humanized tumor mice (HTM)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of the HER4 receptor on the growth and treatment of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer is widely uncertain. Using CRISPR/Cas9 technology, we generated stable HER4 knockout variants derived from the HER4-positive MCF-7, T-47D, and ZR-75-1 breast cancer cell lines. We investigated tumor cell proliferation as well as the cellular and molecular mechanisms of tamoxifen, abemaciclib, AMG232, and NRG1 treatments as a function of HER4 in vitro. HER4 differentially affects the cellular response to tamoxifen and abemaciclib treatment. Most conspicuous is the increased sensitivity of MCF-7 in vitro upon HER4 knockout and the inhibition of cell proliferation by NRG1. Additionally, we assessed tumor growth and immunological effects as responses to tamoxifen and abemaciclib therapy in humanized tumor mice (HTM) based on MCF-7 HER4-wildtype and the corresponding HER4-knockout cells. Without any treatment, the enhanced MCF-7 tumor growth in HTM upon HER4 knockout suggests a tumor-suppressive effect of HER4 under preclinical but human-like conditions. This phenomenon is associated with an increased HER2 expression in MCF-7 in vivo. Independent of HER4, abemaciclib and tamoxifen treatment considerably inhibited tumor growth in these mice. However, abemaciclib-treated hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients with tumor-associated mdm2 gene copy gains or pronounced HER4 expression showed a reduced event-free survival. Evidently, the presence of HER4 affects the efficacy of tamoxifen and abemaciclib treatment in different estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells, even to different extents, and is associated with unfavorable outcomes in abemaciclib-treated patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pre-operative radiation therapy is not currently integrated into the treatment protocols for breast cancer. However, transforming immunological \"cold\" breast cancers by neoadjuvant irradiation into their \"hot\" variants is supposed to elicit an endogenous tumor immune defense and, thus, enhance immunotherapy efficiency. We investigated cellular and immunological effects of sub-lethal, neoadjuvant irradiation of ER pos., HER2 pos., and triple-negative breast cancer subtypes in-vitro and in-vivo in humanized tumor mice (HTM). This mouse model is characterized by a human-like immune system and therefore facilitates detailed analysis of the mechanisms and efficiency of neoadjuvant, irradiation-induced \"in-situ vaccination\", especially in the context of concurrently applied checkpoint therapy. Similar to clinical appearances, we observed a gradually increased immunogenicity from the luminal over the HER2-pos. to the triple negative subtype in HTM indicated by an increasing immune cell infiltration into the tumor tissue. Anti-PD-L1 therapy divided the HER2-pos. and triple negative HTM groups into responder and non-responder, while the luminal HTMs were basically irresponsive. Irradiation alone was effective in the HER2-pos. and luminal subtype-specific HTM and was supportive for overcoming irresponsiveness to single anti-PD-L1 treatment. The treatment success correlated with a significantly increased T cell proportion and PD-1 expression in the spleen. In all subtype-specific HTM combination therapy proved most effective in diminishing tumor growth, enhancing the immune response, and converted non-responder into responder during anti-PD-L1 therapy. In HTM, neoadjuvant irradiation reinforced anti-PD-L1 checkpoint treatment of breast cancer in a subtype -specific manner. According to the \"bench to bedside\" principle, this study offers a vital foundation for clinical translating the use of neoadjuvant irradiation in the context of checkpoint therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Checkpoint blockade is particularly based on PD-1/PD-L1-inhibiting antibodies. However, an efficient immunological tumor defense can be blocked not only by PD-(L)1 but also by the presence of additional immune checkpoint molecules. Here, we investigated the co-expression of several immune checkpoint proteins and the soluble forms thereof (e.g., PD-1, TIM-3, LAG-3, PD-L1, PD-L2 and others) in humanized tumor mice (HTM) simultaneously harboring cell line-derived (JIMT-1, MDA-MB-231, MCF-7) or patient-derived breast cancer and a functional human immune system. We identified tumor-infiltrating T cells with a triple-positive PD-1, LAG-3 and TIM-3 phenotype. While PD-1 expression was increased in both the CD4 and CD8 T cells, TIM-3 was found to be upregulated particularly in the cytotoxic T cells in the MDA-MB-231-based HTM model. High levels of soluble TIM-3 and galectin-9 (a TIM-3 ligand) were detected in the serum. Surprisingly, soluble PD-L2, but only low levels of sPD-L1, were found in mice harboring PD-L1-positive tumors. Analysis of a dataset containing 3039 primary breast cancer samples on the R2 Genomics Analysis Platform revealed increased TIM-3, galectin-9 and LAG-3 expression, not only in triple-negative breast cancer but also in the HER2+ and hormone receptor-positive breast cancer subtypes. These data indicate that LAG-3 and TIM-3 represent additional key molecules within the breast cancer anti-immunity landscape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    \"Humanized\" mice have been widely used for the characterization of human cancer progression and as a powerful preclinical model. Standardization of multicolor phenotyping could help to identify immune cell patterns involved in checkpoint-related complications. Therefore, we applied established protocols for immune cell profiling to our humanized Patient-Derived Xenograft (hPDX) model. hPDX are characterized by the co-existence of a human immune system and a patient-derived tumor transplant. These mice possess a human-like immune system after CD34+ stem cell transplantation while the reconstitution level of the immune system was not related to the quantity of transplanted CD34+ cells. Contamination ≤ 1.2% by CD3+ cells in the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplant did not trigger abnormal T cell maturation. Different B and T cell differentiation stages were identified, as well as regulatory T cells (Tregs) and exhausted T cells that expressed TIGIT, PD-1, or KLRG1. Overall, the application of standardized protocols for the characterization of immune cells using flow cytometry will contribute to a better understanding of immune-oncologic processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CX3CL1 is a multifunctional chemokine that is involved in numerous biological processes, such as immune cell attraction and enhanced tumor immune cell interaction, but also in enhancing tumor cell proliferation and metastasis. The multifarious activity is partially determined by two CX3CL1 isoforms, a membrane-bound and a soluble version generated by proteolytic cleavage through proteases. Here, we investigated the impact of CX3CL1 overexpression in MDA-MB-453 and SK-BR-3 breast cancer cells. Moreover, we evaluated the therapeutic capacity of Matrix-Metalloproteinases-inhibitors TMI-1 and GI254023X in combination with the anti-HER2 antibody trastuzumab in vitro and in vivo. TMI-1 and GI254023X caused a reduced shedding of CX3CL1 and of HER2 in vitro but without effects on tumor cell proliferation or viability. In addition, trastuzumab treatment did not retard MDA-MB-453 cell expansion in vitro unless CX3CL1 was overexpressed upon transfection (MDA-MB-453CX3CL1). In humanized tumor mice, which show a coexistence of human tumor and human immune system, CX3CL1 overexpression resulted in a slightly enhanced tumor growth. However, trastuzumab treatment attenuated tumor growth of both MDA-MB-453CX3CL1 and empty vector transfected MDA-MB-453 transplanted mice but showed enhanced efficiency especially in preventing lung metastases in CX3CL1 overexpressing cancer cells. However, TMI-1 did not further enhance the trastuzumab treatment efficacy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer immunotherapy has been shown to enhance established treatment regimens. We evaluated the potential reinforcing effect of IL-15 in trastuzumab treated humanized tumor mice (HTM) which were generated by concurrent transplantation of neonatal NOD-scid IL2Rγnull mice with human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and HER2 positive breast cancer cells (metastasizing SK-BR-3, solid tumor forming BT474).We found that trastuzumab treatment efficacy mainly depends on the immediate anti-tumorigenic cellular effect which is significantly enhanced by tumor interacting immune cells upon cotransplantion of HSC. However, trastuzumab treatment caused elevated CD44 expression on tumor cells that metastasized into the lung and liver but did not hinder tumor cell dissemination into the bone marrow. Moreover, in a number of SK-BR-3-transplanted animals disseminated CD44high/CD24low tumor cells lost trastuzumab sensitivity. Concerning the FcγRIIIa polymorphism, trastuzumab treatment efficiency in HTM was higher in mice with NK-cells harboring the high affinity FcγRIIIa compared to those with low affinity FcγRIIIa. In contrast, IL-15 caused the strongest NK-cell activation in heterozygous low affinity FcγRIIIa animals. Although IL-15 enhanced the trastuzumab mediated tumor defense, an unspecific immune stimulation resulted in preterm animal death due to systemic inflammation. Overall, treatment studies based on \"patient-like\" HTM revealed critical and adverse immune-related mechanisms which must be managed prior to clinical testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humanized tumor mice (HTM) were generated by the co-transplantation of human hematopoietic stem cells and human breast cancer cells overexpressing HER2 into neonatal NOD-scid IL2Rγ(null) (NSG) mice. These mice are characterized by the development of a human immune system in combination with human breast cancer growth. Due to concurrent transplantation into newborn mice, transfer of MHC-mismatched tumor cells resulted in solid coexistence and immune cell activation (CD4(+) T cells, natural killer cells, and myeloid cells), but without evidence for rejection. Histological staining of the spleen of HTM revealed co-localization of human antigen-presenting cells together with human T and B cells allowing MHC-dependent interaction, and thereby the generation of T cell-dependent antibody production. Here, we investigated the capability of these mice to generate human tumor-specific antibodies and correlated immunoglobulin titers with tumor outgrowth. We found detectable IgM and also IgG amounts in the serum of HTM, which apparently controlled tumor development when IgG serum concentrations were above 10 µg/ml. Western blot analyses revealed that the tumor-specific antibodies generated in HTM did not recognize HER2/neu antigens, but different, possibly relevant antigens for breast cancer therapy. In conclusion, HTM offer a novel approach to generate complete human monoclonal antibodies that do not require further genetic manipulation (e. g., humanization) for a potential application in humans. In addition, efficacy and safety of the generated antibodies can be tested in the same mouse model under human-like conditions. This might be of particular interest for cancer subtypes with no currently available antibody therapy.






