heterotrimeric G proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest family of transmembrane proteins in metazoans that mediate the regulation of various physiological responses to discrete ligands through heterotrimeric G protein subunits. The existence of GPCRs in plant is contentious, but their comparable crucial role in various signaling pathways necessitates the identification of novel remote GPCR-like proteins that essentially interact with the plant G protein α subunit and facilitate the transduction of various stimuli. In this study, we identified three putative GPCR-like proteins (OsGPCRLPs) (LOC_Os06g09930.1, LOC_Os04g36630.1, and LOC_Os01g54784.1) in the rice proteome using a stringent bioinformatics workflow. The identified OsGPCRLPs exhibited a canonical GPCR \'type I\' 7TM topology, patterns, and biologically significant sites for membrane anchorage and desensitization. Cluster-based interactome mapping revealed that the identified proteins interact with the G protein α subunit which is a characteristic feature of GPCRs. Computational results showing the interaction of identified GPCR-like proteins with G protein α subunit and its further validation by the membrane yeast-two-hybrid assay strongly suggest the presence of GPCR-like 7TM proteins in the rice proteome. The absence of a regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) box in the C- terminal domain, and the presence of signature motifs of canonical GPCR in the identified OsGPCRLPs strongly suggest that the rice proteome contains GPCR-like proteins that might be involved in signal transduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We explored the functional redundancy of three structurally related KCTD (Potassium Channel Tetramerization Domain) proteins, KCTD2, KCTD5, and KCTD17, by progressively knocking them out in HEK 293 cells using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. After validating the knockout, we assessed the effects of progressive knockout on cell growth and gene expression. We noted that the progressive effects of knockout of KCTD isoforms on cell growth were most pervasive when all three isoforms were deleted, suggesting some functions were conserved between them. This was also reflected in progressive changes in gene expression. Our previous work indicated that Gβ1 was involved in the transcriptional control of gene expression, so we compared the gene expression patterns between GNB1 and KCTD KO. Knockout of GNB1 led to numerous changes in the expression levels of other G protein subunit genes, while knockout of KCTD isoforms had the opposite effect, presumably because of their role in regulating levels of Gβ1. Our work demonstrates a unique relationship between KCTD proteins and Gβ1 and a global role for this subfamily of KCTD proteins in maintaining the ability of cells to survive and proliferate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Frizzled family of transmembrane receptors (FZD1-10) belongs to the class F of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). FZDs bind to and are activated by Wingless/Int1 (WNT) proteins. The WNT/FZD signaling system regulates crucial aspects of developmental biology and stem-cell regulation. Dysregulation of WNT/FZD communication can lead to developmental defects and diseases such as cancer and fibrosis. Recent insight into the activation mechanisms of FZDs has underlined that protein dynamics and conserved microswitches are essential for FZD-mediated information flow and build the basis for targeting these receptors pharmacologically. In this review, we summarize recent advances in our understanding of FZD activation, and how novel concepts merge and collide with existing dogmas in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterotrimeric G proteins are responsible for signal transduction from G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to intracellular effectors. This process is only possible when G proteins are located on the inner side of the cell membrane due to the specific localization of GPCR receptors. The Gα subunit is directed to the cell membrane through several signals, including modification by fatty acid moieties, interaction with the Gβγ complex, and, as observed in some Gα proteins, the presence of basic amino acid residues in the N-terminal region. In this work, we focused on investigating the influence of the polybasic region on the localization and function of a representative member of the Gαi family, Gαi3. Through the use of confocal microscopy and fluorescence lifetime microscopy, we showed that, in the case of this protein, neutralizing the positive charge does not significantly affect its abundance in the cell membrane. However, it does affect its spatial arrangement concerning the dopamine D2 receptor and influences inhibitory effect of Gαi3 on intracellular cAMP production triggered by D2 receptor stimulation. Moreover, in this work, we have shown, for the first time, that nonlipidated Gαi3 binds to negatively charged lipids through electrostatic interactions, and membrane fluidity plays a significant role in this interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stomatal pores, vital for CO2 uptake and water loss regulation in plants, are formed by two specialized guard cells. Despite their importance, there is limited understanding of how guard cells sense and respond to changes in vapor pressure difference (VPD). This study leverages a selection of CO2 hyposensitive and abscisic acid (ABA) signaling mutants in Arabidopsis, including heterotrimeric G protein mutants and RLK (receptor-like kinase) mutants, along with a variety of canola cultivars to delve into the intracellular signaling mechanisms prompting stomatal closure in response to high VPD. Stomatal conductance response to step changes in VPD was measured using the LI-6800F gas exchange system. Our findings highlight that stomatal responses to VPD utilize intracellular signaling components. VPD hyposensitivity was particularly evident in mutants of the ht1 (HIGH LEAF TEMPERATURE1) gene, which encodes a protein kinase expressed mainly in guard cells, and in gpa1-3, a null mutant of the sole canonical heterotrimeric Gα subunit, previously implicated in stomatal signaling. Consequently, this research identifies a nexus in the intricate relationships between guard cell signal perception, stomatal conductance, environmental humidity, and CO2 levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Programmed cell death (PCD) is a critical process in plant immunity, enabling the targeted elimination of infected cells to prevent the spread of pathogens. The tight regulation of PCD within plant cells is well-documented; however, specific mechanisms remain elusive or controversial. Heterotrimeric G proteins are multifunctional signaling elements consisting of three distinct subunits, Gα, Gβ, and Gγ. In Arabidopsis, the Gβγ dimer serves as a positive regulator of plant defense. Conversely, in species such as rice, maize, cotton, and tomato, mutants deficient in Gβ exhibit constitutively active defense responses, suggesting a contrasting negative role for Gβ in defense mechanisms within these plants. Using a transient overexpression approach in addition to knockout mutants, we observed that Gβγ enhanced cell death progression and elevated the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in a similar manner across Arabidopsis, tomato, and Nicotiana benthamiana, suggesting a conserved G protein role in PCD regulation among diverse plant species. The enhancement of PCD progression was cooperatively regulated by Gβγ and one Gα, XLG2. We hypothesize that G proteins participate in two distinct mechanisms regulating the initiation and progression of PCD in plants. We speculate that G proteins may act as guardees, the absence of which triggers PCD. However, in Arabidopsis, this G protein guarding mechanism appears to have been lost in the course of evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tissue infiltration by circulating leukocytes via directed migration (also referred to as chemotaxis) is a common pathogenic mechanism of inflammatory diseases. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are essential for sensing chemokine gradients and directing the movement of leukocytes during immune responses. The tumor necrosis factor α-induced protein 8-like (TIPE or TNFAIP8L) family of proteins are newly described pilot proteins that control directed migration of murine leukocytes. However, how leukocytes integrate site-specific directional cues, such as chemokine gradients, and utilize GPCR and TIPE proteins to make directional decisions are not well understood. Using both gene knockdown and biochemical methods, we demonstrated here that 2 human TIPE family members, TNFAIP8 and TIPE2, were essential for directed migration of human CD4+ T cells. T cells deficient in both of these proteins completely lost their directionality. TNFAIP8 interacted with the Gαi subunit of heterotrimeric (α, β, γ) G proteins, whereas TIPE2 bound to PIP2 and PIP3 to spatiotemporally control immune cell migration. Using deletion and site-directed mutagenesis, we established that Gαi interacted with TNFAIP8 through its C-terminal amino acids, and that TIPE2 protein interacted with PIP2 and PIP3 through its positively charged amino acids on the α0 helix and at the grip-like entrance. We also discovered that TIPE protein membrane translocation (i.e. crucial for sensing chemokine gradients) was dependent on PIP2. Collectively, our work describes a new mechanistic paradigm for how human T cells integrate GPCR and phospholipid signaling pathways to control directed migration. These findings have implications for therapeutically targeting TIPE proteins in human inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media
    Specific interactions between G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and G proteins play a key role in mediating signaling events. While there is little doubt regarding receptor preference for Gα subunits, the preferences for specific Gβ and Gγ subunits and the effects of different Gβγ dimer compositions on GPCR signaling are poorly understood. In this study, we aimed to investigate the subcellular localization and functional response of Gαi3-based heterotrimers with different combinations of Gβ and Gγ subunits.
    Live-cell imaging microscopy and colocalization analysis were used to investigate the subcellular localization of Gαi3 in combination with Gβ1 or Gβ2 heterotrimers, along with representative Gγ subunits. Furthermore, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM-FRET) was used to investigate the nanoscale distribution of Gαi3-based heterotrimers in the plasma membrane, specifically with the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). In addition, the functional response of the system was assessed by monitoring intracellular cAMP levels and conducting bioinformatics analysis to further characterize the heterotrimer complexes.
    Our results show that Gαi3 heterotrimers mainly localize to the plasma membrane, although the degree of colocalization is influenced by the accompanying Gβ and Gγ subunits. Heterotrimers containing Gβ2 showed slightly lower membrane localization compared to those containing Gβ1, but certain combinations, such as Gαi3β2γ8 and Gαi3β2γ10, deviated from this trend. Examination of the spatial arrangement of Gαi3 in relation to D2R and of changes in intracellular cAMP level showed that the strongest functional response is observed for those trimers for which the distance between the receptor and the Gα subunit is smallest, i.e. complexes containing Gβ1 and Gγ8 or Gγ10 subunit. Deprivation of Gαi3 lipid modifications resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of protein present in the cell membrane, but did not always affect intracellular cAMP levels.
    Our studies show that the composition of G protein heterotrimers has a significant impact on the strength and specificity of GPCR-mediated signaling. Different heterotrimers may exhibit different conformations, which further affects the interactions of heterotrimers and GPCRs, as well as their interactions with membrane lipids. This study contributes to the understanding of the complex signaling mechanisms underlying GPCR-G-protein interactions and highlights the importance of the diversity of Gβ and Gγ subunits in G-protein signaling pathways. Video Abstract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterotrimeric G-protein-mediated signaling is a key mechanism to transduce a multitude of endogenous and environmental signals in diverse organisms. The scope and expectations of plant G-protein research were set by pioneering work in metazoans. Given the similarity of the core constituents, G-protein-signaling mechanisms were presumed to be universally conserved. However, because of the enormous diversity of survival strategies and endless forms among eukaryotes, the signal, its interpretation, and responses vary even among different plant groups. Earlier G-protein research in arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has emphasized its divergence from Metazoa. Here, we compare recent evidence from diverse plant lineages with the available arabidopsis G-protein model and discuss the conserved and novel protein components, signaling mechanisms, and response regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipid rafts are dynamic assemblies of glycosphingolipids, sphingomyelin, cholesterol, and specific proteins which are stabilized into platforms involved in the regulation of vital cellular processes. Cerebellar lipid rafts are cell surface ganglioside microdomains for the attachment of GPI-anchored neural adhesion molecules and downstream signaling molecules such as Src-family kinases and heterotrimeric G proteins. In this review, we summarize our recent findings on signaling in ganglioside GD3 rafts of cerebellar granule cells and several findings by other groups on the roles of lipid rafts in the cerebellum. TAG-1, of the contactin group of immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecules, is a phosphacan receptor. Phosphacan regulates the radial migration signaling of cerebellar granule cells, via Src-family kinase Lyn, by binding to TAG-1 on ganglioside GD3 rafts. Chemokine SDF-1α, which induces the tangential migration of cerebellar granule cells, causes heterotrimeric G protein Goα translocation to GD3 rafts. Furthermore, the functional roles of cerebellar raft-binding proteins including cell adhesion molecule L1, heterotrimeric G protein Gsα, and L-type voltage-dependent calcium channels are discussed.





