head impact

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  Primary preventative medicine lacks a consensus on effective concussion prevention strategies for collegiate athletes. Cervical strength has been identified as a potential factor in concussion risk reduction. This study evaluates the impact of a commercially available, portable cervical muscle stretching and strengthening device, NeckX®, on cervical strength, range of motion (ROM), and concussion incidence in collegiate athletes participating in high-concussion-risk sports.
    METHODS:  A single-arm prospective cohort study was conducted with 162 collegiate athletes from various sports. Participants underwent a 12-week neck exercise protocol using the NeckX® device. Clinical data, including neck strength and ROM, were collected at weeks 0, 6, and 12. Concussion incidence was self-reported by participants and cross-referenced with records from the athletic department. Data were analyzed for significant neck strength and ROM changes throughout the 12-week study. A two-way analysis of variance multiple comparisons with the Tukey-Kramer significant difference test was utilized, using the Holm-Sidak method, with an alpha of 0.05.
    RESULTS:  All athletic teams experienced a significant increase in cervical strength during the 12-week intervention (α = 0.05, p < 0.05). Increases in cervical flexion and extension force were most consistent between teams. Cervical ROM increased significantly in male and female soccer players (α = 0.05, p < 0.05). The overall incidence of head and neck injuries, including concussions, was reduced to 6.60% during the study period, the lowest recorded value in the university\'s athletic department history.
    CONCLUSIONS:  The use of the NeckX® device for 12 weeks was effective in enhancing pericervical muscle strength and ROM while reducing concussion incidence in collegiate athletes participating in high-concussion-risk sports. Interestingly, the positive outcomes were consistent for both males and females, indicating the universal advantages of neck training among collegiate athletes. These findings support existing research on the benefits of cervical strengthening exercises for reducing concussions in collegiate athletes and highlight the convenience and affordability of using this device.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aims to investigate the unknown relationship between inhibitory control and repetitive subconcussion induced by the indirect brain impacts. We enrolled 28 parachuters exposed to repetitive subconcussion (SC) and 27 matched health controls (HC). Parachuters who have completed at least 70 actual parachuting (71-112 times) and at least 1500 simulated platform jumps (1500-4500 times) were included in the SC group. The SC group had a reduced accuracy rate in both the Stroop congruent and incongruent conditions. Larger N2 and N450 amplitudes were elicited in the frontal regions of the SC group, which indicate compensatory adaptations to the deficit in conflict monitoring. The reduced frontal resting-state EEG complexity in full-band (1-40 Hz) may demonstrate the frontal structural damage following the indirect brain impacts of repetitive subconcussion. Pearson correlation analysis showed that in the SC group, the frontal beta-band sample entropy values are positively correlated with the accuracy rate of the Stroop incongruent condition, suggesting the frontal beta-band sample entropy values may serve as potential electrophysiological markers of impaired inhibitory control after indirectly repetitive brain impacts. This study provides the robust evidence that repetitive subconcussion resulting from indirect brain impacts may lead to impairment of inhibitory control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) stands as a multifaceted health concern, exhibiting varying influences across human population. This study delves into the biomechanical complexities of TBI within gender-specific contexts, focusing on females. Our primary objective is to investigate distinctive injury mechanisms and risks associated with females, emphasizing the imperative for tailored investigations within this cohort. By employing Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Analysis, we conducted simulations to quantify biomechanical responses to traumatic forces across diverse age groups of females. The study utilized a scaling technique to create finite element models (FEMs). The young female FEM, based on anthropometric data, showcased a 15 % smaller head geometry compared to the young male FEM. Moreover, while the elderly female FEM closely mirrored the young female FEM in most structural aspects, it showed distinctive features such as brain atrophy and increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) layer thickness. Notably, the child female FEM (ages 7-11 years) replicated around 95 % of the young female FEM\'s geometry. These structural distinctions meticulously captured age-specific variations across our modeled female age groups. It\'s noteworthy that identical conditions, encompassing impact intensity, loading type, and boundary conditions, were maintained across all FEMs in this biomechanical finite element analysis, ensuring comparative results. The findings unveiled significant variations in frontal and occipital pressures among diverse age groups, highlighting potential age-related discrepancies in TBI susceptibility among females. These variations were primarily linked to differences in anatomical features, including brain volume, CSF thickness, and brain condition, as the same material properties were used in the FEMs. These results were approximately 4.70, 6.33 and 6.43 % in frontal area of brain in diverse age groups of females (young, elderly, and child) respectively compared to young male FEM. Comparing the FEM results between the young female and the elderly female, we observed a decrease in occipital brain pressure at the same point, reducing from 171,993 to 167,793 Pa, marking an approximate 2.5 % decrease. While typically the elderly exhibit greater brain vulnerability compared to the young, our findings showcase a reduction in brain pressure. Notably, upon assessing the relative movement between the brain and the skull at the point located in occipital area, we observed greater relative movement in the elderly (1.8 mm) compared to the young female (1.04 mm). Therefore, brain atrophy increases the range of motion of the brain within the cranial space. The study underscores the critical necessity for nuanced TBI risk assessment tailored to age and gender, emphasizing the importance of age-specific protective strategies in managing TBIs across diverse demographics. Future research employing individual modeling techniques and exploring a wider age spectrum holds promise in refining our understanding of TBI mechanisms and adopting targeted approaches to mitigate TBI in diverse groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Concussions, a prevalent public health concern in the United States, often result from mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), notably in sports such as American football. There is limited exploration of smart-textile-based sensors for measuring the head impacts associated with concussions in sports and recreational activities. In this paper, we describe the development and construction of a smart textile impact sensor (STIS) and validate STIS functionality under high magnitude impacts. This STIS can be inserted into helmet cushioning to determine head impact force. The designed 2 × 2 STIS matrix is composed of a number of material layered structures, with a sensing surface made of semiconducting polymer composite (SPC). The SPC dimension was modified in the design iteration to increase sensor range, responsiveness, and linearity. This was to be applicable in high impact situations. A microcontroller board with a biasing circuit was used to interface the STIS and read the sensor\'s response. A pendulum test setup was constructed to evaluate various STISs with impact forces. A camera and Tracker software were used to monitor the pendulum swing. The impact forces were calculated by measuring the pendulum bob\'s velocity and acceleration. The performance of the various STISs was measured in terms of voltage due to impact force, with forces varying from 180 to 722 N. Through data analysis, the threshold impact forces in the linear range were determined. Through an analysis of linear regression, the sensors\' sensitivity was assessed. Also, a simplified model was developed to measure the force distribution in the 2 × 2 STIS areas from the measured voltages. The results showed that improving the SPC thickness could obtain improved sensor behavior. However, for impacts that exceeded the threshold, the suggested sensor did not respond by reflecting the actual impact forces, but it gave helpful information about the impact distribution on the sensor regardless of the accurate expected linear response. Results showed that the proposed STIS performs satisfactorily within a range and has the potential to be used in the development of an e-helmet with a large STIS matrix that could cover the whole head within the e-helmet. This work also encourages future research, especially on the structure of the sensor that could withstand impacts which in turn could improve the overall range and performance and would accurately measure the impact in concussion-causing impact ranges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) resulting from head impacts are a major public health concern, which prompted our research to investigate the complex relationship between the material properties of brain tissue and the severity of TBI. The goal of this research is to investigate how variations in brain and skull density influence the vulnerability of brain tissue to traumatic injury, thereby enhancing our understanding of injury mechanism. To achieve this goal, we employed a well-validated finite element head model (FEHM). The current investigation was divided into two phases: in the first one, three distinct brain viscoelastic materials that had been utilized in prior studies were analyzed. The review of the properties of these three materials has been meticulous, encompassing both the spectrum of mechanical properties and the behaviors that are relevant to the way in which brain tissue reacts to traumatic loading conditions. In the second phase, the material properties of both the brain and skull tissue, alongside the impact conditions, were held constant. After this step, the focus was directed towards the variation of density in the brain and skull, which was consistent with the results obtained from previous experimental investigations, in order to determine the precise impact of these variations in density. This approach allowed a more profound comprehension of the impacts that density had on the simulation results. In the first phase, Material No. 2 exhibited the highest maximum first principal strain value in the frontal region (εmax=15.41%), indicating lower stiffness to instantaneous deformation. This characteristic suggests that Material No. 2 may deform more extensively upon impact, potentially increasing the risk of injury due to its viscoelastic behavior. In contrast, Material No. 1, with a lower maximum first principal strain in the frontal region (εmax=7.87%), displayed greater stiffness to instantaneous deformation, potentially reducing the risk of brain injury upon head impact. The second phase provided quantitative findings revealing a proportional relationship between brain tissue density and the pressures experienced by the brain. A 2 % increase in brain tissue density corresponded to approximately a 1 % increase in pressure on the brain tissue. Similarly, changes in skull density exhibited a similar quantitative relationship, with a 6 % increase in skull density leading to a 2.5 % increase in brain pressure. This preliminary approximate ratio of 2 to 1 between brain and skull density variations provides an initial quantitative framework for assessing the impact of density changes on brain vulnerability. These findings have several implications for the development of protective measures and injury prevention strategies, particularly in contexts where head trauma is a major issue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Helmets and shoulder pads are required equipment intended to protect American football athletes by attenuating collision forces during participation. Surprisingly, research differentiating kinematics from head impacts initiated by helmets from those initiated by shoulder pads among adolescent athletes has not been completed. The current study\'s purpose was to determine the effects of equipment on head impact kinematics. Sixty-nine male American football athletes from three high schools wore helmets equipped with Head Impact Telemetry (HIT) System instrumentation to quantify peak linear (g) and rotational (rad/s2) accelerations. Data were extracted for video-confirmed impacts during two competitions. Separate multivariable linear regressions using ordinary least squares were conducted to determine if equipment type (helmet vs. shoulder pad) was associated with log-transformed linear and rotational accelerations. In total, 1150 video-confirmed impacts involved helmet (N = 960) or shoulder pad (N = 190) initiated contact. Linear (p = 0.809) and rotational (p = 0.351) acceleration were not associated with equipment type. Head impact kinematics were similar between impacts initiated by either helmets or shoulder pads and suggests an opponent\'s shoulder pads and helmet can deliver comparable forces to the struck player. Equipment manufacturers may need to consider the unintended role shoulder pads may contribute to head injury risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Head impact sensors worn in the mouth are popular because they couple directly to the teeth and provide six-degree-of-freedom head measurements. Mouthpiece signal filters have conventionally used cutoff frequencies lower than recommended practices (Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE J211-1) to eliminate extraneous noise when measuring with live subjects. However, there is little information about the effects of filter choice on the accuracy of signals measured by instrumented mouthpieces. Lack of standardization in head impact measurement device post-processing techniques can result in data that are not comparable across studies or device brands. This study sought optimal filter cutoff frequencies for six-degree-of-freedom measurements made at the teeth using instrumented mouthguards. We collected linear acceleration and angular velocity signals at the head center of gravity (CG) using laboratory-grade instrumentation. We also collected and filtered similar six-degree-of-freedom measurements from an instrumented mouthguard using 24 cutoff frequencies, from 25 to 600 Hz. We transformed the measurements to linear acceleration at the center of gravity of the head (CG) using all kinematic variables at the teeth, optimizing linear and angular mouthguard cutoff frequencies with one equation. We calculated the percent error in transformed peak resultant linear acceleration and minimized the mean and standard deviation in error. The optimal cutoff frequencies were 175 Hz for linear acceleration and 250 Hz for angular velocity. Rigid impacts (3-5 ms duration) had higher optimal cutoff frequencies (175 Hz linear acceleration, 275 Hz angular velocity) than padded impacts (10-12 ms duration; 100 Hz linear acceleration, 175 Hz angular velocity), and all impacts together (3-12 ms duration; 175 Hz linear acceleration, 250 Hz angular velocity). Instrumented mouthpiece manufacturers and researchers using these devices should consider these optimal filter cutoff frequencies to minimize measurement error. Sport-specific filter criteria for teeth-based sensors may be warranted to account for the difference in optimal cutoff frequency combination by impact duration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this study was to characterize the associations of international student status and native language on time (in days) with the date of injury to (i) diagnosis, (ii) symptom resolution, and (iii) return to sport.
    UNASSIGNED: Utilizing data from a cross-sectional cohort of 1,044 concussion cases from LIMBIC MATARS member institutions (n = 11) in the US, we conducted two, matched case-control designs. Cases were divided into two groups: (i) international (n = 32) or domestic students (n = 32) and (ii) English as an Additional Language (EAL) speakers (n = 18) or Native English language speakers (n = 18). Both groups were individually matched to their respective controls based on gender, age, sport, and preexisting health conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: There were no significant differences in days from injury to diagnosis (p = 0.94), symptom resolution (p = 0.64), or return to sport (p = 0.15) between international and domestic athletes. EAL speakers experienced symptom resolution approximately 7.5 days sooner (Md = 4.50; IQR = 4.00, 8.00) than Native English language speakers (Md = 12.00; IQR = 7.00, 21.00, p = 0.01).
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings suggest that native language is associated with symptom resolution in collegiate athletes. Healthcare professionals should consider barriers related to native language that may impact symptom reporting and the overall injury experience of diverse collegiate athletes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyze the incidence and characteristics of sports-related concussions (SRCs) for a professional ice hockey team during one regular season in the International Central European Hockey League.
    BACKGROUND: Repeated concussions are a common cause of long periods of absence in team contact sports, with a wide range of potential short- and long-term consequences for the affected athlete. Questions mainly regarding early diagnosis and ideal follow-up treatment remain unanswered, especially regarding the timing of return to sports (RTS).
    METHODS: A prospective data analysis for a professional ice hockey team during a regular season was conducted. Firstly, concussions per 1000 athlete exposure (AE) and average time loss due to SRC were calculated. Secondly, the data from ImPACT Applications were analyzed for those players who were diagnosed with an SRC.
    RESULTS: Five SRCs were evaluated during the regular season, which resulted in 1.35 concussions/1000 AEs, a maximum of 17 missed games, and a median of three games per SRC. The average symptom count was 9.6, with the most common symptoms being headache, sensitivity to light, and dizziness.
    CONCLUSIONS: SRCs sustained in professional ice hockey are a common in-competition injury, while practices play a subsidiary role. The duration of RTS is highly individual and can be associated with symptoms lasting days to months.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To better understand the biomechanical profile of direct head impacts and the game scenarios in which they occur in Rugby Union, there is a need for an on-field validation of a new instrumented mouthguard (IMG) against the reference standard. This study considers the potential of a combined biomechanical (IMG) and video analysis approach to direct head impact recognition, both of which in isolation have limitations. The aim of this study is to assess the relationship between an instrumented mouthguard and video analysis in detection of direct head impacts in rugby union.
    UNASSIGNED: Pilot Study - Observational Cohort design.
    UNASSIGNED: The instrumented mouthguard was worn by ten (3 backs, 7 forwards) professional Rugby Union players during the 2020-21 Gallagher Premiership (UK) season. Game-day video was synchronized with timestamped head acceleration events captured from the instrumented mouthguard. Direct Head Impacts were recorded in a 2 × 2 contingency table to determine sensitivity. Impact characteristics were also collected for all verified head impacts to further the understanding of head biomechanics during the game.
    UNASSIGNED: There were 2018 contact events that were reviewed using video analysis. Of those 655 were categorized as direct head impacts which also correlated with a head acceleration event captured by the IMG. Sensitivity analysis showed an overall sensitivity of 93.6% and a positive predictive value (PPV of 92.4%). When false positives were excluded due to ball out of play, mouthguard removal or handling after a scoring situation or stoppage, PPV was improved (98.3%). Most verified head impacts occurred in and around the ruck contest (31.2%) followed by impacts to the primary tackler (28.4%).
    UNASSIGNED: This pilot validation study demonstrates that this IMG provides a highly accurate measurement device that could be used to complement video verification in the recognition of on-field direct head impacts. The frequency and magnitude of direct head impacts derived from specific game scenarios has been described and allows for greater recognition of high-risk situations. Further studies with larger sample sizes and in different populations of Rugby Union players are required to develop our understanding of head impact and enable strategies for injury mitigation.





