health promoting universities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Health Promoting Universities (HPU) concept is undertheorized, with no African university belonging to the International Network of Health Promoting Universities (IHPU).
    UNASSIGNED: The study aimed to investigate the status of the HPU concept globally to inform emerging HPUs, more specifically in Africa, regarding its implementation.
    UNASSIGNED: An integrative literature review of studies conducted between 1 January 2013 and 5 November 2023 was conducted from online databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs, CINAHL and Medline). A VOS bibliometric analysis viewer was used to extract and analyze further relevant information that could have been missed in the review.
    UNASSIGNED: From 1128 records, 22 (N = 22) articles including two reports met the inclusion criteria. The main findings were that: (1) the HPU network is growing as a global network though undertheorized and less reported on, (2) the implementation of the HPU depends on a plethora of underpinning philosophies such as salutogenic and whole systems approach, and diverse programs and initiatives, 3) the terms HPU and healthy universities are often used interchangeably but the whole systems approach appears to be consistent in many HPU interventions. However, five contextual challenges that emanated from this review were discussed, including the definition of the HPU concept, theories for the HPU concept, measurement of the HPU concept, coordination and methods for measuring the HPU concept status. These challenges present obstacles to measuring the status of the HPU concept beyond the number of affiliated universities and HPU initiatives.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite the challenges, the HPU concept is gaining momentum globally, as evidenced by the growing list of universities (HPU network) involved and the proliferation of interventions/initiatives targeting university students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The university campus environment is unique and complex, with students and staff members experiencing increasing levels of stress and anxiety over time. One intervention being used internationally to alleviate stress and anxiety is an Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI). This research aimed to explore Australian university students\' and staff members\' perspectives on an AAI prior to implementation.
    METHODS: This study used an explanatory mixed methods approach. Student participants were recruited through posts on a university\'s subject sites and via social media. University staff member participants were recruited through emails from managers or department newsletters. Data were collected through an online anonymous survey and subsequent semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data were analysed with SPSS and qualitative data were analysed via thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Data included 344 survey responses and 45 semi-structured interviews. Survey responses indicated a large majority of participants believe an AAI could promote health on campus. This was due to the range of benefits participants felt an AAI could have on campus (such as reducing stress and anxiety, providing opportunities for a break from work or study, social benefits, and enhancing the university environment). In interviews, participants suggested an AAI could contribute towards a positive university environment and help promote other services on campus; provided it considers those not interested in participating. SO WHAT?: If implemented sustainably, an AAI has potential to contribute towards a positive university environment for both staff and students, by potentially reducing the high rates of stress and anxiety the university community are currently experiencing. An AAI could also help to raise awareness of other health services on campus, further contributing towards promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Canine Support Programs (CSPs) are a potential solution to growing university student support demands. While current studies focus on the impacts of CSPs, there is limited understanding of the views and expectations of tertiary students about CSPs. This study explored the perceptions and preferences of students in an Australian regional university about CSPs.
    METHODS: A questionnaire with multiple choice and open-ended questions surveyed residential students\' perspectives about CSP. Data were analysed using descriptive statistical tests and thematic analysis for open responses.
    RESULTS: Majority (98%) of participants (sample n = 48) would support a CSP on campus. Frequent, small-group interactions of ≥15 min involving physical contact were preferred. Dog disposition, welfare-trained handlers, and veterinary certification were important aspects of program safety. Participants strongly agreed a CSP would improve mental health and well-being, relieve stress, reduce feelings of homesickness, provide support, comfort, and enable social interactions.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is strong support among the study population for CSP to be established on campus. This study supports earlier research that CSP has benefit potential for new, stressed, and/or students who love dogs. The preferences of students should inform program design to enhance utility and impact. This aligns with Health Promoting Universities and College\'s Okanagan Charter principle of \'engaging student voices\'. More institutional awareness and support for CSPs will be necessary for integration. SO WHAT?: This study reveals the need for tailored and creative student support beyond traditional offerings including those that focus on student well-being and social initiatives. CSPs can be utilised as an advocate, enabler, and medium for mental health promotion action and well-being support for tertiary students; thereby, contributing to the \'Health Promoting University\' agenda in Australia. It also reinforces the need for a Health in All Policies approach to be incorporated into our tertiary education sector. Future actions should focus on improving institutional awareness, support, and sector implementation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    University students globally are reportedly living unhealthy lifestyles, challenging universities to develop physical activity (PA) and health promotion (HP) intervention strategies. The current study aimed to review global universities\' physical activity and health promotion activities to inform the PA and HP guidelines for Eswatini university students in the Sub-Saharan region. An electronic search was performed for review articles published between 1996 and 2021, using Cochrane, Google Scholar, PubMed Central, Scopus, and Medline Web of Science databases. The documents reviewed showed that some global universities under investigation follow the health promoting university (HPU) concept influenced by the Ottawa charter (1986). The review articles further showed that implementing the healthy university concept differs due to cultural and contextual differences from one institution to another. The reviews showed the main item areas as smoking control/alcohol and drug abuse, mental health, sexual health, physical activities, healthy eating habits/diet categorized under health promotion. The main PA activities were pedometer activity tracking, measurement of PA using validated questionnaires, sports, games, among other intervention activities. The HPU concept is thus a good starting point that can be promoted and spread to all other universities globally with different charters\' guidance, including the Ottawa charter and the Okanagan charter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Sedentary time is high among university students. Prolonged sitting time and reduced physical activity is linked to a number of health risks, therefore interventions to increase options for physical activity on campuses are of high public health relevance. Evidence about the influence of the campus environment on movement and sedentary behavior of students is scarce. This study explores how the structural and social environment of two University campuses are related to students\' everyday physical activity. Methods: We used the photovoice method to get a thorough insight into students\' daily life on campus. We recruited a total of 46 University students in two German cities (University 1: n = 22, University 2: n = 24). They were asked to take ≥15 photos of places and situations on their respective campus that facilitate or hinder them to be physically active. The pictures were discussed with the participants in 10 focus groups. Focus group discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. Results: Both universities do not exploit their potential of fostering daily physical activity on campus, according to the photos and discussions of the participating students. The vast green spaces offer no cues for movement: easily accessible equipment for sports (fixed or mobile) is lacking, walkways are partially hidden, and the facilities discourage from cycling to and on campus. Social norms induce participants to keep sitting during lectures and learning time. It was also pointed out that indoor hallways and foyers could be put to better use with regard to physical activity. The Photovoice project raised the participants\' awareness of how the context influences their movement behavior, and helped them come up with solutions to make physical activity easier for students of their respective universities. Conclusion: The studied campuses discouraged students from being physically active by missing out on opportunities-indoors and outdoors-for fostering movement, such as designating the greens for games or walks, or providing sufficient lockers for biking gear. The results can serve as a basis to plan custom-made public health interventions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Understanding the health behaviours of Australian university students and their impact on wellbeing and academic success is important; however, there are limited reliable, population level survey tools to measure student health across a range of domains. The purpose of the research was to determine the reliability of the web-based University Student Health and Wellbeing Study (USHWS) survey via a test-retest reliability study within a large Australian university student population.
    METHODS: A test-retest of the measurement instrument was completed by a sample of university students (n = 195) over a two-week period. The instrument assessed alcohol and tobacco use, mental health, sexual health, physical activity, nutrition and sun protective behaviours. Test-retest reliability was analysed using two-way random effects model of intraclass correlations (ICC) and AC1 coefficient for individual measurements with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).
    RESULTS: Questions on demographics, general health, nutrition, sun protection, alcohol and tobacco use, mental health and sexual health had fair to high reliability (ICCs range from 0.32 to 1.00). Reliability of some physical activity items were poor with large variability (ICC = 0.15, 95% CI 0.01-0.28 to 0.86, 95% CI 0.82-0.89).
    CONCLUSIONS: A majority of the USHWS survey items represented a moderate to high test-retest reliability. Variability and poor reliability of physical activity questions may be due to survey implementation time and usual behaviour changes. SO WHAT?: The USHWS survey is reliable instrument to assess Australian university student health at a population level with the aim of informing effective programming, policy and initiatives.
    CONCLUSIONS: The University Student Health and Wellbeing Study (USHWS) survey is a foundational tool to understand university student\'s health in Australia. The USHWS reported fair to high reliability with few physical activity items showing lower reliability. Greater variability may be due to usual day-to-day fluctuations in behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Focusing on the conceptualization of a whole university approach, this paper reports on an international qualitative study that explored vice-chancellors\' and network members\' understanding of and commitment to Health Promoting Universities, examined perspectives on leadership and investigated the Okanagan Charter\'s potential to catalyse whole university leadership and change. A multi-method qualitative approach was used: semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted face-to-face with vice-chancellors (n = 12) and Health Promoting University co-ordinators who were members of the UK Healthy Universities Network (n = 8); telephone interviews were conducted with a mix of UK and non-UK Health Promoting University co-ordinators (n = 5) and two online questionnaires were distributed to non-UK network co-ordinators (n = 6) and non-UK Health Promoting University co-ordinators (n = 10). Through thematic analysis, a number of key themes emerged that build a new conceptualization of the whole university approach (see Figure 1): building a broad understanding and framing of health; developing a supportive ethos and culture; embedding health into the university and joining up areas of work; focusing on the whole population and facing challenges and seizing opportunities. The study elicited rich and wide-ranging views from multiple stakeholders from universities and networks across four continents, confirming Health Promoting Universities as a truly global movement. Looking ahead, there are clear opportunities and challenges. First, the media narrative of a student mental health \'crisis\' has focused universities\' attention on \'health\', but from a single issue \'illness\' perspective. This risks detracting from the whole system Health Promoting Universities approach. Second, even with the Okanagan Charter inspiring individuals and universities, there are still major challenges in translating the rhetoric of whole system approaches into meaningful action within large, complex and culturally diverse organizations.





