head protective devices

  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to describe traffic accidents involving motorcyclists and analyze the association between possession of a motorcycle driver\'s license and use of helmets according to the severity of injuries.
    METHODS: a cross-sectional study was conducted among all patients hospitalized in the traumatology and orthopedics sector of a public reference hospital in northeastern Brazil.
    RESULTS: 170 patients were surveyed, the majority were male (95.9%). Their ages ranged from 18 to 67 years. Most were black or brown (52.3%), had completed elementary school (58.9%) and had monthly income smaller than two minimum wages (56.5%). An association was found between being licensed to drive a motorcycle and wearing a helmet. Among those who suffered moderate injuries, this association was OR=5.66(1.85-17.23) and among those who suffered severe injuries it was OR=13.57(2.82-65.14).
    CONCLUSIONS: people who were licensed to drive motorcycles used a helmet as protective equipment more often and, in accidents, suffered fewer injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Road traffic accident is a leading cause of death and various life deformities worldwide. This burden is even higher among motorcycle riders in lower-to-middle-income countries. Despite the various interventions made to address the menace, the fatalities continue to be on the ascendency. One major area that has received little attention is the attitude and behaviour of motorcycle riders. The present study aimed to examine the contribution of traffic Locus of Control (LoC) and health belief on road safety attitude and behaviour. 317 motorcycle riders participated in the study. The participants completed a questionnaire comprising various sections such as motorcycle riding behaviour, road safety attitude, risk perception, the intention to use helmets, and traffic LoC. The results showed a significant positive correlation between road safety attitude and behaviour (r (295) = .33, p < .001). Drifting towards internal LoC was associated with more positive behaviour on the roads (r (295) = -.23, p < .001). Intention to use helmet, health motivation, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers were the factors in the health belief model that were associated with road safety attitude (r (295) = .404, p < .001). Finally, the multiple linear regression model showed that road safety attitude and traffic LoC made significant contributions to road user behaviour [F(3, 293) = 13.73, p < .001]. These findings have important implications towards shaping responsible behaviour among motorcycle riders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of positional cranial asymmetry has significantly increased since the introduction of the \"Back to Sleep\" campaign. Some deformities require therapeutic measures, such as growth-guiding head prostheses. The diagnosis is based on the clinical features, a thorough clinical examination and measurement of the infant\'s head. Prevention includes early education of parents about alternative positioning methods. Early interventions such as positioning therapy and physiotherapy can be effective in mild cases. In severe cases, the use of growth-guiding orthoses is necessary. The treatment and timing are crucial as head growth is highest in the first year of life. Helmet treatment should be started early to achieve optimal results in order to achieve an improvement in the head shape and ear position. Multidisciplinary approaches including physiotherapy and osteopathy are essential.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Prävalenz lagebedingter Schädelasymmetrien hat seit der Einführung der „Back to Sleep“-Kampagne deutlich zugenommen. Einige Deformitäten erfordern therapeutische Maßnahmen wie wachstumslenkende Kopforthesen. Die Diagnose wird durch klinische Merkmale, sorgfältige klinischer Untersuchung und Vermessung des Säuglingskopfes gestellt. Prävention umfasst eine frühzeitige Aufklärung der Eltern über alternative Lagerungsmethoden. Frühzeitige Interventionen wie Lagerungstherapie und Physiotherapie können bei milden Fällen effektiv sein. Bei schweren Fällen ist der Einsatz von wachstumslenkenden Orthesen notwendig. Die Therapie und das Timing sind entscheidend, da das Kopfwachstum im ersten Lebensjahr am höchsten ist. Die Helmtherapie sollte frühzeitig begonnen werden, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen, um eine Verbesserung der Kopfform und Ohrenstellung zu erreichen. Multidisziplinäre Ansätze einschließlich Physiotherapie und Osteopathie sind unerlässlich.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Large language models (LLMs) have potential to increase the efficiency of information extraction from unstructured clinical notes in electronic medical records.
    UNASSIGNED: To assess the utility and reliability of an LLM, ChatGPT-4 (OpenAI), to analyze clinical narratives and identify helmet use status of patients injured in micromobility-related accidents.
    UNASSIGNED: This cross-sectional study used publicly available, deidentified 2019 to 2022 data from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission\'s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, a nationally representative stratified probability sample of 96 hospitals in the US. Unweighted estimates of e-bike, bicycle, hoverboard, and powered scooter-related injuries that resulted in an emergency department visit were used. Statistical analysis was performed from November 2023 to April 2024.
    UNASSIGNED: Patient helmet status (wearing vs not wearing vs unknown) was extracted from clinical narratives using (1) a text string search using researcher-generated text strings and (2) the LLM by prompting the system with low-, intermediate-, and high-detail prompts. The level of agreement between the 2 approaches across all 3 prompts was analyzed using Cohen κ test statistics. Fleiss κ was calculated to measure the test-retest reliability of the high-detail prompt across 5 new chat sessions and days. Performance statistics were calculated by comparing results from the high-detail prompt to classifications of helmet status generated by researchers reading the clinical notes (ie, a criterion standard review).
    UNASSIGNED: Among 54 569 clinical notes, moderate (Cohen κ = 0.74 [95% CI, 0.73-0.75) and weak (Cohen κ = 0.53 [95% CI, 0.52-0.54]) agreement were found between the text string-search approach and the LLM for the low- and intermediate-detail prompts, respectively. The high-detail prompt had almost perfect agreement (κ = 1.00 [95% CI, 1.00-1.00]) but required the greatest amount of time to complete. The LLM did not perfectly replicate its analyses across new sessions and days (Fleiss κ = 0.91 across 5 trials; P < .001). The LLM often hallucinated and was consistent in replicating its hallucinations. It also showed high validity compared with the criterion standard (n = 400; κ = 0.98 [95% CI, 0.96-1.00]).
    UNASSIGNED: This study\'s findings suggest that although there are efficiency gains for using the LLM to extract information from clinical notes, the inadequate reliability compared with a text string-search approach, hallucinations, and inconsistent performance significantly hinder the potential of the currently available LLM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the field of industrial safety, wearing helmets plays a vital role in ensuring workers\' health. Aiming at addressing the complex background in the industrial environment, caused by differences in distance, the helmet small target wearing detection methods for misdetection and omission detection problems are needed. An improved YOLOv8 safety helmet wearing detection network is proposed to enhance the capture of details, improve multiscale feature processing and improve the accuracy of small target detection by introducing Dilation-wise residual attention module, atrous spatial pyramid pooling and normalized Wasserstein distance loss function. Experiments were conducted on the SHWD dataset, and the results showed that the mAP of the improved network improved to 92.0%, which exceeded that of the traditional target detection network in terms of accuracy, recall, and other key metrics. These findings further improved the detection of helmet wearing in complex environments and greatly enhanced the accuracy of detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: During a season of high school football, adolescents with actively developing brains experience a considerable number of head impacts. Our aim was to determine whether repetitive head impacts in the absence of a clinically diagnosed concussion during a season of high school football produce changes in cognitive performance or functional connectivity of the salience network and its central hub, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex.
    METHODS: Football players were instrumented with the Head Impact Telemetry System during all practices and games, and the helmet sensor data were used to compute a risk-weighted exposure metric (RWEcp), accounting for the cumulative risk during the season. Participants underwent MRI and a cognitive battery (ImPACT) before and shortly after the football season. A control group of noncontact/limited-contact-sport athletes was formed from 2 cohorts: one from the same school and protocol and another from a separate, nearly identical study.
    RESULTS: Sixty-three football players and 34 control athletes were included in the cognitive performance analysis. Preseason, the control group scored significantly higher on the ImPACT Visual Motor (P = .04) and Reaction Time composites (P = .006). These differences increased postseason (P = .003, P < .001, respectively). Additionally, the control group had significantly higher postseason scores on the Visual Memory composite (P = .001). Compared with controls, football players showed significantly less improvement in the Verbal (P = .04) and Visual Memory composites (P = .01). A significantly greater percentage of contact athletes had lower-than-expected scores on the Verbal Memory (27% versus 6%), Visual Motor (21% versus 3%), and Reaction Time composites (24% versus 6%). Among football players, a higher RWEcp was significantly associated with greater increments in ImPACT Reaction Time (P = .03) and Total Symptom Scores postseason (P = .006). Fifty-seven football players and 13 control athletes were included in the imaging analyses. Postseason, football players showed significant decreases in interhemispheric connectivity of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (P = .026) and within-network connectivity of the salience network (P = .018). These decreases in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex interhemispheric connectivity and within-network connectivity of the salience network were significantly correlated with deteriorating ImPACT Total Symptom (P = .03) and Verbal Memory scores (P = .04).
    CONCLUSIONS: Head impact exposure during a single season of high school football is negatively associated with cognitive performance and brain network connectivity. Future studies should further characterize these short-term effects and examine their relationship with long-term sequelae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the impact of helmet use on the incidence of facial fractures in bicycle accidents. Analyzing data from hospitalized bicyclists between 2005 and 2016, the research focused on the correlation between helmet usage and various facial fractures. The study included 1256 bicyclists with known helmet use, among whom 277 individuals (22%) were identified with a total of 521 facial fractures. The findings revealed a significant reduction in the likelihood of facial fractures among helmeted cyclists compared with those without helmets (odds ratio, 0.65; confidence interval, 0.50-0.85; P=0.002). Specifically, the odds of sustaining fractures in the zygoma, orbit, nose, and maxilla were decreased by 47%, 46%, 43%, and 33%, respectively, among helmeted cyclists. However, helmet use did not significantly alter the odds of mandible fractures. Overall, the use of helmets in bicycling significantly lowered the risk of midface fractures but showed no notable effect on mandible fractures in severe cycling incidents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the impact attenuating capabilities between ice hockey helmets manufactured with and without XRD impact protection foam, worn with and without a XRD skullcap, at reducing sub-concussive head accelerations.
    METHODS: Quasi-experimental laboratory.
    METHODS: Ice hockey helmets were fit onto a Hybrid III 50th Head Form Head and dropped 25 times onto the left temporal side for each condition: XRD foam helmet, XRD foam helmet with XRD skullcap adjunct, non-XRD foam helmet, and non-XRD foam helmet with XRD skullcap adjunct. The helmets were dropped from a height that resulted in sub-concussive linear accelerations (25-80 g\'s). Using a tri-axial accelerometer, peak linear accelerations (g) were measured, and the average was used to compare impact attenuation properties across the four conditions.
    RESULTS: The highest linear accelerations were observed in the XRD foam helmet without skullcap (32.97 ± 0.61 g) and were significantly greater (p < 0.001) than the XRD helmet with skullcap (21.38 ± 0.76 g). The helmet without XRD foam elicited the lowest peak linear accelerations (16.10 ± 0.73 g) which were significantly lower than the XRD foam helmet regardless of whether the skullcap was added (p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Although sub-concussive loads are potentially just as dangerous, much of the research regarding helmet and skullcap efficacy appears to be at high concussive impacts; <70 g\'s. The findings suggest that helmets with incorporated XRD foam, either within the design or added as an adjunct, are less effective at attenuating linear accelerations at sub-concussive levels than the low-density foam helmet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using data from the 2022 Korea Community Health Survey (n = 13 320), this study investigated helmet use and related factors among Korean adults using personal mobility devices, without distinguishing between private and hired users. Among mobility device users, 32.1% responded that they always wore a helmet. The proportion of helmet use was 35.2% among men, 25.8% among women, 29.2% among those aged 19-44 years, 42.3% among those aged 45-64 years and 26.6% among those aged 65 years or older. Furthermore, those who drank less frequently and were physically active were more likely to wear helmets. Moreover, people who always wore a seat belt when driving a car or sitting in the rear seat and people who always wore a helmet when riding a motorcycle were more likely to wear a helmet while using electric personal mobility devices. Approximately one-third of users always wore a helmet. The helmet-wearing rate was related to general characteristics such as gender and education level, and to safety behaviors such as wearing a seat belt when driving a car, sitting in the rear seat of a car, or when riding a motorcycle. In addition to considering personal characteristics investigated in this study, the helmet-wearing rate should be improved through policies or systems at the national or regional levels.





