
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) reduces O2 in the O2-reduction site by sequential four-electron donations through the low-potential metal sites (CuA and Fea). Redox-coupled X-ray crystal structural changes have been identified at five distinct sites including Asp51, Arg438, Glu198, the hydroxyfarnesyl ethyl group of heme a, and Ser382, respectively. These sites interact with the putative proton-pumping H-pathway. However, the metal sites responsible for each structural change have not been identified, since these changes were detected as structural differences between the fully reduced and fully oxidized CcOs. Thus, the roles of these structural changes in the CcO function are yet to be revealed. X-ray crystal structures of cyanide-bound CcOs under various oxidation states showed that the O2-reduction site controlled only the Ser382-including site, while the low-potential metal sites induced the other changes. This finding indicates that these low-potential site-inducible structural changes are triggered by sequential electron-extraction from the low-potential sites by the O2-reduction site and that each structural change is insensitive to the oxidation and ligand-binding states of the O2-reduction site. Because the proton/electron coupling efficiency is constant (1:1), regardless of the reaction progress in the O2-reduction site, the structural changes induced by the low-potential sites are assignable to those critically involved in the proton pumping, suggesting that the H-pathway, facilitating these low-potential site-inducible structural changes, pumps protons. Furthermore, a cyanide-bound CcO structure suggests that a hypoxia-inducible activator, Higd1a, activates the O2-reduction site without influencing the electron transfer mechanism through the low-potential sites, kinetically confirming that the low-potential sites facilitate proton pump.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transporter Str3 promotes heme import in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells that lack the heme receptor Shu1 and are deficient in heme biosynthesis. Under microaerobic conditions, the peroxiredoxin Tpx1 acts as a heme scavenger within the Str3-dependent pathway. Here, we show that Srx1, a sulfiredoxin known to interact with Tpx1, is essential for optimal growth in the presence of hemin. The expression of Srx1 is induced in response to low iron and repressed under iron repletion. Coimmunoprecipitation and bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments show that Srx1 interacts with Str3. Although the interaction between Srx1 and Str3 is weakened, it is still observed in tpx1Δ mutant cells or when Str3 is coexpressed with a mutant form of Srx1 (mutD) that cannot bind Tpx1. Further analysis by absorbance spectroscopy and hemin-agarose pull-down assays confirms the binding of Srx1 to hemin, with an equilibrium constant value of 2.56 μM. To validate the Srx1-hemin association, we utilize a Srx1 mutant (mutH) that fails to interact with hemin. Notably, when Srx1 binds to hemin, it partially shields hemin from degradation caused by hydrogen peroxide. Collectively, these findings elucidate an additional function of the sulfiredoxin Srx1, beyond its conventional role in oxidative stress defense.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural protein assemblies have encouraged scientists to create large supramolecular systems consisting of various protein motifs. In the case of hemoproteins containing heme as a cofactor, several approaches have been reported to form artificial assemblies with various structures such as fibers, sheets, networks, and cages. This chapter describes the design, preparation, and characterization of cage-like micellar assemblies for chemically modified hemoproteins including hydrophilic protein units attached to hydrophobic molecules. Detailed procedures are described for constructing specific systems using cytochrome b562 and hexameric tyrosine-coordinated heme protein as hemoprotein units with heme-azobenzene conjugate and poly-N-isopropylacrylamide as attached molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The epidermal barrier of mammals is initially formed during embryonic development and continuously regenerated by the differentiation and cornification of keratinocytes in postnatal life. Cornification is associated with the breakdown of organelles and other cell components by mechanisms which are only incompletely understood. Here, we investigated whether heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1), which converts heme into biliverdin, ferrous iron and carbon monoxide, is required for normal cornification of epidermal keratinocytes. We show that HO-1 is transcriptionally upregulated during the terminal differentiation of human keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated expression of HO-1 in the granular layer of the epidermis where keratinocytes undergo cornification. Next, we deleted the Hmox1 gene, which encodes HO-1, by crossing Hmox1-floxed and K14-Cre mice. The epidermis and isolated keratinocytes of the resulting Hmox1f/f K14-Cre mice lacked HO-1 expression. The genetic inactivation of HO-1 did not impair the expression of keratinocyte differentiation markers, loricrin and filaggrin. Likewise, the transglutaminase activity and formation of the stratum corneum were not altered in Hmox1f/f K14-Cre mice, suggesting that HO-1 is dispensable for epidermal cornification. The genetically modified mice generated in this study may be useful for future investigations of the potential roles of epidermal HO-1 in iron metabolism and responses to oxidative stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adequate availability and metabolism of three essential trace elements, iodine, selenium and iron, provide the basic requirements for the function and action of the thyroid hormone system in humans, vertebrate animals and their evolutionary precursors. Selenocysteine-containing proteins convey both cellular protection along with H2O2-dependent biosynthesis and the deiodinase-mediated (in-)activation of thyroid hormones, which is critical for their receptor-mediated mechanism of cellular action. Disbalances between the thyroidal content of these elements challenge the negative feedback regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid periphery axis, causing or facilitating common diseases related to disturbed thyroid hormone status such as autoimmune thyroid disease and metabolic disorders. Iodide is accumulated by the sodium-iodide-symporter NIS, and oxidized and incorporated into thyroglobulin by the hemoprotein thyroperoxidase, which requires local H2O2 as cofactor. The latter is generated by the dual oxidase system organized as \'thyroxisome\' at the surface of the apical membrane facing the colloidal lumen of the thyroid follicles. Various selenoproteins expressed in thyrocytes defend the follicular structure and function against life-long exposure to H2O2 and reactive oxygen species derived therefrom. The pituitary hormone thyrotropin (TSH) stimulates all processes required for thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion and regulates thyrocyte growth, differentiation and function. Worldwide deficiencies of nutritional iodine, selenium and iron supply and the resulting endemic diseases are preventable with educational, societal and political measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chalcone isomerases (CHIs) have well-established roles in the biosynthesis of plant flavonoid metabolites. Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two predicted CHI-like proteins, Aim18p (encoded by YHR198C) and Aim46p (YHR199C), but it lacks other enzymes of the flavonoid pathway, suggesting that Aim18p and Aim46p employ the CHI fold for distinct purposes. Here, we demonstrate using proteinase K protection assays, sodium carbonate extractions, and crystallography that Aim18p and Aim46p reside on the mitochondrial inner membrane and adopt CHI folds, but they lack select active site residues and possess an extra fungal-specific loop. Consistent with these differences, Aim18p and Aim46p lack CHI activity and also the fatty acid-binding capabilities of other CHI-like proteins, but instead bind heme. We further show that diverse fungal homologs also bind heme and that Aim18p and Aim46p possess structural homology to a bacterial hemoprotein. Collectively, our work reveals a distinct function and cellular localization for two CHI-like proteins, introduces a new variation of a hemoprotein fold, and suggests that ancestral CHI-like proteins were hemoproteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recruitment and activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) results in increased energy expenditure (EE) via thermogenesis and represents an intriguing therapeutic approach to combat obesity and treat associated diseases. Thermogenesis requires an increased and efficient supply of energy substrates and oxygen to the BAT. The hemoprotein myoglobin (MB) is primarily expressed in heart and skeletal muscle fibres, where it facilitates oxygen storage and flux to the mitochondria during exercise. In the last years, further contributions of MB have been assigned to the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the regulation of cellular nitric oxide (NO) levels and also lipid binding. There is a substantial expression of MB in BAT, which is induced during brown adipocyte differentiation and BAT activation. This suggests MB as a previously unrecognized player in BAT contributing to thermogenesis.
    This study analyzed the consequences of MB expression in BAT on mitochondrial function and thermogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Using MB overexpressing, knockdown or knockout adipocytes, we show that expression levels of MB control brown adipocyte mitochondrial respiratory capacity and acute response to adrenergic stimulation, signalling and lipolysis. Overexpression in white adipocytes also increases their metabolic activity. Mutation of lipid interacting residues in MB abolished these beneficial effects of MB. In vivo, whole-body MB knockout resulted in impaired thermoregulation and cold- as well as drug-induced BAT activation in mice. In humans, MB is differentially expressed in subcutaneous (SC) and visceral (VIS) adipose tissue (AT) depots, differentially regulated by the state of obesity and higher expressed in AT samples that exhibit higher thermogenic potential.
    These data demonstrate for the first time a functional relevance of MBs lipid binding properties and establish MB as an important regulatory element of thermogenic capacity in brown and likely beige adipocytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An EPR spectrometer has been developed that can be tuned to many frequencies in the range of ca 0.1-15 GHz. Applicability has been tested on ferrimyoglobin fluoride (MbF) and ferrimyoglobin cyanide (MbCN). MbF has a high-spin (S = 5/2) spectrum with 19F superhyperfine splitting that is only resolved in X-band along the heme normal. Low-frequency EPR also resolves the splitting in the heme plane. Measurement of linewidth as a function of frequency provides the basis for an analysis of inhomogeneous broadening in terms of g-strain, zero-field distribution, unresolved superhyperfine splittings and dipolar interaction. Rhombicity in the g tensor is found to be absent. MbCN (S = 1/2) has a highly anisotropic low spin (HALS) spectrum for which gx cannot be determined unequivocally in X-band. Low-frequency EPR allows for measurement of the complete spectrum and determination of the g-tensor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endogenous signaling roles of carbon monoxide (CO) have been firmly established at the pathway level. For CO\'s molecular mechanism(s) of actions, hemoproteins are generally considered as possible targets. Importantly, soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is among the most widely referenced molecular targets. However, the affinity of CO for sGC (Kd: 240 μM) is much lower than for other highly abundant hemoproteins in the body, such as myoglobin (Kd: 29 nM) and hemoglobin (Kd: 0.7 nM-4.5 μM), which serve as CO reservoirs. Further, most of the mechanistic studies involving sGC activation by CO were based on in-vitro or ex-vivo studies using CO concentrations not readily attenable in vivo and in the absence of hemoglobin as a competitor in binding. As such, whether such in-vitro/ex-vivo results can be directly extrapolated to in-vivo studies is not clear because of the need for CO to be transferred from a high-affinity binder (e.g., hemoglobin) to a low-affinity target if sGC is to be activated in vivo. In this review, we discuss literature findings of sGC activation by CO and the experimental conditions; examine the myths in the disconnect between the low affinity of sGC for CO and the reported activation of sGC by CO; and finally present several possibilities that may lead to additional studies to improve our understanding of this direct CO-sGC axis, which is yet to be convincingly established as playing generally critical roles in CO signaling in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxygen availability is a limiting factor for lipid biosynthesis in eukaryotic microorganisms. Two bacterial hemoglobins from Vitreoscilla sp. (VHb) and Shinorhizobium meliloti (SHb), which deliver oxygen to the respiratory chain to produce more ATP, were introduced into Mucor circinelloides to alleviate oxygen limitation, thereby improving cell growth and fatty acid production. The VHb and SHb genes were integrated into the M. circinelloides MU402 genome by homologous recombination. VHb and SHb protein expression was verified by carbon monoxide difference spectrum analysis. The biomass was increased by ~ 50% in the strain expressing SHb compared with VHb. The total fatty acid (TFA) content of the strain expressing SHb reached 15.7% of the dry cell weight (~ 40% higher than that of the control strain) during flask cultivation. The biomass and TFA content were markedly increased (12.1 g/L and 21.1% dry cell weight, respectively) in strains expressing SHb than strains expressing VHb during fermenter cultivation. VHb and SHb expression also increased the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Overexpressed bacterial hemoglobins, especially SHb, increased cell growth and TFA content in M. circinelloides at low and high aeration, suggesting that SHb improves fatty acid production more effectively than VHb in oleaginous microorganisms.





