heat shock response

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organisms respond to proteotoxic-stress by activating the heat-shock response, a cellular defense mechanism regulated by a family of heat-shock factors (HSFs); among six human HSFs, HSF1 acts as a proteostasis guardian regulating severe stress-driven transcriptional responses. Herein we show that human coronaviruses (HCoV), both low-pathogenic seasonal-HCoVs and highly-pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 variants, are potent inducers of HSF1, promoting HSF1 serine-326 phosphorylation and triggering a powerful and distinct HSF1-driven transcriptional-translational response in infected cells. Despite the coronavirus-mediated shut-down of the host translational machinery, selected HSF1-target gene products, including HSP70, HSPA6 and AIRAP, are highly expressed in HCoV-infected cells. Using silencing experiments and a direct HSF1 small-molecule inhibitor we show that, intriguingly, HCoV-mediated activation of the HSF1-pathway, rather than representing a host defense response to infection, is hijacked by the pathogen and is essential for efficient progeny particles production. The results open new scenarios for the search of innovative antiviral strategies against coronavirus infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mild-temperature photothermal therapy (mild-PTT, 42-45 °C) offers a higher level of biosafety. However, its therapeutic effects are compromised by the heat shock response (HSR), a cellular self-defense mechanism, which triggers the overexpression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) with the capacity of repairing the damaged tumor cells. Herein, this work fabricates a novel nanoreactor by incorporating up-conversion nanoparticles (UCNPs), chlorin e6 (Ce6), and glucose oxidase (GOx) onto the ultrathin black phosphorus nanosheet (BPNS) (denoted as GOx-BUC). This nanoreactor amplifies mild-PTT effects under irradiation with an 808 nm laser, modulating HSPs-mediated cellular self-defense fate. On one hand, upon irradiation with a 980 nm laser, UCNPs can transfer energy to excite Ce6, leading to the generation of ROS burst, which achieves indiscriminate damage to HSPs activity in deeper tumor tissues. On the other hand, GOx can consume glucose, thereby depleting the ATP energy supply and further suppressing HSPs expression. Consequently, GOx-BUC exhibits excellent anti-tumor efficacy under mild temperature in a human colorectal cancer mouse model, resulting in complete tumor inhibition with negligible side effects. This black phosphorous nanoreactor, featuring dual-track HSPs destruction functionality, introduces novel perspectives for enhancing mild-PTT effectiveness while maintaining high biosafety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In organisms with complex life cycles, life stages that are most susceptible to environmental stress may determine species persistence in the face of climate change. Early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster are particularly sensitive to acute heat stress, yet tropical embryos have higher heat tolerance than temperate embryos, suggesting adaptive variation in embryonic heat tolerance. We compared transcriptomic responses to heat stress among tropical and temperate embryos to elucidate the gene regulatory basis of divergence in embryonic heat tolerance. The transcriptomes of tropical and temperate embryos differed in both constitutive and heat-stress-induced responses of the expression of relatively few genes, including genes involved in oxidative stress. Most of the transcriptomic response to heat stress was shared among all embryos. Embryos shifted the expression of thousands of genes, including increases in the expression of heat shock genes, suggesting robust zygotic gene activation and demonstrating that, contrary to previous reports, early embryos are not transcriptionally silent. The involvement of oxidative stress genes corroborates recent reports on the critical role of redox homeostasis in coordinating developmental transitions. By characterizing adaptive variation in the transcriptomic basis of embryonic heat tolerance, this study is a novel contribution to the literature on developmental physiology and developmental genetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) responds to stress to mount the heat shock response (HSR), a conserved transcriptional program that allows cells to maintain proteostasis by upregulating heat shock proteins (HSPs). The homeostatic stress regulation of HSF1 plays a key role in human physiology and health but its mechanism has remained difficult to pinpoint. Recent work in the budding yeast model has implicated stress-inducible chaperones of the HSP70 family as direct negative regulators of HSF1 activity. Here, we have investigated the latency control and activation of human HSF1 by HSP70 and misfolded proteins. Purified oligomeric HSF1-HSP70 (HSPA1A) complexes exhibited basal DNA binding activity that was inhibited by increasing the levels of HSP70 and, importantly, misfolded proteins reverted the inhibitory effect. Using site-specific UV photo-crosslinking, we monitored HSP70-HSF1 complexes in HEK293T cells. While HSF1 was bound by the substrate binding domain of HSP70 in unstressed cells, activation of HSF1 by heat shock as well as by inducing the misfolding of newly synthesized proteins resulted in release of HSF1 from the chaperone. Taken our results together, we conclude that latent HSF1 populate dynamic complexes with HSP70, which are sensitive to increased levels of misfolded proteins that compete for binding to the HSP70 substrate binding domain. Thus, human HSF1 is activated by various stress conditions that all titrate available HSP70.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins are acknowledged as the phenotypical manifestation of the genotype, because protein-coding genes carry the information for the strings of amino acids that constitute the proteins. It is widely accepted that protein function depends on the corresponding \"native\" structure or folding achieved within the cell, and that native protein folding corresponds to the lowest free energy minimum for a given protein. However, protein folding within the cell is a non-deterministic dissipative process that from the same input may produce different outcomes, thus conformational heterogeneity of folded proteins is the rule and not the exception. Local changes in the intracellular environment promote variation in protein folding. Hence protein folding requires \"supervision\" by a host of chaperones and co-chaperones that help their client proteins to achieve the folding that is most stable according to the local environment. Such environmental influence on protein folding is continuously transduced with the help of the cellular stress responses (CSRs) and this may lead to changes in the rules of engagement between proteins, so that the corresponding protein interactome could be modified by the environment leading to an alternative cellular phenotype. This allows for a phenotypic plasticity useful for adapting to sudden and/or transient environmental changes at the cellular level. Starting from this perspective, hereunder we develop the argument that the presence of sustained cellular stress coupled to efficient CSRs may lead to the selection of an aberrant phenotype as the resulting adaptation of the cellular proteome (and the corresponding interactome) to such stressful conditions, and this can be a common epigenetic pathway to cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mode and outcome of fish-virus interactions are influenced by many abiotic factors, among which water temperature is especially important in poikilothermic fish. Rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus is a eurythermal small cyprinid fish that is sensitive to infection with genotype II grass carp reovirus (GCRV). HSP70, a conservative and key player in heat shock response, is previously identified as an induced pro-viral factor during GCRV infection in vitro. Here, rare minnow was subjected to heat shock treatment (HST), 1 h treatment at 32 °C followed by reverting to a normal temperature of 24 °C, and subsequently challenged with GCRV-II at a dosage of 1 × LD50. The effect of HST on GCRV virulence in vivo was evaluated by calculating virus-associated mortality and viral load in both dead and survival fish. The results revealed that HST enhanced the mortality of rare minnow infected with GCRV; the fact that viral loads in the tissue samples of HST-treated fish were significantly higher than those in samples of the control group at 6, 8 d p.i. reflected a faster infection process due to HST. Quantitative gene expression analysis was further employed to show that the expression levels of Hsp70 in intestine and liver tissues from the HST group declined faster than muscle tissue after HST. HST W/O GCRV challenge upregulated proinflammatory cytokines such as MyD88 and Nf-κB, which was in consistence with the inflammation observed in histopathological analysis. This study shed light on the complexity of the interaction between fish abiotic and biotic stress response, which suggested that HST, an abiotic stress, could enhance the virulence of GCRV in Gobiocypris rarus that involved modulating the gene expression of host heat shock, as well as a pro-inflammatory response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temperature is a crucial factor in many physiological processes, especially in small ectotherms whose body temperature is highly influenced by ambient temperature. Polistes (paper wasps) is a genus of primitively eusocial wasps found in widely varying thermal environments throughout the world. Paper wasps construct open-faced combs in which the brood is exposed to varying ambient temperatures. The Heat Shock Response is a physiological mechanism that has been shown to help cope with thermal stress. We investigated the expression of heat shock proteins in different life stages of three species of Polistes from different climates with the aim of deducing adaptive patterns. This was done by assaying heat shock protein (hsp70, hsp83, hsc70) expression during control conditions (25 °C) or a heat insult (35 or 45 °C) in individuals collected from natural populations in Alpine, Temperate, or Mediterranean climates. Basal expression of hsc70 and hsp83 was found to be high, while hsp70 and hsp83 expression was found to be highly responsive to severe heat stress. As expression levels varied based on species, geographical origin, and life stage as well as between heat shock proteins, the Heat Shock Response of Polistes was found to be complex. The results suggest that adaptive utilization of the heat shock response contributes to the ability of Polistes spp. to inhabit widely different thermal environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transcription factor HSF-1 (heat shock factor 1) acts as a master regulator of heat shock response in eukaryotic cells to maintain cellular proteostasis. The protein has a protective role in preventing cells from undergoing ageing, and neurodegeneration, and also mediates tumorigenesis. Thus, modulating HSF-1 activity in humans has a promising therapeutic potential for treating these pathologies. Loss of HSF-1 function is usually associated with impaired stress tolerance. Contrary to this conventional knowledge, we show here that inactivation of HSF-1 in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans results in increased thermotolerance at young adult stages, whereas HSF-1 deficiency in animals passing early adult stages indeed leads to decreased thermotolerance, as compared to wild-type. Furthermore, a gene expression analysis supports that in young adults, distinct cellular stress response and immunity-related signaling pathways become induced upon HSF-1 deficiency. We also demonstrate that increased tolerance to proteotoxic stress in HSF-1-depleted young worms requires the activity of the unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum and the SKN-1/Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response pathway, as well as an innate immunity-related pathway, suggesting a mutual compensatory interaction between HSF-1 and these conserved stress response systems. A similar compensatory molecular network is likely to also operate in higher animal taxa, raising the possibility of an unexpected outcome when HSF-1 activity is manipulated in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pre-exercise passive heating attenuates muscle damage caused by eccentric exercise in rats where the induction of heat shock proteins (HSPs) confers a myoprotective effect. We investigated whether pre-exercise hot water immersion (HWI) confers similar benefits in humans. Eleven recreational male athletes were immersed in 41°C water up to 60 min or until rectal temperatures reached 39.5°C. After a 6 h rest, the participants performed an eccentric downhill run for 1 h at -4% gradient to induce muscle damage. An endurance capacity test at 75% VO2max was conducted 18 h later. The control trial was similar except that participants were immersed at 34°C. Blood samples were collected to assess HSPs levels, creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase activities. Plasma eHSP70 was higher post-immersion in HWI trials (1.3 ± 0.4 vs 1.1 ± 0.4; p = 0.005). Plasma eHSP27 was higher before (p = 0.049) and after (p = 0.015) endurance test in HWI. Leukocytic p-HSP27 was increased 18 h after HWI (0.97 ± 0.14 vs 0.67 ± 0.11; p = 0.04). Creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities were increased by 3-fold and 1.5-fold, respectively, after endurance test in HWI but did not differ across trials (p > 0.05). Mean heart rates were higher during eccentric run and endurance test in HWI as compared to control (p < 0.05). Endurance capacity was similar between trials (57.3 ± 11.5 min vs 55.0 ± 13.5 min; p = 0.564). Pre-exercise heating increased the expression of plasma eHSPs and leukocytic p-HSP27 but did not reduce muscle damage nor enhance endurance capacity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to sense and respond to proteotoxic insults declines with age, leaving cells vulnerable to chronic and acute stressors. Reproductive cues modulate this decline in cellular proteostasis to influence organismal stress resilience in Caenorhabditis elegans We previously uncovered a pathway that links the integrity of developing embryos to somatic health in reproductive adults. Here, we show that the nuclear receptor NHR-49, an ortholog of mammalian peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα), regulates stress resilience and proteostasis downstream from embryo integrity and other pathways that influence lipid homeostasis and upstream of HSF-1. Disruption of the vitelline layer of the embryo envelope, which activates a proteostasis-enhancing intertissue pathway in somatic cells, triggers changes in lipid catabolism gene expression that are accompanied by an increase in fat stores. NHR-49, together with its coactivator, MDT-15, contributes to this remodeling of lipid metabolism and is also important for the elevated stress resilience mediated by inhibition of the embryonic vitelline layer. Our findings indicate that NHR-49 also contributes to stress resilience in other pathways known to change lipid homeostasis, including reduced insulin-like signaling and fasting, and that increased NHR-49 activity is sufficient to improve proteostasis and stress resilience in an HSF-1-dependent manner. Together, our results establish NHR-49 as a key regulator that links lipid homeostasis and cellular resilience to proteotoxic stress.





