hyperbaric facilities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Centre de Médecine de Plongée du Québec (CMPQ) established a bilingual 24-hour dive emergency call line and diving medicine information service in 2004. The toll-free number (888-835-7121) works throughout Canada. Calls and emails (cmpq.cisssca@ssss.gouv.qc.ca) are answered by a CMPQ coordinator or on-call hyperbaric physicians and other consultants as needed. We reviewed 15 years of activity.
    METHODS: Details of phone calls and email enquiries to the centre were reviewed individually and compiled into a database. Data were analysed to characterise contact volume and issues addressed. Contacts were categorised into five groups: information only (INF); medical opinion required (MOP); medical issue after the critical period of urgency had passed (PUR); current urgent but not immediate life-threatening issue (NLT); and immediate life- or health-threatening issue (ILT). Data presented as mean (standard deviation) or percentage.
    RESULTS: A total of 3,232 contacts were made from May 2004 through December 2018: 19 (SD 8) per month [215 (70) per year]. Primary issues of concern were: emergency planning (20%); technical (not medical/physiology) questions (16%); otorhinolaryngological (12%); and decompression sickness-related (7%). Categorisation was 52% INF, 28% MOP, 13% PUR, 7% NLT, and 0.1% ILT, with 0.2% lacking sufficient detail to categorise. The nature of the diving activity of interest was determined in 67% of cases: 48% (n = 1,039) professional; 46% (n = 1,008) recreational; and 1% (n = 11) breath-hold.
    CONCLUSIONS: The call centre serves as a resource to the community, providing information on health and safety for diving in addition to being available to assist with emergent needs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Medical personnel in hyperbaric treatment centres are at occupational risk for decompression sickness (DCS) while attending patients inside the multiplace hyperbaric chamber (MHC). A 51-year-old male hyperbaric physician, also an experienced diver, was working as an inside attendant during a standard hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) session (70 minutes at 253.3 kPa [2.5 atmospheres absolute, 15 metres\' seawater equivalent]) in a large walk-in MHC. Within 10 minutes after the end of the session, symptoms of spinal DCS occurred. Recompression started within 90 minutes with an infusion of lignocaine and hydration. All neurological symptoms resolved within 10 minutes breathing 100% oxygen at 283.6 kPa (2.8 atmospheres absolute) and a standard US Navy Treatment Table 6 was completed. He returned to regular hyperbaric work after four weeks of avoiding hyperbaric exposures. Transoesophageal echocardiography with a bubble study was performed 18 months after the event without any sign of a persistent (patent) foramen ovale. Any hyperbaric exposure, even within no-decompression limits, is an essential occupational risk for decompression sickness in internal hyperbaric attendants, especially considering the additional risk factors typical for medical personnel (age, dehydration, tiredness, non-optimal physical capabilities and frequent problems with the lower back).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) is an otolaryngologic emergency. The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society (UHMS) revised practice guidelines in 2014 adding ISSHL to approved indications. This study investigated whether the UHMS guidelines influenced referral and practice in Australia and New Zealand.
    METHODS: Retrospective review of 319 patient referrals in two time periods (five years prior to addition of ISSHL to indications (T-PRE) and three years post (T-POST)).
    RESULTS: Seven of eight participating hyperbaric facilities provided data down to the level of the indication for HBOT for analysis. In T-PRE 136 patients were treated with HBOT for ISSHL, representing between 0% and 18% of the total cases to each facility. In the T-POST period 183 patients were treated for ISSHL, representing from 0.35% to 24.8% of the total patients in each facility. Comparison between the two periods shows the proportion of patients treated with ISSHL among all indications increased from 3.2% to 12.1% (P < 0.0009). One facility accounted for 74% (101/136) of ISSHL patients receiving HBOT in T-PRE and 63% (116/183) in T-POST. ISSHL case load at that facility increased from 18% to 24.8% (P = 0.009) after the UHMS guideline publication. Three of the seven units had a significant increase in referrals after the guideline change.
    CONCLUSIONS: There remains equipoise regarding HBOT in the management of ISSHL. Only three out of seven units had a significant increase in ISSHL patients after the UHMS guidelines publication. Without well controlled RCTs to develop guidelines based on good evidence this is unlikely to change and practice variation will continue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Healthcare acquired infections (HAIs) are associated with increased mortality, morbidity and prolonged hospital stays. Microbiological contamination of the hospital environment directly contributes to HAIs. Optimising environmental cleaning reduces transmission of HAIs. The hyperbaric chamber poses a specific challenge for infection control as certain disinfectants and alcohol-based hand sanitisers are prohibited due to fire risk. Patients often possess multiple risk factors for HAIs. This study compared the bacteria remaining on a surface (bioburden) after a standard clean and after adjunctive disinfection with an ultraviolet-C (UV-C) robot.
    METHODS: Internal hyperbaric chamber surfaces were first manually cleaned with Clinell® universal wipes and the floor was mopped with Whiteley neutral detergent. Allocated surfaces were swabbed using sterile cotton swabs and processed using a standard microbial culture and a bacteria-specific rapid metabolic assay. Bacterial contamination was also measured by direct contact plating on flat surfaces. The plexiglass ports were covered to protect from potential UV-C mediated damage and used as a negative control. A UV-C disinfection robot was then used to disinfect the chamber for 30 min, whereafter surfaces were swabbed again.
    RESULTS: There was a significantly greater mean reduction in bioburden following adjunctive UV-C disinfection than with standard cleaning alone. The surfaces not routinely manually cleaned (e.g., bench, phone) showed greatest reduction in bacterial load following UV-C cleaning.
    CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant reduction in the bacterial load in the chamber following an adjunctive UV-C clean compared with that of a standard clean. Adjunctive cleaning of the hyperbaric chamber environment with a non-touch UV-C device shows promise as a method to reduce HAIs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Noise has physical and psychological effects on humans. Recommended exposure limits are exceeded in many hospital settings; however, information about sound levels in hyperbaric oxygen treatment chambers is lacking. This study measured in-chamber sound levels during treatments in Turkish hyperbaric centres.
    METHODS: Sound levels were measured using a sound level meter (decibel meter). All chambers were multiplace with similar dimensions and shapes. Eight measurements were performed in each of 41 chambers; three during compression, three during decompression, and two at treatment pressure, one during chamber ventilation (flushing) and one without ventilation. At each measurement a sound sample was collected for 25 seconds and A-weighted equivalent (LAeq) and C-weighted peak (LCpeak) levels were obtained. Recorded values were evaluated in relation to sound level limits in regulations.
    RESULTS: The highest sound level measured in the study was 100.4 dB(A) at treatment pressure while ventilation was underway and the lowest was 40.5 dB(A) at treatment pressure without ventilation. Most centres had sound levels between 70 dB and 85 dB throughout the treatment. Ventilation caused significant augmentation of noise.
    CONCLUSIONS: The chambers were generally safe in terms of noise exposure. Nevertheless, hyperbaric chambers can be very noisy environments so could pose a risk for noise-related health problems. Therefore, they should be equipped with appropriate noise control systems. Silencers are effective in reducing noise in chambers. Thus far, hyperbaric noise research has focused on chambers used for commercial diving. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate noise in hospital-based chambers during medical treatments.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Letter






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to identify the practice differences in the use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) for sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) in Europe.
    METHODS: A questionnaire comprising nine questions was built using the surveymonkey.com website. The medical directors of hyperbaric centres in Europe were invited by e-mail to complete the survey.
    RESULTS: A total of 192 centres were invited to participate, of which 80 (41.6%) from 25 countries responded. Of these, 70 were using HBOT for SSNHL. The number of patients with SSNHL treated in these centres over a 12-month period ranged from 2 to 150 (mean 34, median 18). The majority of these centres (44 of 60) were accepting patients if they applied within 30 days of SSNHL diagnosis; 26 of these 60 centres were also treating patients presenting with tinnitus in isolation. The number of treatments ranged from five to 40 (mean 19, median 20). Forty-three of 56 centres used one session a day, whilst 13 reported using twice daily sessions for at least part of the HBOT course. Treatment duration varied between 60 and 140 minutes, and treatment pressure between 151 and 253 kPa.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study has documented a wide range of approaches to the treatment of SSNHL with HBOT across Europe.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: It would be desirable to safely and continuously measure blood pressure noninvasively under hyperbaric and/or hyperoxic conditions, in order to explore haemodynamic responses in humans under these conditions.
    METHODS: A systematic analysis according to \'failure mode and effects analysis\' principles of a commercially available beat-by-beat non-invasive blood pressure monitoring device was performed using specifications provided by the manufacturer. Possible failure modes related to pressure resistance and fire hazard in hyperbaric and oxygen-enriched environments were identified and the device modified accordingly to mitigate these risks. The modified device was compared to an unaltered device in five healthy volunteers under normobaric conditions. Measurements were then performed under hyperbaric conditions (243 kPa) in five healthy subjects.
    RESULTS: Modifications required included: 1) replacement of the carbon brush motorized pump by pressurized air connected through a balanced pressure valve; 2) modification of the 12V power supply connection in the multiplace hyperbaric chamber, and 3) replacement of gas-filled electrolytic capacitors by solid equivalents. There was concurrence between measurements under normobaric conditions, with no significant differences in blood pressure. Measurements under pressure were achieved without problems and matched intermittent measurement of brachial arterial pressure.
    CONCLUSIONS: The modified system provides safe, stable, continuous non-invasive blood pressure trends under both normobaric and hyperbaric conditions.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    In an emergency, life support can be provided during recompression or hyperbaric oxygen therapy using very basic equipment, provided the equipment is hyperbaric-compatible and the clinicians have appropriate experience. For hyperbaric critical care to be provided safely on a routine basis, however, a great deal of preparation and specific equipment is needed, and relatively few facilities have optimal capabilities at present. The type, size and location of the chamber are very influential factors. Although monoplace chamber critical care is possible, it involves special adaptations and inherent limitations that make it inappropriate for all but specifically experienced teams. A large, purpose-designed chamber co-located with an intensive care unit is ideal. Keeping the critically ill patient on their normal bed significantly improves quality of care where this is possible. The latest hyperbaric ventilators have resolved many of the issues normally associated with hyperbaric ventilation, but at significant cost. Multi-parameter monitoring is relatively simple with advanced portable monitors, or preferably installed units that are of the same type as used elsewhere in the hospital. Whilst end-tidal CO₂ readings are changed by pressure and require interpretation, most other parameters display normally. All normal infusions can be continued, with several examples of syringe drivers and infusion pumps shown to function essentially normally at pressure. Techniques exist for continuous suction drainage and most other aspects of standard critical care. At present, the most complex life support technologies such as haemofiltration, cardiac assist devices and extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation remain incompatible with the hyperbaric environment.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Many of the accepted indications for hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) may occur in critically ill patients. HBOT itself may cause a number of physiological changes which may further compromise the patient\'s state. Guidelines on the management of critically ill patients in a hyperbaric facility have been founded on the conclusions of the 2007 European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM) meeting. With regard to patient management, HBOT should be included in the overall care of ICU patients only after a risk/benefit assessment related to the specifics of both the hyperbaric centre and the patient\'s clinical condition and should not delay or interrupt their overall management. Neither patient monitoring nor treatment should be altered or stopped due to HBOT, and any HBOT effects must be strictly evaluated and appropriately mitigated. With regard to the hyperbaric facility itself, the hyperbaric chamber should be specifically designed for ICU patients and should be fully equipped to allow continuation of patient monitoring and treatment. The hyperbaric chamber ideally should be located in, or around the immediate vicinity of the ICU, and be run by a sufficiently large and well-trained team of physicians, nurses, chamber operators and technicians. All devices to be introduced into the chamber should be evaluated, tested and acknowledged as safe for use in a hyperbaric environment and all procedures (standard and emergency) should be tested and written before being implemented.





