
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Linum suffruticosum s.l. is a taxonomic complex widespread in the Western Mediterranean basin. The complex is characterized by a high phenotypic and cytogenetic diversity, and by a unique three-dimensional heterostyly system that makes it an obligate outcrosser. We studied the patterns of genetic diversity and structure of populations throughout the entire distribution of L. suffruticosum s.l. with microsatellite markers. We analysed their relationships with various biological and ecological variables, including the morph ratio and sex organ reciprocity of populations measured with a novel multi-dimensional method. Populations consistently showed an approximate 1:1 morph ratio with high sex organ reciprocity and high genetic diversity. We found high genetic differentiation of populations, showing a pattern of isolation by distance. The Rif mountains in NW Africa were the most important genetic barrier. The taxonomic treatment within the group was not related to the genetic differentiation of populations, but to their environmental differentiation. Genetic diversity was unrelated to latitude, elevation, population size, niche suitability or breeding system. However, there was a clear influence of ploidy level on the genetic diversity of populations, and a seeming centre-periphery pattern in its distribution. Our results suggest that polyploidization events, high outcrossing rates, isolation by distance and important geographical barriers to gene flow have played major roles in the microevolutionary history of this species complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on supergenes, non-recombining genomic regions housing tightly linked genes that control complex phenotypes, has recently gained prominence in genomics. Heterostyly, a floral heteromorphism promoting outcrossing in several angiosperm families, is controlled by the S-locus supergene. The S-locus has been studied primarily in closely related Primula species and, more recently, in other groups that independently evolved heterostyly. However, it remains unknown whether genetic architecture and composition of the S-locus are maintained among species that share a common origin of heterostyly and subsequently diverged across larger time scales. To address this research gap, we present a chromosome-scale genome assembly of Primula edelbergii, a species that shares the same origin of heterostyly with Primula veris (whose S-locus has been characterized) but diverged from it 18 million years ago. Comparative genomic analyses between these two species allowed us to show, for the first time, that the S-locus can \'jump\' (i.e. translocate) between chromosomes maintaining its function in controlling heterostyly. Additionally, we found that four S-locus genes were conserved but reshuffled within the supergene, seemingly without affecting their expression, thus we could not detect changes explaining the lack of self-incompatibility in P. edelbergii. Furthermore, we confirmed that the S-locus is not undergoing genetic degeneration. Finally, we investigated P. edelbergii evolutionary history within Ericales in terms of whole genome duplications and transposable element accumulation. In summary, our work provides a valuable resource for comparative analyses aimed at investigating the genetics of heterostyly and the pivotal role of supergenes in shaping the evolution of complex phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Proper flower development is essential for plant reproduction, a crucial aspect of the plant life cycle. This process involves precisely coordinating transcription factors, enzymes, and epigenetic modifications. DNA methylation, a ubiquitous and heritable epigenetic mechanism, is pivotal in regulating gene expression and shaping chromatin structure. Fagopyrum esculentum demonstrates anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective, hepato-protective, and neuroprotective properties. However, the heteromorphic heterostyly observed in F. esculentum poses a significant challenge in breeding efforts. F. tataricum has better resistance to high altitudes and harsh weather conditions such as drought, frost, UV-B radiation damage, and pests. Moreover, F. tataricum contains significantly higher levels of rutin and other phenolics, more flavonoids, and a balanced amino acid profile compared to common buckwheat, being recognised as functional food, rendering it an excellent candidate for functional food applications.
    RESULTS: This study aimed to compare the DNA methylation profiles between the Pin and Thrum flower components of F. esculentum, with those of self-fertile species of F. tataricum, to understand the potential role of this epigenetic mechanism in Fagopyrum floral development. Notably, F. tataricum flowers are smaller than those of F. esculentum (Pin and Thrum morphs). The decline in DNA methylation levels in the developed open flower components, such as petals, stigmas and ovules, was consistent across both species, except for the ovule in the Thrum morph. Conversely, Pin and Tartary ovules exhibited a minor decrease in DNA methylation levels. The highest DNA methylation level was observed in Pin stigma from closed flowers, and the most significant decrease was in Pin stigma from open flowers. In opposition, the nectaries of open flowers exhibited higher levels of DNA methylation than those of closed flowers. The decrease in DNA methylation might correspond with the downregulation of genes encoding methyltransferases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Reduced overall DNA methylation and the expression of genes associated with these epigenetic markers in fully opened flowers of both species may indicate that demethylation is necessary to activate the expression of genes involved in floral development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abstract. Heterostyly, a genetic style polymorphism, is linked to symmetric pollen transfer, vital for its maintenance. Clonal growth typically impacts sexual reproduction by influencing pollen transfer. However, the floral morph variation remains poorly understood under the combined effects of pollinators and clonal growth in heterostyly characterized by negative frequency-dependent selection and disassortative mating. We estimated morph ratios, ramets per genet and heterostylous syndrome and quantified legitimate pollen transfer via clonal growth, pollinators and reciprocal herkogamy between floral morphs in Limonium otolepis, a fragmented population composed of five subpopulations in the desert environment of northwestern China, with small flower and large floral morph variation. All subpopulations but one exhibited pollen-stigma morphology dimorphism. The compatibility between mating types with different pollen-stigma morphologies remained consistent regardless of reciprocal herkogamy. Biased ratios and ramets per genet of the two mating types with distinct pollen-stigma morphologies caused asymmetric pollen flow and varying fruit sets in all subpopulations. Short-tongued insects were the primary pollinators due to small flower sizes. However, pollen-feeding Syrphidae sp. triggered asymmetry in pollen flow between high and low sex organs, with short-styled morphs having lower stigma pollen depositions and greater variation. Clonal growth amplified this variation by reducing intermorph pollen transfer. All in all, pollinators and clonal growth jointly drive floral morph variation. H-morphs with the same stigma-anther position and self-incompatibility, which mitigate the disadvantages of sunken low sex organs with differing from the classical homostyly, might arise from long- and short-styled morphs through a \'relaxed selection\'. This study is the first to uncover the occurrence of the H-morph and its associated influencing factors in a distylous plant featuring clonal growth, small flowers and a fragmented population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In heterostylous plants, short-tongued pollinators are often ineffective/inefficient owing to the limitations imposed by a long corolla tube. However, it is unclear how disassortative pollen transfer is achieved in small flowers. We investigated the pollination pattern and floral morph variation by analyzing heterostylous syndrome, pollinator groups, and pollen deposition after a single visitation in two Limonium myrianthum populations with short-corolla-tubular small flowers. The predominant pollinators in the Hutubi population were pollen-seeking short-tongued syrphids, which can only transfer pollen between high-level sexual organs. In the Xishan population, nectar-seeking short-tongued insects were efficient pollinators with symmetrical disassortative pollen transfer between high- and low-level sexual organs, whereas long-tongued pollinators had a low efficiency between high-level sexual organs due to the low contact probability with the stigma of long-styled flowers (L-morph), which no longer offered the same advantage observed in tubular flowers. Asymmetrical disassortative pollination may cause the female fitness of short-styled (S-morph) individuals in the Hutubi and L-morph individuals in the Xishan population to suffer greater selection pressure and exhibit a higher degree of floral morph variation. Limonium myrianthum exhibits an unusual pollination pattern in which the small flowers with short corolla tubes make it possible for short-tongued insects to become effective pollinators. However, factors such as the position of stigma-anther within the flower, pollinator species and their preference further caused asymmetrical disassortative pollen transfer. Therefore, more factors should be considered when evaluating the effectiveness of short- and long-tongued insects in pollination service.






  • 文章类型: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov\'t
    Self-incompatibility (SI) has evolved independently multiple times and prevents self-fertilization in hermaphrodite angiosperms. Several groups of Oleaceae such as jasmines exhibit distylous flowers, with two compatibility groups each associated with a specific floral morph.1 Other Oleaceae species in the olive tribe have two compatibility groups without associated morphological variation.2,3,4,5 The genetic basis of both homomorphic and dimorphic SI systems in Oleaceae is unknown. By comparing genomic sequences of three olive subspecies (Olea europaea) belonging to the two compatibility groups, we first locate the genetic determinants of SI within a 700-kb hemizygous region present only in one compatibility group. We then demonstrate that the homologous hemizygous region also controls distyly in jasmine. Phylogenetic analyses support a common origin of both systems, following a segmental genomic duplication in a common ancestor. Examination of the gene content of the hemizygous region in different jasmine and olive species suggests that the mechanisms determining compatibility groups and floral phenotypes (whether homomorphic or dimorphic) in Oleaceae rely on the presence/absence of two genes involved in gibberellin and brassinosteroid regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distyly, a floral dimorphism that promotes outcrossing, is controlled by a hemizygous genomic region known as the S-locus. Disruptions of genes within the S-locus are responsible for the loss of distyly and the emergence of homostyly, a floral monomorphism that favors selfing. Using whole-genome resequencing data of distylous and homostylous individuals from populations of Primula vulgaris and leveraging high-quality reference genomes of Primula we tested, for the first time, predictions about the evolutionary consequences of transitions to selfing on S-genes. Our results reveal a previously undetected structural rearrangement in CYPᵀ associated with the shift to homostyly and confirm previously reported, homostyle-specific, loss-of-function mutations in the exons of the S-gene CYPᵀ. We also discovered that the promoter and intronic regions of CYPᵀ in distylous and homostylous individuals are conserved, suggesting that down-regulation of CYPᵀ via mutations in its promoter and intronic regions is not a cause of the shift to homostyly. Furthermore, we found that hemizygosity is associated with reduced genetic diversity in S-genes compared with their paralogs outside the S-locus. Additionally, the shift to homostyly lowers genetic diversity in both the S-genes and their paralogs, as expected in primarily selfing plants. Finally, we tested, for the first time, long-standing theoretical models of changes in S-locus genotypes during early stages of the transition to homostyly, supporting the assumption that two copies of the S-locus might reduce homostyle fitness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to selfing in flowering plants have convergent morphological and genomic signatures and can involve parallel evolution within related lineages. Adaptive evolution of morphological traits is often assumed to evolve faster than nonadaptive features of the genomic selfing syndrome. We investigated phenotypic and genomic changes associated with transitions from distyly to homostyly in the Primula oreodoxa complex. We determined whether the transition to selfing occurred more than once and investigated stages in the evolution of morphological and genomic selfing syndromes using 22 floral traits and both nuclear and plastid genomic data from 25 populations. Two independent transitions were detected representing an earlier and a more recently derived selfing lineage. The older lineage exhibited classic features of the morphological and genomic selfing syndrome. Although features of both selfing syndromes were less developed in the younger selfing lineage, they exhibited parallel development with the older selfing lineage. This finding contrasts with the prediction that some genomic changes should lag behind adaptive changes to morphological traits. Our findings highlight the value of comparative studies on the timing and extent of transitions from outcrossing to selfing between related lineages for investigating the tempo of morphological and molecular evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Style dimorphism is one of the polymorphic characteristics of flowers in heterostylous plants, which have two types of flowers: the pin morph, with long styles and shorter anthers, and the thrum morph, with short styles and longer anthers. The formation of dimorphic styles has received attention in the plant world. Previous studies showed that CYP734A50 in Primula determined style length and limited style elongation and that the brassinosteroid metabolic pathway was involved in regulation of style length. However, it is unknown whether there are other factors affecting the style length of Primula.
    METHODS: Differentially expressed genes highly expressed in pin morph styles were screened based on Primula forbesii transcriptome data. Virus-induced gene silencing was used to silence these genes, and the style length and anatomical changes were observed 20 days after injection.
    RESULTS: PfPIN5 was highly expressed in pin morph styles. When PfPIN5 was silenced, the style length was shortened in pin and long-homostyle plants by shortening the length of style cells. Moreover, silencing CYP734A50 in thrum morph plants increased the expression level of PfPIN5 significantly, and the style length increased. The results indicated that PfPIN5, an auxin efflux transporter gene, contributed to regulation of style elongation in P. forbesii.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results implied that the auxin pathway might also be involved in the formation of styles of P. forbesii, providing a new pathway for elucidating the molecular mechanism of style elongation in P. forbesii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromosome evolution leads to hybrid dysfunction and recombination patterns and has thus been proposed as a major driver of diversification in all branches of the tree of life, including flowering plants. In this study we used the genus Linum (flax species) to evaluate the effects of chromosomal evolution on diversification rates and on traits that are important for sexual reproduction. Linum is a useful study group because it has considerable reproductive polymorphism (heterostyly) and chromosomal variation (n = 6-36) and a complex pattern of biogeographical distribution.
    We tested several traditional hypotheses of chromosomal evolution. We analysed changes in chromosome number across the phylogenetic tree (ChromEvol model) in combination with diversification rates (ChromoSSE model), biogeographical distribution, heterostyly and habit (ChromePlus model).
    Chromosome number evolved across the Linum phylogeny from an estimated ancestral chromosome number of n = 9. While there were few apparent incidences of cladogenesis through chromosome evolution, we inferred up to five chromosomal speciation events. Chromosome evolution was not related to heterostyly but did show significant relationships with habit and geographical range. Polyploidy was negatively correlated with perennial habit, as expected from the relative commonness of perennial woodiness and absence of perennial clonality in the genus. The colonization of new areas was linked to genome rearrangements (polyploidy and dysploidy), which could be associated with speciation events during the colonization process.
    Chromosome evolution is a key trait in some clades of the Linum phylogeny. Chromosome evolution directly impacts speciation and indirectly influences biogeographical processes and important plant traits.





