
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapidly changing features in an intact biological sample are challenging to efficiently trap and image by conventional electron microscopy (EM). For example, the model organism C. elegans is widely used to study embryonic development and differentiation, yet the fast kinetics of cell division makes the targeting of specific developmental stages for ultrastructural study difficult. We set out to image the condensed metaphase chromosomes of an early embryo in the intact worm in 3-D. To achieve this, one must capture this transient structure, then locate and subsequently image the corresponding volume by EM in the appropriate context of the organism, all while minimizing a variety of artifacts. In this methodological advance, we report on the high-pressure freezing of spatially constrained whole C. elegans hermaphrodites in a combination of cryoprotectants to identify embryonic cells in metaphase by in situ cryo-fluorescence microscopy. The screened worms were then freeze substituted, resin embedded and further prepared such that the targeted cells were successfully located and imaged by focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM). We reconstructed the targeted metaphase structure and also correlated an intriguing punctate fluorescence signal to a H2B-enriched putative polar body autophagosome in an adjacent cell undergoing telophase. By enabling cryo-fluorescence microscopy of thick samples, our workflow can thus be used to trap and image transient structures in C. elegans or similar organisms in a near-native state, and then reconstruct their corresponding cellular architectures at high resolution and in 3-D by correlative volume EM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitamin E (VitE) is essential for vertebrate embryogenesis, but the mechanisms involved remain unknown. To study embryonic development, we fed zebrafish adults (>55 days) either VitE sufficient (E+) or deficient (E-) diets for >80 days, then the fish were spawned to generate E+ and E- embryos. To evaluate the transcriptional basis of the metabolic and phenotypic outcomes, E+ and E- embryos at 12, 18 and 24 h post-fertilization (hpf) were subjected to gene expression profiling by RNASeq. Hierarchical clustering, over-representation analyses and gene set enrichment analyses were performed with differentially expressed genes. E- embryos experienced overall disruption to gene expression associated with gene transcription, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, intracellular signaling and the formation of embryonic structures. mTOR was apparently a major controller of these changes. Thus, embryonic VitE deficiency results in genetic and transcriptional dysregulation as early as 12 hpf, leading to metabolic dysfunction and ultimately lethal outcomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus hibernation promoting factor (SaHPF) is a 22,2 kDa protein which plays a crucial role in 100S Staphylococcus aureus ribosome formation during stress. SaHPF consists of N-terminal domain (NTD) that prevents proteins synthesis by binding to the 30S subunit at the P- and A-sites, connected through a flexible linker with a C-terminal domain (CTD) that keeps ribosomes in 100S form via homodimerization. Recently obtained 100S ribosome structure of S. aureus by cryo-EM shown that SaHPF-NTD bound to the ribosome active sites, however due to the absence of SaHPF-NTD structure it was modeled by homology with the E. coli hibernation factors HPF and YfiA. In present paper we have determined the solution structure of SaHPF-NTD by high-resolution NMR spectroscopy which allows us to increase structural knowledge about HPF structure from S. aureus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-free translation systems based on cellular lysates optimized for in vitro protein synthesis have multiple applications both in basic and applied science, ranging from studies of translational regulation to cell-free production of proteins and ribosome-nascent chain complexes. In order to achieve both high activity and reproducibility in a translation system, it is essential that the ribosomes in the cellular lysate are enzymatically active. Here we demonstrate that genomic disruption of genes encoding ribosome inactivating factors - HPF in Bacillus subtilis and Stm1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae - robustly improve the activities of bacterial and yeast translation systems. Importantly, the elimination of B. subtilis HPF results in a complete loss of 100S ribosomes, which otherwise interfere with disome-based approaches for preparation of stalled ribosomal complexes for cryo-electron microscopy studies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The translationally silent 100S ribosome is a poorly understood form of the dimeric 70S complex that is ubiquitously found in all bacterial phyla. The elimination of the hibernating 100S ribosome leads to translational derepression, ribosome instability, antibiotic sensitivity, and biofilm defects in some bacteria. In Firmicutes, such as the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, a 190-amino acid protein called hibernating-promoting factor (HPF) dimerizes and conjoins two 70S ribosomes through a direct interaction between the HPF homodimer, with each HPF monomer tethered on an individual 70S complex. While the formation of the 100S ribosome in gammaproteobacteria and cyanobacteria is exclusively induced during postexponential growth phase and darkness, respectively, the 100S ribosomes in Firmicutes are constitutively produced from the lag-logarithmic phase through the post-stationary phase. Very little is known about the regulatory pathways that control hpf expression and 100S ribosome abundance. Here, we show that a general stress response (GSR) sigma factor (SigB) and a GTP-sensing transcription factor (CodY) integrate nutrient and thermal signals to regulate hpf synthesis in S. aureus, resulting in an enhanced virulence of the pathogen in a mouse model of septicemic infection. CodY-dependent regulation of hpf is strain specific. An epistasis analysis further demonstrated that CodY functions upstream of the GSR pathway in a condition-dependent manner. The results reveal an important link between S. aureus stress physiology, ribosome metabolism, and infection biology.IMPORTANCE The dimerization of 70S ribosomes (100S complex) plays an important role in translational regulation and infectivity of the major human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus Although the dimerizing factor HPF has been characterized biochemically, the pathways that regulate 100S ribosome abundance remain elusive. We identified a metabolite- and nutrient-sensing transcription factor, CodY, that serves both as an activator and a repressor of hpf expression in nutrient- and temperature-dependent manners. Furthermore, CodY-mediated activation of hpf masks a secondary hpf transcript derived from a general stress response SigB promoter. CodY and SigB regulate a repertoire of virulence genes. The unexpected link between ribosome homeostasis and the two master virulence regulators provides new opportunities for alternative druggable sites.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to nutrient deprivation and environmental insults, bacteria conjoin two copies of non-translating 70S ribosomes that form the translationally inactive 100S dimer. This widespread phenomenon is believed to prevent ribosome turnover and serves as a reservoir that, when conditions become favorable, allows the hibernating ribosomes to be disassembled and recycled for translation. New structural studies have revealed two distinct mechanisms for dimerizing 70S ribosomes, but the molecular basis of the disassembly process is still in its infancy. Many details regarding the sequence of dimerization-dissociation events with respect to the binding and departure of the hibernation factor and its antagonizing disassembly factor remain unclear.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Staphylococcus aureus: hibernation-promoting factor (SaHPF) is a 22.2 kDa stationary-phase protein that binds to the ribosome and turns it to the inactive form favoring survival under stress. Sequence analysis has shown that this protein is combination of two homolog proteins obtained in Escherichia coli-ribosome hibernation promoting factor (HPF) (11,000 Da) and ribosome modulation factor RMF (6500 Da). Binding site of E. coli HPF on the ribosome have been shown by X-ray study of Thermus thermophilus ribosome complex. Hence, recent studies reported that the interface is markedly different between 100S from S. aureus and E. coli. Cryo-electron microscopy structure of 100S S. aureus ribosomes reveal that the SaHPF-NTD binds to the 30S subunit as observed for shorter variants of HPF in other species and the C-terminal domain (CTD) protrudes out of each ribosome in order to mediate dimerization. SaHPF-NTD binds to the small subunit similarly to its homologs EcHPF, EcYfiA, and a plastid-specific YfiA. Furthermore, upon binding to the small subunit, the SaHPF-NTD occludes several antibiotic binding sites at the A site (hygromycin B, tetracycline), P site (edeine) and E site (pactamycin, kasugamycin). In order to elucidate the structure, dynamics and function of SaHPF-NTD from S. aureus, here we report the backbone and side chain resonance assignments for SaHPF-NTD. Analysis of the backbone chemical shifts by TALOS+ suggests that SaHPF-NTD contains two α-helices and four β-strands (β1-α1-β2-β3-β4-α2 topology). Investigating the long-term survival of S. aureus and other bacteria under antibiotic pressure could lead to advances in antibiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacterial hibernating 100S ribosome is a poorly understood form of the dimeric 70S particle that has been linked to pathogenesis, translational repression, starvation responses, and ribosome turnover. In the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus and most other bacteria, hibernation-promoting factor (HPF) homodimerizes the 70S ribosomes to form a translationally silent 100S complex. Conversely, the 100S ribosomes dissociate into subunits and are presumably recycled for new rounds of translation. The regulation and disassembly of the 100S ribosome are largely unknown because the temporal abundance of the 100S ribosome varies considerably among different bacterial phyla. Here, we identify a universally conserved GTPase (HflX) as a bona fide dissociation factor of the S. aureus 100S ribosome. The expression levels hpf and hflX are coregulated by general stress and stringent responses in a temperature-dependent manner. While all tested guanosine analogs stimulate the splitting activity of HflX on the 70S ribosome, only GTP can completely dissociate the 100S ribosome. Our results reveal the antagonistic relationship of HPF and HflX and uncover the key regulators of 70S and 100S ribosome homeostasis that are intimately associated with bacterial survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effects of protein denaturation caused by high pressure freezing, involving Pressure-Factors (pressure, time) and Freezing-Factors (temperature, phase transition, recrystallization, ice crystal types), are complicated. In the current study, the conformation and functional changes of natural actomyosin (NAM) under pressure assisted freezing (PAF, 100,150,300,400,500MPaP-20°C/25min), pressure shift freezing (PSF, 200MPaP-20°C/25min), and immersion freezing (0.1MPaP-20°C/5min) after pressure was released to 0.1MPa, as compared to normal immersion freezing process (IF, 0.1MPaP-20°C/30min). Results indicated that PSF (200MPaP-20°C/30min) could reduce the denaturation of frozen NAM and a pressure of 300MPa was the critical point to induce such a denaturation. During the periods of B→D in PSF or B→C→D in PAF, the generation and growth of ice crystals played an important role on changing the secondary and tertiary structure of the treated NAM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mitotic rate is routinely assessed in breast cancer cases and based on the assessment of 10 high power fields (HPF), a non-standard sample area, as per the College of American Pathologists cancer checklist. The effect of sample area variation has not been assessed.
    METHODS: A computer model making use of the binomial distribution was developed to calculate the misclassification rate in 1,000,000 simulated breast specimens using the extremes of field diameter (FD) and mitotic density cutoffs (3 and 8 mitoses/mm2), and for a sample area of 5 mm2. Mitotic counts were assumed to be a random sampling problem using a mitotic rate distribution derived from an experimental study (range 0-16.4 mitoses/mm2). The cellular density was 2500 cell/mm2.
    RESULTS: For the smallest microscopes (FD = 0.40 mm, area 1.26 mm2) 16% of cases were misclassified, compared to 9% of the largest (FD 0.69 mm, area 3.74 mm2), versus 8% for 5 mm2. An excess of 27% of score 2 cases were misclassified as 1 or 3 for the lower FD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Mitotic scores based on ten HPFs of a small field area microscope are less reliable measures of the mitotic density than in a bigger field area microscope; therefore, the sample area should be standardized. When mitotic counts are close to the cut-offs the score is less reproducible. These cases could benefit from using larger sample areas. A measure of mitotic density variation due to sampling may assist in the interpretation of the mitotic score.





