higher levels of CD86, iNOS, and TNF-α, but decreased levels of aCD206, IL-10, and Arg-1. According to these findings, macrophage M1 and M2 polarization can both be induced and inhibited by 50 μg/mL 50 nm and 500 nm polystyrene nanoplastics. This work provided the first evidence of a possible MPs mode of action with appropriate concentration and size through the production of polarized M1, providing dietary and environmental recommendations for people, particularly those with autoimmune and autoinflammatory illnesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fasciolosis is an important economic disease of livestock. There is a global interest in the development of protective vaccines since the current anthelmintic therapy is no longer sustainable. A better knowledge of the host-parasite interaction is needed to design effective vaccines. To date, few studies have evaluated host-parasite interaction by comparing infected and reinfected animals. The present study evaluates the microscopical hepatic lesions in sheep infected and reinfected with Fasciola hepatica during the acute and chronic stages of infection. The histopathological study revealed the presence of necrotizing foci (NF1) associated with larvae migration during the early stages of infection in the primoinfected (PI) and reinfected (RI) groups. In the late stages of infection of the PI group and at the early and late stages of infection in the RI groups, extensive necrotizing/hemorrhagic foci (NF2) were found in the vicinity of enlarged bile ducts, some containing adult flukes, suggesting parasites may have caused NF2 while feeding. The immunohistochemical study revealed an increase in Foxp3+ T cells in both PI and RI groups with respect to the UC group and in the infiltrates adjacent to NF1 in the RI groups with respect to the PI group, suggesting the F. hepatica induce Foxp3 T cell expansion to facilitate parasite survival. In addition, in both the PI and RI groups, and during acute and chronic stages of the infection, a poor expression of iNOS was found accompanied by a strong expression of CD163, suggesting a marked M2 activation of macrophages in the hepatic lesions, which may be related with healing processes, and it also may facilitate parasite survival. The main differences between PI and RI animals were the more severe infiltration of eosinophils and Foxp3+ T cells, whereas RI did not modify M2 activation of macrophages which occurs since the early stages of primoinfection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chondrocyte senescence and reduced lubrication play pivotal roles in the pathogenesis of age-related osteoarthritis (OA). In the present study, highly lubricated and drug-loaded hydrogel microspheres are designed and fabricated through the radical polymerization of sulfobetaine (SB)-modified hyaluronic acid methacrylate using microfluidic technology. The copolymer contains a large number of SB and carboxyl groups that can provide a high degree of lubrication through hydration and form electrostatic loading interactions with metformin (Met@SBHA), producing a high drug load for anti-chondrocyte senescence. Mechanical, tribological, and drug release analyses demonstrated enhanced lubricative properties and prolonged drug dissemination of the Met@SBHA microspheres. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis, network pharmacology, and in vitro assays revealed the extraordinary capacity of Met@SBHA to combat chondrocyte senescence. Additionally, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) has been identified as a promising protein modulated by Met in senescent chondrocytes, thereby exerting a significant influence on the iNOS/ONOO-/P53 pathway. Notably, the intra-articular administration of Met@SBHA in aged mice ameliorated cartilage senescence and OA pathogenesis. Based on the findings of this study, Met@SBHA emerges as an innovative and promising strategy in tackling age-related OA serving the dual function of enhancing joint lubrication and mitigating cartilage senescence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glucocorticoids, which have long served as fundamental therapeutics for diverse inflammatory conditions, are still widely used, despite associated side effects limiting their long-term use. Among their key mediators is glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ), recognized for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. Here, we explore the immunomodulatory effects of GILZ in macrophages through transcriptomic analysis and functional assays. Bulk RNA sequencing of GILZ knockout and GILZ-overexpressing macrophages revealed significant alterations in gene expression profiles, particularly impacting pathways associated with the inflammatory response, phagocytosis, cell death, mitochondrial function, and extracellular structure organization activity. GILZ-overexpression enhances phagocytic and antibacterial activity against Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, potentially mediated by increased nitric oxide production. In addition, GILZ protects macrophages from pyroptotic cell death, as indicated by a reduced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in GILZ transgenic macrophages. In contrast, GILZ KO macrophages produced more ROS, suggesting a regulatory role of GILZ in ROS-dependent pathways. Additionally, GILZ overexpression leads to decreased mitochondrial respiration and heightened matrix metalloproteinase activity, suggesting its involvement in tissue remodeling processes. These findings underscore the multifaceted role of GILZ in modulating macrophage functions and its potential as a therapeutic target for inflammatory disorders, offering insights into the development of novel therapeutic strategies aimed at optimizing the benefits of glucocorticoid therapy while minimizing adverse effects.





