
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a pulmonary vascular disease characterized by elevated pulmonary vascular pressure. Long-term PH, irrespective of its etiology, leads to increased right ventricular (RV) pressure, RV hypertrophy, and ultimately, RV failure.
    UNASSIGNED: Research indicates that RV failure secondary to hypertrophy remains the primary cause of mortality in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). However, the impact of PH on RV structure and function under increased overload remains incompletely understood. Several mechanisms have been proposed, including extracellular remodeling, RV hypertrophy, metabolic disturbances, inflammation, apoptosis, autophagy, endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition, neurohormonal dysregulation, capillary rarefaction, and ischemia.
    UNASSIGNED: Studies have demonstrated the significant role of oxidative stress in the development of RV failure. Understanding the interplay among these mechanisms is crucial for the prevention and management of RV failure in patients with PH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A májdaganatok reszekálhatóságának feltétele a műtét után megmaradó, megfelelő májműködést biztosítani képes elégséges májszövetmennyiség. Ennek mérete a műtét előtt különböző eljárásokkal növelhető meg. A vena (v.) portae occlusiós technikákkal lassabb és csekélyebb növekedés érhető el, kis rizikójú intervenció során. Amennyiben a hypertrophia nem elegendő, illetve ha felmerül a gyors tumorpogresszió lehetősége, úgy alkalmazható a v. portae egyoldali elzárása és a májállomány kettéválasztása, ami rövid idő alatt a legjelentősebb indukált hypertrophiát biztosítja. A kombinált műtét morbiditása azonban viszonylag jelentős. A fenti technikák előnyeit hivatott ötvözni a máj kettős vénás elsorvasztása, melynek során az azonos oldali v. portae és v. hepatica occlusiója történik. Ezzel gyors, az utóbbi módszert megközelítő mértékű ellenoldali lebeny-hypertrophia érhető el biztonságosan. Esetünkön keresztül ezt a májhipertrofizáló technikát mutatjuk be. A 75 éves nőbeteg bizonytalan hasi panaszai miatt indult kivizsgálása során a máj jobb lebenyében, a középső szektort is érintő, nagy méretű intrahepaticus cholangiocellularis tumor igazolódott. Tekintettel a lokalizációra, a tumor csak jobb oldali trisegmentectomiával volt eltávolítható. Májvolumetriát végeztünk, mely alapján a megmaradó máj volumene (S1-2-3) 35% alattinak bizonyult. Kettős vénás depriváció mellett döntöttünk. A jobb v. portae és v. hepatica dextra occlusióját követő 7. napon jelentős hypertrophiát (41%) igazoltunk. A tervezett műtétet sikeresen elvégeztük. A posztoperatív szakban enyhe ascites csorgását konzervatívan kezeltük, egyéb szövődmény nem jelentkezett, a 8. posztoperatív napon emittáltuk a beteget. Amennyiben a tervezett májreszekció kapcsán a megmaradó máj várható térfogata nem elégséges, májregenerációs technikák alkalmazására van szükség. Az elérhető technikák közül a legújabb, alacsony szövődményrizikóval kecsegető megoldás a kettős vénás depriváció, mely során az azonos oldali v. portae és v. hepatica elzárására kerül sor. A fenti eset bizonyítja, hogy a módszertől gyors és hatékony májregeneráció várható minimális megterheléssel, ami lehetővé teszi a biztonságos kiterjesztett májreszekciók elvégzését. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(36): 1433–1439.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The adenoids and palatine tonsils, part of the lymphoid tissue, act as a first line of defense protecting the lower airways and gastrointestinal tract. Adenotonsillar hypertrophy in children may lead to airway obstruction. This study aims to demonstrate the association between adenotonsillar hypertrophy and decreased blood oxygen saturation.
    METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among children aged 7-12 years with adenotonsillar hypertrophy and obstructive symptoms, admitted to King Fahad Hospital and Prince Mishari Hospital, Saudi Arabia, for tonsillectomy between July 2023 and January 2024. Exclusion criteria included respiratory diseases, cardiac disease, nasal polyps, nasal septum deviation, chest wall abnormality, and lower airway diseases. The control group included 56 healthy children. An otolaryngologist determined the severity of airway obstruction using the tonsil size. Oxygen saturation was measured using pulse oximetry. The determinants of oxygen saturation were assessed using multiple linear regression, with significance set at p<0.05.
    RESULTS: The study included 357 participants, with an even age distribution between 7-9 years (49.6%) and 10-12 years (50.4%), and 52% males. Diagnoses included adenoid hypertrophy (30%), tonsil hypertrophy (35%), both conditions (19%), and the control group (16%). Tonsil sizes ranged from Grade 1 (48%) to Grade 4 (8.4%), with 17% normal. The median oxygen saturation was 96.0% for the adenotonsillar hypertrophy group and 99.0% for the control. Oxygen saturation levels differed significantly across groups (p<0.0001), with lower median saturation in hypertrophy groups than controls. Males had a lower oxygen than females (estimate: -0.338, 95% CI [--0.640, -0.036], p=0.028). Adenoid hypertrophy (estimate: -3.863, 95% CI [-5.241, -2.484], p<0.001), tonsil hypertrophy (estimate: -3.631, 95% CI [-5.053, -2.208], p<0.001) and having both conditions (estimate: -3.777, 95% CI [-5.3.7, -2.247], p<0.001) was associated with lower oxygen saturation. Grade 1 tonsil size was associated with an increase in oxygen saturation (estimate = 2.905, 95% CI [1.616, 4.194], p<0.001). In contrast, Grade 4 tonsil size was linked to lower oxygen saturation (estimate=-4.848, 95% CI [-6.367, -3.329], p<0.001). Grades 2 and 3 were not significantly associated with changes in oxygen saturation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is significantly associated with decreased blood oxygen saturation and related cardiopulmonary complications in children. Early adenotonsillectomy may be of benefit in preventing these complications and improving oxygen saturation levels.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous cross-sectional studies have attempted to identify the muscle morphology required to achieve high sprint velocity. Our longitudinal study addressed an unanswered question of cross-sectional studies: whether hypertrophy of the individual trunk and thigh muscles induced by daily training (e.g., sprint, jump, and resistance training) is linked to an improvement in sprint performance within well-trained sprinters. Twenty-three collegiate male sprinters (100-m best time of 11.36 ± 0.44 s) completed their daily training for 1 year without our intervention. Before and after the observation period, the sprint velocities at 0-100 m, 0-10 m, and 50-60 m intervals were measured using timing gates. The volumes of 14 trunk and thigh muscles were measured using magnetic resonance imaging. Muscle volumes were normalized to the participants\' body mass at each time point. Sprint velocities increased at the 0-100 m (p < 0.001), 0-10 m (p = 0.019), and 50-60 m (p = 0.018) intervals after the observation period. The relative volumes of the tensor fasciae latae, sartorius, biceps femoris long head, biceps femoris short head, semitendinosus, and iliacus were increased (all p < 0.050). Among the hypertrophied muscles, only the change in the relative volume of the semitendinosus was positively correlated with the change in sprint velocity at the 50-60 m interval (p = 0.018 and ρ = 0.591). These findings suggest that semitendinosus hypertrophy seems to be associated with sprint performance improvement within well-trained sprinters during the maximal velocity phase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum (LF) is a significant contributing factor to lumbar spinal canal stenosis (LSCS). lncRNA plays a vital role in organ fibrosis, but its role in LF fibrosis remains unclear. Our previous findings have demonstrated that Hedgehog-Gli1 signaling is a critical driver leading to LF hypertrophy. Through the RIP experiment, our group found lnc-RMRP was physically associated with Gli1 and exhibited enrichment in Gli1-activated LF cells. Histological studies revealed elevated expression of RMRP in hypertrophic LF. In vitro experiments further confirmed that RMRP promoted Gli1 SUMO modification and nucleus transfer. Mechanistically, RMRP induced GSDMD-mediated pyroptosis, proinflammatory activation, and collagen expression through the Hedgehog pathway. Notably, the mechanical stress-induced hypertrophy of LF in rabbit exhibited analogous pathological changes of LF fibrosis occurred in human and showed enhanced levels of collagen and α-SMA. Knockdown of RMRP resulted in the decreased expression of fibrosis and pyroptosis-related proteins, ultimately ameliorating fibrosis. The above data concluded that RMRP exerts a crucial role in regulating GSDMD-mediated pyroptosis of LF cells via Gli1 SUMOylation, thus indicating that targeting RMRP could serve as a potential and effective therapeutic strategy for LF hypertrophy and fibrosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Recognition of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy is increasing due to advances in cardiac imaging and diagnostic strategies, but questions remain regarding disease frequency and characteristics. We examined the prevalence and characteristics of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy in older patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of unascertained aetiology.
    RESULTS: TTRACK was a multicentre, non-interventional, cross-sectional epidemiologic study funded by Pfizer and conducted in 20 hospitals and medical centres in 11 countries (NCT03842163). Eligible patients were aged ≥50 years, had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (maximal end-diastolic left ventricular wall thickness ≥15 mm on echocardiogram) without an identified genetic or alternative origin at study enrolment, and underwent 99mTechnetium bone scintigraphy, with or without single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Cardiac-versus-bone uptake on scans was visually scored from 0 to 3 (Perugini scoring). Patients with grades 1-3 underwent monoclonal protein and laboratory testing and transthyretin (TTR) gene sequencing. Of 766 eligible patients, 691 (90.2%) had scintigraphy alone and 75 (9.8%) scintigraphy plus SPECT. Two hundred and eight patients (27.2%) had grade 2 or 3 cardiac uptake on scintigraphy; 144 (18.8%) had grade 2 or 3 cardiac uptake and no evidence of plasma cell dyscrasia and were diagnosed with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy. Of patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy, 11 (7.6%) had a pathogenic TTR gene variant and 34 (23.8%), 74 (51.7%), and 35 (24.5%) had New York Heart Association class I, II, and III/IV heart failure (HF) symptoms, respectively. Clinical and laboratory diagnostic characteristics were observed in ≥90% of patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy. The characteristics most strongly associated with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy on multivariable analysis were carpal tunnel syndrome (odds ratio [OR] 54.3; P < 0.0001) and male sex (OR 7.9; P < 0.0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: In the TTRACK study, almost one in five patients ≥50 years of age with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy had transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy. Greater awareness of the frequency and characteristics of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy in older patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are needed to help improve early detection of this debilitating but treatable disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Inferior turbinate (IT) hypertrophy-induced chronic nasal obstruction is one of the most common problems in rhinology. However, the histopathological analysis of the hypertrophic IT is unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the histological changes and the most functional areas of the IT to assist otolaryngologists with improving and modifying surgical techniques and minimizing potential complications.
    METHODS: This prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of hypertrophic IT to nasal obstruction. For the analysis, a total of 38 adult patients (IT hypertrophy group and non-IT hypertrophy [control] group) were enrolled, and 131 specimens were obtained during the surgical procedures (IT hypertrophy group, endoscopic submucosal turbinoplasty and septoplasty; non-IT hypertrophy group, septoplasty). Intraoperative samples were collected from four sites of the IT to determine the dimensions, composition, and possible pathological changes in each individual site. The samples were analyzed using light microscopy.
    RESULTS: A comparison of the four sites of the IT in the IT hypertrophy group showed that the posterior end had the highest normal epithelium percentage, and cilia count. This suggests that preserving the functional part of the IT during surgery is crucial. Furthermore, a comparison of both groups in terms of basement membrane thickness and vessel wall thickness (p = 0.005 and p = 0.03, respectively) showed significant differences.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings can assist otolaryngologists select the most appropriate surgical procedures for IT hypertrophy. In addition, they advocate the importance of preserving the functional part of the IT during surgical intervention to achieve an efficiently working IT and avoid undesirable complications while improving the nasal airway passage.
    METHODS: Level 3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eccentric training induces greater hypertrophy while causing more muscle damage than concentric training. This study examined the effects of small-range eccentric contractions (SR-ECCs) and large-range eccentric contractions (LR-ECCs) on muscle morphology, contractility, and damage in rats. Thirty male Fischer 344 rats were divided into five groups: small-range ECC single-bout (SR-ECCSB, n = 4), large-range ECC single-bout (LR-ECCSB, n = 4), SR-ECC intervention (SR-ECCIntv, n = 7), LR-ECC intervention (LR-ECCIntv, n = 8), and control (Cont, n = 7). These groups underwent transcutaneous electrical stimulation involving 80 ECCs twice a week for four weeks. The results indicated that the LR-ECCSB group had more Evans blue dye-positive fibers than other groups. The SR-ECCIntv group showed no increase in the mean myofiber cross-sectional area. However, Pax7+ and Ki67+ cells significantly increased in both ECCIntv groups compared to the Cont group, and the connective tissue area was significantly greater in the LR-ECCIntv than in others. Muscle force was lower in both ECCIntv groups compared to the Cont group. These findings suggest that SR-ECC intervention may induce a smaller increase in the number of fibers with a large myofiber cross-sectional area and satellite cell proliferation with less muscle damage and myofibrosis compared to LR-ECCs.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Objective:To investigate the long-term effect of partial tonsillectomy in children with tonsil hypertrophy. Methods:A total of 146 children with obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) who received surgical treatment for tonsil hyperplasia from January 2010 to January 2013 were selected and divided into the observation group(n=69) and the control group(n=77). The observation group was received tonsillotomy(TT), and the control group was received total tonsillectomy(TE). Parental satisfaction and OSA quality of life questionnaire for children(OSA-18) were surveyed. Residual tonsil size was measured, and polysomnography(PSG) was monitored after 10 years. HE and immunohistochemical analysis were performed on tonsil tissues of one patient who performed a second operation after TT in 2017 year. Results:The results of questionnaire survey showed that the symptoms of respiratory obstruction were significantly improved in both groups, and the satisfaction of TT group was higher than that in the TE group. No increase in the number of respiratory tract infections was observed in all patients. In the TT group, nine cases(13.04%) had tonsil hyperplasia toⅡ°, and the remaining patients had tonsil hyperplasia to Ⅰ°. In addition, one case hadtonsil suppurative infection at the 14th month after surgery, and no recurrence or reoperation was found after treatment. There were seven cases in the TT group and eight cases in the TE group with occasional snoring and mouth breathing after surgery, but the PSG examination of the patients did not meet the diagnosis of OSA. The main causes were obesity and allergic rhinitis. Compared with the first operation, the cicatricial obstruction and infection of tonsil tissue in the second operation were not significantly changed, and the immunohistochemical results also demonstrated that the expression of CD20 was not changed, and the expression of CD3 was decreased. Conclusion:Both TT and TE can effectively improve the symptoms of OSA obstruction in children. TT has less trauma, less postoperative pain, faster recovery and lower rate of hyperplasia, which can be used as one of the main methods for the treatment of tonsil hypertrophy in children.
    目的:探讨扁桃体部分切除术治疗儿童扁桃体肥大的远期疗效。 方法:收集2010年1月至2013年1月因扁桃体肥大引发阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)接受手术的儿童146例,分为2组,观察组(69例)行扁桃体部分切除术(TT),对照组(77例)行扁桃体完全切除术(TE)。10年后调查家长满意程度、填写儿童OSAHS生活质量调查表(OSA-18)、测量残余扁桃体大小,复查多导睡眠监测(PSG)。对以上2组之外的1例TT术后再次手术病例的标本进行组织学分析。 结果:问卷及PSG显示2组患者呼吸阻塞症状得到明显的改善,TT组的满意程度高于TE组;所有患者未出现呼吸道感染次数较术前增加的现象;TT组有9例(13.04%)扁桃体增生至Ⅱ°,其余为Ⅰ°。TT组有1例术后第14个月出现扁桃体化脓感染,治疗后无再发,无再次手术病例。TT组7例、TE组8例术后偶有打鼾及张嘴呼吸,PSG检查不符合OSA诊断,肥胖及变应性鼻炎为主要原因。再次手术的标本切片在HE染色下观察未发现瘢痕阻塞及感染改变,免疫组织化学结果表明CD20表达量无变化,CD3表达量减少。 结论:TT术和TE均可以有效地改善儿童OSA阻塞症状,TT术创伤更小、术后疼痛更轻、恢复更快且再增生比例极低,可作为治疗儿童扁桃体肥大的主要方式之一。.





