
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autophagy mediates the degradation of intracellular macromolecules and organelles within lysosomes. There are three types of autophagy: macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy. Heat shock protein 70.1 (Hsp70.1) exhibits dual functions as a chaperone protein and a lysosomal membrane stabilizer. Since chaperone-mediated autophagy participates in the recycling of ∼30% cytosolic proteins, its disorder causes cell susceptibility to stress conditions. Cargo proteins destined for degradation such as amyloid precursor protein and tau protein are trafficked by Hsp70.1 from the cytosol into lysosomes. Hsp70.1 is composed of an N-terminal nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) and a C-terminal domain that binds to cargo proteins, termed the substrate-binding domain (SBD). The NBD and SBD are connected by the interdomain linker LL1, which modulates the allosteric structure of Hsp70.1 in response to ADP/ATP binding. After the passage of the Hsp70.1-cargo complex through the lysosomal limiting membrane, high-affinity binding of the positive-charged SBD with negative-charged bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP) at the internal vesicular membranes activates acid sphingomyelinase to generate ceramide for stabilizing lysosomal membranes. As the integrity of the lysosomal limiting membrane is critical to ensure cargo protein degradation within the acidic lumen, the disintegration of the lysosomal limiting membrane is lethal to cells. After the intake of high-fat diets, however, β-oxidation of fatty acids in the mitochondria generates reactive oxygen species, which enhance the oxidation of membrane linoleic acids to produce 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE). In addition, 4-HNE is produced during the heating of linoleic acid-rich vegetable oils and incorporated into the body via deep-fried foods. This endogenous and exogenous 4-HNE synergically causes an increase in its serum and organ levels to induce carbonylation of Hsp70.1 at Arg469, which facilitates its conformational change and access of activated μ-calpain to LL1. Therefore, the cleavage of Hsp70.1 occurs prior to its influx into the lysosomal lumen, which leads to lysosomal membrane permeabilization/rupture. The resultant leakage of cathepsins is responsible for lysosomal cell death, which would be one of the causative factors of lifestyle-related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High concentrations of electrophilic lipid alkenals formed during oxidative stress are implicated in cytotoxicity and disease. However, low concentrations of alkenals are required to induce antioxidative stress responses. An established clearance pathway for lipid alkenals includes conjugation to glutathione (GSH) via Michael addition, which is catalyzed mainly by glutathione transferase isoform A4 (GSTA4-4). Based on the ability of GSTs to catalyze hydrolysis or retro-Michael addition of GSH conjugates, and the antioxidant function of low concentrations of lipid alkenals, we hypothesize that GSTA4-4 contributes a homeostatic role in lipid metabolism. Enzymatic kinetic parameters for retro-Michael addition with trans-2-Nonenal (NE) reveal the chemical competence of GSTA4-4 in this putative role. The forward GSTA4-4-catalyzed Michael addition occurs with the rapid exchange of the C2 proton of NE in D2O as observed by NMR. The isotope exchange was completely dependent on the presence of GSH. The overall commitment to catalysis, or the ratio of first order kcat,f for \'forward\' Michael addition to the first order kcat,ex for H/D exchange is remarkably low, approximately 3:1. This behavior is consistent with the possibility that GSTA4-4 is a regulatory enzyme that contributes to steady-state levels of lipid alkenals, rather than a strict \'one way\' detoxication enzyme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) constitute increasingly prevalent disorders. Individuals with type 2 diabetes are well-known to be susceptible to Alzheimer\'s disease. Although the pathogenesis of each disorder is multifactorial and the causal relation remains poorly understood, reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced lipid and protein oxidation conceivably plays a common role. Lipid peroxidation product was recently reported to be a key factor also for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, because of inducing hepatocyte degeneration/death. Here, we focus on implication of the representative lipid-peroxidation product \'hydroxynonenal\' for the cell degeneration/death of brain, pancreas, and liver. Since Hsp70.1 has dual roles as a chaperone and lysosomal membrane stabilizer, hydroxynonenal-mediated oxidative injury (carbonylation) of Hsp70.1 was highlighted. After intake of high-fat diets, oxidation of free fatty acids in mitochondria generates ROS which enhance oxidation of ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) involved within biomembranes and generate hydroxynonenal. In addition, hydroxynonenal is generated during cooking deep-fried foods with vegetable oils especially containing linoleic acids. These intrinsic and exogenous hydroxynonenal synergically causes an increase in its serum and organ levels to induce Hsp70.1 oxidation. As it is amphiphilic; being water-soluble but displays strong lipophilic characteristics, hydroxynonenal can diffuse within the cells and react with targets like senile and/or atheromatous plaques outside the cells. Hydroxynonenal can deepen and expand lysosomal injuries by facilitating \'calpain-mediated cleavage of the carbonylated Hsp70.1\'. Despite the unique anatomical, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of each organ for its specific disease, there should be a common cascade of the cell degeneration/death which is caused by hydroxynonenal. This review aims to implicate hydroxynonenal-mediated Hsp70.1 carbonylation for lysosomal membrane permeabilization/rupture and the resultant cathepsin leakage for inducing cell degeneration/death. Given the tremendous number of worldwide people suffering various lifestyle-related diseases, it is valuable to consider how ω-6 PUFA-rich vegetable oils is implicated for the organ disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lysosomes are membrane-bound vesicular structures that mediate degradation and recycling of damaged macromolecules and organelles within the cell. For ensuring the place of degradation within the acidic organelle, the integrity of the lysosomal-limiting membrane is critical in order to not injure the cell. As lysosomes fade away in response to acute intense insults or long-term mild insults, dissolving lysosomes are hardly detected during the phase of cell degeneration. If observed at the right time, however, lysosomal membrane rupture/permeabilization can be detected using an electron microscope. In both the experimental and clinical materials, here the author reviewed electron microphotographs showing disintegrity of the lysosomal-limiting membrane. Regardless of insults, cell types, organs, diseases, or species, leakage of lysosomal content occurred either by the apparent disruption of the lysosomal membrane (rupture) and/or through the ultrastructurally blurred membrane (permeabilization). Since lysosomal rupture occurs in the early phase of necrotic cell death, it is difficult to find vivid lysosomes after the cell death or disease are completed. A lipid peroxidation product, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (hydroxynonenal), is incorporated into the serum by the intake of ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich vegetable oils (exogenous), and/or is generated by the peroxidation of membrane lipids due to the oxidative stress (intrinsic). Exogenous and intrinsic hydroxynonenal may synergically oxidize the representative cell stress protein Hsp70.1, which has dual functions as a \'chaperone protein\' and \'lysosomal stabilizer\'. Hydroxynonenal-mediated carbonylation of Hsp70.1 facilitates calpain-mediated cleavage to induce lysosomal membrane rupture and the resultant cell death. Currently, vegetable oils such as soybean and canola oils are the most widely consumed cooking oils at home and in restaurants worldwide. Accordingly, high linoleic acid content may be a major health concern, because cells can become damaged by its major end product, hydroxynonenal. By focusing on dynamic changes of the lysosomal membrane integrity at the ultrastructural level, implications of its rupture/permeabilization on cell death/degeneration were discussed as an etiology of lifestyle-related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is characterized by progressive photoreceptor death. A Prph2Rd2 or an rds mouse is an RP model that closely reflects human RP. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of rod and cone death with oxidative stress and inflammation in rds mice. (2) Methods: The retinas of control and rds mice on postnatal days (PN) 11, 17, 21, 28, 35, and 42 were used. Oxidative damage to macromolecules, glutathione (GSH and GSSG), GSH synthesis enzymes, glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP), ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1), and cluster of differentiation 68 (CD68) was studied. (3) Results: The time sequence of oxidative stress and inflammation changes in rds mice occurs as follows: (i) At PN11, there is a small increase in photoreceptor death and in the microglial cells; (ii) at PN17, damage to the macromolecules is observed; (iii) at PN21, the maximum photoreceptor death rate is detected and there is an increase in GSH-GSSG and GFAP; (iv) at PN21, the microglial cells are activated; and(v) at PN28, there is a decrease in GSH synthesis enzymes. (4) Conclusions: These findings contribute to the understanding of RP physiopathology and help us to understand whether oxidative stress and inflammation are therapeutic targets. These findings contribute to our understanding that, in RP, oxidative stress and inflammation evolution and their relationship are time-dependent. In this sense, it is important to highlight that both processes are potential therapeutic targets in this disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of prediabetes is increasing in the global population and its metabolic derangements may expose to a higher risk to develop type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its cardiovascular burden. Lifestyle modifications might have considerable benefits on ameliorating metabolic status. Alternative biomarkers, such as circulating miR-21, has been recently discovered associated with dysglycemia. Here we evaluated, in a longitudinal cohort of dysglycemic population the relation between the circulating miR-21/ROS/HNE levels and the habit-intervention (HI) after 1 year of follow-up.
    1506 subjects from DIAPASON study were screened based on the Findrisc score. Of them, 531 subjects with Findrisc ≥ 9 were selected for dysglycemia (ADA criteria) and tested for circulating miR-21, ROS and HNE levels, as damaging-axis. 207 subjects with dysglycemia were re-evaluated after 1-year of habit intervention (HI). Repeated measures tests were used to evaluate changes from baseline to 1-year of follow-up. The associations between glycemic parameters and miR-21/ROS/HNE were implemented by linear regression and logistic regression models.
    After HI, we observed a significant reduction of miR-21/ROS/HNE axis in dysglycemic subjects, concomitantly with ameliorating of metabolic parameters, including insulin resistance, BMI, microalbuminuria, reactive hyperemia index and skin fluorescence. Significant positive interaction was observed between miR-21 axis with glycaemic parameters after HI. Lower miR-21 levels after HI, strongly associated with a reduction of glycemic damaging-axis, in particular, within-subjects with values of 2hPG < 200 mg/dL.
    Our findings demonstrated that HI influenced the epigenetic changes related to miR-21 axis, and sustain the concept of reversibility from dysglycemia. These data support the usefulness of novel biological approaches for monitoring glycemia as well as provide a screening tool for preventive programmes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although excessive consumption of deep-fried foods is regarded as 1 of the most important epidemiological factors of lifestyle diseases such as Alzheimer\'s disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, the exact mechanism remains unknown. This review aims to discuss whether heated cooking oil-derived peroxidation products cause cell degeneration/death for the occurrence of lifestyle diseases. Deep-fried foods cooked in ω-6 PUFA-rich vegetable oils such as rapeseed (canola), soybean, sunflower, and corn oils, already contain or intrinsically generate \"hydroxynonenal\" by peroxidation. As demonstrated previously, hydroxynonenal promotes carbonylation of heat-shock protein 70.1 (Hsp70.1), with the resultant impaired ability of cells to recycle damaged proteins and stabilize the lysosomal membrane. Until now, the implication of lysosomal/autophagy failure due to the daily consumption of ω-6 PUFA-rich vegetable oils in the progression of cell degeneration/death has not been reported. Since the \"calpain-cathepsin hypothesis\" was formulated as a cause of ischemic neuronal death in 1998, its relevance to Alzheimer\'s neuronal death has been suggested with particular attention to hydroxynonenal. However, its relevance to cell death of the hypothalamus, liver, and pancreas, especially related to appetite/energy control, is unknown. The hypothalamus senses information from both adipocyte-derived leptin and circulating free fatty acids. Concentrations of circulating fatty acid and its oxidized form, especially hydroxynonenal, are increased in obese and/or aged subjects. As overactivation of the fatty acid receptor G-protein coupled receptor 40 (GPR40) in response to excessive or oxidized fatty acids in these subjects may lead to the disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, it should be evaluated whether GPR40 overactivation contributes to diverse cell death. Here, we describe the molecular implication of ω-6 PUFA-rich vegetable oil-derived hydroxynonenal in lysosomal destabilization leading to cell death. By oxidizing Hsp70.1, both the dietary PUFA- (exogenous) and the membrane phospholipid- (intrinsic) peroxidation product \"hydroxynonenal,\" when combined, may play crucial roles in the occurrence of diverse lifestyle diseases including Alzheimer\'s disease.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and their derivatives, reactive aldehydes (RAs), have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including metabolic, cardiovascular, and inflammatory disease. Understanding how RAs can modify the function of membrane proteins is critical for the design of therapeutic approaches in the above-mentioned pathologies. Over the last few decades, direct interactions of RA with proteins have been extensively studied. Yet, few studies have been performed on the modifications of membrane lipids arising from the interaction of RAs with the lipid amino group that leads to the formation of adducts. It is even less well understood how various multiple adducts affect the properties of the lipid membrane and those of embedded membrane proteins. In this short review, we discuss a crucial role of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and PE-derived adducts as mediators of RA effects on membrane proteins. We propose potential PE-mediated mechanisms that explain the modulation of membrane properties and the functions of membrane transporters, channels, receptors, and enzymes. We aim to highlight this new area of research and to encourage a more nuanced investigation of the complex nature of the new lipid-mediated mechanism in the modification of membrane protein function under oxidative stress.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pathological cardiac hypertrophy is associated with the accumulation of lipid peroxidation-derived aldehydes such as 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE) and acrolein in the heart. These aldehydes are metabolized via several pathways, of which aldose reductase (AR) represents a broad-specificity route for their elimination. We tested the hypothesis that by preventing aldehyde removal, AR deficiency accentuates the pathological effects of transverse aortic constriction (TAC). We found that the levels of AR in the heart were increased in mice subjected to TAC for 2 weeks. In comparison with wild-type (WT), AR-null mice showed lower ejection fraction, which was exacerbated 2 weeks after TAC. Levels of atrial natriuretic peptide and myosin heavy chain were higher in AR-null than in WT TAC hearts. Deficiency of AR decreased urinary levels of the acrolein metabolite, 3-hydroxypropylmercapturic acid. Deletion of AR did not affect the levels of the other aldehyde-metabolizing enzyme - aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 in the heart, or its urinary product - (N-Acetyl-S-(2-carboxyethyl)-l-cystiene). AR-null hearts subjected to TAC showed increased accumulation of HNE- and acrolein-modified proteins, as well as increased AMPK phosphorylation and autophagy. Superfusion with HNE led to a greater increase in p62, LC3II formation, and GFP-LC3-II punctae formation in AR-null than WT cardiac myocytes. Pharmacological inactivation of JNK decreased HNE-induced autophagy in AR-null cardiac myocytes. Collectively, these results suggest that during hypertrophy the accumulation of lipid peroxidation derived aldehydes promotes pathological remodeling via excessive autophagy, and that metabolic detoxification of these aldehydes by AR may be essential for maintaining cardiac function during early stages of pressure overload.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) involves progressive deposition of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), synapse loss, and neuronal death, which occur in brain regions critical for learning and memory. Considerable evidence suggests that lipid peroxidation contributes to synaptic dysfunction and neuronal degeneration, both upstream and downstream of Aβ pathology. Recent findings suggest that lipid peroxidation can be inhibited by replacement of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) with isotope-reinforced (deuterated) PUFA (D-PUFA), and that D-PUFA can protect neurons in experimental models of Parkinson\'s disease. Here, we determined whether dietary D-PUFA would ameliorate Aβ pathology and/or cognitive deficits in a mouse model of AD (amyloid precursor protein/presenilin 1 double mutant transgenic mice). The D-PUFA diet did not ameliorate spatial learning and memory deficits in the AD mice. Compared to mice fed an hydrogenated-PUFA control diet, those fed D-PUFA for 5 months exhibited high levels of incorporation of deuterium into arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, and reduced concentrations of lipid peroxidation products (F2 isoprostanes and neuroprostanes), in the brain tissues. Concentrations of Aβ40 and Aβ38 in the hippocampus were significantly lower, with a trend to reduced concentrations of Aβ42, in mice fed D-PUFA compared to those fed hydrogenated-PUFA. We conclude that a D-PUFA diet reduces the brain tissue concentrations of both arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid oxidation products, as well as the concentration of Aβs.






