hematoxylin and eosin stain

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Hematoxylin & Eosin (H & E) stains have been conventionally used to establish the status of safe margins following resection of primary Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Due to non-specificity of this stain, there is a possibility of false negative results. In this study, we have assessed the role of Immunohistochemistry (IHC) in establishing the status of safe margins.
    UNASSIGNED: To compare Hematoxylin & Eosin (H & E) and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining in identification of tumor cells in establishing the status of safe margins.
    UNASSIGNED: This study included 14 cases diagnosed with OSCC. Following resection, the primary lesion was subjected to Histopathological analysis. 2 sets of HP slides were prepared from serial sectioning of the wax block prepared for each of the four margins. Both sets of slides were stained with H &E stain. One set of these slides was further stained with Pan CK marker (IHC) which is a cytokeratin marker to identify tumour cells.
    UNASSIGNED: All the slides with H & E staining reported negative for tumor infiltration and 4 slides (3 patients) out of 56 were reported positive with PanCK marker. There was a statistically significant difference in the number of patients with positive margins using IHC as compared to H & E stain.
    UNASSIGNED: Immunohistochemistry using PanCK marker proved to be more efficient in the determination of status of safe margins than routine H & E staining.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on DNA-methylation, ependymomas growing in the spinal cord comprise two major molecular types termed spinal (SP-EPN) and myxopapillary ependymomas (MPE(-A/B)), which differ with respect to their clinical features and prognosis. Due to the existing discrepancy between histomorphogical diagnoses and classification using methylation data, we asked whether deep neural networks can predict the DNA methylation class of spinal cord ependymomas from hematoxylin and eosin stained whole-slide images. Using explainable AI, we further aimed to prospectively improve the consistency of histology-based diagnoses with DNA methylation profiling by identifying and quantifying distinct morphological patterns of these molecular ependymoma types. We assembled a case series of 139 molecularly characterized spinal cord ependymomas (nMPE = 84, nSP-EPN = 55). Self-supervised and weakly-supervised neural networks were used for classification. We employed attention analysis and supervised machine-learning methods for the discovery and quantification of morphological features and their correlation to the diagnoses of experienced neuropathologists. Our best performing model predicted the DNA methylation class with 98% test accuracy and used self-supervised learning to outperform pretrained encoder-networks (86% test accuracy). In contrast, the diagnoses of neuropathologists matched the DNA methylation class in only 83% of cases. Domain-adaptation techniques improved model generalization to an external validation cohort by up to 22%. Statistically significant morphological features were identified per molecular type and quantitatively correlated to human diagnoses. The approach was extended to recently defined subtypes of myxopapillary ependymomas (MPE-(A/B), 80% test accuracy). In summary, we demonstrated the accurate prediction of the DNA methylation class of spinal cord ependymomas (SP-EPN, MPE(-A/B)) using hematoxylin and eosin stained whole-slide images. Our approach may prospectively serve as a supplementary resource for integrated diagnostics and may even help to establish a standardized, high-quality level of histology-based diagnostics across institutions-in particular in low-income countries, where expensive DNA-methylation analyses may not be readily available.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gingival Stillman\'s cleft is one of the least-studied mucogingival defects that may jeopardize the periodontal health and esthetic of the affected teeth. The etiology behind this lesion is believed to be multifactorial, and the histopathology remains unclear. In this report, we present a case of composite gingival Stillman\'s cleft in anterior maxillary teeth that was clinically treated with a laterally moved coronally advanced flap. The cleft tissue was removed during root coverage surgery and then was harvested for histopathological analysis using hematoxylin and eosin, Masson\'s trichrome, and van Gieson\'s stain. In the cleft site, microscopic examination revealed variable degrees of epithelial bifurcations with elongated forking of rete ridges into the stroma. Endothelial-lined blood vessels and inflammatory cells, primarily lymphocytes and fibroblasts, were seen in the stroma. The Masson trichrome (blue) and Van Gieson (pink) revealed colored gingival tissue with prominent collagen fiber distribution at the cleft site, which is suggestive of gingival fibrous hyperplasia brought on by repeated damage from tooth brushing.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Until now, studies on nail diseases have been performed through microscopic diagnosis and microscopic computed tomography (micro-CT). However, these kinds of conventional methods have some limitations. Firstly, the microscopic method is considered the gold standard for medical diagnosis. However, due to the use of fluorescent materials, the sample is damaged and it takes a long time to get results. Secondly, while micro-CT is a noninvasive method to get inner structure images of the sample with high resolution, the penetration and spatial resolution are insufficient for studying the microstructures of the sample, such as the sponge bone and the muscle fibers. In contrast, synchrotron radiation (SR) X-ray imaging technology has the advantage of very vividly demonstrating the anatomic structure of the sample with high penetration, sensitivity and resolution. In this study, we compared the optical microscopic method using hematoxylin and eosin staining and SR imaging to analyze the nail tissue in a mouse model. The results showed that SR could depict the inner structures of a mouse nail without any physical damage. Additionally, we could divide the important anatomical structures of the nail unit into three parts with three-dimensional (3D) images: the nail bed, nail matrix and hyponychium. The images showed that SR could be used for analyzing nails by visualizing the relatively clear and medically semantic structures in a 3D section. We expect that the results of this study will be applied to study nail diseases and conduct pharmaceutical research on their treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A whole-slide imaging (WSI) system is a digital color imaging system used in digital pathology with the potential to substitute the conventional light microscope. A WSI system digitalizes a glass slide by converting the optical image to digital data with a scanner and then converting the digital data back to the optical image with a display. During the digital-to-optical or optical-to-digital conversion, a color space is required to define the mapping between the digital domain and the optical domain so that the numerical data of each color pixel can be interpreted meaningfully. Unfortunately, many current WSI products do not specify the designated color space clearly, which leaves the user using the universally default color space, sRGB. sRGB is a legacy color space that has a limited color gamut, which is known to be unable to reproduce all color shades present in histology slides. In this work, experiments were conducted to quantitatively investigate the limitation of the sRGB color space used in WSI systems. Eight hematoxylin and eosin (H and E)-stained tissue samples, including human bladder, brain, breast, colon, kidney, liver, lung, and uterus, were measured with a multispectral imaging system to obtain the true colors at the pixel level. The measured color truth of each pixel was converted into the standard CIELAB color space to test whether it was within the color gamut of the sRGB color space. Experiment results show that all the eight images have a portion of pixels outside the sRGB color gamut. In the worst-case scenario, the bladder sample, about 35% of the image exceeded the sRGB color gamut. The results suggest that the sRGB color space is inadequate for WSI scanners to encode H and E-stained whole-slide images, and an sRGB display may have insufficient color gamut for displaying H and E-stained histology images.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Histological stains are dyes that bind to a variety of tissues. Modified Gallego\'s (MG) stain is a modification of Lille\'s stain that can be used as a differential stain for identification of hard tissues in oral pathological lesions.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify the presence of hard tissues such as enamel, dentin and cementum in normal extracted teeth and odontogenic tumors using MG stain and to compare the efficacy of MG stain with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain.
    METHODS: A total of fifty samples, twenty decalcified sections of teeth and thirty cases of odontogenic tumors, were included in the present study. Two sections were cut from the above cases and stained with H&E stain and MG stain, respectively, and assessed for the nature of hard tissue.
    RESULTS: In H&E staining, enamel, dentine, cementum and bone stained pink. Whereas, in MG stain, enamel stained pink, dentin and bone stained green, while cementum stained red. The shade of color differs with the degree of mineralization of the hard tissues in MG stain.
    CONCLUSIONS: MG stain can be used as a differential stain for different hard-tissue structures when compared to routine H and E staining.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we demonstrated for the first time the neuroprotective role of edaravone (Eda) (5 and 10 mg/kg b.w.), a potent free radical scavenger against the unilateral stereotaxic induction of quinolinic acid (QA) (300 nm/4 μl saline)-induced Huntington disease (HD)-like symptoms in behavioral, biochemical, and histological features in male Wistar rats striatum. QA induction, which mimics the early stage of HD, commonly causes oxidative stress to the cell and decreases the antioxidant defense mechanism by altering the level of lipid peroxidation (LPO), protein carbonyls, and nitrate concentration (NO) and the activities of glutathione family enzymes (GPx, GST, GR) and acetyl choline esterase concentration (AChE) which was found to be ameliorated by Eda treatment in both the tested doses 5 and 10 mg/kg b.w. in the significance of P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively. Finally histopathological analysis by hematoxylin and eosin stain concluded the promising neurodefensive role of Eda in rat striatum at the dosage of 10 mg/kg b.w., with the decreased tissue damage and the number of damaged granular cells when compared to QA-induced groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatic mutations in patient tumor DNA samples can be readily detected based on mass spectrometry. The MassARRAY system is a high-throughput matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight (MALDI) mass spectrometer for detection of nucleic acids. The technique is based on single-nucleotide base extension. A series of PCR assays amplify specific DNA regions of interest harboring mutations. A third primer is then introduced into the reaction which corresponds to the DNA template immediately in front of the mutation site. A final round of PCR is then performed using mass-modified nucleotides. These nucleotides are designed so that no additional bases can be added to the extension primer (terminating bases) after a single-base extension and are mass modified to exaggerate mass differences between nucleotides allowing easier identification by mass spectrometry.The sequences of the extension primer and possible extension products (wild type and mutations) are known; therefore, it is possible to calculate their mass. The mass spectrometer can identify the mass peaks for each assay and identify those with mutations (multiple peaks). The technique was originally designed to screen multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a large number of specimens. A SNP in the coding region of DNA that alters the gene and subsequent protein expression is considered a mutation. Mutations often occur in genes whose protein product is in a key signaling pathway and/or drug target. Rationale treatment options can be designed based upon the presence or absence of these mutations. In this chapter, we describe the process for detection of somatic mutations in DNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) material.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Perls\' stain is routinely used to demonstrate iron in liver biopsies. We tested the hypothesis that it may be unnecessary in cases, where no iron or another similar pigment was seen on the routine hematoxylin and eosin (H and E) stained section.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of H and E stain in demonstrating iron in liver biopsies as well as to determine the possibility of replacing Perls\' stain with H and E stain.
    METHODS: Two hundred pairs of slides of liver biopsies were taken from the archival files of the Department of Pathology from 2006 to 2011. Perls\' and H and E slides were independently reviewed for the presence of iron.
    RESULTS: Hundred and one cases showed the presence of iron using H and E stain. 84 of 86 cases showed positive iron using both Perls\' and H and E stains. Seventeen cases were positive using H and E stain but negative with Perls\'. Only two cases did not show the presence of iron using H and E stain. Ninety-seven cases were negative using both Perls\' and H and E stains. H and E stain showed a sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive valve, and negative predictive value of 97.67%, 85.08%, 90.5%, 83.16%, and 97.98%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that the H and E stain is a sensitive method to detect iron pigment in liver biopsies, particularly when present in large quantities. A negative H and E stain might obviate the need for extra Perls\' staining, thus saving costs and shortening report turn-around times.





