
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isogenic individuals can display seemingly stochastic phenotypic differences, limiting the accuracy of genotype-to-phenotype predictions. The extent of this phenotypic variation depends in part on genetic background, raising questions about the genes involved in controlling stochastic phenotypic variation. Focusing on early seedling traits in Arabidopsis thaliana, we found that hypomorphs of the cuticle-related gene LIPID TRANSFER PROTEIN 2 (LTP2) greatly increased variation in seedling phenotypes, including hypocotyl length, gravitropism and cuticle permeability. Many ltp2 hypocotyls were significantly shorter than wild-type hypocotyls while others resembled the wild-type. Differences in epidermal properties and gene expression between ltp2 seedlings with long and short hypocotyls suggest a loss of cuticle integrity as the primary determinant of the observed phenotypic variation. We identified environmental conditions that reveal or mask the increased variation in ltp2 hypomorphs and found that increased expression of its closest paralog LTP1 is necessary for ltp2 phenotypes. Our results illustrate how decreased expression of a single gene can generate starkly increased phenotypic variation in isogenic individuals in response to an environmental challenge.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Isogenic individuals can display seemingly stochastic phenotypic differences, limiting the accuracy of genotype-to-phenotype predictions. The extent of this phenotypic variation depends in part on genetic background, raising questions about the genes involved in controlling stochastic phenotypic variation. Focusing on early seedling traits in Arabidopsis thaliana, we found that hypomorphs of the cuticle-related gene LTP2 greatly increased variation in seedling phenotypes, including hypocotyl length, gravitropism and cuticle permeability. Many ltp2 hypocotyls were significantly shorter than wild-type hypocotyls while others resembled the wild type. Differences in epidermal properties and gene expression between ltp2 seedlings with long and short hypocotyls suggest a loss of cuticle integrity as the primary determinant of the observed phenotypic variation. We identified environmental conditions that reveal or mask the increased variation in ltp2 hypomorphs, and found that increased expression of its closest paralog LTP1 is necessary for ltp2 phenotypes. Our results illustrate how decreased expression of a single gene can generate starkly increased phenotypic variation in isogenic individuals in response to an environmental challenge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pax3 and Pax7 transcription factors are paralogs within the Pax gene family that that are expressed in early embryos in partially overlapping expression domains and have distinct functions. Significantly, mammalian development is largely unaffected by Pax7 systemic deletion but systemic Pax3 deletion results in defects in neural tube closure, neural crest emigration, cardiac outflow tract septation, muscle hypoplasia and in utero lethality by E14. However, we previously demonstrated that Pax3 hypomorphs expressing only 20% functional Pax3 protein levels exhibit normal neural tube and heart development, but myogenesis is selectively impaired. To determine why only some Pax3-expressing cell lineages are affected and to further titrate Pax3 threshold levels required for neural tube and heart development, we generated hypomorphs containing both a hypomorphic and a null Pax3 allele. This resulted in mutants only expressing 10% functional Pax3 protein with exacerbated neural tube, neural crest and muscle defects, but still a normal heart. To examine why the cardiac neural crest appears resistant to very low Pax3 levels, we examined its paralog Pax7. Significantly, Pax7 expression is both ectopically expressed in Pax3-expressing dorsal neural tube cells and is also upregulated in the Pax3-expressing lineages. To test whether this compensatory Pax7 expression is functional, we deleted Pax7 both systemically and lineage-specifically in hypomorphs expressing only 10% Pax3. Removal of one Pax7 allele resulted in partial outflow tract defects, and complete loss of Pax7 resulted in full penetrance outflow tract defects and in utero lethality. Moreover, combinatorial loss of Pax3 and Pax7 resulted in severe craniofacial defects and a total block of neural crest cell emigration from the neural tube. Pax7Cre lineage mapping revealed ectopic labeling of Pax3-derived neural crest tissues and within the outflow tract of the heart, experimentally confirming the observation of ectopic activation of Pax7 in 10% Pax3 hypomorphs. Finally, genetic cell ablation of Pax7Cre-marked cells is sufficient to cause outflow tract defects in hypomorphs expressing only 10% Pax3, confirming that ectopic and induced Pax7 can play an overlapping functional genetic compensational role in both cardiac neural crest lineage and during craniofacial development, which is normally masked by the dominant role of Pax3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neuropsychiatric disorder in children. Although animal models and human brain imaging studies indicate a significant role for glutamatergic dysfunction in ADHD, there is no direct evidence that glutamatergic dysfunction is sufficient to induce ADHD-like symptoms. The glial glutamate transporter GLT1 plays a critical role in glutamatergic neurotransmission. We report here the generation of mice expressing only 20% of normal levels of the GLT1. Unlike conventional GLT1 knockout mice, these mice survive to adulthood and exhibit ADHD-like phenotypes, including hyperactivity, impulsivity and impaired memory. These findings indicate that glutamatergic dysfunction due to GLT1 deficiency, a mechanism distinct from the dopaminergic deficit hypothesis of ADHD, underlies ADHD-like symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CHD8 haploinsufficiency causes autism and macrocephaly with high penetrance in the human population. Chd8 heterozygous mice exhibit relatively subtle brain overgrowth and little gene expression changes in the embryonic neocortex. The purpose of this study was to generate new, sub-haploinsufficient Chd8 mouse models to allow us to identify and study the functions of CHD8 during embryonic cortical development.
    To examine the possibility that certain phenotypes may only appear at sub-heterozygous Chd8 levels in the mouse, we created an allelic series of Chd8-deficient mice to reduce CHD8 protein levels to approximately 35% (mild hypomorph), 10% (severe hypomorph) and 0% (neural-specific conditional knockout) of wildtype levels. We used RNA sequencing to compare transcriptional dysregulation, structural MRI and brain weight to investigate effects on brain size, and cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis markers in immunostaining assays to quantify changes in neural progenitor fate.
    Mild Chd8 hypomorphs displayed significant postnatal lethality, with surviving animals exhibiting more pronounced brain hyperplasia than heterozygotes. Over 2000 genes were dysregulated in mild hypomorphs, including autism-associated neurodevelopmental and cell cycle genes. We identify increased proliferation of non-ventricular zone TBR2+ intermediate progenitors as one potential cause of brain hyperplasia in these mutants. Severe Chd8 hypomorphs displayed even greater transcriptional dysregulation, including evidence for p53 pathway upregulation. In contrast to mild hypomorphs, these mice displayed reduced brain size and increased apoptosis in the embryonic neocortex. Homozygous, conditional deletion of Chd8 in early neuronal progenitors resulted in pronounced brain hypoplasia, partly caused by p53 target gene derepression and apoptosis in the embryonic neocortex. Limitations Our findings identify an important role for the autism-associated factor CHD8 in controlling the proliferation of intermediate progenitors in the mouse neocortex. We propose that CHD8 has a similar function in human brain development, but studies on human cells are required to confirm this. Because many of our mouse mutants with reduced CHD8 function die shortly after birth, it is not possible to fully determine to what extent reduced CHD8 function results in autism-associated behaviours in mice.
    Together, these findings identify important, dosage-sensitive functions for CHD8 in p53 pathway repression, neurodevelopmental gene expression and neural progenitor fate in the embryonic neocortex. We conclude that brain development is acutely sensitive to reduced CHD8 expression and that the varying sensitivities of different progenitor populations and cellular processes to CHD8 dosage result in non-linear effects on gene transcription and brain growth. Shaun Hurley, Conor Mohan and Philipp Suetterlin have contributed equally to this work.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Awd, the Drosophila homologue of NME1/2 metastasis suppressors, plays key roles in many signaling pathways. Mosaic analysis of the null awdJ2A4 allele showed that loss of awd gene function blocks Notch signaling and the expression of its target genes including the Wingless (Wg/Wnt1) morphogen. We also showed that RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated awd silencing (awdi) in larval wing disc leads to chromosomal instability (CIN) and to Jun amino-terminal kinases (JNK)-mediated cell death. Here we show that this cell death is independent of p53 activity. Based on our previous finding showing that forced survival of awdi-CIN cells leads to aneuploidy without the hyperproliferative effect, we investigated the Wg expression in awdi wing disc cells. Interestingly, the Wg protein is expressed in its correct dorso-ventral domain but shows an altered cellular distribution which impairs its signaling. Further, we show that RNAi-mediated knock down of awd in wing discs does not affect Notch signaling. Thus, our analysis of the hypomorphic phenotype arising from awd downregulation uncovers a dose-dependent effect of Awd in Notch and Wg signaling.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well established that therapeutic impairment of Foxp3+ Treg in mice and humans favors immune rejection of solid tumors. Less explored is the impact Foxp3 allelic variants may have on tumor incidence, progression and therapy. In this work, we tested and demonstrate that the Foxp3fgfp reporter allele, found previously to either enhance or reduce Treg function in specific autoimmunity settings, confers increased anti-tumor immunity. Our conclusions stem out of the analysis of three tumor models of different tissue origin, in two murine genetic backgrounds. When compared to wild type animals, mice carrying the Foxp3fgfp allele spontaneously delay, reduce or prevent primary tumor growth, decrease metastasis growth, and potentiate the response to anti-CTLA4 monotherapy. These findings suggest allelic variances at the Foxp3 locus may serve as predictive indicators for personalized therapy and prognostics, and point at possible new therapeutic targets.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mammalian Kiaa1211 and Kiaa1211-like are a homologous pair of uncharacterized, highly conserved genes cloned from fetal and adult brain cDNA libraries. Herein we map the in utero spatiotemporal expression of mKiaa1211 and mKiaa1211L mRNA and their expression patterns in postnatal testis, skin, gastrointestinal, and adipose progenitor tissues. Significantly, mKiaa1211 is present throughout the early stages of mouse heart development, particularly in the second heart field (SHF) lineage as it differentiates from mesenchymal cells into cardiomyocytes. We also show that mKiaa1211 is expressed within several early neuronal tissues destined to give rise to central, peripheral, and sympathetic nervous system structures. Expression profiling revealed that the paralog mKiaa1211L is not expressed during the normal developmental process and that mKiaa1211 expression was noticeably absent from most adult terminally differentiated tissues. Finally, we confirm that a previously uncharacterized CRISPR/CAS-generated mKiaa1211 mouse mutant allele is hypomorphic.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of annotated long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) continues to grow; however, their functional characterization in model organisms has been hampered by the lack of reliable genetic inactivation strategies. While partial or full deletions of lncRNA loci disrupt lncRNA expression, they do not permit the formal association of a phenotype with the encoded transcript. Here, we examined several alternative strategies for generating lncRNA null alleles in zebrafish and found that they often resulted in unpredicted changes to lncRNA expression. Removal of the transcription start sites (TSSs) of lncRNA genes resulted in hypomorphic mutants, due to the usage of either constitutive or tissue-specific alternative TSSs. Deletions of short, highly conserved lncRNA regions can also lead to overexpression of truncated transcripts. In contrast, knock-in of a polyadenylation signal enabled complete inactivation of malat1, the most abundant vertebrate lncRNA. In summary, lncRNA null alleles require extensive in vivo validation, and we propose insertion of transcription termination sequences as the most reliable approach to generate lncRNA-deficient zebrafish.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suppressor of Fused (SUFU) is an essential negative regulator of the Hedgehog (HH) pathway and involved in GLI transcription factor regulation. Due to early embryonic lethality of Sufu-/- mice, investigations of SUFU\'s role later in development are limited to conditional, tissue-specific knockout models. In this study we developed a mouse model (SufuEx456(fl)/Ex456(fl)) with hypomorphic features where embryos were viable up to E18.5, although with a spectrum of developmental defects of varying severity, including polydactyly, exencephaly and omphalocele. Development of certain tissues, like the skeleton, was more affected than that of others such as skin, which remained largely normal. Interestingly, no apparent changes in the dorso-ventral patterning of the neural tube at E9.0 could be seen. Thus, this model provides an opportunity to globally study SUFU\'s molecular function in organogenesis beyond E9.5. Molecularly, SufuEx456(fl)/Ex456(fl) embryos displayed aberrant mRNA splicing and drastically reduced levels of Sufu wild-type mRNA and SUFU protein in all tissues. As a consequence, at E9.5 the levels of all three different GLI proteins were reduced. Interestingly, despite the reduction of GLI3 protein levels, the critical ratio of the GLI3 full-length transcriptional activator versus GLI3 truncated repressor remained unchanged compared to wild-type embryos. This suggests that the limited amount of SUFU protein present is sufficient for GLI processing but not for stabilization. Our data demonstrate that tissue development is differentially affected in response to the reduced SUFU levels, providing novel insight regarding the requirements of different levels of SUFU for proper organogenesis.





