humane endpoints

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sensor technologies are increasingly used to monitor laboratory animal behaviour. The aim of this study was to investigate the added value of using accelerometers and video to monitor the activity and drinking behaviour of three rams from 5 days before to 22 days after inoculation with Toxoplasma gondii. We computed the activity from accelerometer data as the vectorial dynamic body acceleration (VDBA). In addition, we assessed individual drinking behaviour from video, using frame differencing above the drinker to identify drinking bouts, and Aruco markers for individual identification. Four days after inoculation, rams developed fever and activity decreased. The daytime VDBA from days 4 to 10 was 60-80% of that before inoculation. Animal caretakers scored rams as lethargic on days 5 and 6 and, for one ram, also on the morning of day 7. Video analysis showed that each ram decreased its number of visits to the drinker, as well as its time spent at the drinker, by up to 50%. The fever and corresponding sickness behaviours lasted until day 10. Overall, while we recognize the limited conclusiveness due to the small number of animals, the sensor technologies provided continuous, individual, detailed, and objective data and offered additional insights as compared to routine observations. We recommend the wider implementation of such technologies in animal disease trials to refine experiments and guarantee the quality of experimental results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The highly virulent Toxoplasma gondii RH strain is maintained through successive passages in mice, but there is still a lack of studies that refine these procedures from a 3Rs perspective, where humanitarian ideals aim to minimize the stress, pain, or suffering of the animals used in the research without the loss of results. The aim of this study was to establish humane endpoints in Swiss Webster mice inoculated with the T. gondii RH strain. A total of 52 mice were infected with 5 × 106 tachyzoites/mL and monitored for periods of up to 5 days. The parameters body weight; hair condition; higher than normal body temperature; hypothermia; respiratory function; pain; soft stools or diarrhea; bloody diarrhea; tense, nervous, or in distress during handling; and ascites were recorded daily in score tables. The results showed that prominent piloerection, respiratory function, pain parameters, and ascites are important clinical signs to be used as a cut-off point for implementing euthanasia. The application of this refinement method helped to avoid animal suffering and pain without compromising the number of parasites recovered. We therefore suggest adopting these parameters in research protocols that require the maintenance of the T. gondii RH strain in murine models to avoid and reduce animal suffering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite nonanimal methods (NAMs) are more and more exploited and new NAMs are developed and validated, animal models are still used in cancer research. Animals are used at multiple levels, from understanding molecular traits and pathways, to mimicking clinical aspects of tumor progression, to drug testing. In vivo approaches are not trivial and involve cross-disciplinary knowledge: animal biology and physiology, genetics, pathology, and animal welfare.The aim of this chapter is not to list and address all animal models used in cancer research. Instead, the authors would like to guide experimenters in the strategies to adopt in both planning and performing in vivo experimental procedures, including the choice of cancer animal models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a worldwide problem, which is driving more preclinical research to find new treatments and countermeasures for drug-resistant bacteria. However, translational models in the preclinical space have remained static for years. To improve animal use ethical considerations, we assessed novel methods to evaluate survival after lethal infection with ESKAPEE pathogens (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter cloacae, and Escherichia coli) in pulmonary models of infection. Consistent with published lung infection models often used for novel antimicrobial development, BALB/c mice were immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide and inoculated intranasally with individual ESKAPEE pathogens or sterile saline. Observations were recorded at frequent intervals to determine predictive thresholds for humane endpoint decision-making. Internal temperature was measured via implanted IPTT300 microchips, and external temperature was measured using a non-contact, infrared thermometer. Additionally, clinical scores were evaluated based on animal appearance, behaviour, hydration status, respiration, and body weight. Internal temperature differences between survivors and non-survivors were statistically significant for E. faecium, S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, A. baumannii, E. cloacae, and E. coli, and external temperature differences were statistically significant for S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, E. cloacae, and E. coli. Internal temperature more precisely predicted mortality compared to external temperature, indicating that a threshold of 85ºF (29.4ºC) was 86.0% predictive of mortality and 98.7% predictive of survival. Based on our findings, we recommend future studies involving BALB/c mice ESKAPEE pathogen infection use temperature monitoring as a humane endpoint threshold.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The seminar \'Severity and humane endpoints in fish research\' organized by the University of Bergen, the Industrial and Aquatic Laboratory, together with Fondazione Guido Bernadini, took place on 4 October 2019 in Bergen, Norway. The seminar was followed by a workshop, \'Establishing score sheets and defining endpoints in fish experiments\', held on 28 January 2020, also in Bergen. The purpose of the seminar was to raise awareness about fish ethics together with severity classification and humane endpoints in fish studies, using examples from farmed fish, mainly salmonids and lumpfish. The overall aim of the workshop was to better define humane endpoints in fish experiments, as well as to discuss suggestions for development and use of score sheets for assessing clinical signs related to endpoints. Endpoints for fish should not only be based on what we know about fish diseases and the lesions they induce but should also take into consideration knowledge about fish species and life stage, fish anatomy, physiology and the general state and behaviour of the fish. For this reason, to reinforce that endpoints should come from the animal\'s perspective and needs, we renamed humane endpoints for fish to piscine endpoints. This paper reports the main messages from the workshop sessions including advice on development and use of score sheets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consideration of The Three R\'s (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) is essential when setting Humane Endpoints; however, a common interpretation assumes that Humane Endpoints are timepoints to perform euthanasia. This interpretation is not always consistent with the three Rs. There are many available intervention options that - when used to respond to pain, discomfort, or distress - facilitate application of the three Rs while achieving experimental goals. At our institution, the term \'Humane Endpoints\' was replaced with \'Humane Intervention Points\', to ensure responses beyond euthanasia are given priority by laboratory animal professionals and researchers. Identification of Humane Intervention Points in the research protocol provides us with a more accurate reflection of the measures used to alleviate pain and distress in animals used for research, testing, and teaching - an outcome easily envisioned elsewhere.Points d\'intervention humains (PIH): Affinage de la terminologie d\'évaluation finale pour intégrer des options d\'intervention sans recours à l\'euthanasie afin d\'améliorer le bien-être des animaux et de préserver les résultats expérimentaux Résumé.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fish acute toxicity test (TG203; OECD, 2019) is frequently used and highly embedded in hazard and risk assessment globally. The test estimates the concentration of a chemical that kills 50% of the fish (LC50) over a 96 h exposure and is considered one of the most severe scientific procedures undertaken. Over the years, discussions at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have resulted in changes to the test which reduce the number of fish used, as well as the development of a (potential) replacement test (TG236, OECD, 2013). However, refinement of the mortality endpoint with an earlier (moribundity) endpoint was not considered feasible during the Test Guideline\'s (TG) last update in 2019. Several stakeholders met at a UK-based workshop to discuss how TG203 can be refined, and identified two key opportunities to reduce fish suffering: (1) application of clinical signs that predict mortality and (2) shortening the test duration. However, several aspects need to be addressed before these refinements can be adopted. TG203 has required recording of major categories of sublethal clinical signs since its conception, with the option to record more detailed signs introduced in the 2019 update. However, in the absence of guidance, differences in identification, recording and reporting of clinical signs between technicians and laboratories is likely to have generated piecemeal data of varying quality. Harmonisation of reporting templates, and training in clinical sign recognition and recording are needed to standardise clinical sign data. This is critical to enable robust data-driven detection of clinical signs that predict mortality. Discussions suggested that the 96 h duration of TG203 cannot stand up to scientific scrutiny. Feedback and data from UK contract research organisations (CROs) conducting the test were that a substantial proportion of mortalities occur in the first 24 h. Refinement of TG203 by shortening the test duration would reduce suffering (and test failure rate) but requires a mechanism to correct new results to previous 96 h LC50 data. The actions needed to implement both refinement opportunities are summarised here within a roadmap. A shift in regulatory assessment, where the 96 h LC50 is a familiar base for decisions, will also be critical.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous regulatory bodies around the world require analgesics for rodents undergoing surgery to induce sepsis. Well-controlled pain will decrease morbidity. Options for analgesics include NSAIDs, local analgesics, and opioids. Supportive care can also decrease stress to post-operative animals. As well, humane endpoints should be agreed upon before the study commences so as to alleviate unnecessary pain and distress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The focus of this paper is the requirement that the use of live animals in experiments and in vivo assays should never be allowed if those uses involve severe suffering. This requirement was first implemented in Danish legislation, was later adopted by the European Union, and has had limited uptake in North America. Animal suffering can arise from exposure to a wide range of different external and internal events that threaten biological or social functions, while the severity of suffering may be influenced by the animals\' perceptions of their own situation and the degree of control they are able to exert. Severe suffering is more than an incremental increase in negative state(s) but involves a qualitative shift whereby the normal mechanisms to contain or keep negative states at arm\'s length no longer function. The result of severe suffering will be a loss of the ability of cope. The idea of putting a cap on severe suffering may be justified from multiple ethical perspectives. In most, if not all, cases it is possible to avoid imposing severe suffering on animals during experiments without giving up the potential benefits of finding new ways to cure, prevent, or alleviate serious human diseases and generate other important knowledge. From this it follows that there is a strong ethical case to favor a regulatory ban on animal experiments involving severe suffering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a frequently used animal model for the investigation of autoimmune processes in the central nervous system. As such, EAE is useful for modelling certain aspects of multiple sclerosis, a human autoimmune disease that leads to demyelination and axonal destruction. It is an important tool for investigating pathobiology, identifying drug targets and testing drug candidates. Even though EAE is routinely used in many laboratories and is often part of the routine assessment of knockouts and transgenes, scoring of the disease course has not become standardized in the community, with at least 83 published scoring variants. Varying scales with differing parameters are used and thus limit comparability of experiments. Incorrect use of statistical analysis tools to assess EAE data is commonplace. In experimental practice the clinical score is used not only as an experimental readout, but also as a parameter to determine animal welfare actions. Often overlooked factors such as the animal\'s ability to sense its compromised motoric abilities, drastic though transient weight loss, and also the possibility of neuropathic pain, make the assessment of severity a difficult task and pose a problem for experimental refinement.





