health care sectors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Though direct greenhouse gas emissions cannot be observed in health care sectors, there can exist indirect emissions contributing to global climate change. This study addresses the concept of the carbon footprint and its significance in understanding the environmental impact of human activities, with a specific emphasis on the healthcare sector through gate-to-gate (GtoG) life cycle assessment. Transportation, energy consumption, and solid waste generated by hospitals are the primary sources of carbon emissions.
    UNASSIGNED: Different standards, guidelines and parameters were used to estimate emissions from both the primary and secondary data. All steps and sub-steps involved in GtoG were accessed and analyzed within the standard ISO 14040:44 guideline. An extensive review of existing literature was carried out for the evaluation and verification of secondary data.
    UNASSIGNED: The total carbon footprint of generators, electricity consumption, transportation activities, LPG cylinders, PV systems was found to be 58,780 kg-CO2-eq/yr, 519,794 kg-CO2-eq/yr, 272,375 kg-CO2-eq/yr, 44,494 kg-CO2-eq/yr, 35,283 kg-CO2-eq/yr respectively and the emissions from non-biodegradable solid waste was found to be 489,835 kg-CO2/yr. Local air pollutants such as PM 10, CO, SO 2, NO X, and VOCs generated by generators and transportation were also estimated. The CH 4 emissions from liquid waste were 1177.344 kg CH 4/BOD yr, and those from biodegradables were 3821.6954 kg CH4/yr.
    UNASSIGNED: Healthcare professionals and policymakers can take action to reduce the sector\'s carbon footprint by implementing best practices and encouraging sustainable behavior. This study can be taken as foundation for further exploration of indirect emissions from healthcare sectors not only in Nepal but also in south Asian scenario.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Worldwide, more than 200 million people have left their home country, and international migration from the Middle East to Europe is increasing. The journey and the poor living conditions cause numerous health problems. Migrants show significant differences in lifestyle, health beliefs and risk factors compared with native populations and this can impact access to health systems and participation in prevention programmes.
    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to measure the attitude of survey participants to migrants and to define up to what level migrants are entitled to health care from the viewpoint of Slovenian citizens.
    METHODS: This survey was carried out in January 2019 and included 311 respondents. We applied a quantitative, nonexperimental sampling method. We used a structured survey questionnaire based on an overview, a national survey on the experiences of patients in hospitals and user satisfaction with medical services of basic health care at the primary level.
    RESULTS: A large proportion of the respondents agreed that migrants should receive emergency or full health care provision, that there is no need to limit their health rights and that they do not feel that their own rights are compromised by the rights of migrants. Over 80% agreed with health protection for women and for children.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings offer a basis for supplementing the existing, or designing a new, model of health care provision for migrants in Slovenia, focusing on the provision of health protection and care as a fundamental human right.
    الرأي العام بشأن أهلية المهاجرين واللاجئين للحصول على الرعاية الصحية في سلوفينيا.
    ماروسا كولار، إيجور لوكسيتش، برانكو جابروفيتش.
    UNASSIGNED: غادر أكثر من 200 مليون شخص أوطانهم في جميع أنحاء العالم، وتتزايد الهجرة الدولية من الشرق الأوسط إلى أوروبا. وتتسبب رحلة الهجرة والظروف المعيشية السيئة في مشاكل صحية عديدة. ويُظهر المهاجرون اختلافات كبيرة في نمط الحياة والمعتقدات الصحية وعوامل الخطر مقارنةً بالسكان الأصليين، ويمكن أن يؤثر ذلك على إمكانية الوصول إلى النُّظُم الصحية والمشاركة في برامج الوقاية.
    UNASSIGNED: هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى قياس موقف المشاركين في المسح من المهاجرين وتحديد إلى أي مدى يحق للمهاجرين الحصول على الرعاية الصحية من وجهة نظر المواطنين السلوفينيين.
    طُرق البحث: أُجري هذا المسح في يناير/كانون الثاني 2019 وشمل 311 مشاركًا. وطبَّقنا طريقة كميَّة غير تجريبية لأخذ العينات. واستخدمنا مسحًا منظَّمً استند إلى لمحة عامة، ومسحًا وطنيًّا حول تجارب المرضى في المستشفيات ورضا المستخدمين عن الخدمات الطبية للرعاية الصحية الأساسية في المستوى الأولي.
    UNASSIGNED: وافقت نسبة كبيرة من المستجيبين على ضرورة حصول المهاجرين على الرعاية الصحية الطارئة أو الكاملة، وعدم الحاجة إلى الحد من حقوقهم الصحية، وأنهم لا يشعرون بانتقاص حقوقهم بسبب حصول المهاجرين على حقوقهم. ووافق أكثر من 80٪ منهم على الحماية الصحية للنساء والأطفال.
    UNASSIGNED: توفِّر النتائج أساسًا لاستكمال النموذج الحالي لتوفير الرعاية الصحية للمهاجرين في سلوفينيا أو تصميم نموذج جديد، مع التركيز على توفير الحماية والرعاية الصحية باعتبار ذلك حقًا أساسيًّا من حقوق الإنسان.
    Opinion publique sur l\'admissibilité des migrants et des réfugiés pour les soins de santé en Slovénie.
    BACKGROUND: Dans le monde, plus de 200 millions de personnes ont quitté leur pays d\'origine, et les migrations internationales du Moyen-Orient vers l\'Europe sont en augmentation. Le périple entrepris par ces personnes ainsi que leurs mauvaises conditions de vie causent de nombreux problèmes de santé. Les migrants présentent des différences significatives en termes de mode de vie, de croyances en matière de santé et de facteurs de risque par rapport aux populations autochtones, ce qui peut avoir un impact sur l\'accès aux systèmes de santé et la participation aux programmes de prévention.
    OBJECTIVE: La présente enquête visait à mesurer l\'attitude des participants vis-à-vis des migrants et à définir dans quelle mesure les migrants ont droit aux soins de santé du point de vue des citoyens slovènes.
    UNASSIGNED: Cette enquête a été réalisée en janvier 2019 auprès de 311 répondants. Nous avons appliqué une méthode d\'échantillonnage quantitatif non expérimentale. Nous avons utilisé un questionnaire d\'enquête structuré basé sur une vue d\'ensemble, ainsi qu\'une enquête nationale sur les expériences des patients dans les hôpitaux et sur la satisfaction des utilisateurs vis-à-vis des services de soins de santé de base au niveau primaire.
    UNASSIGNED: Une grande partie des personnes interrogées ont convenu que les migrants devraient recevoir des soins de santé d\'urgence ou complets et qu\'il n\'est pas nécessaire de limiter leurs droits en matière de santé, et ont indiqué ne pas avoir le sentiment que leurs propres droits sont compromis par ceux des migrants. Plus de 80 % des répondants approuvaient l\'idée d\'une protection de la santé pour les femmes et les enfants.
    CONCLUSIONS: Les résultats de l\'enquête offrent une base pour compléter le modèle existant ou concevoir un nouveau modèle de prestation de soins de santé pour les migrants en Slovénie, avec pour axe principal l\'accès à une protection de la santé et aux soins de santé en tant que droit humain fondamental.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Treatment in hospitals differs from treatment in rehabilitation centers from a legal perspective because German law mandates that in hospitals physicians and other qualified personnel must be on duty at all times. This is not required for inpatient rehabilitation centers. Since this Act was passed more than 30 years ago, more acute medical interventions are now carried out and the number of older people in the population has increased. As a result patients are nowadays older, more multimorbid and therefore have a greater risk for medical complications. This is especially true for postacute neurological care. For this reason, the original legal framework for neurological rehabilitation treatment has become questionable. Therefore, we prospectively tested how often patients in inpatient neurorehabilitation suffer from complications that require immediate attention by qualified personnel. In 759 patients observed over a period of 6 months we found 602 complications requiring immediate interventions by physicians (e.g. falls, urinary tract infections, other forms of fever, diarrhea associated with Clostridium difficile, pneumonia, respiratory insufficiency, sepsis, epileptic seizures and arrhythmia). On average at least three acute care interventions occurred per day at the facility examined. We conclude that neurological inpatient rehabilitation has outgrown its legal foundations and now incorporates hospital care.
    UNASSIGNED: Behandlungen in einem Krankenhaus unterscheiden sich von Behandlungen in einer Rehabilitationsklinik rechtlich dadurch, dass den Patienten im Krankenhaus jederzeitige Hilfe durch Ärzte und anderes qualifiziertes Personal zur Verfügung stehen muss – in der Rehabilitationsklinik hingegen nicht. Seit der Abfassung der zugehörigen Sozialgesetze vor über 30 Jahren werden mehr akutmedizinische Interventionen durchgeführt und die Zahl der Älteren in der Bevölkerung hat zugenommen. Infolgedessen sind Patienten heute älter und multimorbider und dadurch komplikationsgefährdeter. Dies gilt insbesondere für die postakute neurologische Versorgung. Deswegen sind die ursprünglichen Rahmenkonzepte für neurologische Rehabilitationsbehandlung fragwürdig geworden. Wir untersuchten daher prospektiv, wie häufig Patienten in der neurologischen Anschlussrehabilitation akute Komplikationen entwickelten und sofortiger Hilfe durch qualifiziertes Personal bedurften. Wir fanden unter 759 innerhalb einer sechsmonatigen Beobachtungsperiode behandelten Patienten 602 krankenhausmedizinische Komplikationen (Stürze, akute Harnwegsinfekte, Fieber anderer Art, Clostridium-difficile-Diarrhöen, Pneumonien, respiratorische Insuffizienz, Septitiden, epileptische Anfälle und Herzrhythmusstörungen). Insgesamt musste so in der untersuchten Einrichtung im Mittel mehr als dreimal pro Tag akutmedizinisch interveniert werden. Wir schlussfolgern, dass neurologische Anschlussrehabilitation dem bisherigen sozialgesetzlichen Rahmen entwachsen ist und Krankenhausbehandlung umfasst.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The goal of this paper was to improve our understanding of nursing shortages across the variety of health care sectors and how this may affect the agenda for addressing nursing shortages. A health care sector comprises a number of health care services for one particular type of patient care, for example, the hospital care sector.
    BACKGROUND: Most Western countries are shifting health care services from hospital care towards community and home care, thus increasing nursing workforce challenges in home and community care. In order to implement appropriate policy responses to nursing workforce challenges, we need to know if these challenges are caused by maldistribution of nurses and/or the scarcity of nurses in general.
    RESULTS: Focusing on the Netherlands, we reviewed articles based on data of a labour market research programme and/or data from the Dutch Employed Persons\' Insurance Administration Agency. The data were analysed using a data synthesis approach.
    RESULTS: Nursing shortages are unevenly distributed across the various health care sectors. Shortages of practical nurses are caused by maldistribution, with a long-term projected surplus of practical nurses in hospitals and projected shortages in nursing/convalescent homes and home care. Shortages of first-level registered nurses are caused by general scarcity in the long term, mainly in hospitals and home care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nursing workforce challenges are caused by a maldistribution of nurses and the scarcity of nurses in general. To implement appropriate policy responses to nursing workforce challenges, integrated health care workforce planning is necessary.
    CONCLUSIONS: Integrated workforce planning models could forecast the impact of health care transformation plans and guide national policy decisions on transitioning programmes. Effective transitioning programmes are required to address nursing shortages and to diminish maldistribution. In addition, increased recruitment and retention as well as new models of care are required to address the scarcity of nurses in general.





