hot springs

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We acquired and analyzed metagenome and 16S/18S rRNA gene amplicon data of green-colored microbial mats from two hot springs within the Onikobe geothermal region (Miyagi Prefecture, Japan). The two collection sites-Tamago and Warabi-were in proximity and had the same temperature (40 °C), but the Tamago site was connected to a nearby stream, whereas the Warabi site was isolated. Both the amplicon and metagenome data suggest the bacterial, especially cyanobacterial, dominance of the mats; other abundant groups include Chloroflexota, Pseudomonadota, Bacteroidota/Chlorobiota, and Deinococcota. At finer resolution, however, the taxonomic composition entirely differed between the mats. A total of 5 and 21 abundant bacterial 16S rRNA gene OTUs were identified for Tamago and Warabi, respectively; of these, 12 are putative chlorophyll- or rhodopsin-based phototrophs. The presence of phylogenetically diverse microbial eukaryotes was noted, with ciliates and amoebozoans being the most abundant eukaryote groups for Tamago and Warabi, respectively. Fifteen metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) were obtained, represented by 13 bacteria, one ciliate (mitochondrion), and one giant virus. A total of 15 novel taxa, including a new deeply branching Chlorobiota species, is noted from the amplicon and MAG data, highlighting the importance of environmental sequencing in uncovering hidden microorganisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The geosphere and the microbial biosphere have co-evolved for ~3.8 Ga, with many lines of evidence suggesting a hydrothermal habitat for life\'s origin. However, the extent that contemporary thermophiles and their hydrothermal habitats reflect those that likely existed on early Earth remains unknown. To address this knowledge gap, 64 geochemical analytes were measured and 1022 metagenome-assembled-genomes (MAGs) were generated from 34 chemosynthetic high-temperature springs in Yellowstone National Park and analysed alongside 444 MAGs from 35 published metagenomes. We used these data to evaluate co-variation in MAG taxonomy, metabolism, and phylogeny as a function of hot spring geochemistry. We found that cohorts of MAGs and their functions are discretely distributed across pH gradients that reflect different geochemical provinces. Acidic or circumneutral/alkaline springs harbor MAGs that branched later and are enriched in sulfur- and arsenic-based O2-dependent metabolic pathways that are inconsistent with early Earth conditions. In contrast, moderately acidic springs sourced by volcanic gas harbor earlier-branching MAGs that are enriched in anaerobic, gas-dependent metabolisms (e.g. H2, CO2, CH4 metabolism) that have been hypothesized to support early microbial life. Our results provide insight into the influence of redox state in the eco-evolutionary feedbacks between thermophiles and their habitats and suggest moderately acidic springs as early Earth analogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elemental sulfur (S8 0)-oxidising Sulfolobales (Archaea) dominate high-temperature acidic hot springs (>80°C, pH <4). However, genomic analyses of S8 0-oxidising members of the Sulfolobales reveal a patchy distribution of genes encoding sulfur oxygenase reductase (SOR), an S8 0 disproportionating enzyme attributed to S8 0 oxidation. Here, we report the S8 0-dependent growth of two Sulfolobales strains previously isolated from acidic hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, one of which associated with bulk S8 0 during growth and one that did not. The genomes of each strain encoded different sulfur metabolism enzymes, with only one encoding SOR. Dialysis membrane experiments showed that direct contact is not required for S8 0 oxidation in the SOR-encoding strain. This is attributed to the generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from S8 0 disproportionation that can diffuse out of the cell to solubilise bulk S8 0 to form soluble polysulfides (Sx 2-) and/or S8 0 nanoparticles that readily diffuse across dialysis membranes. The Sulfolobales strain lacking SOR required direct contact to oxidise S8 0, which could be overcome by the addition of H2S. High concentrations of S8 0 inhibited the growth of both strains. These results implicate alternative strategies to acquire and metabolise sulfur in Sulfolobales and have implications for their distribution and ecology in their hot spring habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the complete genomes of Geobacillus stearothermophilus strains EF60045 and SJEF4-2 from Korean hot springs, with 3,769 and 3,625 thermophilic genes, respectively. G. stearothermophilus EF60045 shows four methylation patterns. G. stearothermophilus SJEF4-2 harbors three plasmids. These findings enhance understanding of Geobacillus strains, aiding in their development as microbial platform hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methanogenic hydrocarbon degradation can be carried out by archaea that couple alkane oxidation directly to methanogenesis, or by syntrophic associations of bacteria with methanogenic archaea. However, metagenomic analyses of methanogenic environments have revealed other archaea with potential for alkane degradation but apparent inability to form methane, suggesting the existence of other modes of syntrophic hydrocarbon degradation. Here, we provide experimental evidence supporting the existence of a third mode of methanogenic degradation of hydrocarbons, mediated by syntrophic cooperation between archaeal partners. We collected sediment samples from a hot spring sediment in Tengchong, China, and enriched Hadarchaeota under methanogenic conditions at 60 °C, using hexadecane as substrate. We named the enriched archaeon Candidatus Melinoarchaeum fermentans DL9YTT1. We used 13C-substrate incubations, metagenomic, metatranscriptomic and metabolomic analyses to show that Ca. Melinoarchaeum uses alkyl-coenzyme M reductases (ACRs) to activate hexadecane via alkyl-CoM formation. Ca. Melinoarchaeum likely degrades alkanes to carbon dioxide, hydrogen and acetate, which can be used as substrates by hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogens such as Methanothermobacter and Methanothrix.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hot springs are inhabited by specific microbial communities which are reservoirs of novel taxa. In this work strain 4228-RoLT was isolated from the Solnechny hot spring, Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka. Cells of the strain 4228-RoLT were Gram-negative rods forming multicellular filaments. The strain grew optimally at 60 °C and pH 7.0 and fermented various organic compounds including polysaccharides (microcrystalline cellulose, xylan, chitin, starch, dextrin, dextran, beta-glucan, galactomannan, glucomannan, mannan). Major fatty acids were iso-C17:0, C16:0, C18:0, C20:0, iso-C19:0, anteiso-C17:0 and C22:0. Genome of the strain was of 3.25 Mbp with GC content of 54.2%. Based on the whole genome comparisons and phylogenomic analysis the new isolate was affiliated to a novel species of Thermanaerothrix genus within Anaerolineae class of phylum Chloroflexota, for which the name T. solaris sp. nov. was proposed with 4228-RoLT (= VKM B-3776 T = UQM 41594 T = BIM B-2058 T) as the type strain. 114 CAZymes including 43 glycoside hydrolases were found to be encoded in the genome of strain 4228-RoLT. Cell-bound and extracellular enzymes of strain 4228-RoLT were active against starch, dextran, mannan, xylan and various kinds of celluloses, with the highest activity against beta-glucan. Altogether, growth experiments, enzymatic activities determination and genomic analysis suggested that T. solaris strain 4228-RoLT could serve as a source of glycosidases suitable for plant biomass hydrolysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Taiwan is situated in the subtropical region and its geographical location and topographical features contribute to a rich ecological diversity and scenic landscapes. We investigated the diversity of methanogens in different environments of Taiwan using a culture-dependent method. This report presents the characterization and taxonomy of six hydrogenotrophic methanogens obtained from cold seep sediments (strain FWC-SCC1T and FWC-SCC3T), marine sediments (strain CWC-02T and YWC-01T), estuarine sediments (strain Afa-1T), and a hot spring well (strain Wushi-C6T) in Taiwan. The proposed names of the six novel species are Methanoculleus frigidifontis (type strain FWC-SCC1T=BCRC AR10056T=NBRC 113993T), Methanoculleus oceani (CWC-02T=BCRC AR10055T=NBRC 113992T), Methanoculleus methanifontis (FWC-SCC3T=BCRC AR10057T=NBRC 113994T), Methanoculleus nereidis (YWC-01T=BCRC AR10060T=NBRC 114597T), Methanoculleus formosensis (Afa-1T=BCRC AR10054T=NBRC 113995T), and Methanoculleus caldifontis (Wushi-06T=BCRC AR10059T= NBRC 114596T).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial xylanases are enzymes of great importance due to their wide industrial applications, especially in the degradation of lignocellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars. This study aimed to describe the production optimization and partial characterization of an ultra-thermostable, acidophilic, cellulase-free xylanase from an obligate thermophilic eubacterium Geobacillus thermoleovorans strain-AKNT10 (Ac.No. LT158229) isolated from a hot-spring of Puga Valley located at an altitude of 4419 m in Ladakh, India. The optimization of cultural conditions improved enzyme yield by 10.49-fold under submerged fermentation. The addition of 1% (w/v) xylose induced the enzyme synthesis by ~ 165 and 371% when supplemented in the fermentation medium containing wheat bran (WB) 1 and 3%, respectively. The supplementation of sucrose reduced the xylanase production by ~ 25%. Results of partial characterization exhibited that xylanase was optimally active at pH 6.0 and 100 °C. Enzyme retained > 75%, > 83%, and > 84% of activity at 4 °C for 28 days, 100 °C for 60 min, and pHs 3-8 for 60 min, respectively. An outstanding property of AKNT10-xylanase, was the retention of > 71% residual activity at extreme conditions (121 °C and 15 psi pressure) for 15 min. Enzymatic saccharification showed that enzyme was also capable to liberate maximum reducing sugars within 4-8 h under optimized conditions thus it could be a potential candidate for the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass as well as other industrial purposes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on such an ultra-thermo-pressure-tolerant xylanase optimally active at pH 6 and 100 °C from the genus Geobacillus.





